When Beth was little, and at nursery, I received a letter saying that the staff would no longer be able to apply sunscreen as it could be seen as child abuse

It seems I was right all along

There has been an increase in the recorded instances of Ricketts in the UK!
The authotities are putting this down to the fact that kids aren't getting their Vitamin D (I think....I've had a couple of glasses of Chardonnay, and can't be arsed to google it...so it's from memory,,,) as too much suncream is being applied and kids aren't out in the sun any more anyway as they are all lazy tw@ts and sit in front of their Xboxes.
When In Dubai, and sitting by the pool, I only ever apply factor 2, max. I expect Beth to sort herself out. If she is burning I expect her to cover up or apply a higher factor. She has a brain and is expected to use it.
I don't allow whinging where the cause has been self inflicted.
What do you do to protect yourself against the sun (and not subject yourself to Ricketts)?