Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 04, 2011
shafique wrote:2.20 onwards states the case. Cheers,

But before you said 2.20, now it s 3.15.
Which is it shaf, is it that difficult to put on the screen a quote from the Koran that says peadophilia is against the law
let me see 3.15

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 04, 2011
:D You're silly little editing is really quite pathetic.

shafique wrote:2.20 onwards states the case. 3.15 starts with Quranic and other evidence which show Islam does not promote paedophillia.

It really is quite clear.

Quranic quote and evidence is there... you really have no where left to run do you?

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 04, 2011
No it s not, i checked up tp 5.00 , there is only one screen shot of verses 4:6 re testing infants, and 65;4 for the waiting period for women who have not mentruated yet (Child) and that s it
no verses saying that peadophelia is not allowed.
Can you save the screen and attach it, because it looks like you are wasting my time here. just post the damn verses, print, in clear.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 04, 2011
LOL - so now there are Quranic verses!! Bravo.

What confused you about the verses and the explanations and following evidence?

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 04, 2011
EH, BM, Herve, caps, me, FD, Red chief, Who else is confused, shaf?
you have not post the verses where is says the Koran does not allow peadophelia.
there is only one conclusion: there is no verses that forbides peadophelia, and it means islam condones peadophelia.

Why is it that nobody replies to your topics
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 04, 2011
LOL - I understand you want to believe Islam condones paedophillia - but unfortunately for you that is not what the clear evidence shows. ;)

I wonder how many more flip-flops you'll do - first no Quranic quotes, now there are Quranic quotes ...

(BTW - did you watch beyond 5 min?)

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 04, 2011
Why nobody replies to your topics Shaf?
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 04, 2011
So, you didn't watch past 5 min then? I guess that explains your confusion... and embarrassment. ;)

But hey, when you've lost an argument - I guess all you have left is to try and change the subject. :D

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 05, 2011
:lol: The funny part is that the surat quoted in that video proves just that, that islam condones pedophilia.
at count 4.40 , there s the surat 65:4, the one that prescribes 3 months wait before having $ex with a woman who does not menstruate YET,
To me a woman who did not menstruate yet is a prepuscent girl, a child al shafique, A CHILD!
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 05, 2011
LOL - yes herve, perhaps this time you are right. :roll:

65.4 is talking about divorce, you guys are inferring something that isn't actually said by God. The video shows this clearly. However, I'm sure you desperately wish to believe your loon interpretation of 65.4 is correct. ;)

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 05, 2011
regardless, if you have to wait 3 months for a child girl , it means somebody must have had $ex with her, and the perv has to make she is not preggy
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 05, 2011
:roll: 'regardless' that your argument relies on a loon interpretation of a verse about divorce, indeed.

You must be so frustrated that only loons believe Islam teaches this - Muslims don't. They rely on the clear verses and evidence in the video that gertrude started watching (and confirmed contains Quranic etc evidence).

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 05, 2011
you are the one frustrated,because your topics generate zero replies , zero interest. because you have no credibility.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 05, 2011
I'm amused that you think I'm the one that is frustrated. I'm not the one who is losing the argument and trying to change the subject. ;)

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 05, 2011
yes you are because you come with no explanations as to why people do not reply to your topics
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 05, 2011
You have a very active imagination herve. But hey, if you want to change the subject now that you've lost the arugment, I understand.

I can see quite a number of threads I've started which people have read but not many replied to. No replies means to me they read, understand and agree. If they disagreed (or if there was a mistake) you'd get FD coming up with his one-liners or eh trying to dispute any little mistake.

I mean take your thread about the neo-Nazi anti-semite being jailed and the 2005 blog by Fjordman - that generated loads of posts because you chose to believe in something not based in reality.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 05, 2011
nazi vs loon topic, your topic: zero replies
people do not reply to your topics because their titles are biased, because you have no credibility. they just don;t care

usually people are rather happy to have a lot of replies (interest), but you you go the other way, you are actually happy with zero replies, talk about DENIAL al shafique :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 05, 2011
Nazi vs Loon is an excellent example. Well done, bravo!!

The list there is categoric - and is about Guru Bob's loon rants. eh worships the guy, but can't dispute the comparisons made.

Thanks for bringing this up. ;)

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 05, 2011
your topic is biased from the start, I did not even waste my time to read it, that s why nobody replies, it shows a total lack of interest for your topics.
I I did not see anybody cheer on your topics, even your own kind will not support you, looser :lol:
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 05, 2011
shafique wrote:You obviously haven't watched it. Part 1, from 3.15 onwards, begins with a Quranic quote and continues with other on-screen quotes and even some web references. Sheesh.


So what is the Koranic verse that prohibits pedophilia?

The only verse I saw in the video mentions "marriageable age" but the verse never gives an age nor does it talk about s.exual relations within a marriage - the verse is actually about orphans not newly weds.

In short, seems like you were caught up in another lie.

But please correct me if I'm wrong.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 05, 2011
You're free to believe whatever weird theory you like herve - I'm sure imagining that helps you get over your failure to win an argument here. ;)

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 05, 2011
so you come up empty, al shafique. no response, no surat. you fail.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 05, 2011
shafique wrote:LOL - yes herve, perhaps this time you are right. :roll:

65.4 is talking about divorce, you guys are inferring something that isn't actually said by God. The video shows this clearly. However, I'm sure you desperately wish to believe your loon interpretation of 65.4 is correct. ;)


Sorry, if you divorce a prepubescent child does that mean you were married to her, perhaps?

As we know, since there is a waiting period of three months before that prepubescent child can marry again, that means the Koran assumes husbands will have s.exual relations with their prepubescent wives, since the Koran explicitly says waiting periods are only required in a divorce if the husband has had s.exual relations with his wife v33:49.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 05, 2011
Again with the loon interpretation. :roll:

It is a shame that you haven't realised that Muslims don't share your loon view. The Quranic, Hadith etc evidence in the video must really be doing your head in. gertrude in the end had to concede that the evidence was there... but couldn't bring herself to acknowledge what it said. Will you do better?

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 05, 2011
Are you telling me Muslims don't interpret v65:4 as allowing prepubescent marriage? Care to address the tafsirs I posted by any chance?

The Koran is quite clear that a waiting period is only required for a divorce if the husband has had s.exual relations with his wife. The Koran is also clear that for prepubescent girls, there is a three month wait after a divorce.

Ergo, the Koran allows pedophilia otherwise prepubescent wives would not be required to wait three months before they are allowed to marry another husband.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 05, 2011
I'm saying that your loon interpretation of one verse about divorce is all you have to go by.

Islam's teachings are quite clear - and the Quranic, Hadith etc evidence has been given to you. gertrude watched it and acknowledged it existed, but couldn't bring herself to state what the clear conclusion was.

You seem to be in desperate denial too.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 05, 2011
So where does the Koran prohibit pedophilia again?

Do you acknowledge that v 65:4 allows marriage to prepubescent girls as Muslims interpret that part of the passage to mean?
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 05, 2011
No, I don't share the loon interpretation of 65.4. After all these posts, you would have thought you'd have worked that out by now.

I do believe in the clear Quranic, Hadith and other evidence presented to you - and the one that gertrude started watching.

Try and keep up eh. Really.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 05, 2011
so what is your interpretation of 65.4, why would a grown man have to wait 3 months before divorcing, marrying or having $ex with a prepuscent little girl?
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 05, 2011
I refer you to the answer I gave first time you brought up the verse about divorce - that it refers to women who are menopausal, or who are otherwise mature but may not be having periods.

65.4 is therefore in line with the other clear verses of the Quran, Hadith etc referred to in the video.

Only loons believe Islam condones paedophillia -and all based on a misinterpretation of one verse about divorce.

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