French Satirical Paper Attacked Following "Prophet Issue"

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French satirical paper attacked following "Prophet issue" Nov 02, 2011
This is where our Western society is headed.

A French magazine announced it would name "Prophet" Muhammad as its editor-in-chief for an upcoming issue of the magazine.

Days later, the office of the magazine was completely destroyed in an arson attack.

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Re: French satirical paper attacked following "Prophet issue Nov 02, 2011
Actually no EH, moslems are not clever enough to understand that by committing these crimes, they reinforced anti moslem sentiment, the more they try to silence those who show the true face of moslems the more people become anti moslem. Until it reaches a tipping point and turns into a pogrom.
In Swede they made illegal to say anything against moslems, as result, but it does not stop 75% of swedish to dislike moslems at the contrary, the moslem rape wave is also a worsening factor.
It s like here on DF, I am absolutely convinced that the more al shafique speaks, the more people go against islam.

Charlie Hebdo is a very good paper, they have been up against extremists for 30 years, they are not going to be silenced, no way, it s going to be the other way.
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Re: French Satirical Paper Attacked Following "Prophet Issue Nov 03, 2011
Molotov cocktails , sounds like a drink of some sort
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Re: French satirical paper attacked following "Prophet issue Nov 03, 2011
herve wrote:Actually no EH, moslems are not clever enough to understand that by committing these crimes, they reinforced anti moslem sentiment, the more they try to silence those who show the true face of moslems the more people become anti moslem. Until it reaches a tipping point and turns into a pogrom.
In Swede they made illegal to say anything against moslems, as result, but it does not stop 75% of swedish to dislike moslems at the contrary, the moslem rape wave is also a worsening factor.
It s like here on DF, I am absolutely convinced that the more al shafique speaks, the more people go against islam.

Charlie Hebdo is a very good paper, they have been up against extremists for 30 years, they are not going to be silenced, no way, it s going to be the other way.

What's worse than this attack is that most Muslims will approve of it.
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Re: French satirical paper attacked following "Prophet issue Nov 04, 2011
Today the French paper re issued their special, in defiance of muslims arsonists. with an extra. CHARIA SPECIAL
Sales went up. :lol:
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