"Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia

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"Allahu Akbar" - Church taken out, Ethiopia Dec 18, 2011
Ethiopia is a Christian majority nation, but that nonetheless does not stop a violent, fundamentalist minority from taking out her houses of worship.

Christians in other parts of the world where they are a minority are not so lucky. Christians there have both their neighbors and the government to fear, such as Egypt, where mobs frequently attack villages and the government ensures the violent attackers are "forgiven" in reconciliation talks where Christian rights are further lost.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... miEHgO7_l0

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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church taken out, Ethiopia Dec 18, 2011
I see that the usual Islamophobic bloggers are highlighting the video but let us compare with what Ethiopians have to say on it:

SMNE statement on recent religiously based killings in Ethiopia
by Beli » Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:19 am

The SMNE has been alerted to a serious issue affecting Christians and Muslims in the village of Qoto Baloso, Silte province of Ethiopia. Reports allege that Christians church were burned down on 29 November 2011 by Muslim students, accompanied by Muslim police officials. The students were shouting "Allahu Akbar" ("God is great").

Is it really a Christian and Muslim conflict or just another TPLF/EPRDF power scheme?

The SMNE calls Ethiopians to not seek revenge against Muslims or Christians for the recent religiously based killings in Ethiopia. Instead, Ethiopians are urged to exercise extreme caution as this conflict may not be about religion at all, but be about the TPLF/EPRDF. The SMNE warns that further religiously based violence could lead to such breakdown in the country that recovery would be difficult. Ethiopians need no further killing or revenge! Such actions would propel Ethiopia into further chaos; hate and suffering even worse than what we have been enduring for the last 20 years since the TPLF regime came into power!

Such conflict comes as a shock to most Ethiopians who, despite ethnic and political divisions, have not seen serious religious conflict. Historically, Muslims, Christians, Jews, traditionalists and non-believers in Ethiopia have been able to live peaceably, side by side in this country of about half Christians and half Muslims. What is happening? Is a more radical form of Islam emerging in Ethiopia that will threaten the religious tolerance that Ethiopians have enjoyed for thousands years? Well, in a more sinister direction, information reported to the SMNE points out a different possibility--that the conflict has been created by agents of the TPLF/EPRDF, who have incited local militias, made up of pro-EPDRF government Muslims and allegedly, to kill Christians and burn their church. The common factor between the militants is their allegiance not to Allah, but to the TPLF/EPRDF.

Reports are coming out from various sources that the attacks were instigated, supported by the TPLF/EPRDF and other pro-government militias. Some reports have been received that as the Christians grieve and try to get help, they have been urged by some in the TPLF/EPRDF to retaliate. Witnesses report being told to, "Stop your whining and do the same to them," meaning Muslims. Instead of being a bona fide religious conflict, the crisis has all the telltale signs of a purposely manufactured conflict meant to achieve definite political goals. Shockingly absent is any concern for the human lives lost as a result of these brutal and calculating methods.

Political survival of the TPLF/EPRDF is at stake. Increasing inter-ethnic unity amongst Ethiopians is causing increased difficulties to the current regime. An old strategy of fomenting conflict between ethnic groups has now come to the forefront to break down the historical religious tolerance between Christians and Muslims as Mr. Meles attempts to convince the West that the terrorists are here in Ethiopia.

These Christians and Muslims are mostly Oromo who have lived amongst each other for years. This game of the TPLF/EPRDF should be exposed by everyone, including Muslims and Christians who refuse to be played with like pawns in a game, but this is not a game, it is life and death. Unfortunately, the history of this regime is mired in the blood of many. Unless more are aware of what is happening, it will continue to claim the lives and futures of the Ethiopian people.

Ethiopians must not be blinded! Even now, some Christians may be planning revenge against innocent Muslim brothers and sisters. We must warn these people to not simply react with great emotion coming from their grief and anger, but to think before they commit crimes for which they will later be held accountable by God/Allah and man. We must realize that all the signs are there that the TPLF/EPRDF wants us Ethiopian kill each other. Do not become like the Woyane--- agents of death! Our pain does not justify killing of the innocent! Our Muslim and Christian leaders must stand up for higher principles and avoid greater disaster!

Do not fall into the trap set up by the TPLF/EPRDF to make us fail. Persevere, support and grieve through this until together, we see the light! As we speak, religious tensions are growing. You, and each of us, must stop this horrible brutality and join together to fight for peace, justice and the rule of law. Do not fight against yourself, ourselves and our brothers and sisters by joining in with actions that are sure to lead us to greater despair.

The SMNE calls on all leaders, especially in the religious community, to guide your people towards forgiveness and reconciliation. Let only the real perpetrators be held accountable for their crimes in courts of justice, not the innocent or you will become like "them!" Even if such justice is not available in Ethiopia right now, let us work together towards future justice for all Ethiopians. Know that God/Allah will ultimately hold all accountable for our actions.

The SMNE expresses its condolences to the families who lost their loved ones in these conflicts. As we feel the pain of these losses, we remember those who have died. We cannot bring back any of their lives, but we can work towards making a New and better Ethiopia where such things can never happen again. An Ethiopia where we put our humanity before our religion, ethnicity or any other difference. An Ethiopia where we see each person as part of our greater Ethiopian family. When one part of our society like Muslims, Christians, Jews, traditionalists and non-believers is afflicted with pain, it affects the rest of us. When we afflict great sections of our people with pain, it will be felt by the nation for “no one is free until all are free!”

All of us, Muslims, Christians, Jews, traditionalists and non-believers in Ethiopia can forgive, we are in a better position to contribute to the future rather than becoming stuck in hate and anger. As a country, this is our plight. We seem to all be recovering from some bitter wrongs in the past.

We must advocate for a different future. As each of us makes a decision this day, choose to contribute and resist the evil plan of the TPLF/EPRDF that can lead to the destruction of our beloved country. Fear God/Allah and resist evil! May we seek God's/Allah’s comfort, strength and guidance in the difficult path ahead of us.

I am appealing to each of you to forward it to all your friends. If you do, you will not just be giving a voice to our beautiful people, but you would be doing justice. Knowing the truth is overcoming the first obstacle to freedom!

Thanks so much for your never-ending support. Don’t give up. Keep your focus on the bigger picture and reach out to others and listen! Care about those who are suffering. Think about our family of Ethiopians and humanity throughout the world—they are YOU! There is no “us” or “them.” This is at the heart of the SMNE.

May Your Life Be Filled With Blessings!

Obang Metho
Executive Director of the SMNE
Email: obang@solidaritymovement.org

http://www.ethiopianreview.com/forum/vi ... =2&t=34301
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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 18, 2011
I didn't see any militias in the video. I saw locals come out to burn the churhc like it were a bbq.

Church burnings seem to have started earlier in the year in Ethiopia:

Muslims have killed at least one Christian and wounded several others in anti-Christian violence in western Ethiopia, according to International Christian Concern, an organization that helps persecuted Christians worldwide.

ICC also is reporting that Muslims have burned down 69 church buildings, 30 Christian homes, a Bible school, a Christian orphanage and a church office.

The anti-Christian attacks started March 2 after Muslims allegedly accused Christians of desecrating the Quran, the Islamic holy book. Violence continues to affect residents of the area. During the initial days of the attacks 3,000 Christians were displaced; ICC reports those numbers now have climbed to 10,000.

Although Ethiopian Orthodox churches are predominant throughout the country, at least the first 55 churches burned belong to evangelical denominations, according to Sam Parkman*, a Christian worker who served in Ethiopia from 2007-10.

http://christianvoteralliance.org/459/i ... -churches/

It reflects what I've said before - Africa had been a tolerant place between the locals, where people of different faiths could live without much incident.

But now, just as in Nigeria and other hotspots, we see conflict between Muslims and Christians (as opposed to Christians and animists, so the fault of the conflict is not the Christians but the Muslims) where churches and Christian neigbhorhoods are bombed in greater frequency.

Just a few weeks ago, Boko Haram staged massive attacks that left around 100-200 dead, mostly Christians, and attacked numerous churches:

DAMATURU, Nigeria, November 11 (CDN) — They stormed this town in Yobe state, northern Nigeria like a swarm of bees, and at the end of their four-hour rampage, some 150 people had been killed – at least 130 of them Christians, according to church sources.

Hundreds of people are still missing, and the destruction included the bombing of at least 10 church buildings.

More than 200 members of the Islamic extremist Boko Haram sect stormed the Yobe state capital....

http://www.compassdirect.org/english/co ... 23074.html
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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church taken out, Ethiopia Dec 18, 2011
Claiming that, when assaillants burn a church and shout allahu akbar, is not religious is not just stupid, it is exponentially stupid to think that people will beleive it... regardless of the lenght of the article. (I stopped reading it after the 6th line!)
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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 18, 2011
Any attack against whorshiping houses of God is wrong and is against the teachings of Islam. In Islam a Muslim can pray in a church because we believe it is house of God even if it have different point of view but is still house of God and must be respected.

--- Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:19 pm ---

In Syria and specialy in Liban we have many groups of Muslims and Christians but people in all case like in civil war try to avoid the attack on masjeds and churchs. I think it is about culture and education.
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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 18, 2011
I'm constantly amazed at the expertise of our armchair experts here on DF. First we have the fatwas and interpretations on the Quran based on what Islamophobic websites say, fantastical theories that no expert shares on the link between Islam and honour killings and here we have a denial of an explanation by an Ethiopian expert.


I'm particularly impressed by eh's reasoning - the perpetrators did not look like militia to him. Hmm.

..the conflict has been created by agents of the TPLF/EPRDF, who have incited local militias, made up of pro-EPDRF government Muslims and allegedly, to kill Christians and burn their church. The common factor between the militants is their allegiance not to Allah, but to the TPLF/EPRDF.

Any real evidence that the perpetrators weren't allied to the TPLF/EPRDF?

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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church taken out, Ethiopia Dec 19, 2011
The common factor between the militants is their allegiance not to Allah, but to the TPLF/EPRDF.

I see, so the braying mob was yelling "Allahu Akbar" for the kicks.

Quite the militia, too. Hundreds of men from various age groups descending on a church. One might suspect it was locals from nearby villages, as is the case in Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria and Pakistan when Christian communities are attacked.

But, oh no, it was those "militias", we're told, without so much as the slightest help from the Muslim community.

The idea the local Muslim community could be extreme enough to attack Christians over the slightest pretext is too fanastical to accept.

And speaking of "evidence", what hard evidence is provided by your article the attack was an inside job of sorts? Errr.....

First we have the fatwas and interpretations on the Quran based on what Islamophobic websites say

Actually, over half a dozen commentaries on the relevant verses of the Koran from Muslim scholars were provided. I don't recall you quoting any experts in that thread. But feel free to remind me otherwise in case I'm mistaken.

And I only recall linking to one website while we're at it. I guess it's another one of your embellishments we seem to be dealing with. Stuff every sentence with as many misleading statements or outright lies you can get away with. But like you posting the verse prohibiting pedophilia from the Koran, I have a hard time imagining you'll come forth with these other websites I apparently relied on.

fantastical theories that no expert shares on the link between Islam and honour killings

The experts on Islamic Law over at the Islamic Republic of Iran would beg to disagree.

and here we have a denial of an explanation by an Ethiopian expert.

Let me guess, the expert is blaming militias for the attacks on churches earlier in the year, I take it.

Hmm, must have been busy militias. 69 churches attacked in the time span of one week - without any help from the Muslim community and connections to religion*.

*Only if you ignore the calls of "Allahu Akbar" is the statement true
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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 19, 2011
It would have been quicker to say 'No, I have absolutely no real evidence that the perpetrators weren't allied to the TPLF/EPRDF?'

I note that the less evidence you have, the longer your posts are. I tend to write more when I have actual, real, hard facts to present. Curious that.


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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 19, 2011
If a Christian crowd were torching mosques chanting and praising Jesus Christ, would you consider the attack to be motivated by religious beleifs?
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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 19, 2011
What has my opinion/belief got to do with facts? :roll:

If the crowd was actually incited by political differences and a radical Jihadist site put up a video and told me it was religiously motivated - I would not automatically believe the blogger. I'd give more credibilty to people who lived in the country and could give me the facts.

It is not rocket science.

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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 19, 2011
I keep forgeting that you can't comprehend a basic question...
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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 19, 2011
Forgetfulness - at least you've admitted to one fault.

Remember the trouble you got into when you desperately inisted that the internet hoax about Hamas paedophillic marriages was true? Isn't it time you started to question what eh etc tells you is reality?

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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 19, 2011
muhammad, the first muslum of all, was a pedophile and child molestor and all muslums condone and practice it. It's all written in the quran.
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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 19, 2011
herve - just because you read things on websites does not make them true. As a fiction writer yourself, you should be aware of this.

Do you have any view on the actual incident in the OP or are you just going to tell us your beliefs?

(BTW, God tells us in the Quran that Abraham was the first Muslim)


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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 19, 2011
Herve, You are responsible for your horible attack on prophet Mohammad PBUH and Muslim people. I ask the website owner to stop you and any person from throwing insults on religion. This is very hurtful and you must be condemned. Shame
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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 19, 2011
I'd give more credibilty to people who lived in the country and could give me the facts.

Uh, sorry, but the ICC does have members and contacts on the ground in Ethiopia and have investigated the case.

I guess I'm going to believe them over an anti Government website.

and told me it was religiously motivated

Sorry, did you watch the video? You don't need to be told by anyone that the crowd of hundreds of villagers were shouting "Allahu Akbar" as they destroyed the church if you had.
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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 19, 2011
Everyone is free to read the explanations for the violence in Ethiopia and make up their minds.

I note that you are the one bringing in unrelated stories about Egypt and Nigeria and Islamophobic theories to bolster your claim. I just quoted an expert that disagreed with your chosen spin.


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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 19, 2011
So we have hundreds of villagers descending on a church, chanting "Allahu Akbar", this is viewed as a religiously motivated attack by most, including the ICC, and you claim this is "spin"...and your source is an anti-Government website?

Just making sure. What part of "Allahu" or "Akbar" isn't religious?
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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 19, 2011
You do realise that the explanation from the Ethiopian expert was referring to exactly the same video you posted? Indeed, the write up he gives mentions what was being heard etc.

And yet, strangely, he doesn't agree with how you and the Islamophobic blogosphere are spinning this story as.

Can you not support your theories with anything stronger than speculation and innuendo?

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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 20, 2011
the word "Islamophobic" is gradually replaced by the word "Islamorealist"
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Re: "Allahu Akbar" - Church Taken Out, Ethiopia Dec 20, 2011
In your dreams perhaps.

At least you are consistent caps - it is always 'all mouth, no trousers' with you. Can you remember a post you made that actually contained any facts or evidence?

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