Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad.

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Diet drinks are bad, bad, bad. Jan 08, 2012
Recent research has shown that drinkers of diet drinks i.e. two of more cans of say diet coke a day, see on average a 500% INCREASE in their waistline!

Just goes to show diet drinks are worse for you than the full fat varieties.

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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 08, 2012
500% is hard to believe. Did non diet drinkers gain anything?
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 08, 2012
Chocoholic ,

I think you mean sugar. Soda doesn't contain fat.

Are you sure about a 500% increase?

People who drink diet soda experienced a 70 percent greater increase in waist circumference over a decade than non-users, a study by the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio found

For people who drink two or more diet sodas a day, their waist increase was five times those who drank no diet sodas -- almost two inches.

Read more: ... z1isPRPhqn
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 08, 2012
Bora Bora , No it's the sweetners that they use - they're even worse. Sugar is the first thing the body burns off. Diet Sodas includes basically diet fizzy drinks, like coke, sprite etc etc Diet drinks have always had 'hidden' sugars and additives, they're terrible for the body and should be avoided.
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 08, 2012

Chocoholic wrote:Recent research has shown that drinkers of diet drinks i.e. two of more cans of say diet coke a day, see on average a 500% INCREASE in their waistline!

Just goes to show diet drinks are worse for you than the full fat varieties.
That's why we have traditionalist. My mum used to say wait few years you will findout these things are bad, she went on by her eating tradtion, and she is much healthier.
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 08, 2012
I'm not a big drinker of fizzy drinks myself, I only drink Slimline tonic with my gin :D But Beth does like Diet Coke.
It tastes horrid to me! It leaves an after taste which is quite nasty. I'd rather have a bottle of water. We were in the car yesterday and she offered me a drink of her water. I took a mouth full and nearly choked! It tasted like she had been eating those cheap sweets that kids are so fond of. YUK!! She then informed me it was strawberry water! Errrrr.

I don't buy cans of Diet Coke, only 2lt bottles :shock: and she can knock them back! I can't say I've noticed an increase of 500% on her waist line. I'm always reminding her that if she wants to pull a footballer or a Sheikh she needs to watch the size of her arse.

My parents never bought fizzy drinks when I was a kid. If we were lucky, my sister and I got one bottle of juice per week, when it was gone, that was it.

My dad is 82. He visits the dentist regularly. He has never had an extraction nor a filling. He says it's down to not having any sweet stuff during the war.

So...I'm not sure which is worse, Coke, Diet Coke or Coke Zero or the equivelant in Pepsi terms. It's all crap to me.
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 08, 2012
Nucleus , Mum's always know best :-)
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 08, 2012
Well, one less known fact about fizzy drinks is their association with Osteoporosis.

Fizzy drinks contain Phosphoric acid. High levels of Phosphorous in the body leads to Calcium loss from the bones!

Another ingredient Cafeine interferes with Calcium absorption.

And finally, consuming large amounts of colas results in the exclusion of other healthy stuff from your diet like drinking milk, or even plain water etc.

It is a known scientific fact that girls drinking large amounts of fizzy drinks have higher rates of Osteoporosis in later life.

And finally, the best prevention against Osteoporosis is to build up Bone strength in early life, and that means before the onset of menstruation in females.

My 2 cents worth 8)
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 08, 2012
I can't "digest" fizzy anything. I might drink a half can of Coke on occasion at home - when eating junk food - and it causes me to belch - really, really belch. Kinda like: where did that come from???

Quite a few years ago I was drinking alot of Coke - 4 or 5 of the little bottles. I started getting these aches and pains in one leg in the thigh area, and whatever possessed me I stopped drinking the Coke and the aches and pains went away, along with a few pounds.

The most diet soda I had was a mouthful and as BM says, it leaves an awful after taste. These days its strictly water and occasionally juice - no sweetners added. I'm not a sweet eater at all, yet people keep sending cakes to the house, which I pass on to the girl who cleans for me. The last one, I took a small slice, and one mouthful as it was like a brick of sugar!!
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 09, 2012
i've always told people to stay away from diet fizzy drinks, the first thing you should notice is the immediett blaoting it causes in the stomach and intestines. besides, they taste like crap.
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 09, 2012
Maybe the most healthy diet drink is fruit juice , right ?
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 09, 2012
yuqtegsdfr , Not necessarily, fruit juices are filled with natural sugars and can be just as bad, especially for children. The BEST healthy drink is pure, clean, clear water.
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 10, 2012

Chocoholic wrote:Nucleus , Mum's always know best

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Re: Diet drinks are bad, bad, bad. Jan 14, 2012
ive been drinking diet fizzy drinks for about 2-3 years now 7 days a weeks with absolutely no weight gain. in fact i always make sure to order diet cola whenever i eat outside. the stuff contains almost 0 calories which makes no sense why it will cause the increase in waist line. i did not read the article by the way as it seems it is pure fallacy.

for the other forumers that say that the stuff is bad for human consumption, hopefully you could provide scholastic research papers/references stating the same

it is starting to be ridiculous how people claim that artificial sweeteners/MSG are bad for our health without any scientific proof. good day :lol:
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 14, 2012
xero_ ,

You make a statement without reading the article?? How about you back up your statement that its pure fallacy??
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 15, 2012
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 15, 2012
LOL a can of Red Bull is ok every now and then but that stuff is terrible on the body if you drink lots of it. HAd a friend that was consuming cans of the stuff during her final exams and she ended up a shaking, jabbering wreck by the end of it.
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 16, 2012
That just goes to prove that education is bad for your health.
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 22, 2012
All fizzy drinks are bad for your health! ... 021605.cfm
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Re: Diet drinks are bad, bad, bad. Jan 22, 2012
There seems to be one small flaw in the study. People drink diet drinks because they are overweight. That doesn't necessarily mean that people are overweight because they drink diet drinks.

You need a control group to make a scientific study otherwise you can't tell what's cause and what's effect.

--- Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:49 pm ---

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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 22, 2012
Those things will kill you...I have never ever had a diet soda and I know I am not missing anything!
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 23, 2012
blueshift wrote:There seems to be one small flaw in the study. People drink diet drinks because they are overweight. That doesn't necessarily mean that people are overweight because they drink diet drinks.

What is the purpose of someone ordering a diet coke when their a$$ is hanging over the sides of a chair ordering a double cheeseburger, large french fries or a large pizza with extra cheese? They are overweight from the food that they eat. If they had good eating habits and possibly had 1 can of diet soda a day there probably wouldn't be a weight gain. But if they were drinking a liter of it through the course of the day there may be slight weight gain. With overweight people, take the diet soda off the menu and they will still remain overweight and continue to expand.

Overweight people find every excuse in the book for the reason they are overweight. Years ago it used to be glandular. Yeah, the gland between their nose and their chin. Never heard an overweight person say: I have bad eating habits and I enjoy eating that's why I'm overweight.
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 24, 2012
excercise regularly and you won't be overweight no matter what u eat -_-
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 25, 2012
tony89 , to an extent. You need calorie deficeit to lose weight, but people shouldn't under eat. Did you know it's recently been found that many cases of suspected MS are actually due to aspartame poisoning, where people have too many diet drinks, and eat foods containing sweetners rather than actual sugars? Food as it were for thought.
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 25, 2012
Chocoholic wrote:Did you know it's recently been found that many cases of suspected MS are actually due to aspartame poisoning, where people have too many diet drinks, and eat foods containing sweetners rather than actual sugars? Food as it were for thought.

More urban myth Chocs, ... ternet.asp

Do you believe EVERYTHING you read on t'internet?

Mind you, thinking about it? The ex Mrs Dillon did drink copious amounts of the stuff! And I always put her mood swings and violent temper down to Mad Cow Disease, who knows eeh?

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 25, 2012
Chocoholic , u seem to be really into this weight watching thing. i had to google MS and aspartame to make sense of wht u were saying :P
but nyways...the idea of loosing weight is simply to burn more calories than u consume. if ur over weight good chance is you love eating, so under eating is not an option. hence u excercise....which can be fun if u put ur head to it.

besides this sweetners n stuff dont make sense to me....if ur unhealthy start by eating healthier stuff not gulp down evn more chemicals n crap :S

ive got a frnd who's soo into this health stuff...he doesn't have and has never had, since the ages that i've known him atleast, anything from these fast food chains or sodas or sweetners or energy drinks. he's fit as hell and eats aloot, even sweets n chocolates n stuff. He's the living proof of my point :P
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 25, 2012
tony89 , You're a brave man Tony :D Giving Chocs advice about healthy eating! :P

Get him told Chocs!
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 25, 2012
lol why Bethsmum , is she a human-hogging monster? :P

There is nothing to tell, it is how I said it and thats it !
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 26, 2012
tony89 , Chocs is a bit of an expert on fitness, diet and health. There is nothing you can tell her!
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Re: Diet Drinks Are Bad, Bad, Bad. Jan 26, 2012
Don't worry Bethsmum , my friends Google and Wikipedia will handle her well :P

Jus curious tho, is she a lean, 25 year old fitness first instructor or a chubby, 16 yr old google-geek desperate to loose weight to woo potential boyfrnds :P
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