Did You Ever Just Want To...............

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Did you ever just want to............... Jan 07, 2012
go up to someone and slap then on the back of the head?

Mr BB and I went our for a celebratory dinner Thursday night. Went to one of my favorite restaurants and Mr BB even reserved a table in smoking - just for me!!!! (Sort of a gift?)

The restaurant has background music and generally conversation is confined to those sitting at a table - no talking loud, being boisterous. Well, half way through the dinner a couple of 4 sit across from us 2 men and 2 women. One of the men was local (in western clothes) and it appeared that the 2 woman were Arab, at least one was. The other guy, after having to listen to him across the room, was either Canadian or American - I'll call him "the white guy".

The white guy clearly was full of himself. Sitting there smoking like a drag queen, or better yet, a Lebanese woman smoking shisha - head up and letting the smoke curl out the side of her twisted mouth. He called one of the waiters over and asked "where is so-and-so" to which the waiter said "up front". White guy tells the waiter "tell so-and-so to come say hello to me. He should come and say hello to me." I'm thinking he must be talking about the restaurant manager. Within minutes another waiter goes to the table and white guy is telling him "you should come and say hello to me". Ok, a waiter??

When it came to placing his order he informed the waiter: "tell the chef to put everyone elses orders on hold and get mine out first." I'm thinking WTF? Who are you?? I told Mr BB "I feel like going over there and slapping him off the back of his head!"

Then while he was entertaining his guests (and anyone else who could hear him :roll: ) - I'm assuming they were his guests and picking up the check since he was acting like the court jester - he starts talking about Steven Seagal. Steven this, Steven that. For those who don't know who he is he's been in the acting business around 25 years - action/marshall arts and now has a tv show in the states. Well this guy is going on and on about Steven Seagal like they were tight buds, but I just couldn't see it.

Mr BB and I finish up, pay the check and departed. While walking through the main dining area we hear "Hey, Mr BB, Mrs BB!!" Hugs all around from Steven Seagal. :lol: :lol: :lol: Having met Steven I just couldn't put the two of them together. This white guy was just too damn pompous and probably recognized Steven while walking through the main dining room. He's not hard to miss - really big guy (Steven, not the white guy - he was little - in more ways than one I'm sure :mrgreen: ).

Bora Bora
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Re: Did You Ever Just Want To............... Jan 07, 2012
Yeah, that can be very annoying, arrogant pompous loud people while dining. Steven Seagal hey? Is he cool?

Bora Bora wrote:go up to someone and slap then on the back of the head?

That happened to me a few months ago. I had three beers, and wanted to drive (which would still be within the local law at that place I would like to add). A friend slapped me on the head.

Me personally I rarely slap. Last time somebody annoyed me I placed my knee in his gut. But in general I am conflict avoidant, when I donot like it somewhere I leave. Simple.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Did You Ever Just Want To............... Jan 07, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:Yeah, that can be very annoying, arrogant pompous loud people while dining. Steven Seagal hey? Is he cool?

He's a big, gentle bear of a man and a lovely person. He absolutely adores Mr BB - in the right kind of way. :D

To me, a slap on the back of the head is a "wake up call". :D
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Re: Did You Ever Just Want To............... Jan 07, 2012
Big, gentle bear. :-) As long as he is not poo bear, its ok I guess. :-)
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Re: Did You Ever Just Want To............... Jan 08, 2012
Yes, the pale face people are weird,
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Re: Did You Ever Just Want To............... Jan 08, 2012
I've heard of Steven Segal, I thought he was a producer, just shows how much I know about films!

I have call to go to London occasionally for work purposes. I'd like to say I have to pop into see Dave at No10 but I'd be lying. I have to go to the Town Hall in the London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, so it's not far away. 8)
I take the train as according to the 80's advert, the train likes to take the strain.
It means I can have a drink on the way home :D
The journey takes three and a half hours. Work pays but I usually upgrade myself on the return journey as the cost of the upgrade is cheaper than the cost of my drink and the drink is free in First Class. These things have to be taken into consideration during the recession.

Well, going to London I usually ask to be seated in the 'Quiet Zone'. This doesn't always happen and sometimes I have the pleasure in being seated within hearing distance of some prat on his/her mobile phone (cell phone to foreigners :D ).

There is nothing like the joy of listening to a one sided telephone conversation!
You know when you just want to lean back and watch the world go by and think about nothing much? No chance when there is some bloody woman talking at the top of her voice to who knows who on the end of her phone.

I so want to go and slap them on the back on the head!
The only thing that stops me is the thought of being arrested.
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Re: Did You Ever Just Want To............... Jan 08, 2012
Well, I was in Islamabad in Pakistan a couple of years ago. There is a nice Park close to where I live, and one evening I decided to take a jog there. It was leafy and peaceful, and on the whole I thought I was doing quite well. A little out of breath after 30 minutes, sweating a little, but the belly was not plopping up and down quite so much, so I must have handled the beer well!

I really wanted to strop, but willed myself to go on a bit more. When out popped two louts from nowhere! They were strapping and young, about 18 to 20 at the most. They were laughing and kept following me for some time, which was annoying in the extreme, particularly when I was fast running out of steam. So I slowed down, to let them pass, and they overtook me but then decided to adjust their pace to mine and kept that irritating laughter up. A sort of rage overtook me then, and I kicked at the heels of the most annoying one of the pair from behind. A most foolhardy thing to do, I must admit. However, this tripped him quite badly and he went flying and then rolled into the hedges along the jogging track. I waited for the pay off. I knew they could make minced meat out of me! However, it had the opposite effect. The freind just accelerated his pace and took off, casting backward glances to make sure I was not following! I turned to his freind in the bushes in what I hoped was a kind of karate stance I had seen in the movies. And he begged me to spare him, and then took off in the other direction!

Everyone said I had done a most foolish thing.

I felt quite pleased with myself, and still do. My only regret is I didnt kick the one that was down again! :P
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Re: Did You Ever Just Want To............... Jan 08, 2012
Can't stand people who have to make their business known to everyone else in the place - so annoying.

er isn't Steve Seagal a wife beater? Didn't he leave Kelly Le Brock for the babysitter? hmmm
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Re: Did You Ever Just Want To............... Jan 08, 2012
Chocoholic wrote:Didn't he leave Kelly Le Brock for the babysitter? hmmm

Maybe the babysitter was nicer than Kelly le Brock. After all, men rarely go out for burgers when they can have steak at home.
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Re: Did You Ever Just Want To............... Jan 08, 2012
Chocoholic ,

and your point? As if he would be be the first. :roll: If you have to ask, then you don't know do you? Was he ever arrested or convicted for domestic violence or are you going on "it was rumored"?

He's quite happily married - and she was never a babysitter. I thought leaving your wife for the babysitter was common practice in Dubai???

Must be nice to be surrounded by people of virtue. :roll:
Bora Bora
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Re: Did You Ever Just Want To............... Jan 09, 2012
steven segal, our hero in my teen days, we grew up watching his movies, him, JCVD, stallone, arnold.

what i hate most is when someone resrves a table at a place for 4 people and keeps inviting people in until they end up like 15 of them all crowded up, we had a table reserved for us at caramel for dinner, and when we got there to our table, i looked at it and then to every other dinner table, i thought why would they give us this crappy table and expect us to sit on these little wooden chairs? so i called the waitress and told her that we are leaving, she asks why? i say: would you sit and have dinner on a table like this? look at the chairs, we are not 10 year olds. so immediatly they give us a realy nice table with realy nice chairs (i dont know why they couldnt give us that table to begin with), and next to us was this noisy guy who keeps on calling his freinds on the phone and inviting them in, they already were about ten of them there, and more keep showing up, and the space between them and us kept getting smaller and smaller, until they started bumpimg into us, so we all turn to them, staring at them without saying a word, good thing is that they knew they were being @ssholes and actualy appologized.

--- Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:19 am ---

a nice hand grenade would have been perfect
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