(Re)watched quite some movies lately.
Movies for me fall into 4 categories:
-Those I stop watching after 20 minutes. Those are most of movies for me.
-Those I finish
-Those I still think about next day
-Those I want to see again
Here some movies I saw the last few weeks and want to see again (some I watched recently again):
-Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
I doubt many people know what this movie is about. It is not about true love, on the contrary. Its about Borderline. Once you realize this every sentence and every scene has one or more double meanings. Excellent performance of Kate Winslet in an excellent movie and one of the few Jim Carrey movie I like.
-Crazy heart
I didn't know Jeff Bridges had such a nice voice. He plays a country singer in his aftermath. He is an alcoholic and leans on his former hits. He gets romantically involved with a younger woman. He messes up because of his alcohol problem.
-The town
Never liked any Benn Affleck movie, but I liked this one. Ben plays Doug Mcray. A criminal, a member of the Irish maffia robbing banks in Boston. He wants out and settle down. This is not appreciated by some others. Also an excellent role of Blake Lively, who portrays a white trash drug addict, with a memorable quote:
"Why is it always me the one who's getting used?"
-The Lemon Tree
I watched it again. The background is the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. A Palestinian woman fight for her lemon tree orchard, that has to be cut down for Israeli security reasons. The nicest underlying story for me is the friendship between the Arab and Israeli woman, without them having actually spoken a word with each other. Acting is not so good, but there are some nice story lines that made it worthwhile for me to watch it again, although I donot agree who the conflict is portrayed.
And I watched Terminator 2 again, but I do that on a monthly basis.