Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 03, 2011
So we can conclude you're a liar when you claimed the Koran prohibited pedophilia.

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 03, 2011
You can come up with whatever wild theory you wish, I'm pointing out that I've given you the refs in full and in context in the video.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 03, 2011
I've watched the video. No verse is presented that prohibits pedophilia.

Why don't you just post the verse from the Koran you claim prohibits pedophilia?
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 03, 2011
What verses and evidence were in the video, if you really watched it, and what did they clearly say?

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 03, 2011
I'm asking you for a verse in the Koran you claim prohibits pedophilia.

Are you that retarded you don't understand the difference between a video and Koranic verse?
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 03, 2011
If you are interested in the truth, you'll acknowledge the evidence in the video and explain what it clearly states Islam says. Otherwise it appears you're just trolling and in denial of the evidence presented.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 03, 2011
So where is this passage prohibiting pedophilia?
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 03, 2011
You are now trolling. Either you did watch the video and saw the evidence, or you didn't and are trolling. If you aren't trolling, just let us know which particular pieces of evidence support your loon view of Islam.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 03, 2011
I'm asking for a verse from the Koran and you're refusing to give one and say I"m the one trolling.


What verse in the Koran you claim exists prohibits pedophilia?

The only "evidence" I'm asking for is a Koranic verse that prohibits pedophilia.

Either there is a verse or there isn't. None was presented when I watched and discussed the video when you first posted it.

So why are you refusing to post a simple verse from the Koran prohibiting pedophilia after being asked numerous times?
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 03, 2011
Are you being deliberately dense?

All refs, evidence and clear conclusions on what Islam teaches are there - and shows why your one misinterpreted verse has led you up the loon garden path.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 03, 2011
I'm asking for a verse from the Koran and you're refusing to give one.

Why are you avoiding my simple request?
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 03, 2011
What part of 'all references and evidence and clear conclusions on what Islam teaches are there' confused you eh?

I fully understand that you want to believe your loon interpretation of one Quranic verse is correct, but unfortunately for you the clear evidence exposes this belief to be totally unIslamic. Did you really watch the video? Did you have the sound on?

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 03, 2011
What part of "post the Koranic verse that prohibits pedophilia" don't you understand?

Is there a Koranic verse that prohibits pedophilia, as you previously claimed there was, or isn't there?

If there isn't, why did you lie when you claimed the Koran clearly condemns pedophilia?
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 04, 2011
Anyone but a loon would have watched the video by now and realised how loony it is to believe Islam condones paedophillia - and would have realised how loony the argument that relies on misinterpreting one verse of the Quran is.

I can only conclude that eh is in deep denial and hasn't actually taken note of all the references in the video.

We saw a similiar denial of evidence earlier in this thread - with herve, gertrude and caps all desperately wanting to believe an internet hoax was real.

Why such an aversion to facts?

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 04, 2011
Anyone but a loon would have watched the video by now and realised how loony it is to believe Islam condones paedophillia

Anyone but a troll would have posted the alleged verse from the Koran you claim prohibits pedophilia.

You're simply trolling after you were caught up in a lie claiming the Koran prohibits pedophilia.

There is no verse in the Koran. Just admit as such and move on.

and would have realised how loony the argument that relies on misinterpreting one verse of the Quran is.

Actually, it's not one verse in question. You're too stupid to even get the basic facts straight.

You're such a poor debater that you think calling an interpretation "loony" is a proper substantiation of your claim that the verse talking about divorcing and the waiting period for prepubescent wives is misunderstood.

Yet you haven't shown what about the verse is misinterpreted. You're seriously that dumb.

I can only conclude that eh is in deep denial and hasn't actually taken note of all the references in the video.

Moron, I'm asking you for the Koranic verse you falsely claim exists in the Koran that prohibits pedophilia.

You've been caught in your lie and you're now evading a simple request.

Where does the Koran prohibit pedophilia?
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 04, 2011
It seems that in the age of the internet there must be no need to learn the Koran word for word as you can now just watch Youtube.
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 04, 2011
shafique wrote:Are you being deliberately dense?

All refs, evidence and clear conclusions on what Islam teaches are there - and shows why your one misinterpreted verse has led you up the loon garden path.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 04, 2011
I was right then!

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 04, 2011
event horizon wrote:I've watched the video. No verse is presented that prohibits pedophilia.

Why don't you just post the verse from the Koran you claim prohibits pedophilia?

Shaf, you have to be honest, I watched the video, no ref to Koranic verse is presented in it that prohibits pedophilia.
Why don' t you just give us the verse of the Koran that prohibits pedophilia instead of trolling, and we are done with it!
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 04, 2011
The video was quite clear, Islam does not condone paedophillia, forced marriages or s.ex outside of marriage.

Are you sure you watched it and took note of the Quranic and Hadith references? Which of the references given didn't address the issue of when a marriage can be consummated and hence whether paedophillia is allowed?

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 04, 2011
Shaf, you have to be honest, I watched the video, no ref to Koranic verse is presented in it that prohibits pedophilia.
Why don' t you just give us the verse of the Koran that prohibits pedophilia instead of trolling, and we are done with it!
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 04, 2011
The video was quite clear, Islam does not condone paedophillia, forced marriages or s.ex outside of marriage.

Are you sure you watched it and took note of the Quranic and Hadith references? Which of the references given didn't address the issue of when a marriage can be consummated and hence whether paedophillia is allowed?


(perhaps this time you'll read and understand what I wrote) ;)
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 04, 2011
Yes I watched it, can you give me the count where the quote from the Koran says peadophila is not allowed, because I can't find
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 04, 2011
It's near the beginning when it talks about marriageable age in Islam.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 04, 2011
What count, there is no screen quote from the Koran
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 04, 2011
2.20 onwards states the case. 3.15 starts with Quranic and other evidence which show Islam does not promote paedophillia.

It really is quite clear.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 04, 2011
I watched it again :roll: at the count you indicated, it is just someone talking, there is NO screen with a verses from the Koran to back up that islam does not allow peadephilia.
So you agree that your only reference is just some guy talking. Who is he BTW, do you even know him?
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 04, 2011

2.20 onwards states that the case will be made from Quran, Hadith and science - and not from 'someone's opinion' and 3.15 onwards the evidence is presented - starting with a Quranic quote and continuing with other evidence and quotes (with references).

Did you really watch it?

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Nov 04, 2011
Who states? Yes I watched it
there is no screen quote with a verses.
Is there a verses , yes or no
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Nov 04, 2011
You obviously haven't watched it. Part 1, from 3.15 onwards, begins with a Quranic quote and continues with other on-screen quotes and even some web references. Sheesh.

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