Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 25, 2011
Kanelli!? oh come on girl, please, that' s a 6th grader assigment. :lol:

Dominant religion Islm Chris Hind
Niger : islam 98% of 74.5= 73
Chad: islam 53% of 71.5= 38
Mali: islam 90% of 70.6 = 64
Bangladesh: islam 90% = 60
Guinea: islam 45% = 29
Central African republic: Christians 80% of 57= 45
Mozambique: Christians 24% = 13
Burquina Faso: islam 50% = 26
Nepal: HIndu 80% = 41
Ethiopia: Christians 50%= 24
Malawi: Christians 80%= 39
Madagascar: Christians 41%= 20
Sierra Leone: islam 66%= 32
Cameroun: islam 50% = 24
Eritrea: islam 50% = 24
Uganda: Christians 80%= 37
India: Hindu 80% = 37
Nicaragua: Christians 60%= 26
Zambia: Christians 80%= 33

Total islam 370 christians 237 Hindus78
54% 34% 12%

You did not realize this when you posted your stats, huh? if you are not happy with these number, please come up with yours so we can laugh.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 25, 2011
kanelli wrote:Ha ha ha! Nice stats. How on earth did you come up with that? :lol:

Someone isn't very good at their math are they???
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 25, 2011
OOh, stats excellent. :D

I can't see what the problem is here - as these stats about marriages, and there's no indication of those marrying between ages 16 and 18, say. The less developed countries will have earlier marriages - more developed, the more education etc and later the marriages.

There are stats on ages when girls become s.exually active - and those stats are interesting when looking at country/religion split. (That's homework for you girls)

But let's not get away from my central argument: forced marriages are not allowed in Islam, and Islam does not condone paedophillia - however much herve wishes it to be the case. He took a long time to realise that the hoax about Hamas was false, I'm wondering how long he'll hold on to this wrong belief.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 25, 2011
shafique wrote:I can't see what the problem is here - as these stats about marriages, and there's no indication of those marrying between ages 16 and 18, say. The less developed countries will have earlier marriages - more developed, the more education etc and later the marriages.

There are stats on ages when girls become s.exually active - and those stats are interesting when looking at country/religion split. (That's homework for you girls)

But let's not get away from my central argument: forced marriages are not allowed in Islam, and Islam does not condone paedophillia - however much herve wishes it to be the case. Cheers,

shafique wrote:That's pretty clear evidence kanelli.


What happened al shafique, kanelli's evidence turned out to be counter productive so now you deny them.
For what I read, 54% of child marriages are from moslems, condoned by islam and celebrated by moslem clerics, you lose. :lol:
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 25, 2011

46% of ''child marriages'' are from non-Muslims -so you have clearly lost, as it clearly shows it can't be Islam's fault in 46% of the case.

Now, it is for you to show that the reasons for the child marriages in these 46% of cases don't apply to the 54% of Muslim cases. Think about it.

Now, I really do hope that you don't hold on to this wrong belief for the same length of time you were adamant that the hoax was real. Let's see.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 25, 2011
^^you still didn't expain how young girls can be jailed in Afghanistan for objecting to a forced marriage if forced marriage is against Islamic law.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 25, 2011
shafique wrote::D

46% of ''child marriages'' are from non-Muslims -so you have clearly lost, as it clearly shows it can't be Islam's fault in 46% of the case.

Now, it is for you to show that the reasons for the child marriages in these 46% of cases don't apply to the 54% of Muslim cases. Think about it.

Deny the obvious and spin facts. you are laughable when you lose.
look what you say 46% are from non muslims, trying to spin a majority into a minority, yes right 46% is from non muslims, 46% is from ALL other religions together.
islam is responsible all by itself to 54% of child marriages ahead of any other religion. A MAJORITY , almost twice the Christian rate. CLEAR EVIDENCE (like you said yourself, do you need reminder?) that islam condones child marriage, which is called in the free world PEDOPHILIA
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 25, 2011
LOL - the desperation is funny.

I asked a simple question. What are the reasons for the 46% of marriages, and why don't these reasons also apply to the 54%?

You desperately want to blame Islam, but the data shows you're wrong. Again.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 25, 2011
The data show that 54% of pedophile marriages are from moslems. This thread is about islam forcing marriages and supporting pedophelia.
If you want to start a new thread about the 15 religions that make the other 46% be my guess.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 25, 2011
shafique wrote:LOL - the desperation is funny.

I asked a simple question. What are the reasons for the 46% of marriages, and why don't these reasons also apply to the 54%?

You desperately want to blame Islam, but the data shows you're wrong. Again.


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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 25, 2011
LOL - so herve is coming up with a new conspiracy theory and FD is trying to make me out as the one twisting!

Sorry guys, just like herve was wrong about the internet hoax, he's wrong now. I like the way he's running away scared from a simple question - cowardly actions from the guy with the weird theories. This time it is 54% of marriages are due to Islam, but no explanation as to the reasons for 46% non-Muslim marriages (is Islam to blame there too.. :shock: )

Facts and stats - not a loon's best friend. ;)

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 25, 2011
Well, the twist of the week is:

shafique wrote:the charge of paedophillia being allowed in Islam is solely limited to child marriages

This quote is truly beyond believe! And sooooo wrong on so many levels!
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 25, 2011
shafique wrote:LOL - so herve is coming up with a new conspiracy theory and FD is trying to make me out as the one twisting!

Sorry guys, just like herve was wrong about the internet hoax, he's wrong now. I like the way he's running away scared from a simple question - cowardly actions from the guy with the weird theories. This time it is 54% of marriages are due to Islam, but no explanation as to the reasons for 46% non-Muslim marriages (is Islam to blame there too.. :shock: )

Facts and stats - not a loon's best friend. ;)


Truth is I dont know why 46% of pedophile marriages in third world countries are from non muslims , sure they are criminals and perverts like the moslem ones, but it is not the topic here anyways. The topic here is why islam condones pedophelia. not why some tribes in a remote desert in Chad do it or not.
But we do know now (Thanks to kanelli's unwilling contribution with her data :) ) that 54% pedophile marriages are from muslims because islam allows it.
al shafique completely lost it on that one again.

-- Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:48 pm --

Flying Dutchman wrote:Well, the twist of the week is:

shafique wrote:the charge of paedophillia being allowed in Islam is solely limited to child marriages

This quote is truly beyond believe! And sooooo wrong on so many levels!

Bravo FD! Glad I am not the only who spotted that one, if al shafique's computer was searched in the US, a quote like this would lead to his arrest on the spot. and he deserves it!
But watch , he is going to spin and edit it, and later he will say that it was YOUR quote.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 25, 2011
I saw it as well and thought: :shock: :shock: what a blunder Shaf made!!!!!
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 26, 2011
Yikes! Lock up your daughters!
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 26, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:^^you still didn't expain how young girls can be jailed in Afghanistan for objecting to a forced marriage if forced marriage is against Islamic law.

How about because Afghanistan, or more likely the Taleban's interpretation of Islamic law is incorrect?

-- Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:52 am --

shafique wrote:LOL - so herve is coming up with a new conspiracy theory and FD is trying to make me out as the one twisting!

Sorry guys, just like herve was wrong about the internet hoax, he's wrong now. I like the way he's running away scared from a simple question - cowardly actions from the guy with the weird theories. This time it is 54% of marriages are due to Islam, but no explanation as to the reasons for 46% non-Muslim marriages (is Islam to blame there too.. :shock: )

Facts and stats - not a loon's best friend. ;)


No kidding! I'm laughing here.

These nitwits think their stats are conclusive - no matter that the experts at ICRW ( ) crunched the numbers and concluded that "No one religious affiliation was associated with child marriage, according to a 2007 ICRW study. Rather, a variety of religions are associated with child marriage in countries throughout the world."

What would be ICRW's motivation for lying? They are not an Islamic organization. They are working to end child marriage, so if it was primarily a religious issue then they would be admitting it and tackling it.

Here is an example of one girl's story from Niger, found in the pdf child marriage fact sheet.

"Takia, age 12, married at age 9 in Niger
Takia lives in Niamey, Niger’s capital. Her father has seven children by three wives; Takia’s mother died in childbirth. Because of her family’s poverty, her father believed the only way to guarantee a secure future for his daughters was to marry them off.
“One day my father told me I was to be married. I was never asked how I felt. It was my duty to respect his decision.”
She is unsure about her husband’s age, but a local youth organization estimates he is around 50. He waited until Takia was 11 before consummating the marriage. She gave birth to a daughter, Layla, that same year.
“I would have wanted to wait and find the one
I love. But now it is too late. I prefer not to
think about it. It is difficult for me, and for the whole country.”

The father has too many children to handle and feels that marrying his daughters off was the way to secure their future. Would their future be secure marrying them off to another 9 or 14 year old? It is likely that older grooms are chosen because they are more economically secure than young boys. It is repulsive to me that much older men would want to take a child bride and sleep with them at such a young age, but that seems to be the way things are done there. In this case she was married at 9 and the husband waited until she was 11 before consummating the marriage. If he was a raging pedophile, why didn't he sleep with her already at 9? It looks to me like there is a pretty fuzzy line between pedophilia and normal cultural practice so long as the girl is married and menstruating. The reasons given for child marriage by so many parents and child brides seem independent of religion. I don't see any religious justifications given that parents, children, and older men are blessed by God or Allah if marriages like this are arranged.

Image if the families were more economically secure and children could study past high school. Would there be so much child marriage going on? I highly doubt it! So where is the religion driving forced child marriage?
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 26, 2011
kanelli wrote: What would be ICRW's motivation for lying?

It s called political correctness, kanelli. Anyways numbers don't lie. no getting around the fact that 54% of marriages with children are with Muslims
Niger, 98% Muslims, and it is not religion connected???????? What are you on girl? All marriages are pronounced by a cleric, right? which makes it Islam related.

-- Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:32 am --

kanelli wrote: I don't see any religious justifications given that parents, children, and older men are blessed by God or Allah if marriages like this are arranged.

:shock: :shock: :shock: older men are blessed by allah if marriages like this (paedophile) are arranged.
WOW it is getting better by the day on this thread.
And if they are blessed by Allah , isn't it a religious justification?
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 26, 2011
gertrude wrote:
kanelli wrote: What would be ICRW's motivation for lying?

It s called political correctness, kanelli. Anyways numbers don't lie. no getting around the fact that 54% of marriages with children are with Muslims
Niger, 98% Muslims, and it is not religion connected???????? What are you on girl? All marriages are pronounced by a cleric, right? which makes it Islam related.

-- Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:32 am --

kanelli wrote: I don't see any religious justifications given that parents, children, and older men are blessed by God or Allah if marriages like this are arranged.

:shock: :shock: :shock: older men are blessed by allah if marriages like this (paedophile) are arranged.
WOW it is getting better by the day on this thread.
And if they are blessed by Allah , isn't it a religious justification?

How do you explain India then where 80% are Hindu? Does Hinduism support forced child marriage and pedophilia too?

If Islam was the primary cause then all Islamic countries would have the highest forced child marriage rates, including the wealthy ones where girls receive higher educations. What can't you understand about correlation? The poverty level and lack of education correlates highly with forced child marriage, not religion. If some impoverished countries also have Islam as the majority religion, you would need to ask them why they are marrying off their children to older men. So far I haven't seen any of them saying that they want to copy Aisha and Muhammed so that they are favoured by Allah in present and afterlife. They seem to be simply marrying off younger girls to older and more financially secure men so that their girls can eat and have a roof over their heads and don't take up space and resources in their parents' houses anymore.

I am completely agreeing that forced child marriage is terrible, but I understand that other societies don't function the same way as affluent Western societies. Many injustices occur, and there are many feminist issues that need addressing. Forced child marriage to older men is one of those because of all the problems and hardship it brings to these girls and their society. Even without Islam these problems would still exist if poverty and lack of education are present. It does not help that there is an example of Aisha and Muhammed in the Quran and Hadith that people living in those situations can use to justify a child marriage as being ok. I agree that that is a problem. What I don't agree with is that religion is being used as the primary reason to marry off children.

I never meant to say that Allah blesses the old men marrying the children. You have misinterpreted my sentence because I wrote it poorly. I can see that now when I re-read it. What I meant to say is that I don't see parents giving explanations that the reason why they are marrying off their children to older men is to gain blessings or bring favour upon themselves from Allah. I hope that clarifies.
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 26, 2011
kanelli wrote:How about because Afghanistan, or more likely the Taleban's interpretation of Islamic law is incorrect?

Who are infidels to say which interpretation of Islamic law is correct?
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 26, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
kanelli wrote:How about because Afghanistan, or more likely the Taleban's interpretation of Islamic law is incorrect?

Who are infidels to say which interpretation of Islamic law is correct?

There are many other Muslims who would disagree with the laws in Afghanistan, it isnt just us infidels. :D
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 26, 2011
So you're speaking for Muslims now? Amazin.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 26, 2011
Why don't you ask some Muslims then, if you don't believe me.
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 26, 2011
It's not a case of not believing you, I'm just surprised you feel qualified to speak on behalf of Muslims.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 26, 2011
I'm not surprised at your inane comments and lack of substance when contributing to this thread.

Like I said, ask some of your Muslim friends, if you have any, whether they think that Afghanistan's laws and punishments are correct according to Islam.
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 26, 2011
I thought Muslims could never be critical of Islam or question the Kuran.
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 26, 2011
gertrude wrote:I thought Muslims could never be critical of Islam or question the Kuran.

Not the ones that Kanelli speaks for, obviously.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 27, 2011
Its really touching to see you two Islamophobes bonding like this! Brings a tear to my eye! :lol:
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 27, 2011
kanelli wrote:Its really touching to see you two Islamophobes bonding like this! Brings a tear to my eye! :lol:

I know how you feel, I PMSL when you try to save Shafique.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 27, 2011
:lol: As if Shaf ever needs saving.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 27, 2011
kanelli wrote:Its really touching to see you two Islamophobes bonding like this! Brings a tear to my eye! :lol:

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