Islamophobes Shunned By Tea Party Politicians

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Islamophobes shunned by Tea Party Politicians Oct 29, 2011
When Islamophobes (loons) are too extreme for Tea Party politicians, you know that there is going to be some serious loon torment and ranting and raving going on.

In this case, on of event horizon's heroes - Pam Geller is the one being shunned. She's a heroine of Guru Bob Spencer and one of those who said weird things about Obama (about his religion and ancestry, to put it politely).

But now, after announcing publicly that speakers from the Tea Party were confirmed, the politicians have pulled out after efforts from the anti-Loon movement.

The initiatives seem to be working with even pro-Israel ADL distancing itself from the Islamophobes.

More here: ... la-geller/

No wonder the resident loons aren't happy. ;)


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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