Changes To Visit Visas?

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Changes to Visit Visas? Mar 30, 2006
I was just checking an expat magazine online and it looks like they've tightened the visit visa time allowance from two months with 1 month renewable to 1 month non-renewable.

This is going to make my life significantly harder. Basically, needing to find employment within the week I'm there.


Any word from those already living there? Truth? Validity? Why?



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Mar 30, 2006
Very Interesting

could you copy and paste the link please

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Mar 30, 2006
Under the visit visa section passed March 31/06:


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Mar 30, 2006
Sorry not the week, but I'm assuming getting a residence visa is going to take a while.

Any ideas?

I can't believe how much harder this makes my decision to find work while I"m there. Wow..I have been going on the advice of many who have informed me that it's pretty easy to do for westerners.

Can someone calm me down with some info or guestimates on how difficult a month for finding employment will be for a CDN. I arrive on the 10th of May.

Thanks much

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Mar 30, 2006
no man, i don't think you'll have to sweat things too much, you just go out and in the country every 30 days instead of 60, you should check this..... but when they say non-renewable it just means you need to leave and come back before you would get 60 days and if you wanted another 30 you could pay X and get an extension.

I never heard anything about this though, thanks for sending the link i have a lot of people that come to visit so this will effect me.

Good luck.
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Mar 30, 2006

I think you may be jumping the gun. On reading the article it concurs with the current regs.

That is, although UK Passport holders are stamped for 30 days, we are allowed to stay for 60 days. This is the current situation and has been for the last 9 months.

You can then renew for 500 dhs
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Mar 30, 2006
Fayd and Arnie,

I think I've just psyched myself out here by not understanding what non-renewable meant.

I thought it meant 1 shot. But thanks F. and Arnie. I will just have to make a trip to Oman every 30 days then come back in.

I'm new to this visa business and have never been to Dubai.

Does this mean I am going to have to change the dates on my flights? I have the return booked for 3 months...which I thought was the standard when I bought the ticket in the start of February.

Also, have any of you sponsored someone's visit visa before. I want to make this easy on the people who are sponsoring my visit visa. I've read about 2,000dhs refundable fees?

Also how long will it take to get a visit visa? I just want to avoid problems at the airports with visas.

Thanks guys.

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Mar 30, 2006

Noooooooooooo calm down buddy

Brits renew for 500dhs every 60 days

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Mar 30, 2006
Sorry Arnie,

I should have been more clear. What I meant to say was an initial 2,000dhs fee for the sponsors to pay, I'm aware of my 500 dhs fee for extensions.

Any ideas about the initial refundable 2,000 dhs? I wouldn't have a problems covering that, just trying to make it easy on those who are helping me get the visit visa.

Thanks guys..I'll calm myself down now!

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Mar 30, 2006
Trev the visit visa is the actual stamp in your passport when you enter the country. There is NO charge of any knid.
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Mar 30, 2006
See how green I am to this?

Thanks Arnie. So it's basically thanks for coming to Dubai, oh you're CDN, come right in..water's warm. Stamp....

Carry on sir.

The way they make it sound on that site is that someone has to apply to sponsor from Dubai for a proper visit visa, it has to be ready at the airport when you arrive, if the paperwork is in're cool for 30 days as a visitor.


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Mar 30, 2006

The website you refer to is well out of date. The article you referred and posted was actually dated 31/03/03 NOT 06.

The expert on visa's here is Dxbsoul.

They will ask where you are staying and this must be arranged. They will then stamp your passport with the visit visa so no probs mate.

Then after 60 day you just goto immigration and they will stamp your passport again after hand over the dosh, or better still take a 300/400 dhm plane to quatar and come back in again with another 60 days, and more duty free ie booze :D :D
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Mar 30, 2006
because you're cdn you're lucky, I had to go through the whole visa sponshirp thing for a friend, it was a painful experience. In the end I couldn't even get it on my own, I had to get a PRO to come and smooth things out for me, you can read about it here... ... =sri+lanka

good luck you should be fine but just so you get a good nights sleep the Cdn consulate in Dubai's number is +971 4 314 5555, call them up, no one will know better than them what is applicable to you.
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Mar 30, 2006
TOTrev wrote:See how green I am to this?

Thanks Arnie. So it's basically thanks for coming to Dubai, oh you're CDN, come right in..water's warm. Stamp....

Carry on sir.

The way they make it sound on that site is that someone has to apply to sponsor from Dubai for a proper visit visa, it has to be ready at the airport when you arrive, if the paperwork is in're cool for 30 days as a visitor.



a/ what is a CDN?

b/ the infor regarding a sponsor is technically correct but it does not apply to Brits. Its to keep the riff raff out and we are not considered riff raff

:lol: :lol:
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At Fayz Mar 30, 2006
Thanks Dude,

I'll give them a shout, and have a chat with them. I have people to stay with in all's well. Then get the employer to know the drill.

I'll check the thread out.

BTW...I owe you a pint when I plan on that!



PS. Arnie, I think your in the UK if I'm correct, but if you swing to Dubai..let me know..I'll grab you a pint as well!
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Mar 30, 2006
ah got it Canadian

ok cool you are not Riff Raff either, the same rules apply to CDN's as Brits. Sorry bud, i assumed you were Brit.

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Mar 30, 2006
a/ CDN= Abbreviation for Canadian

b/ It's good not to be riff raff!
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Mar 30, 2006

I'm frozen in the north!

I'm living in Toronto for 30 more days.

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Mar 30, 2006
well good luck and yeah for sure we'll hook up when you're here for a pint or 2, going to irish village tomorrow for to watch Fun Loving Criminals if you are here you're more than welcome.
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Mar 30, 2006

Sadly, I'm still in TO. I'll be in Dubai on May 10th..just in time to catch the heat............eek!

I'll let you know via email likely when I arrive. I've got things planned a soccer match on the 11th then probably head out to scoot out the nightlife.

Have fun at the show! I can't believe it's at an irish pub?


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Apr 01, 2006
That article is well old. UK passport holders get visit visas for 60 days and there's no fee.
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