I went shopping today. I hate shopping for Christmas, which I feel is just a con to get you to spend loads of money.
I went into Superdrug. I wasn't looking for presents as I don't do cheap. I was purchasing ladies things. I watched people shopping for Lynx gift boxes and other shite and remarked to Beth that if someone were to buy me something from Superdrug I would rather they saved their dosh.
I mentally added up what I had spent on Beth so far and it came to about £620. I felt ashamed.
Why do we feel compelled to spend money on gifts at Christmas? If it was up to me Christmas would be abolished but we would keep our days off work.
I even bought a Michael Buble CD which I played on the way home. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, or so I thought when I checked my bank balance.
Do you spend much at Christmas?