Dillon, Avatars and drop down navigation is there for registered users and it is much easier to use since it's always accessible.
You don't have to scroll to the top to use it. The menu is called 'Jump To' it's above the User CP.
Guests don't see avatars since they are usually interested in information and don't know the poster so they don't care about avatars.
And I am hiding all the complicated menus from guests to make things simpler.
Dir tree is also there it's the only thing in the top header beside google search that you can click on.

White space is there because I removed the unnecessary clutter and left only the essential. This way it's easier to concentrate on important things. And I left the fundamental functionality there, for example if you click on the last post time in the forum view you will get to the last post of the thread.
regarding the error I removed all the javascripts from guests so IE is not complaining. If you login and maintain the same security settings on your IE you will probably get the same error. I suspect it's because now the pages load the jquery library from google code so it's a different domain and IE doesn't like it.
Text size is done intentionally larger. It looks a bit uglier but it is much easier to read, no strain on the eyes at all.
Anyway modern browsers usually can modify the text size and making it smaller doesn't break the design.
I am still working on the style so it is still beta. I will write some documentation on how to use it efficiently when it's ready.
Right now I need Your help to find bugs, things that don't work, errors, suggestions etc..
drewpeacock, thank you.

I am glad at least some people appreciate my efforts.