Arab Spring Turning To Winter Spring

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Arab spring turning to winter spring Jan 31, 2012
Those who believed something good would follow after the Arab “spring” must be swallowing hard.
The spring is turning to winter with the islamists taking power and sharia law looming with all the abuse against women, children and democracy.
There is no such a thing as democracy in an Islamic country. Pro democracy groups who helped at the beginning are now being chased and threatened to be arrested. They can’t leave the country and are refugees in the US embassy. They should have listened before. They had been warned by those who know how islamists are deceitful. Another wakeup call ... 43321.html

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Re: Arab Spring Turning To Winter Spring Feb 01, 2012
It's not looking at all well in Egypt. EH's post about women being attacked in the street made very scarey reading indeed.

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Re: Arab spring turning to winter spring Feb 01, 2012
I am sure people who were chanting the arab spring in the streets did not see that one coming.
Egypt will fully implement sharia law, but gradually, an Egyptian Scholar said “No Chopping Off Hands for first Five Yrs”

And mooslems want sharia law in the developped word? with videos like this, it s never going to happen, beware!
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Re: Arab Spring Turning To Winter Spring Feb 01, 2012
Did you read the recent story of the Muslim Brotherhood members attacking against the protesters marching against the military regime in Egypt?

Hundreds of Egyptian protesters, demanding the end of military rule, have been prevented from reaching parliament by backers of the Muslim Brotherhood, which holds the majority in the assembly.

There were 71 people wounded in the clashes on Tuesday between the protesters and Muslim Brotherhood supporters, according to the deputy health ministry. ... 01759.html

What, you didn't think Islamists want freedom for all, did you?
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Re: Arab Spring Turning To Winter Spring Feb 02, 2012
Just look at Tahir square, and how they treat women like animals. Especially blonds. That's something we also see on this forum, Muslims being fascinated with white/blond women. Scary!

Look at how they scant their antisemitic words. No secret where they are coming from.
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Re: Arab Spring Turning To Winter Spring Feb 02, 2012
What is happening in Egypt is the result of the US pushing democracy on another Arab country. Sending Americans to organize the Egyptians to establish democracy and now Americans are being held and a travel ban has been placed on them.

Military + Muslim Brotherhood = Disaster.

Egypt's refusal to allow several American citizens to leave the country has heightened tensions between the traditional allies and has some people wondering if it heralds a more fraught, post-revolution relationship. But others in Egypt believe it may be little more than the military leaders posturing for a domestic audience.

Several Americans took refuge in the U.S. Embassy in Cairo after being barred from leaving Egypt, raising the stakes in a confrontation concerning U.S.-backed democracy organizations and prompting questions about the future of $1.3 billion in U.S. aid.

It is an unusual diplomatic step, indicating the Americans felt they were in danger, while Egyptian media speculated that those at the embassy were trying to evade possible prosecution.

Egyptian authorities raided several foreign-backed pro-democracy groups in December, accusing them of working illegally and interfering with domestic affairs. The U.S. complained and Egypt promised to relent. But last week the local director of one such group, Sam Lahood of the International Republican Institute - the son of a U.S. Cabinet member - was among several Americans turned back at the airport.

Read more:

This wouldn't have gotten the attention if it were not for the fact that one of the Americans is the son of a US Cabinet Member.

Apparently there were such organizations established within Egypt by other countries as well.
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Re: Arab Spring Turning To Winter Spring Feb 03, 2012
Interesting Bora - you're right this aspect of the news hasn't been very prominent in the media. Thanks for bringing this out here.

What's your view on the recent killings at the football match - was it police incompetence or something more sinister relating to al-Ahli supporters' high profile part in the anti-Mubarak protests as some are saying?


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Re: Arab Spring Turning To Winter Spring Feb 03, 2012
shafique ,

I really don't have any "views" on what prompted the tragedy at the football match. But, Mr BB is following it closely and I have done some reading on it. For one thing, the Port Said team would make history in winning the match. The question is why would they riot and take a victory and turn it into a disaster?? It appears that it was internal and possibly the military paid "hooligans" in Port Said to take this action. Eypyt is no better off, if not worse, than before Mubarak stepped down and the military took over. With the Muslim Brotherhood coming into power there is alot of tension as well, but unlikely they had any involvement in the riot. Although, the MB is working with the military so it may be seen as guilt by association?

I was telling Mr BB that the US had no right, or any other country, to plant people in Egypt to aid the overthow and put democracy in place. If there were foreigners in the US who were aiding Americans to overthrow or change US government, there would be swift action taken against those foreigners (aside from terrorists as their intention is not change-motivated). Egypt perceives the plants as an interfering and aiding to overthrow it's government, and rightfully so, but that's MHO.
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Re: Arab Spring Turning To Winter Spring Feb 03, 2012
According to Egyptian MP, the US and Israel are responsible for Port Said soccer bloodbath

--- Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:22 pm ---

And there is more about the arab "spring" in Egypt.
Two American women and their Egyptian guide were kidnapped. ... -news.html

...and Egyptian film star sentenced for insulting Islam, arab world's most famous comic actor, Adel Imam, has received a three-month jail sentence .
Goodbye free speech, welcome sharia and arab winter. Egypt is turning to a $hit hole
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Re: Arab Spring Turning To Winter Spring Feb 03, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:If there were foreigners in the US who were aiding Americans to overthrow or change US government, there would be swift action taken against those foreigners (aside from terrorists as their intention is not change-motivated). Egypt perceives the plants as an interfering and aiding to overthrow it's government, and rightfully so, but that's MHO.

I think that's a very valid point - and unfortunately there's no shortage of historical precedent for internal and external meddling!

But thanks - perhaps I shouldn't have used 'views' but something like 'insights', and that is exactly what you provided.

I hope the violence doesn't escalate.


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Re: Arab Spring Turning To Winter Spring Feb 03, 2012
shafique wrote:But thanks - perhaps I shouldn't have used 'views' but something like 'insights', and that is exactly what you provided

I heard earlier on the news that two American women, tourists, were taken hostage not far from Sharm El Sheikh by a band of heavily armed bedouins. They women were 60 and 65 years old. The bedouins will exchange them for some of their people who are being held in jail.

Mr BB asked me yesterday if I want to go visit the family in Egypt. :shock: Errrr, I don't see that happening in the near or even far future!!!!

I just noticed herve's post on the kidnapping. You know the saying: be careful what you wish for, you just may get it. The Egyptians got rid of Mubarak - wish come true. But it came with consequences that are deadly and whatever "freedom" there was will be gone. Egypt under Mubarak is going to look good to those people, if they aren't seeing it already.
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Re: Arab Spring Turning To Winter Spring Feb 04, 2012
Bora - very few countries have been able to go from dictatorships to flourishing democracies without some bumps in the road. The main issue is the lack of a viable opposition/leadership - as typically it is exactly these people and parties that the dictators prevent from gaining influence. Just an observation - but it is a repeating pattern even in European history when you go back to dictatorships/absolute monarchies etc - and makes sense why it happens like so. Might is right is not a new phenomenon, nor the other problems.

There are exceptions - of course - and in modern times the success stories are where there is good (and strong) leadership and an absence of foreign interference. Presence of oil/natural resources seems to be a factor too - more resources, more corruption it seems to me - and it takes two for corruption to take place.

Just my 2 fils from my armchair study of recent and not-so-recent history.

I have similar concerns (and hopes) for Libya. I'm still not sure who the guys now in power are (generally speaking).

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Re: Arab Spring Turning To Winter Spring Feb 06, 2012
So much for the Arab Spring. Now that Egypt has elected radical Islamists to run its government, tourism already is down by one-third and almost all foreign investment has stopped. Europe expecting a flood of refugees.

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