Personally I never accept friend requests from anybody who I don't know, even if they look normal.
I'm not a big user of FB but logged on yesterday to see what my friends have been doing, to find a bit of a strange message. It read.....
Hello pretty angel...How are you doing? I just saw your profile right now and something captivated my feelings and i am so much happy to see your pic,I think we have to give it a go.....I implore you to send me your email address so I can add you for a chat to know more better...

I had a cheeky look at who was sending me such a message!
Apparantly David is an Afghan soldier who trained as West Point, New York. There is a very nice picture of 'him' and Tony Blair on his profile. His email address includes the name airforce1.
How intriguing!
I've got a spare email address at the moment. I was thinking of replying

I now just have to work out what I do for a living and how old I can be. I'm a bit limited as he's seen my picture but I think I might be able to pull the wool over, if I try. LOL
What's the strangest message or friend request you've had?