Herve's Conspiracy Theories

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herve's conspiracy theories Jan 31, 2012
herve - nice to see you back, I thought you'd gone.

After it was exposed that you had set up profiles of 'gertrude' and 'capiscum' and then proceeded to praise your posts and your book using gertrude's profile and post anti-Muslim posts as caps, I thought you'd gone for good. But I trust you will behave this time round.

What I wanted to get from you though, was an explanation of your conspiracy theory that I am not called 'Shafique'.

You claimed to know who I really am, and that I'm 'an imposter':
herve wrote:Several times, this fraud, this impostor called me a coward, well HE is the coward, I am public figure, when I write it s under my name, not hiding behind an avatar, people have seen me.
Why al shafique does not show himself, give his real name, his picture to see how courageous he is. I know who he is, but I can't say it here, I d be banned.


Indeed, the irony is that in a thread where you were arguing an internet hoax was real, AND were posting as gertrude and caps to support yourself, you said:
herve wrote:And why do you hide behind an avatar, it is because you are a coward al shafique, one of the vilest kind. I write here under my real name, but you don't have that courage.


So, herve, the questions I wanted to ask you:

1. What is my 'real name' that you say you know! I give you permission to post my first name here.
2. Given that you were busted for not posting in your real name - does that make you "a coward.. one of the vilest kind"? If not why not?

Please don't run away from these questions. If you do, we'll have to assume you are a coward. ;)


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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
Herve, shafique is indeed shafique.

You can find an actuary named shafique who used to live in Dubai from a simple google search.

Not many years ago, this same shafique would troll other forums - but instead of trolling non-Muslims, this actuary named shafique would actually target Muslim posters.

He actually bragged about his converting Muslims to the Ahmadi religion.
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
But eh, surely 'herve' has an explanation for his conspiracy theory that I'm not posting under my real name! :)

What kind of coward do you think herve is - is he 'the most vilest' kind?

As for your bitterness towards Muslims and your conspiracy theories - we already have a thread on your extremist beliefs and a separate one on your bizare beliefs. This is not the thread for us to discuss your latest conspiracy theories and fantasies about me being a troll etc. ;)

Anyway, I'm most interested to hear herve's excuses - and an explanation of what type of coward he is.

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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
What is your real name? Maybe herve is right.

All I know is that your screen name is "shafique" and you claim to be an actuary.
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
Who knows, he might give me permission next time to post a picture of his front door and his address.
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
So herve - don't you feel silly for stating that I wasn't posting under my real name whilst you were making up two false profiles and posting in your own threads? (Oh and yes, I'd like to see a photo of my front door.. :) )

Now, the question you are still running away from is:
shafique wrote:2. Given that you were busted for not posting in your real name - does that make you "a coward.. one of the vilest kind"? If not why not?

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Re: herve's conspiracy theories Jan 31, 2012
i think herve has found his imaginary friend from his lost childhood :D and he is confusing his friend with Shafique!

Herbie, can you tell everyone who I am :D ???
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
Well i, for one, am pleased to see Herve back on DF and I hope he sticks around. He brought me hours of fun when he was playing Shafique when he was posting as Gertrude and Caps. It was no secret to me that Herve had more than one user name on DF and I know he isn't the only one. I was just amazed that Shafique didn't spot it :lol:

I would describe Herve as a real man. He has served his country in their Armed Forces and that deserves maximum respect in my book. He does not hide behind an avarar and is proud to tell anyone who he really is.

I can only imagine that Shafique feels threatened by herve's presence on DF. Otherwise why would he start this topic and what does it have to do with politics anyway?

--- Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:32 am ---

shafique wrote:So herve - don't you feel silly for stating that I wasn't posting under my real name whilst you were making up two false profiles and posting in your own threads?

I think you're forgetting your time as dearjohn aren't you? Selective memory again?
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
I started the topic to get herve's answers to the two questions posed. And as herve has numerous conspiracy theories, I thought I'd post it in politics.

To me, real men don't have to make up female personas to post complimentary posts. But that's just me. ;)

Let's see what herve's answer to the 2nd question is.

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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
Herve's not obliged to answer any of your questions. You are just baiting, asusual.
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
You are right BM, Herve is indeed free to not answer the question as to what type of coward he is. In not answering he is actually answering the question after a fashion.


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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
shafique wrote:In not answering he is actually answering the question after a fashion.

It reminds me of when I asked you if you had apologised on more than one occasion on this forum as to whether you had made fun of my daughter, who has brain damage after a serious illness. I'm still waiting for that answer. A simple yes or no would have sufficed.
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
I really can't help you with your fantasies BM - please start a new thread with actual quotes I have made and perhaps I can explain where your confusion stems from. Trolling just to try and help herve isn't helping.

This thread is about herve's conspiracy theories and the question about cowardice.


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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
I only see one coward here and he isn't French.
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Re: herve's conspiracy theories Jan 31, 2012
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
BM, I would like to see how Muhammad shafique can explain how he knows I posted as gertrude and caps. How could he possibly affirm that with such conviction.
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
herve - no need to come up with new conspiracy theories in your attempt to avoid the question.

Here's the question again:

Given that you were busted for not posting in your real name - does that make you "a coward.. one of the vilest kind"? If not why not?

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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
you started this thread by saying i posted as gertrude and capsicum, before anyone respond anything you should explain how you know that.
Again, there is one coward here, and it is you, hiding behind an avatar insulting everybody here. i write under my real name, Herve Jaubert.
I know your real name, you should put it here yourself , as a man. but you wont because you are a coward.
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
I'm glad you've grown a backbone and want to defend yourself.

You posted as gertrude and capiscum. As gertrude you posted positive reviews of your book, and indeed started a thread on 'who has the most credibility' - and therefore you also voted for yourself.

I asked simply therefore that because you accused me of not posting in my real name, that made me the 'vilest kind' of coward.

Given that you were found out (and a quick search of the forum will tell you how everyone found out), means that you are guilty of what you accuse me of.

By your own logic - you are the 'vilest kind' of coward. Posting as a lady and posting in favour of your own posts. How sad.


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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
I asked you to prove it, prove i posted as gertrude, otherwise you prove you are a coward.
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012

Are you denying you are gertrude and caps and therefore the 'vilest kind of coward'?

If you deny it categorically, I'll show you the evidence. Go on, deny it again for us.


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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
i am asking you to prove your accusations.
it works the other way around al shafique, you prove something so that someone else can defend himself.
So , go ahead. show your evidence. coward
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
Happy to do so. You just need to deny categorically that you are gertrude and capiscum, and therefore not a coward of the 'vilest kind'.

Go on, deny it - before I embarrass you. Are you a man or a mouse? :D

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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
go ahead show your evidence
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
I'm having too much fun. :D

You are the 'vilest kind' of coward if you are now running away from denying that you hid behind gertrude and caps! I have proof, but you have no backbone. Go on, deny it if you dare.

I promise you, I will give you the evidence as soon as you deny that you are a coward and posted as gertrude and caps.


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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
shafique wrote:Go on, deny it - before I embarrass you. Are you a man or a mouse?

You just just learn from the master Herve!
I have asked Shafique if he had cause to apologise to me on more than one occasion for making fun of my sick child. He did more shuffling than Mohammed Ali.
He never did answer the question.
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Re: herve's conspiracy theories Jan 31, 2012
of course he never answears. here again. he is a coward to accuse with no proof, why dont you show your evidence al shafique the coward?
promises from you are worthless, you are a compulsive liar and a coward. you cannot be trusted
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
shafique wrote:I promise you, I will give you the evidence as soon as you deny that you are a coward and posted as gertrude and caps.

Only because Andy posted it in Fight Club. Do stop making out you are someone with special powers.
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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
BM - let's leave your fantasies for another thread.

herve wrote:of course he never answears. here again. he is a coward to accuse with no proof, why dont you show your evidence al shafique the coward?
promises from you are worthless, you are a compulsive liar and a coward. you cannot be trusted

Major failure.

I have proof. You now look spineless and silly.

Do you deny that you posted as gertrude?

BTW - if you wanted to keep a secret, you shouldn't have told Bethsmum:
Bethsmum wrote:I have to admit that I knew Herve was Caps and Gertrude all along as he told me so, months ago.

You're busted herve.

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Re: Herve's Conspiracy Theories Jan 31, 2012
shafique wrote:BM - let's leave your fantasies for another thread.

If I'm going to fantasise, it certainly wouldn't be about you. Have no fear.

--- Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:41 pm ---

shafique wrote:I have proof. You now look spineless and silly.

Only because Andy posted it in Fight club

--- Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:44 pm ---

shafique wrote:BTW - if you wanted to keep a secret, you shouldn't have told Bethsmum:

Which I took a great pleasure in revealing as you were making such a fuss in Fight Club about the big secret. It wasn't a secret to me. You were played big style and you didn't spot a thing. That grated on your nerves more than Herve having more than one user name. he isn't the first and won't be the last. Stop taking the moral high ground and tell me you don't have more than one username.
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