Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai

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Re: Relocation to Dubai Aug 31, 2009
cathbrewis wrote:Hi

Does anyone know if companies in Dubai are still willing to pay for relocation fees and visas? I know with the recession everyone is trying to avoid costs, but was just wondering if it is still possible.

I am living in South Africa and looking for work in events.


employers are laible for visa and labour costs. depends what you mean by relocation.. a container or a few boxes of items? if its household goods, it cheaper to either leave them behind or sell them and replace them in dubai (much cheaper than SA). or do you mean airline tickets??

transport to and from the uae (either goods or personal tickets) is really a matter of negotiation between yourself and your employer. if they say yes, ensure that you get it it writing, as well as any conditions that they may attach to the agreement - most will make a few concessions, but normally on condition that you work out the full contract period, else you will be liable for a pro-rate refund to them for expenses incured. keep reciepts that you collect.
if you have agreed with the company that they will pay your airfare out to the UAE, let them pay for the ticket as it is cheaper to pay for it from Dubai

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Sep 08, 2009
Hello Everybody,

i´m a car seller in germany, working at an audistore. I´m looking for a job in an audi store in dubai ore emirates at all. Are there any usefull contacts ore even some taps ? i try to prepare myself by learning business-english and learning about cultural differences... Whatabout my aplication !? any special things employers look for ?
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hosbitality in dubai ! Sep 11, 2009
hi i wish go to dubai with my husband to work, but i don't khnow if is possible to obtain hosbitality in the same home ???
wejden 16
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Oct 01, 2009
Hi all,
I m 24 year old indian girl.i have done MBA in Marketing nd onli have 6 month of experience. i have also completed icwa inter. i wanted to work in dubai. is it safe for a girl to work there without husband or father living there? Nd hows work culture in dubai for girls.
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Apr 25, 2010
Hi dbxsoul, Thank you very much for this very useful tips..

i'm a 33 year old filipino, even at my age is there any chance that i can get a job in dubai?

and beside that, i have no college degree, im just a High school graduate and i just take a 3 months (computer) course in a technical school here in the philippines... with my educational attainment, what kind of job i can apply for? what are my chances?

i work as a warehouseman for two years here, and after that i was promoted as a Warehouse Supervisor (5 years) here in our company. so, i have a 7 years working experienced in Warehousing.

Thank you very much, i hope you can help me with my question...
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Apr 25, 2010
Hi there,
As for age, yes. Employable age is up to 60 and could be extended after that under certain conditions.
As for qualification, that is a little more difficult and to be quite honest they normally require Filipino employees to have a university qualification, unless of course you are being employed as an unskilled labourer. Herein lies the answer; an employer could actually employ you as an "unskilled labourer" on paper, but utilise you in a different vocation.

What I would do it to firstly have your highest school qualifiactions as well as your computer course qualification attested at the UAE consulate - think it is in Manilla.
Secondly get written refernce letters from your current (and past) employers. These carry no real weight with any of the Labour issues, but could help to sway a potential employer.

Join and look through as many on-line sites as possible; see what positions are on offer and what the minimum requirements are.

Try this one - it is the classified section form the Gulf News, it normally has current jobs as well as some indication of requirements and salaries - it also can provide leads/ details for some local emplyment agents. ... =warehouse
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Apr 26, 2010
Thank you very much sir... you are very helpful here in the forum.

i have check the site that you gave me, i see that most of the jobs didn't indicate the salary instead "salary not found" do you have any idea how much is that?
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Apr 26, 2010
supermariobrothers wrote:Thank you very much sir... you are very helpful here in the forum.

i have check the site that you gave me, i see that most of the jobs didn't indicate the salary instead "salary not found" do you have any idea how much is that?

hi there,

where there is no salary indicated it means that the employer has not provided any salary guidelines - in instances such as this they will want to "haggle" over the salary - normally offering a lower than market-related salary. It will be up to you to try and "haggle" the package/ salary upwards. ask for more than you actually want.

for example if you really want 1,000 ask for 1,500. the employer will say... no it is far to high what about 1,250 or 1,000 - this way you basically get what you want.
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Apr 27, 2010
Thanks dbxsoul...

basically, what is the minimum salary of "unskilled labourer" in dubai?

im thinking of enrolling a short term course here, in some of the training center to get a certificate. do you think having that could help me to get a better chance of being hired in dubai?
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Apr 27, 2010
Hi, as I mentioned much of the UAE and the Gulf (government) runs along the assumption that a piece of paper from a university equates to a good employee - when in most cases a good grounding and experience makes a good employee. if you are planning on doing a short course make sure that the course is internationally acredited - if it is not then the qualification is not worth anything.

I have in fact worked with people labouring under the impression that they had serious educations and credentials because they had a 4 or 5 year university degree - infact the basis for their study was a single text book studied over this period!!!! which hardly consitiutes an education!

Unskilled labour is just that, unskilled and they pay base rates, the conditions of work are not brilliant during summer. people who have a trade skill such as welders, plumbers and carpenters fare better in this situation
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Apr 29, 2010
Thanks dbxsoul...

i have a friend who is now in dubai, he used to work in the same company that i am working right now here in the philippines. he enter dubai through a visit visa then he apply for a job. and luckily he now have a job there. now, when we are chatting, he's urging me to go there, but i keep on saying to him that i dont have a college degree so im affraid that i may not get hired because of it. but he keep on telling me to give it a try, my work experienced here is enough, for the employer to hire me. well, thats what he said.

back to the haggling of salary... for example, i found a job there that land to the "unskilled labourer" category, a storekeeeper, waiter or work in a hotel. How much is the minimum salary for it? so that i can have an idea on how to haggle with the employer... :-)

Thanks again sir!
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Apr 29, 2010
supermariobrothers wrote:Thanks dbxsoul...

i have a friend who is now in dubai, he used to work in the same company that i am working right now here in the philippines. he enter dubai through a visit visa then he apply for a job. and luckily he now have a job there. now, when we are chatting, he's urging me to go there, but i keep on saying to him that i dont have a college degree so im affraid that i may not get hired because of it. but he keep on telling me to give it a try, my work experienced here is enough, for the employer to hire me. well, thats what he said.

back to the haggling of salary... for example, i found a job there that land to the "unskilled labourer" category, a storekeeeper, waiter or work in a hotel. How much is the minimum salary for it? so that i can have an idea on how to haggle with the employer... :-)

Thanks again sir!

Okay, I would look for the site for a company called Bin Hendi, they are a fairly large company and have several facets to their business, although most of them are in the restaurant industry. I remember seeing quiet a large advertisement in the last few days for several positions for them.

Your fist step is though that you must have whatever qualifications you have attested, whether this is a school certificate or more - the law of the country requires this. I would expect the salary for restaurant positions is in the region of 2,500 – 3500 per month – depending on the job and level of skill and responsibility it involves. With many companies (in this line of work) they will also provide some form of accommodation and transport to and from work – but don’t expect much!!! They will normally try and put as many people as possible into as small a space as possible.

If you come on a visit visa you are more likely to find work than via the internet and emails!
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Apr 30, 2010
dbxsoul wrote:
supermariobrothers wrote:Thanks dbxsoul...

i have a friend who is now in dubai, he used to work in the same company that i am working right now here in the philippines. he enter dubai through a visit visa then he apply for a job. and luckily he now have a job there. now, when we are chatting, he's urging me to go there, but i keep on saying to him that i dont have a college degree so im affraid that i may not get hired because of it. but he keep on telling me to give it a try, my work experienced here is enough, for the employer to hire me. well, thats what he said.

back to the haggling of salary... for example, i found a job there that land to the "unskilled labourer" category, a storekeeeper, waiter or work in a hotel. How much is the minimum salary for it? so that i can have an idea on how to haggle with the employer... :-)

Thanks again sir!

Okay, I would look for the site for a company called Bin Hendi, they are a fairly large company and have several facets to their business, although most of them are in the restaurant industry. I remember seeing quiet a large advertisement in the last few days for several positions for them.

Your fist step is though that you must have whatever qualifications you have attested, whether this is a school certificate or more - the law of the country requires this. I would expect the salary for restaurant positions is in the region of 2,500 – 3500 per month – depending on the job and level of skill and responsibility it involves. With many companies (in this line of work) they will also provide some form of accommodation and transport to and from work – but don’t expect much!!! They will normally try and put as many people as possible into as small a space as possible.

If you come on a visit visa you are more likely to find work than via the internet and emails!

I would look for the site for a company called Bin Hendi
Thanks sir, im looking forward to it.. maybe you could post or PM it to me, i really appreciate your help.

I'm gonna finish my training here in a short course (HRM) related to a restaurant or hotel job by next month, and after getting my certificate they will also help me get "on the job training" here. with that, (and with GOD's help) and despite me being an asian with no college degree, it can give me enough confidence that i can get a chance of getting a job in dubai. also i still have my 8 years of experienced as Warehouseman/Supervisor here. i think that would be enough to add to my credentials. (i hope so... :D )

3,500 per month will do fine for me... :D my plans of trying it out there through a "visit visa" is after the summer season, as i also read here in your post that it is the ideal time.

Thanks dbxsoul!
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Apr 30, 2010

the site is a little slow in loading as it is filled with graphics and video materials ...
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Re: Tips for working and finding work in Dubai May 22, 2010
Thanx for all the info.I would be grateful if you could tell me on average
how much would an Asst Professor of Business would earn in the UAE?
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai May 22, 2010
Depends what you intend doing with the qualification and experience?
Teaching/ lecturing or actually working?

Work depends on industry sector.
Teaching and lecturing definitely depends on institution.
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Jun 04, 2010
Very very informative material. Great job to you dbxsoul!

I have a query about working in dubai. I've been working here in the philippines for 3 years now in a call center.. I'm 28 years old and currently works as a Quality Assurance Representative. I also hold a degree in Chemical Engineering but was not able to practice it but i do have certification during my intern on Waste Water Treatment.

I am eyeing to work in dubai for a call center company but I do not have any idea on what company and if the industry (call center) is that rampant in dubai compared here in the philippines.
What would be my chances to work in dubai as a call center agent or probably something similar?
Another thing to consider is salary. I was not able to see how much it pays in dubai to work in a call center company.

Any advise regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much and Best Regards!
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Jun 04, 2010
Hi there,

Just a quick reply, but something to consider. Call centres are not really a big item in the UAE, there are a few reasons. Fairly small local and expat. population, in the "big picture" most companies in the UAE are small when compared to multi-national and even national companies, high labour costs - it is cheaper to employ and run a call centre from India or the Phillipines than it is in Dubai/ UAE (no accomodation, visa, medical costs, leave tickets etc.).

In my experience sucessful call centres are placed in areas where the labour is (relativley) inexpensive, has a local population that is highly skilled, high literacy rate and high levels of unemployement. India for example has many highly qualified, unemployed IT workers, Hong Kong for finance, Philippines for finance, IT and remote CAD offices.

I would say that you would have a far better chance finding employment in your original vocation rather than in call centre managment (in the UAE)! In actual fact I would even go as far as to say that your skills in this area may even be in demand!

UAE Labour law is prohibitive when it comes to job-hopping, refer to the posts on Labour Bans.
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Jun 04, 2010
dbxsoul wrote:Hi there,

Just a quick reply, but something to consider. Call centres are not really a big item in the UAE, there are a few reasons. Fairly small local and expat. population, in the "big picture" most companies in the UAE are small when compared to multi-national and even national companies, high labour costs - it is cheaper to employ and run a call centre from India or the Phillipines than it is in Dubai/ UAE (no accomodation, visa, medical costs, leave tickets etc.).

In my experience sucessful call centres are placed in areas where the labour is (relativley) inexpensive, has a local population that is highly skilled, high literacy rate and high levels of unemployement. India for example has many highly qualified, unemployed IT workers, Hong Kong for finance, Philippines for finance, IT and remote CAD offices.

I would say that you would have a far better chance finding employment in your original vocation rather than in call centre managment (in the UAE)! In actual fact I would even go as far as to say that your skills in this area may even be in demand!

UAE Labour law is prohibitive when it comes to job-hopping, refer to the posts on Labour Bans.

Thank you dbxsoul for the quick response.

Keeping that in mind now gives me a better picture of the industry (call centre) there in dubai / UAE. What came accross my mind now is the skill. since working in a call centre deals more with selling. I think sales is another one to consider at my end when looking for a work in dubai. I know that there are many stores ( retail ) in dubai that might be looking for sales rep's or marketing ( not too sure ). Will having an experience in a call centre industry give me a shot in having a marketing / sales rep postion in dubai?

Also, considering my lack of experience in my field ( engineering ). What would be the chances to practice it in dubai?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Jun 04, 2010
Again, because of the relativly small "buying population" the only sales centres you may find that have any work in the UAE are property, vehicles and one whice always gets me are the banks. although, the banks generally have their centres in India :)

Sales, direct sale and sales representatives, you're likily to get work in. These tend to be quiet lowly paid positions though, or low basic and commision based.

As to the engineering, well you have to start somewhere. Normally employers in the middle east prefer expereinced candidates, but you may get lucky!
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Jun 04, 2010
dbxsoul wrote:Again, because of the relativly small "buying population" the only sales centres you may find that have any work in the UAE are property, vehicles and one whice always gets me are the banks. although, the banks generally have their centres in India :)

Sales, direct sale and sales representatives, you're likily to get work in. These tend to be quiet lowly paid positions though, or low basic and commision based.

As to the engineering, well you have to start somewhere. Normally employers in the middle east prefer expereinced candidates, but you may get lucky!

Great! Thank you so much to the feedback. I'll follow your tips then let's see if get lucky!!! :)

Best Regards and thanks again.
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Nov 28, 2010
How long does the attested document stay valid for? E.g, can I have it attested now and wait a few years (3-5) to apply for a position?
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Nov 28, 2010
They are valid pretty much indefinitly. I have ones which were attested about 10 years back and which i still use
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Feb 03, 2011
that is so much information! I'm wondering is there any stigma towards Caucasian people? I've heard being white it can be difficult to find work there. is any of that true?
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Feb 03, 2011
Not really, depends on the type of work and the nature of the industry. Many employers will simply hire the cheapest option, without any regard for quality of work and productivity.

An example of industry biased would be in the IT industry where staff from the Indian sub-continent are (normally) very qualified, experienced and are prepared to work for a lot less than an IT specialist from the UK (for example) would.

If it were a position that involved a lot of liaison with an international partner, high end corporate clients then you would find a reversal of the situation.
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Re: Tips for working and finding work in Dubai Mar 15, 2011
Good day!
How i can find here working as 3ds designer-vizulizator here...
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Re: Tips for working and finding work in Dubai Jun 29, 2011
Some much info in one post)))) But it is really useful)) Thanks))
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Re: Tips for working and finding work in Dubai Oct 26, 2011
useful information - Thanks
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Jan 21, 2012
Do a lot of walk-ins. But at the same time, try your luck through online applications. I got half of my interviews on online appointments. Be confident, impress them during the interview.
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Re: Tips For Working And Finding Work In Dubai Feb 25, 2012
dbxsoul , thank you for all this information! Great tips!
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