What's Behind Your Avatar?

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What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 09, 2012
I was just wondering about people's user names and avatars.
What's behind yours? I don't mean what's your name or anything like that but how you came up with your user name and avatar.

Mine is very straight forward (and may be a bit boring) Beths Mum, me, mother of Beth. I don't have an avatar as I was very naughty once and am now not allowed one.

Some user names are a bit bewildering, I mean like Nucleus. How did you come by that one? In my mind I don't picture you anything like your avatar :D

EH is another one! How do you come up with a user name like Event Horizon and what's the story with the avatar? I don't expect we'll ever get to know that one as I think EH spends most of his time in Politics, although he did once post in Fight Club!

There wasn't a lot going on, on DF so my mind started to wander. Why do you call yourself what you do?

I bet Chocs likes chocolate! I should have been a detective :D

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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 09, 2012
LOL yes I do like chocolate :D mY avatar is The Black Cat, a Marvel comic diva superhero and one time girlfriend of Spiderman. What can I say, I'm a comic book geek.
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 09, 2012
I'm nucleus, things revolve around me hehe
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 09, 2012
Too many Bombay Saphires BM.
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 09, 2012
drewpeacock wrote:Too many Bombay Saphires BM.

When I first read your post I thought you were talking about me Drew, that has to be my guilty conscience.

I'm following the new UK guidlines which say I should have two drink free days every week and shouldn't have more that 14 units a week. A large glass of Chardonnay is 3 and a half units and a double gin is two.

I hit my target yesterday lunch time so am knackered for the rest of the week.

That's a good username tho'! BS :D Some say I talk it all the time.
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 09, 2012
Self explanatory really, especially to many of the old members of DF. Mrs (as in wife of) an old member, who sadly left us a year ago, Arniegang.
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
I am a Dutchman, I fly a lot and I am a man of peace.

Also, when choosing my handle, I started to design my last master tattoo piece of the Flying Dutchman (the ghost ship).

Have you ever seen the canal mansions in Amsterdam? They have a hook on top which is used for moving. In the old days the myth goes that drunken sailors were hung there until they were sober again and were called...flying Dutchmen. Since I had the habit of never making it home after a night out, I used to crash at benches. Some people started to suggest to bring back the old days for me, hence my nickname the flying Dutchman (which has I want to stress absolutely nothing to do which drugs).

hook.JPG (46.51 KiB) Viewed 1895 times
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
Is that really you FD?

That's a mighty fine pair of legs you have there :P Is it a recent picture? The drink hasn't had any bad effects on you, has it?

You look very.....Dutch, and just how I imagined you would look.

Check you out!
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
Made it gone, you made me blush! <3
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:Made it gone, you made me blush! <3

Oh damn! I've just pm'd Bora to tell her to check you out LOL. Now she will want me to describe you to her.

Spoil sport :wav:
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
mrsarnie ,A Year.........................hope all is well with you.
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
The enemy is watching. :-p
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
yea Drew, just over a year. Family and myself getting on with it, although difficult at times. Hope to get to Dubai this year, but I am now on Kidney Dialysis, so makes planning a bit more complicated. Hope you are good and life is treating you well x
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
Sorry to hear mrsarnie. Nice to meet you :)
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
Best t wishes for you mrsarnie.
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
Best wishes from the posse here in Mauritius too MrsA!

Well, as most people know, my name +is+ Shafique* and the avatar is of a beach in Mauritius, where I am now.


*Well, I think everyone knows - there was the one person who famously accused me of being a coward and not posting in my own name, when at the time he was making up imaginary friends to post nice things about him on the forum. :D
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
shafique wrote:*Well, I think everyone knows - there was the one person who famously accused me of being a coward and not posting in my own name, when at the time he was making up imaginary friends to post nice things about him on the forum.

You are talking about Herve right?

Why is it that in almost every post you have something nasty to say. This was a nice thread, until you came along. You can't help yourself, can ya.
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
Will you stop trolling FD!! Your stalking is getting most creepy. You seem to see nastiness everywhere - take a chill pill.

I didn't mention any names - to save his friends some embarrassment. Let's leave it at that and enjoy the irony of his errors without having to name him.

Lighten up and keep on topic.


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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
shafique wrote:Your stalking is getting most creepy.

Nope, can't help yourself. :-).
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
Ok, lets try a joke then.

A Frenchman, an Irish man and a German stand in front of a magic swimming pool. Whatever you say before you dive in, the pool will be filled with. So, the Frenchman stands on the side and says "Champagne", and the whole pool is filled with Champagne. The Frenchman dives in, drinks, swims and is happy as a child. After the Frenchman is done, the Irish man stands on the side and says, "whiskey". And yes, the whole pool is full with whiskey. The Irish man gets into the pool and swims and drinks the whiskey...then the German walks to the side. When just in front of the side he triples over his own feet, and while he falls into the pool he shouts "scheisse"...
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012

Nice one - I guessed what the german word stood for! Which made it funnier. :D


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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
shafique wrote:*Well, I think everyone knows - there was the one person who famously accused me of being a coward and not posting in my own name, when at the time he was making up imaginary friends to post nice things about him on the forum.

What a nasty little man you are.

You just can't stomach the fact that he played you and you didn't have a clue.
That gave me hours of real entertainment, I can tell you.

--- Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:17 pm ---

shafique wrote:Will you stop trolling FD!! Your stalking is getting most creepy. You seem to see nastiness everywhere - take a chill pill.

It's hard to avoid it when you post.

--- Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:18 pm ---

Flying Dutchman wrote:This was a nice thread, until you came along. You can't help yourself, can ya.

Apparently, he can't.

--- Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:21 pm ---

shafique wrote:I didn't mention any names - to save his friends some embarrassment. Let's leave it at that and enjoy the irony of his errors without having to name him.

Who's embarrassed? I'm proud to call Herve a friend.
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
Oh I forgot about the avatar. It is just based on my personal feelings (sometimes), people tend to look at the surface. I've/had friends, they seem just interested in the money, they disappear after they have their fun and leaving me with emptier pockets. I took up photography. I've a quiet personality, maybe that contributes to this too. But my family loves me, they are only ones who know me well.
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
Nucleus wrote:they seem just interested in the money

I know the drill pal, it sucks. Last year one of my best buddies screwed me for a couple of thou and somebody else f*cked (not literally) me for cocaine. Hey, they loose!
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
:) Thanks Nucleus and FD. I am really disappointed that I missed your pic FD, that was pure cruelty to remove it after BM's post!!
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
mrsarnie , Hey mrsarnie, I hope you're doing well. Nice to see you on the forums.
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
Professor Green is someone I admire. He is a rapper who nearly died when he ws stabbed in the neck. He has an amazing tatoo on the side of his neck which says 'lucky'.

He is very well thought of in the music industry as being a really nice person. I like that.

My avatar is of a small business in the UK.
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
Ah the good Professor! What a surprise! :shock:

Well, my avatar is self explanatory, so not much to say about it.
I came upon the name when I was driving around and reflecting on what I should call myself on DF. And Eureka :idea: The car ahead of me had the word "Jonker" written besides the number plate, and Zonker I have been since that day! Not very dramatic, I know :D
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Re: What's Behind Your Avatar? Jan 10, 2012
zonker wrote:Ah the good Professor! What a surprise!

I'm surprised you rememember me Zonker. It's been ages.
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