Cosmetic Procedures,

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Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 11, 2012
Hi Guys!
I wonder if I might ask you a question or two? I'm Alice, by the way, and I have been known to be a bit naughty, hence the name naughtyalice.
I know all you boys like a naughty girl, don't ya?
Well I was wondering...I've been thinking about having some work done, y'
I can't really discuss this with people I work with as I'm a bit wary of people judging me. So I need the opinions of people who are objective.

I'm not sure how many ladies there are here but....I'm thinking of having my boobs done. I'm not too bad at the moment, a 36B but I really want to be a 36E.
Do you think this is too big?
Will I get back ache?
Will I be able to but clothes that fit? I'm 5'4'', so not that tall :D
Will men be able to tell that my boobies aren't real and will they care? :shock:
Have any of you girls had any work done and if so by who? Was it in Dubai? Can you give me any recomendations? I don't want any rubbish jobs, nothing is too expensive for naughtyalice!

Now all you guys! Questions for you! I feel liberated being able to ask these questions without being judged so go easy on me y'all!
Do you like the ladies with the big boobies? Does it bother you if they aren't real? Would you be able to tell?
Do you think 36E is too big, and if so what is the ideal size for you?

For a bit of background information, I'm doing this for me and just me. No pressure at all from my BF. He's a local guy by the way :D He likes me to look good 24/7.

So...any feedback is welcome.

Do I get my work done or not? :?:

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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 11, 2012
At last a post of some "real substance"! :D I am glad you feel liberated, naughtyalice, by asking these questions. And I shall be very glad to oblige you by answering them.

Here are the questions and their answers:

Do I like the ladies with the big boobs? Yes I do :oops: , but only if I like the rest of the lady too.

Does it bother me if they are not real? Only a little bit. I think. I am a little squeamish :wink: .

Would I be able to tell if they were real or not? Only if I had my magic glasses on, then yes I would be able to tell! Otherwise, without!

I have never really tried to guess what size breasts a lady has. In my day, I have had a fixation on many parts of a woman's body, which was like "the flavour of the month" for me. My mind has wandered from breasts to legs, to hands and feet. Now, I look at sort of the whole package, and "chemistry", so I would not bother too much about her breast size. Certainly, I would not drop someone just because she was a 36B, and I was looking for a 36E :lol: .

I have a freind who had "breast reduction surgery" and she developed an infection, because of which she had to have several more operations spread out over a year. So you have to weigh the advantages against the disadvantages. Any "invasive procedure", and surgery is an invasive procedure, has a complication rate, even in the best institution. Some of the complications can be life threatening.

So think hard and carefully. If your BF is not complaining, let him play with the 36B figure! :mrgreen:
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 11, 2012
Zonker already gave some excellent advice, but here it goes.

naughtyalice wrote:Do you like the ladies with the big boobies? Does it bother you if they aren't real? Would you be able to tell?
Do you think 36E is too big, and if so what is the ideal size for you?

Size of breasts are not that important to me, but since you asked I like a perky B better than E. Yes fake breasts do bother me in general, I like au natural. You can spot fake breasts from twenty yards away. I donot like it, but this is about you and I think most men don't mind.
There is only one instance that I know which was an improvement. A friend (female) of a friend was as flat as an iron board, she had practically no breasts. For a woman getting breasts implants is more medical in that case I think. I was allowed to touch, and I have to say they felt nice, couldn't tell them from real. It was a small B size. Other fake breasts that I encountered felt...well just fake.
I don't know if you do sports, but e-size breasts can be in the way.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 11, 2012

I think you and I are becoming experts in Human Anatomy! Particularly of the female kind. So naughtyalice had better pay close attention to us!! :lol:
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 11, 2012
Thanks guys! I can see I'm dealing with two experts!

That is one thing that bothers me Zonker (may I call you Zonker?), that i may have some kinda reaction to the implants or that they may rapture. Or is the word rupture? I think rapture is what I want my BF to feel when he sets eyes on my 'E's :D
I'm a bit scared of surgery :shock: The thought of being sliced open and stitched up!
Can the Doctors do this by key hole surgery with only a local anisthetic? I think I need to do some more research! What d'ya think Zonker?

And you Flying Dutchman! You like a 36B rather than a .36E! Really????? You are the first man who tells me that, it's very interesting.
I have been paying a lot of attention to ladies breasts recently and I think you may be correct when you say you can tell the fake ones.
I watched a lady by my pool the other day and she was lying flat on her back. Her boobies pointed straight up into the air! No way are they for real, that's for sure :D
I haven't had anyone invite me to feel their breasts :oops: May be the doctor will let me have a feel before the operation?

Yes Flying Dutchman, I do like a good work out, I hope they won't get in the way too much, I am investing in a good sports bra.

Any ladies out there? I'd sure be interested to know if you've had any surgery's??
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 11, 2012
In answer to the quesiton of who to go to, Dr Jaffar Khan is the go to plastic surgeon for this kind of thing several of my friends have used him and the results were amazing. Just be aware that with any kind of invasive surgery like this, there are risks, don't have unrealistic expectations and there is pain and recovery time and it takes months for the chest to look like it should afterwards.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 11, 2012
Chocoholic wrote:several of my friends have used him and the results were amazing.

We need visuals, so we can decide on that. :-p
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 11, 2012
LOL nooooo. Although I did pick up one friend straight after surgery - an ironing board had more curves - the implants had to go sub-muscular and they stuck out like a couple of melons for a while. She had drains coming out her armpits (lovely) and had to massage the boobs everyday (they squeaked - i kid you not), so that the muscles would relax and the implants would fall forward and more together. Looks outstanding now.

My advice would be not to go too big and pick implants that looks natural.
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 12, 2012
Thank you Chocoholics for the link! It is so nice to receive recommendations and from Dr Khan. My GP is Dr Khan, though not the same one as he doesn't look like that man on the website. My Dr Khan has healing hands and he says I have very nice feet. I'm not sure why he said that as I went to see him about my throat. It was sore.

I have spent some time looking at the website! I was so excited to see all that I could have done! WOW!! Not only am I going to get my boobs done I think I will go for the tummy tuck and the facial peel. Well that's my plan, I only have to see how I will pay Dr Khan for the procedures. And I could have my ears done at the same time!! Ears and boobs, then tummy tuck and facial peel. I will be a new woman and my BF will love me forever :D

Thank you Chocoholics! I will owe my new body to you. I know this will make me happy.
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 12, 2012
naughtyalice ,

But of course, you can call me Zonker. What else did you have in mind? :D
You have touched on some very interesting points. Breast implants have undergone a gradual evolution, and we are now in the 5th Generation of implants which are fairly safe. Gone are the days, that you may have heard about, when the silicone in the implant leaked and a breast shaped lump appeared around the abdomen sometimes! :shock: A disaster :!:
The incision is fairly small, though not a true "keyhole" although there are some implants that have an outter silicone cover, and are then filled with normal saline when this is placed in the breast.
As for Dr. Khan saying that you have pretty feet! Well, you sound like the perfect woman!
I suggest that you dont have any surgery at all! All that you need are a pair of sexy high heel shoes. These can have the effect of augmenting your breasts too and making them more prominent. My friend FD can guide you in this department :D .
I hope Dr.Khan was able to concentrate and heal your throat! :drunken:
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 12, 2012
Naughty, by coincidence I am in the process of startying up a test company to evaluate such matters but as yet do not have my municiplititty approval so I would be willing to test for free.

Anything else you want attended to feel free to PM.
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 12, 2012
Chocoholic wrote: for yo
Well for the massage part if your friend need any help i would consider doing it..
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 12, 2012
drewpeacock wrote:Naughty, by coincidence I am in the process of startying up a test company to evaluate such matters but as yet do not have my municiplititty approval so I would be willing to test for free.

Anything else you want attended to feel free to PM.

And I am an amateur gynecologist. Just a hobby I picked up out of interest.

--- Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:52 am ---

Well for the massage part if your friend need any help i would consider doing it..

I bet you do, Nuc. :-) :-)
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 12, 2012
Flying Dutchman ,

:shock: You need to stop running around feeling boobies FD!!!

Did you become an expert after many boobie squeezes - the real deal and silcone??? Do you trip and accidently grab on to a boobie or do you politely ask "can I squeeze your boobie - I'm doing a comparison feel test which could be followed by a taste test?" :P

--- Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:20 pm ---

zonker wrote:Gone are the days, that you may have heard about, when the silicone in the implant leaked

Are you sure? December 22, 2011:

France considering mass recall of breast implants from company Poly Implant Prothese
PIP firm shut down in 2010 after using industrial siliconeFrench have reports of high rupture rate, cancer worries
Some 300,000 PIP implants were sold worldwide
British regulators say no need for patient alarm ... ouncement/

Nothing to worry about says the British regulators. The recall is just an exercise?

--- Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:22 pm ---

drewpeacock wrote:municiplititty approval

LOL!!!! And I bet someone else is having a good laugh.
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 12, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:Did you become an expert after many boobie squeezes - the real deal and silcone??? Do you trip and accidently grab on to a boobie or do you politely ask "can I squeeze your boobie -

I have not squeezed that many boobies. I am counting....must be between 10 and 15 pair, or between 20 and 30 individual boobies. I'd say about half were fake. Concerning the fake small size B boobies that felt nice, I was offered. She was really proud and wanted to show.

I does happen though, that in the subway I sometimes almost fall because of the movement and have to grap onto something to keep standing. This did cause some awkward moments in the past. But nothing on purpose.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 12, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:I does happen though, that in the subway I sometimes almost fall because of the movement and have to grap onto something to keep standing. This did cause some awkward moments in the past. But nothing on purpose

I hope you don't get any awkward moments when the subway is packed and everyone is crammed up against each other. :P
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 13, 2012
drewpeacock wrote:Naughty, by coincidence I am in the process of startying up a test company to evaluate such matters but as yet do not have my municiplititty approval so I would be willing to test for free.

Anything else you want attended to feel free to PM.

Why thank you Sir, you are most kind! I will bare this in mind :D

--- Jan 13, 2012 ---

Bora Bora wrote:Nothing to worry about says the British regulators. The recall is just an exercise?

Hi Miss Bora Bora! I'm thankful to you for taking part in my survey. I, too, have read that report. It is very worrying! But I have researched the problem and it seems like those scoundrels in France used silicone in there implants that was not meant for the human body and only to stuff matresses. I don't intend to have that put in my boobs! I do not desire anyone bouncing around on my body as they do a matress! Only the best for Alice.

--- 1 seconds ago ---

Flying Dutchman wrote:I have not squeezed that many boobies. I am counting....must be between 10 and 15 pair, or between 20 and 30 individual boobies. I'd say about half were fake. Concerning the fake small size B boobies that felt nice, I was offered. She was really proud and wanted to show.

I does happen though, that in the subway I sometimes almost fall because of the movement and have to grap onto something to keep standing. This did cause some awkward moments in the past. But nothing on purpose.

Flyingdutchman, you seem very experienced as you have squeezed many boobies, or so it seems to me. I am giving consideration to you test driving mine when they are in place and the drains have been removed.

I have dreamed of a nice man from the Netherlands. I picture you as a sporty person, quite tall and blonde. I understand Holland has no mountains but i see you in snow posing with a snow board. The picture is quite fuzzy.....Was it a dream?

--- Jan 13, 2012 ---

Flying Dutchman wrote:And I am an amateur gynecologist. Just a hobby I picked up out of interest.

I feel so lucky as it is only my boobies and maybe a facial peel or my ears pined back on this surgery. Pity the poor lady that I hear about from Engerland who has two virginas. She has refused surgery to have one removed. That poor lady! I wonder if Dr Khan can help her? ... 99193.html
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 13, 2012
naughtyalice ,

Can you keep us updated on your decisions and the general process? I would like that. Cheers.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 13, 2012
naughtyalice wrote:Hi Miss Bora Bora! I'm thankful to you for taking part in my survey. I, too, have read that report. It is very worrying! But I have researched the problem and it seems like those scoundrels in France used silicone in there implants that was not meant for the human body and only to stuff matresses. I don't intend to have that put in my boobs! I do not desire anyone bouncing around on my body as they do a matress! Only the best for Alice.

I'm sure that the women who used those implants didn't intend to have toxic waste put in their body.

If you are serious, I think that if someone needs to take a "survey" to get public opinions regarding cosmetic surgery, and contemplate future cosmetic procedures, it is more about public appearance that is important to them and derive satisfaction from the attention, than a personal decision. I also think anyone who contemplates numerous surgeries is definitely not someone who is comfortable with their own body. And lastly, your boyfriend will love your enhancements, it won't necessarily make him love YOU more.

It seems you want to remake yourself, the way some people try to come back on a forum under a different user name, mostly to troll. :wink:
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 13, 2012
Hi Bora Bora! I was just asking what people think about cosmetic procedures, nothing more :( I just have problems talking these things over with people around me so I thought I'd ask some people on the internet.

You are right, it is my decision but who doesn't want to look just a little bit better? Well I do! I don't know any woman who is totally satisfied with there body's.
When I saw Chocs link to Dr Khan, it was like....heaven! To think I could have my ears pinned back while I had my boobs done! Awesome :D

Now I just have to get my BF to pay :alien: The only worry I have is that he tries to claim ownership of my boobs if we ever seperate :?
Has that been tested in the Dubai Courts, I wonder?
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 13, 2012
naughtyalice wrote:I just have problems talking these things over with people around me

You hardly seem the shy type alice.
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 13, 2012
I'm not shy Bora Bora, I just know people will judge me so I wanted to speak with people who wouldn't. I'm interested in everyone's feedback.

I was not serious about my ears, there are ok, well.... with long hair.
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 14, 2012
naughtyalice , well the procedures you listed would probably cost in the region of 100,000 Dhs plus! And no surgeon worth his salt (unless you're the idiot who operated on Heidi Montag) is going to do any of them at the same time. They each have quite a recovery process. Sadly given your pretty flippant answers in much of this thread, leads me to believe you're not a very serious person who hasn't sat and thought about the risks involved - there are risks, as there are with any invasive surgery and also general anaethetics.

As a rule surgeons won't perform tummy tucks on women who have not yet had or are planning to have children as pregnancy basically will undo everything. Tummy tucks are done after children. Lipo is the other option for that area and you need an extremely skilled surgeon for that.

I think you're taking this all too lightly IMHO
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 14, 2012
I dont think naughtyalice is taking it lightly. On the contrary, I think she is seriously taking people's views on this forum to make a decison regarding what is a more or less major procedure i.e Boob Surgery.
naughtyalice , surgery for the ears is usually done on children who have what is called "Bat ears". These look something like this: :alien: I am guessing that you are a big girl (even apart from the anatomic region under discussion) and that your ears dont look anything like that. Of course bat ears can be corrected at any age, but the surgery becomes less and less unpredictable.

Bora Bora, Every "procedure" has a complication rate. You name it, and you can find a long list of complications under it. From the most minor of surgical procedures. Surgery is becoming safer now because some of the more horrific complications are becoming less common e.g those from anesthetics. And surgical technique.
Breast implants have undergone a slow evolution. They are safer now, but that does not mean they have no complications. And this is borne out by what you have mentioned about the French scoundrels :roll: There is still the odd implant that will leak. There are questions about the carcinogenic properties of silicone itself, but nothing conclusive in the literature one way or the other.

BTW, naughtyalice, your mention of keyhole surgery brings us to another interesting advancement, and that is Robotic Surgery. This is not something in the distant future, but is already being done! And its likely to become pretty common in about 2 or 3 years time. Robots are used in many aspects of surgery, but the most amazing is the Robots that will do major surgical procedures such as Open Heart surgery all by themselves :shock: And the surgeons can be many miles away!!
So, the Dr.Khan of the future will only have to be a good computer programer. He will have plenty of time to admire your beautiful feet :P
How would you feel about a Robot performing your Boob Surgery?? :D
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 15, 2012
naughtyalice , never the mind the Choc naughtyalice. You are in the beginning of your decision process and reached out for opinions and ideas, That's a good thing. Let it sink in and avoid hasty decisions. You did the right thing coming here!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 15, 2012
Flying Dutchman , I totally agree with you on that one, that's merely the point I was trying to make. Some people don't realise this is invasive surgery and can be pretty painful with long roads to recovery, depending on the type of surgery.

100% and informed choice is the way to go.
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 16, 2012
Hi Guys! Thank you all so much for your help and advices. So many wonderful peoples in one place. I feel kinda blessed that I found you all!

Zonker. Thank you for your advice. yes, I had heard about the French people who used the wrong silicone. I think the company was called PIP. I thought it was a misprint at first, but the P is nowhere near the P on my keyboard. Like Bora Bora said, no body should be putting toxic waste in there breasts, but as you pointed out no one has found a link to cancer. AND NO! I wouldn't want to be operated on by a robot! Them things can go wrong! And what if it was like Windows and shut itself off half way through?

Thank you for the advices Flyingdutchman. Yes I'm at the start of the process of having some procedures and you are very correct in saying donot make the hasty decision. I am happy that I found DubaiForums to advice me.

Chocoholic Thank you to dear for your help. You have been most kind. Please accept my apologies for being flippant. I did not mean to be flippant. I was just joking a little bit. You all seem so nice and I was feeling very happy.

Now where was I? Oh yes, I have to speak to Dr Khan. I want to feel his healing hands
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 16, 2012
naughtyalice wrote:Oh yes, I have to speak to Dr Khan. I want to feel his healing hands

I hope you've not made Chocs angry again! :lol:
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 17, 2012
zonker , LOL I think she's talking about another Dr Khan, not the one I recommended.
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Re: Cosmetic Procedures, Jan 17, 2012
Chocoholic wrote:zonker , LOL I think she's talking about another Dr Khan, not the one I recomwmended.

Where i come from it is considered most rude to refer to someone as she. My name is Alice. Manners do not cost anything Chocoholic.
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