Hi, I live in the UK and am posting on behalf of a friend whose ex-husband is currently living and working in Dubai. For the past 2 years her ex-husband has stopped all child maintenance payments regarding their 3 children (in direct violation of a UK court ordered consent order) and currently owes somewhere in the region of £40,000. My friend has been advised that she would have a very strong case against him if she took him to court in Dubai but, as she has no income other than state benefits, she does not have the money needed to fund court proceedings. This is a really long shot, but does anybody know if there are any lawyers in Dubai who would take this sort of case on some sort of no win, no fee basis? Or even half up front and half on completion of the case? I realise that the chances of this are highly unlikely but I have nothing to lose by asking! Many thanks if you've read this and any advice would be truly appreciated.