"Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria

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"Religion of Peace" strikes again in Nigeria Dec 25, 2011
A series of bomb attacks in Nigeria, including two on Christmas Day church services, have left at least 32 people dead and many injured.


Always seeking out symbolism where it hurts the most.

Flying Dutchman
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Re: "Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria Dec 26, 2011
I don't know how people can live with themselves.

They want to impose Sharia law and ban T-shirts.
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Re: "Religion of Peace" strikes again in Nigeria Dec 26, 2011
A suicide bomber blew himself up Sunday during a funeral in northern Afghanistan, killing 10 people, :"Religion of Peace" strikes again
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Re: "Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria Dec 26, 2011
There are regular attacks against Christianity in the Muslim world. Everything from unruly mob violence to preventing Christians from attending Christmas mass at their church in Indonesia, Christians are under the jackboot of an oppressive 7th century system and people.

The reason Christians don't strike back is because Christianity is a religion of peace.

Kind of helps to debunk the fantasies of Christians living in peaceful co-existence under Muslim rule centuries ago.

If Christians are discriminated today under watered down versions of Islamic law, what is the likelihood Christians actually fared better under medieval Islamic rule?

Err, none.

Btw, will the Islamophobia ever end?
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Re: "Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria Dec 26, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:They want to impose Sharia law and ban T-shirts.

Yeah, it seems personal freedom and just having fun are dirty words to those people.
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Re: "Religion of Peace" strikes again in Nigeria Dec 27, 2011
Good thing it wasn't a Breivik or Tim McVeigh.

One wonders how many times one of the members would otherwise bring this incident up.

Instead, it gets ignored.


Btw, there was also a suicide bombing carried out by Boko Haram that day.

Wonder what radicalized these guys? Probably has nothing to do with religion.
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Re: "Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria Dec 27, 2011
event horizon wrote:Instead, it gets ignored.

By the same who made fun of the person disabling the underwear bomber. Now, who in his right mind would make fun of somebody disabling somebody trying to blow up a passenger jet.
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Re: "Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria Dec 27, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:By the same who made fun of the person disabling the underwear bomber. Now, who in his right mind would make fun of somebody disabling somebody trying to blow up a passenger jet.

I think I remember that! Didn't someone compare their fitness to the man who leaped over the seats to disable the bomber? LOL
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Re: "Religion of Peace" strikes again in Nigeria Dec 27, 2011

The provisional and unofficial death toll of Christmas attacks in Nigeria is 110. This is the second bloody and deadly Christmas in a row. The most significative attack took place in Saint Theresa's Catholic Church in Madala, in the state of Niger, around 45 kilometers from the federal Capital Abuja. A car bomb exploded after Christmas mass when churchgoers were heading outside the building. At least 35 people were killed and 50 people were wounded in the attack.

Numerous people are in serious conditions. Boko Haram, an Islamic terrorist organization aiming at the extension of the Sharia law throughout the region has claimed many of these attacks.

http://www.agi.it/english-version/world ... as_attacks
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Re: "Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria Dec 27, 2011
More than 100 dead already. I am afraid though, the bombers will be called numpties.
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Re: "Religion of Peace" strikes again in Nigeria Dec 28, 2011
Is it me or does it speak volumes that the Lowe's "controversy" of pulling ads from a TV program merits more attention from a "British" Muslim than the massacre of over a hundred Christians celebrating mass on Christmas?

I guess what I asked months ago is just as relevant today: Why no Boko Haram watch? Ie., why aren't there any Muslims devoting a fraction of the energy on Muslim extremism as they do on maligning "Islamophobes"?


But hey, if Muslims actually viewed al-Qaeda, Hamas or Boko Haram as they do Robert Spencer, you wouldn't actually have these groups proliferating in the Muslim world today.
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Re: "Religion of Peace" strikes again in Nigeria Dec 28, 2011
No ifs, no buts, no excuses - Loonwatch echoes what I have said many times, that I condemn any and all acts of terrorism and the killing of civilians, no matter who is responsible.

A comprehensive post to contrast with the posts above. Facts vs Fiction again - but you decide which is which. ;)

Muslim Leaders Condemn Christmas Day Bombings

We at Loonwatch unequivocally condemn the Christmas Day bombings in Nigeria. We condemn all acts of terrorism and the killing of innocent civilians, no matter who is responsible.

Today whenever Muslims anywhere commit an act of violence, it seems that all Muslims are indicted and considered guilty until proven innocent. If each and every act is not expressly condemned, the assumption is that Muslims are giving their tacit approval.

When Muslims do expressly condemn terrorism, either carte blanche or in response to a specific incident, they are still asked by many, “Why don’t you condemn terrorism?” Muslim voices condemning terrorism seem to be drowned out in the major media by more sensational headlines.

Terrorism committed by Muslims is not only morally reprehensible and horrifying, but a disaster for the entire Muslim community. In the current climate, Muslims who mourn the innocent victims of violence must also face a backlash.
When non-Muslims commit acts of violence, it seems a different set of standards is applied. In the case of Nigeria, sectarian violence cuts both ways. Last August, Christian youth in Nigeria attacked and killed innocent Muslims gathering to celebrate Ramadan. The incident received relatively light media coverage, and there were few demands for Christians worldwide voice their condemnation.

Portraying only one side of a conflict is misleading and counterproductive. All Nigerians, and all people everywhere, deserve to live in peace and security, and to celebrate their holidays without the threat of violence.

Christmas Day Bombings
(This Day Live)

The umbrella Islamic body for Muslims in the North, the Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI), yesterday condemned the bombing of St. Theresa’s Catholic Church, Madalla, Niger State and another church in Jos, Plateau State, saying it is not in a religious war against Christians. Both incidents claimed the lives of over 40 persons.
But the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in the 19 Northern states and FCT warned yesterday that the attacks may spark a religious war.

Secretary General of JNI, Dr. Khalid Abubakar Aliyu, while reacting to the bombings in a telephone interview with THISDAY, said Islam, as a religion, respects human lives and would do everything to preserve it.
“Human lives must be preserved and protected by all including security agencies; it is rather unfortunate that Nigerians are losing their lives to bomb blasts,” Aliyu said.

The Islamic body also tasked security agencies to fish out the perpetrators and bring them to justice, stressing that it is only when the culprits are fished out and punitive measures taken against them that it would serve as deterrent to others planning to carry out such nefarious activities.

In his reaction, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar III, who joined other Muslims in voicing condemnation against Boko Haram, said taking of human lives in the name of religion was strange in Islam.
The sultan, at the formal opening of Islamic Vacation Course (IVC) organised by Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria (MSSN), B-Zone, said dispute could only be resolved through dialogue and not by violence or bloodbath.
He said Islam abhorred violence and called for unity among Muslims to address the challenges facing them.

“Violence is not part of the tenets of Islam and would never be allowed to tarnish the image of the religion,” the sultan said.

Chastising Boko Haram, another Islamic group, Muslim Public Affairs Centre (MPAC), said “cold blooded murder of innocent worshippers” was “horrifying and sickening.”

In a statement by its Director of Media and Communications, Disu Kamor, MPAC described the perpetrators of the dastardly act as “criminal and devilish hate cultists bent on imposing their evil ideology on us”.
“On this occasion and in similar incidents, Nigerian Muslims and Muslims everywhere stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our Christian brothers and sisters and we are determined to continue to work together to remove the mischief of those seeking to destroy peaceful co-existence and harmony. We feel the sorrow and share the grief of all that were affected by this tragedy – this evil attack is a crime committed against mankind,” MPAC added.

Also, the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) said it is “shocked and petrified by this development”.
MURIC in a statement by Dr. Ishaq Akintola disagreed with Boko Haram, which had said it carried out the attack to avenge the killing of Muslims during the last Sallah.

He said: “The attackers cannot claim that they were revenging the attack on Muslims in Jos during the last Eid el-Fitr on August 30, 2011 which left many Muslims dead because Christians celebrating Christmas earlier on December 25, 2010 were the first to be killed in bomb explosions.
“Nothing in the scriptures of Islam justifies this kind of attack. We therefore assert clearly, unequivocally and unambiguously that Boko Haram is not fighting for Nigerian Muslims.”
Similarly, the Chairman of the Sokoto State chapter of Izalat Bida’a Waikamtul Sunnah (JIBWIS), Sheikh Abubakar Usman Mabera, said the killing of innocent citizens, under any guise, is a case of murder and in contrast to Islamic teachings.
“Whoever takes the life of a fellow human being has committed evil irrespective of his religion – whether Christian or Muslim – and will pay for his sins. So, this is an act of terrorism which is against Islamic teachings,” he said.
Mabera, who frowned on the act, said: “Almighty Allah forbids the killing of a fellow human being. Whoever thinks that he is carrying out Jihad by destroying places of worship and killing innocent citizens is ignorant of Islam because the religion forbids that.”

The Muslim Congress frowned on the Madalla blast and said the continued killing of innocent Nigerians by the activities of Boko Haram is uncalled for and should be condemned by all Nigerians.

The Amir of the Congress, Mallam Abdulraheem Lukman, said in a statement that:
“The endemic killings can best be described as inhuman, wicked, condemnable and totally unacceptable in civilised societies….
The action is even more repulsive during the periods of celebrations and this is highly condemnable.”
CAN in the 19 Northern states and Abuja has warned that attacks on churches by Boko Haram are capable of igniting a religious war in the country.
But labour unions in the country have urged Christians not to retaliate the Christmas attacks on churches in Niger, Plateau and Yobe States which left scores of people dead.

The pan-Northern Nigeria group, Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF), also condemned the attacks yesterday, warning that they serve no good in the prevailing circumstances.

At a news conference in Kaduna yesterday, Secretary-General of Northern CAN, Elder Saidu Dogo, said the bombing of churches and killing of Christians was an invitation to religious war in Nigeria.

Dogo urged Islamic leaders to call the perpetrators of the dastardly act to order to avert confrontation, saying that no group should push the other to the wall to fan the ember of religious war.

He said if the authorities fail to track down those behind the killings of innocent Nigerians, “we shall henceforth in the midst of these provocations and wanton destruction of innocent lives and property be compelled to make our own efforts and arrangements to protect the lives of innocent Christians and peace-loving citizens of this country”.

While calling on Christians to be law abiding, he expressed the need for them to defend themselves whenever the need arises.

He called on the Muslim Umma and Ulamas in Nigeria “to live up to their responsibilities by calling to order, all Islamic sects in the country to have respect for human lives and stop these killings. For we fear that the situation may degenerate to a religious war and Nigeria may not be able to survive as one. Once again, enough is enough”.
“We appreciate the efforts of the Federal Government and its security agents in trying to curtail these attacks. However, we are piqued that the efforts of government are being undermined by the sponsors of the Islamic fundamentalists in the North.

“We are particularly disturbed that the perpetrators of these dastardly acts and their sponsors are well known to government and no serious or decisive actions have been taken to stem their nefarious activities.
“The Federal and state Governments of Niger, Plateau, Bauchi, Gombe, Kaduna, Borno, Yobe, Adamawa and such other areas that these wanton destruction of lives and property have been or are being perpetrated, should arrest and bring to book all the perpetrators and their sponsors.

“Government at all levels should provide 24 hours security services to all churches, Christian religious institutions and organisations in the county, especially in the North.

“We are also calling on the federal and state governments to urgently stem these massacres of Christians and the destruction of their churches and property in the North. The attacks so far have proved that some Islamic fundamentalists want to exterminate Christianity in the Northern states. We are assuring all Christians that the church will not allow that to happen,” Dogo said.

The ACF, on its part, condemned the frequent explosions, saying the Christmas attacks were capable of diverting attention to religious crises that would serve no one good.
The forum, in a statement emailed to THISDAY by its National Publicity Secretary, Mr. Anthony Sani, urged Boko Haram to embrace dialogue in pursuit of the resolution of whatever grievances it had with the authorities, stressing that the bombings and killing of innocent Nigerians and destruction of property were misguided.

“The spate of bomb blasts on Christmas day, which were directed at places of worship across some parts of the North, is a serious source of concern to Arewa Consultative Forum, to Northern Leaders and to the good people of the North, indeed, to patriotic Nigerians.

“Source of concern not because past bombings were less serious but because those on the Christmas day are capable of diverting attention to religious crises that would serve no one, including the perpetrators, any good now and for a long time to come.

“Consequently, ACF calls on the perpetrators of violence to stop forthwith and avail themselves to due process of addressing perceived grievances that are in place.

“ACF also wishes to say killing of innocent Nigerians is not correct and offends God and many people’s sense of justice. This is because a good number of those who go to places of worship are not lettered in either Western or Islamic education.

“More so that Western education is not necessarily the cause of the collapse of national ideals, moral values and cause of indiscipline in the polity, since there are examples of Muslim countries and Christian countries with western education that are morally sound. Turkey belongs to the former and Nordic country of Norway belongs to the later.

“Nigerians of all faiths must therefore come together and confront corruption in all ramifications by inspiring cultural renaissance for collective good. Corruption in Nigeria is not an exclusive preserve of Western education but a national malaise that should be confronted by all, and not government alone. Enough of the bombings and killing of innocent Nigerians,” the ACF said.
The Trade Union Congress (TUC) warned that there are certain disgruntled elements in the polity who want to divide Nigeria along sectarian lines.
President General of the TUC, Comrade Peter Esele, in a telephone conversation with THISDAY in Abuja yesterday, appealed to Nigerians, especially Christians, to be calm and avoid being incited to reprisal.
He added that it was necessary for Nigerians to stay united at these critical moments and not to allow any plot that is aimed at dividing the country along religious or ethnic lines to succeed.
The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) called on the Federal Government to make the fight against crime and terrorism its priority rather than diverting the attention of Nigerians with its debate on the need to remove fuel subsidy.
It added that it is necessary that the root causes of insecurity – poverty and unemployment – be addressed as budgeting huge sums of money for security would not solve the problem.
In a statement yesterday, the Acting General Secretary of the NLC, Comrade Owei Lakemfa, condemned the attacks in strongest terms, describing the perpetrators as “terrorists whose minds are as blurred as their vision”.
He called on Nigerians not to be deterred by the terrorists or give up on building a peaceful and united country where the will of the people would prevail.

http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/12/muslim ... -bombings/
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Re: "Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria Dec 28, 2011
Can you ever come up with and formulate your own idependent opinions and thoughts Shaf? You merely copy paste opinions of others.
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Re: "Religion of Peace" strikes again in Nigeria Dec 28, 2011

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Re: "Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria Dec 28, 2011




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Re: "Religion of Peace" strikes again in Nigeria Dec 28, 2011
Anyone notice the author of the article shafique posted spared no time in using the terrorist atrocity as a platform to attack her "opponents". Most people would have simply condemned the attack. Instead the attack is an opportunity to grind her axe. There was no exploration for what prompted the attacks.

Now compare that with LW's coverage of Anders Breivik, going so far as blaming Robert Spencer for the attacks.

Completely tasteless. I'm surprised she didn't post the image of a Muslim wearing a yellow crescent to imply Western Muslims are suffering under oppressive Nazi rule as Ahmed Rehab recently has done.

What says it all, however, is that Muslims don't condemn terrorism. If they did, Islamic militancy would have never existed.

Oh no, Muslims use terror attacks to get on their soapbox or for publicity stunts.

Getting Muslims to condemn terrorism carried out by Muslims has been like pulling crocodile teeth. It only happened after 9/11 when silence and tacit support were no longer a viable option. Muslim organizations aren't exactly daft. They knew when they finally had to pretend to act moderate.

Before that, the only noise following terrorist acts in the name of Islam was praise from clerics and their bloodthirsty congregants every Friday calling for the death of more Americans and Jews.

Actually, that still happens, it's just that those who expose these terrorist supporters are branded "Islamophobes" by the "moderate" Muslims in the West.
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Re: "Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria Dec 28, 2011
Epic Fail.

(And even after I went through the trouble of highlighting the bits you'd love to overlook. :roll: )


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Re: "Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria Dec 28, 2011
The part you highlighted - using the terrorist attacks to get on your soapbox - is exactly the point I'm making.

Thanks for agreeing with me.

Now let's go back to my second post in this thread:

Good thing it wasn't a Breivik or Tim McVeigh.

One wonders how many times one of the members would otherwise bring this incident up.

Instead, it gets ignored.


I probably should have said "too bad" the attack wasn't carried out by an Ander Breivik. Instread it was just by Muslims, so we'll see it quickly swept under the rug by you and the Muslim blogosphere.

Can't go around asking too many questions if Muslims are the terrorists - unless it's to blame someone else for their actions.
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Re: "Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria Dec 29, 2011
Did you read the part I highlighted? You don't seem to have understood what it is saying.

The fact is that pretty much every Islamic authority in Nigeria has come out and condemned the bombings as crimes and categorically against Islam. No excuses, no buts etc.

As for other topics - we already have threads set up which tackle Brievik's links with Spencer and yourself. I suggest you post your refutations there.

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Re: "Religion of Peace" strikes again in Nigeria Dec 29, 2011
I understand the author was capitalizing on the suffering of Nigerians to stand on her soapbox.

What don't you understand about that?

Or taking an attack on Christians to claim Muslims are actually being victimized. Wow.

You're either daft or far worse not to understand something so simple being explained to you.

As for other topics - we already have threads set up which tackle Brievik's links with Spencer and yourself. I suggest you post your refutations there.

You mean *you've* set up these threads (plural).

Thanks for proving my point, genius.

event horizon wrote:Good thing it wasn't a Breivik or Tim McVeigh.

One wonders how many times one of the members would otherwise bring this incident up.

Instead, it gets ignored.

I'll await your threads on Boko Haram. Including the connection to Islam and the group's inspiration and motivation.

Btw, thanks for proving my point I made only a few posts ago.

You're predictable, short sighted and repetitive. Good qualities for a drone but not much else. Be a good little drone for your religion and do something else repetitive.
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Re: "Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria Dec 29, 2011
LOL - talk about denial. You are all mouth, no trousers aren't you.

You don't actually seem to have read or understood what was posted and highlighted in red. Anyway - others can make up their own minds about your spin on the article which is clearly about all the Muslim authorities denouncing the attacks and you try and spin it as something it isn't.

I link to the threads dealing with your shared views with Brievik and you complain, but can't/won't respond there. Predictable.


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Re: "Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria Dec 29, 2011
Good thing this wasn't a Breivik or Tim McVeigh.

One wonders how many times one of the members would otherwise bring this incident up.

Instead, it gets ignored.

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Re: "Religion Of Peace" Strikes Again In Nigeria Dec 29, 2011
Fail. Again.

Did you even read the whole article?

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