Hey, I've never had a problem with people expressing their views and beliefs. The more the merrier I say - we need more humour in the world and it is always funny to read the more bizare beliefs. Herve when he goes on a rant about voodoo cults and desperately insists that internet hoaxes about paedophile marriages are true are priceless. I do, however, challenge loony beliefs that are presented as fact though and can be tested with evidence.
I've never said that the armchair diagnosticians are wrong (they may be right), I'm just amused that so many of you are now offering diagnoses (some may say they are nothing more than ad hominem attacks) rather than discussing real points in the real world.
I find it interesting to read the justifications for ad hominem attacks and chuckle to myself when I think of NN Taleb's quote on the subject.
I also love analogies too, and encourage active imaginations. You may recall that I advised herve to stick to fiction writing long before he wrote his latest work of fiction, and back when he was trying to appear like a serious writer.
But back to the topic - do those who share Brievik's views also share his mental deficiencies? Anyone that takes Pam Geller or Bob Spencer seriously (like he does) surely is a candidate for having their head examined.

Here's a bit of humour on the subject:
I can imignine the test they gave him . It must hav went something like this . Two Man in white coats ask questions .
Question One
Mr Breivik
Do you believe everything Pam Geller says?
Answer Yes she is a wonderful human being who speaks the truth always .
Then the testers have lunch and write up report then have most of the afternoon off .
Job done
So when are they going to invite the so far unindited co-conspiritor to be interviewed?
Thats the next question
