Daft Things Your Pets Do

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Daft things your pets do Dec 27, 2011
They all have their moments. My pup and cat are constantly racing about like a couple of nutters and just will not leave each other alone.

Wee pup gets himself into trouble every now and then, last night I was in the middle of ploughing through one of my favourite series, watching via my net streaming tv, when the whole thing suddenly stops and a little message pops up 'Boxee has lost internet connection' - er ok, not one I've come across before, so I reboot it and do the usual, nothing works. I then turn my attention to the router box and there is pup sitting merrily chewing the internet cable to pieces, of course he just looks at me with a 'What?' expression on his face.

Luckily I have a gazillion of these cables, so just change it and swap the cable for a chew bone for pup and all is good.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 27, 2011
My dog licks his own private parts in public, I was going to say balls, but that's not very ladeeee like.

I think he does it just because he can.

One of my horses likes to come into the kitchen and eat the fruit from the fruit bowl. She makes an awful mess! The same horse also chewed the bumper of my BMW. I was not amused at that!
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 27, 2011
i had a mynah bird that sneeks behind me when im in their aviary and starts to bite and pull my ears, and once when i was fixing a weak spot in the roof it was standing right next to me and stare at what i was doing, so i just put some cloth until i get some metal wire, when i came back it had pulled it away and took off lol
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 28, 2011
My dog talks. Have you seen "Dissapointed Dog" on you-tube? Well you must! My dog Reacts & talks to you like that dog when you discuss food. He also comes to you then belch's extremely loudly in your face & boy! You've never heard a dog fart louder than a man than my dog I'll tell ya!:-/
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 28, 2011
general_A wrote:i had a mynah bird that sneeks behind me when im in their aviary and starts to bite and pull my ears

Get yourself a real bird general. That'll be much more fun :D

--- Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:44 am ---

Sandstormlady wrote:My dog talks

My Westie talks to me when I get home. He goes mad telling me what's happened all day, which will be not a lot.
He would sell his soul for a carrot. We have some stables and the big horses get big carrots. Alfie nicked a carrot off of a big race horse tonight and could barely carry it. He ate the whole thing. (the carrot, not the horse)
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 28, 2011
Bethsmum , Hmm my pup - although he's been done - likes to give himself a BJ in public - hugely embarassing at the best of times and as you say, I'm sure he does it purely because he can. My geriatric cat talks ALOT! I swear she says my name and 'hello', 'hiya', 'where aarrreeeee you?'.
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 28, 2011
My husband thinks that dog's do that just to tease the men. "look what I can do! Ner Ner!"
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 28, 2011
Sandstormlady wrote:My husband thinks that dog's do that just to tease the men. "look what I can do! Ner Ner!"


When playing truth and dare a few months ago...nah I'd better stop.
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 28, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:
Sandstormlady wrote:My husband thinks that dog's do that just to tease the men. "look what I can do! Ner Ner!"


When playing truth and dare a few months ago...nah I'd better stop.

Lol. "Fishermans tale" springs to mind:-)
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Re: Daft things your pets do Dec 28, 2011
As some of you know, I live on a canal in the Gold Coast, Australia now. One morning a fish showed up on my patio...a small one, but nonetheless, a fish. We have cats, so I thought it a bit odd as cats like to hunt, not scavenge, so I wasn't sure who brought the fish up.

A couple of days later, one of the cats was literally laying on the boat ramp, half submerged, tracking the fish that came close to shore. I've never seen a cat that was that stealthy, never mind take a dip in the sea!
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 28, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:When playing truth and dare a few months ago...nah I'd better stop

So, did you fess up and proceed to prove it???? :mrgreen:

My cat over the past few weeks has taken to doing a wee on Mr BB's bathmat. Fortunately we have our own bathrooms. Mr BB would get up in the morning and find his bathmat all crunched up with a wee stain. I kept accusing Mr BB that it was because he kept missing the bowl because he usually gets up during the night to wee. He has been banned from using my bathroom so he has a few steps to go to get to his. Well yesterday I had the cat box soaking and was doing some odds and ends and went to close the door to Mr BB's bathroom and saw my cat sitting on top of the balled up bathmat. She took off as if her tail was on fire!!! Sure enough, she took a wee!! I went after her yelling at her "Bad!!! Bad!!!" She knows the word and kept scurrying to hide. I think I disturbed her in the middle of her getting ready to do a poo because when I went into the storage room where I keep her box she left something there for me to clean up!!! Even though I don't close my bathroom door all the way she has never ever done it in my bathroom, only Mr BB's.

So I apologized the Mr BB for accusing him of being way off the mark (as opposed to missing the mark in general) and explained that she probably does it in his bathroom because she loves him more. :D I don't know why it is that something men do naturally they can't seem to be neat about it doing it.

My cat is also quite the chatterbox. I ask her questions and I get answers!!! Sometimes she just doesn't know when to shut up. :D
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 28, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:So, did you fess up and proceed to prove it????

Oh no, I can't do it. I can put my big toe in my mouth (it doesn't arouse me though), but thats it.

she has never ever done it in my bathroom, only Mr BB's.

Animals can be quite personal :-). I wasn't there and I donot have visual confirmation, but a guy broke up with a crazy b!tch and told me his dog went to her bed and left a message, after which both left.
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 28, 2011
I kept accusing Mr BB that it was because he kept missing the bowl because he usually gets up during the night to wee.

My ex-husband once wee'd in my make up drawer after a session. I had to bin all my eye shadows.

Oh no, I can't do it. I can put my big toe in my mouth (it doesn't arouse me though), but thats it.

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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 29, 2011
Oh my other cat sqats over the plug hole in the bath and takes a wee, I guess it's easier to vlean up than the litter tray. I think he's a bit too old to train to actually use the toilet.
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 29, 2011
Our Dog tried to eat the Live Sheep that had been given to us for New Years Celebration
sage & onion
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 29, 2011
sage & onion ,

Phew!!!! I though you were going to say the dog tried to eat the parrot!!!!
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 30, 2011
sage & onion wrote:Our Dog tried to eat the Live Sheep that had been given to us for New Years Celebration


If you'd have said, I could have given you some from my freezer.
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 30, 2011
"My ex-husband once wee'd in my make up drawer after a session. I had to bin all my eye shadows." - BM said
No wonder he's Ex! I'd of cut the arms out of all of his suits!
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 30, 2011
Sandstormlady wrote:My ex-husband once wee'd in my make up drawer after a session.

Would that have been a drinking session?? Or was he just a pet you weren't able to train???

This thread is about pets isn't it?? :?
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 30, 2011
Bethsmum ,

The gift was given with all the best intentions, and has made our life difficult, the worse is now over.

--- Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:12 am ---

Bora Bora ,

Where the Parrot is concerned it would have been "The Parrot trying to eat the Dog" LOL
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 30, 2011
sage & onion wrote:The gift was given with all the best intentions, and has made our life difficult, the worse is now over.

How did you cook it??? on the BBQ??? :D
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 30, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
Sandstormlady wrote:My ex-husband once wee'd in my make up drawer after a session.

Would that have been a drinking session?? Or was he just a pet you weren't able to train???

This thread is about pets isn't it?? :?

Wasn't my husband that pee'd in the drawer, it was BM's ex.

There's so many threads that after a couple of drinks I don't remember what we're talking about.:-)
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 30, 2011
Sandstormlady wrote:Wasn't my husband that pee'd in the drawer, it was BM's ex.

There's so many threads that after a couple of drinks I don't remember what we're talking about.

You need to brush up on your cut and pastes SSL.

Yes Bora, that was my ex and no, he wasn't a pet. Pets are something you want to have around.
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 30, 2011
Bethsmum ,

My apologies BM. Someone needs to learn how to do a proper "quote" or realize that drinking in the wee hours of the morning is not a good thing. Knowing it was you, I'm sure it more had to do with an acrobatic session - you can make a man lose his mind. :wink:

BTW BM, I believe you can take 5 bottles of vino and 4 bottles of spirit through duty free (check before you purchase). Last time I picked up a bottle of gin - just for you. I will make sure there is plenty of lime and ice!!!! If you don't do G&T in the "winter" there is plenty of vino!! See you soon.
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 30, 2011
You need to brush up on your cut and pastes SSL.

Yes sorry about that BM. I'm viewing this through an I-phone, copy & pasting on it tends to be a little hit & miss. Before I know it, I've hit submit, look back & curse:-)
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 30, 2011
Sandstormlady wrote:Yes sorry about that BM. I'm viewing this through an I-phone, copy & pasting on it tends to be a little hit & miss. Before I know it, I've hit submit, look back & curse:-)

My internet connection was down at a very critical time on DF a while back :shock:
I had given my iphone a bath earlier and moved to a Samsung. I could hardly manage to post never mind cut and paste!
Somone had posted some p<3n. It opened up on my phone and it took me a while to realise what I was looking at. Ladies bits aren't very pretty are they?

--- Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:45 pm ---

Bora Bora wrote:BTW BM, I believe you can take 5 bottles of vino and 4 bottles of spirit through duty free (check before you purchase). Last time I picked up a bottle of gin - just for you. I will make sure there is plenty of lime and ice!!!! If you don't do G&T in the "winter" there is plenty of vino!! See you soon.

I'll stick with gin Bora :P I find I can string a sentence together, for longer, on gin.
See you soon x
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Re: Daft Things Your Pets Do Dec 30, 2011
Bora Bora ,

It was cooked in a huge pot, Lamb Stew, absolutely great, will be the main dish for tomorrow nights get together.
sage & onion
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