Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place....

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Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler put dem Jews in their place.... Jan 13, 2012

Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the Jews people who would punish them for their corruption...The last punishment was carried out by [Adolf] Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them – even though they exaggerated this issue – he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them...Allah willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers.

Keep in mind Qaradawi is one of the "moderates"...

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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 14, 2012
eh is getting desperate - digging out a Memri special from 2009. I wonder what is disturbing him so much that he's felt the need to back in time?

But let's see whether when we quote Qaradawi in full whether Memri's spin matches reality. Hmm.

Muslims Anti Zionists Not Jews: Qaradawi

Prominent Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi has denied any enmity between Muslims and Jews, asserting that Muslims are only opposed to the hostile, expansionist Zionist movement.

"There is no enmity between Muslims and Jews," Qaradawi, the president of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS), told visiting Rabbis from the anti-Zionist movement Neturei Karta.
He noted that for centuries Jewish citizens were living in peace and coexistence in Muslim countries.
"Jews were the wealthiest people in Egypt and many Muslim countries," Qaradawi told the three rabbis welcomed to his home in the Qatari capital.

Rabbi Aharon Cohen agreed.

"Jews encountered no problem living in Muslim countries."

Sheikh Qaradawi stressed that Muslims and Jews share common grounds as followers of two Abrahamic religions.
"Jews who believe in the authentic Torah are very close to Muslims," he pointed out.
"Followers of the two religions agree on many rituals and religious practices such as male circumcision, halal slaughtering, banning pork and prohibiting any statutes inside mosques and synagogues."
The prominent scholar noted that Muslims and Jews were subjected to the same persecution following the fall of the Islamic rule in Andalusia, now Spain.
He believes Muslims and Jews, as people who believe in one God, should join hands in fighting atheism, pornography, same-sex marriages and injustice.
A galaxy of prominent Muslim scholars and interfaith experts issue on Monday, February 25, an open letter for the world"s Jewish community calling for a dialogue to improve relations between Jews and Muslims.
Expansionist Zionism
Qaradawi stressed that relations between Muslims and Jews only strained with the emergence of Zionism and the establishment of Israel on the rubble of Palestine.

"Muslims are against the expansionist, oppressive Zionist movement, not the Jews."

The visiting rabbis, each sporting a badge reading "I"m a Jew not a Zionist", shared the same conviction.
"Judaism, which is based on the true teachings of Torah, does not recognize Zionism," said Rabbi Cohen.
"Torah and Judaism do not sanction occupation, killings and driving people from their homes."
Zionism is an international political movement that spearheaded the creation of a homeland for the Jewish People in Palestine.



PS - let's be clear, Qaradawi is a controversial cleric and I don't agree with all his pronouncements. Indeed in 2004, 2,500 Muslim academics from Saudi Arabia, Iraq and from the Palestinian territories condemned Qaradawi, and accused him of giving "Islam a bad name", and there are numerous errors he's made - eg: http://www.islamicweb.com/beliefs/misgu ... radawi.htm
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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler put dem Jews in their place.... Jan 14, 2012
Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the Jews people who would punish them for their corruption...The last punishment was carried out by [Adolf] Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them – even though they exaggerated this issue – he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them...Allah willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers.

Is Memri special the only argument you have for the clear Antisemitic statements Muslims make?

If you don't like Memri, then by all means use a website run by Muslims that tracks extremist statements broadcast in the Muslim world.

No, wait....

But anyway, what does your copy-pasty have to do with Qaradawi's stated beliefs in the OP?

Is this one of your usual smoke and mirrors?
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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 14, 2012
Sorry, did you give us a reason why you dug up this Memri special from 2009?

Qardawi meeting with Rabbis and stating that he has nothing against Jews but only against Zionist expansion seems to be extremely relevant to this thread.


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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler put dem Jews in their place.... Jan 14, 2012
Let me know if you want to address Qaradawi's belief that Hitler put Jews in their place - which is the title of this thread and one of the statements Qaradawi made in the OP.

Anyone with common sense can decide if Qaradawi's actual stated beliefs on Jews stand up to his other claims that he's not Antisemitic.

Btw, what website run by Muslims that tracks extremist statements in the Muslim world would you prefer me to use instead?

You're aware of a Muslim version of Loonwatch, right?
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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 14, 2012
I agree, anyone with common sense can compare the Memri specials (at least two selective clips joined together) with the full text of what his views of Jews are.

But you haven't told us - what made you dig up this memri clip from 2009?


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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler put dem Jews in their place.... Jan 14, 2012
Anyone can decide if believing Hitler punished Jews for their corruption is an Antisemitic statement even if the speaker also says he's not Antisemitic.

Note how Antisemitic is a blanket statement not defined.

I guess it's the equivalent to saying Blacks are thugs but quickly adding that you also have Black friends and aren't racist.

Btw, if you're unhappy with Memri, perhaps you can recommend a Muslim run website that tracks extremist statements in the Muslim world.

A Muslim version of "Loonwatch".

You have one in mind, right?
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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 14, 2012
You didn't tell us why you decided to post this Memri special from 2009. Why are you avoiding this question?

As for Memri - I've posted before what my issue is with their specials:

MEMRI's work has been attacked on three grounds: that their work is biased; that they choose articles to translate selectively so as to give an unrepresentative view of the media they are reporting on; and that their translations are often inaccurate.

Brian Whitaker, the Middle East editor for the Guardian "My problem with Memri is that it poses as a research institute when it's basically a propaganda operation,to further the political agenda of Israel." "MEMRI's website does not mention you [Carmon] or your work for Israeli intelligence. Nor does it mention MEMRI's co-founder, Meyrav Wurmser, and her extreme brand of Zionism.... Given your political background, it's legitimate to ask whether MEMRI is a trustworthy vehicle."

CNN correspondent Atika Shubert and Arabic translators accused MEMRI of mistranslating portions of a Palestinian children's television programme."Media watchdog MEMRI translates one caller as saying - quote - 'We will annihilate the Jews,"' said Shubert. "But, according to several Arabic speakers used by CNN, the caller actually says 'The Jews are killing us."'


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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler put dem Jews in their place.... Jan 14, 2012
I didn't ask you why you don't like Memri, I asked if you have an alternative to Memri.

You have an alternative, right?

One run by Muslims that chronicles hate speech and extremist views broadcast in the Muslim world.

Effectively a Muslim version of the fringe websites you frequent.
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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 15, 2012
I have no need for a site that makes up propaganda by selectively quoting and misquoting Arabic media - why would I?

To rely on real news I refer to news organisations or sites which link to news organisations in full. Loonwatch is a good example. Memri specials are invariable selective quotes out of context or mistranslated, and without links to the full speeches etc. A few posters here have picked up bad habits from them it seems.

You forgot to tell us why you felt the need to post this Memri special from 2009?


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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler put dem Jews in their place.... Jan 15, 2012
I have no need for a site that makes up propaganda by selectively quoting and misquoting Arabic media - why would I?

I (dislike) like how you change my question from asking where the Muslim equivalents to Loonwatch and the SPLC are to claiming I asked you why you don't follow propaganda websites.

I guess lying and being an intellectual midget is all you have left in your Rolodex of responses.

To rely on real news I refer to news organisations or sites which link to news organisations in full. Loonwatch is a good example.

Now I see you're making claims up. Loonwatch relies on numerous websites such as the Southern Poverty Law Center for many of their stories and articles that are not from news organizations. The SPLC uses the same format as Memri and posts reports and articles where their story is often not linked to another news organization.

Memri specials are invariable selective quotes out of context or mistranslated

Give me a percentage of Memri translated clips that are mistranslated and re-post any that have been posted on dubai forums that were mistranslations.

I suppose we already know your idea of taking clips out of context. You've already accused Memri of doing that with the video in this thread. There's no substance to your accusation and it's one that you wouldn't apply universally to people you don't like.

But what really speaks volumes is that if it weren't for Memri, we wouldn't know that Qaradawi believes the Jews were divinely punished by Adolf Hitler, would we?

That, of course, is what bothers Muslims like you. It's Memri's excellent work of faithfully translating the speeches of hatred and extremism by numerous Muslim public figures that has garnered them the disdain of Muslims.

After all, as you acknowledge, there are no Muslims themselves tracking and condemning hate speech in the Muslim world.

You're only a shade more moderate than the fanatics you carry water for. It's hard to imagine the forum's Antisemite would speak out against another Antisemite who believes the Jews suffered the holocaust as punishment.

You forgot to tell us why you felt the need to post this Memri special from 2009?

You forgot to prove Qaradawi's comments on Jews were taken out of context.
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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 15, 2012
So, why did you post this Memri special from 2009?

Qaradawi's complete quotation is given in my post - the Memri special seems to be a selective compilation of clips. Even a schoolboy can spot the difference.


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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 15, 2012
Provide the complete speech of Qaradawi if you think it's been taken out of context.

I'm skeptical that "Jews received divine punishment from Hitler" could mean anything than what it is.
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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 16, 2012
I did provide the full reference and context of Qaradawi's views of Jews in my post.

You posted the Memri vid from 2009 - so you show that it is not a usual Memri special.

Memri has form in this type of misrepresentation, after all:

In an e-mail debate with Carmon, Whitaker asked about MEMRI's November 2000 translation of an interview given by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to al-Ahram al-Arabi. One question asked by the interviewer was: "How do you deal with the Jews who are besieging al-Aqsa and are scattered around it?" which was translated as: "How do you feel about the Jews?". MEMRI cut out the first part of the reply and combined it with the answer to the next question which. Carmon admitted this was an error in translation but defended combining the two replies as both questions referred to the same subject. Carmon rejected other claims of distortion by Whitaker, saying: "it is perhaps reassuring that you had to go back so far to find a mistake ... You accused us of distortion by omission but when asked to provide examples of trends and views we have missed, you have failed to answer." Carmon also accused Whitaker of "using insults rather than evidence" in his criticism of MEMRI.


(Link is to the COMPLETE email debate)


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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 16, 2012
Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the Jews people who would punish them for their corruption...The last punishment was carried out by [Adolf] Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them – even though they exaggerated this issue – he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them...Allah willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers.

The guy clearly is an antisemite, no matter in what context you place it. I can imagine above quote will only be defended by fellow antisemites.
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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 16, 2012
Rabbi Cohen etc above seem to have a different view from those who want to believe the Memri special.

Now, are we supposed to guess why eh has dug up this Memri special from 2009?

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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 16, 2012
shafique wrote:Rabbi Cohen etc above seem to have a different view from those who want to believe the Memri special.

Rabbi Cohen doesn't react directly to the quote. Besides Rabbi Cohen belongs to an extremist fundamentalist religious group. They throw stones at 'underdressed' girls in public. I think there is a thread on DF about his sect being ex-communicated from Judaism. Why is that support for your views seems to come from the fringes of society?
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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 16, 2012
The Rabbi was meeting with the guy and was speaking specifically about the difference between opposition to Zionist expansion etc and Jewish people in general.

I do think that a Rabbi's full comments are worth more than a memri special of a few clips edited together. Did you ask eh why he puts so much value on discredited propaganda machines such as Memri?


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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 16, 2012
How do you take "Jews suffered divine justice from Hitler" out of context?

Obviously, you aren't too concerned by such an Antisemitic belief, otherwise you would post the full transcript of Qaradawi's speech to ensure nothing was mistranslated, rather than taken out of context - you can't take pure Jew hatred like the above out of context.
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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 16, 2012
Why did you dig out this memri special from 2009?

When you can show to me the full speeches and context of the clips in the Memri special, then I can comment more fully. Until then, I have given you a complete quote that is verifiable which shows his views vis-a-vis Jews.


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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 16, 2012
No, sorry, I don't believe your spin that 'Hitler divinely punished Jews' is taken out of context.

It's just stalling and posturing from the Jew haters.
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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 16, 2012
shafique wrote:Why did you dig out this memri special from 2009?

You can believe what you like, but let's stick to questions you can answer and let others judge between the selective quotes in your memri special and the full article I posted.


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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler put dem Jews in their place.... Jan 20, 2012
To rely on real news I refer to news organisations or sites which link to news organisations in full. Loonwatch is a good example

Actually, Loonwatch is a great example of misrepresentation.

You remember the article comparing poll results of two separate polls asking different questions?

You re-posted the article in a new thread on the forum and refused to accept the article's lies I pointed out in the thread.

But we see that you defended LW's outright spin after the facts were pointed out to you.
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Re: Yusus Qaradawi - Hitler Put Dem Jews In Their Place.... Jan 20, 2012
Thanks for your opinion about Loonwatch. I'm not surprised that you wish to imagine Loonwatch deliberately deceives like Memri does. It doesn't.

Whilst loonwatch gives full references and links to the articles, the same can't be said for Memri. Prove me wrong and post the complete transcripts from the various speeches that Memri selected excerpts from in the OP. It should be simple enough if Memri is as thorough as Loonwatch.


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