Put The Blame On The Private Sector.......

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Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 25, 2011
this has been going on for years. Putting the blame on private sector for the high rate of unemployment of locals. I guess the private sector is asking too much:

http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/educa ... s-1.918010

"A report put out last month by Going Global says there are twice as many jobs as there are nationals in the UAE," said Al Khatheri. "The challenge is that although Emiratis are only 10 per cent of the population, their unemployment rate is five times higher than that of expatriates."

He added this challenge is worsened by official figures that predict up to 20,000 people are annually set to join the UAE's workforce over the next 10 years.

Al Khatheri quoted 2008 statistics, which state 90 per cent of the UAE's workforce consists of expatriates and the remaining 10 per cent is made up of Emiratis.

However, within the Emirati workforce, 2010 figures show unemployment rates at 13 per cent and among 15- to 24-year-old Emiratis the unemployment rate is 23 per cent. "Emirati unemployment started around 1995 and for the past 15 years it has been growing. And this challenge continues," he said. "The population is increasing and this contributes to an increasing unemployment trend, which creates a complex situation."

How do you factor in 15 to 17 year olds who haven't even completed high school?

Here's the punchline folks!!!! Entitlement is alive and well thriving in the UAE.

The problem lies in the fact that the private sector is unwilling to hire locals. According to a recent survey conducted by YouGovSiraj, nearly 70 per cent of the private sector companies in the UAE are only willing to hire Emiratis if they accept certain conditions.

"The report shows 67 per cent of the private sector will agree to support the Emiratisation programme only if nationals accept equal salaries, are as qualified as expatriates and are willing to work long hours," Al Khatheri said. "[And] the list of ‘ifs' goes on and on."

Yet, he went on to say that "the future of the Emiratis is in the private sector".

The private sector is asking the same of locals as they do expats. Equal salary, qualified as expatriates and - here it comes - work long hours!!! Long hours as in 9 to 6??? And there is an "if" list. Could that be: if you can report to work on time, work a full day, 5 days a week. If you can pull your own weight. If you can carry your own work load. If you have the skills to be a productive employee. If you can adhere to company policies. If you meet the criteria for the position.

How does Dubai expect to get back on its feet and pull itself out of the hole if they want the private sector to meet the demands of the government by giving locals a job for the sake of them having a job? Employ locals who at the drop of a dime head over the the Ruler's Court to report an employer because [fill in the blank for the smallest complaint possible].

I've yet to see, in all the years that the matter of locals being employed by the private sector, blame the locals for their unwillingness to work in the private sector because the private sector is unwilling to create two sets of policies - one for the locals and one for expats. For their "entitlement" mentality. And if you are going to go by the above statement -15-24 year olds, how many companies are going to hire 15-18 year old kids that bring absolutely nothing to the table other than their blackberry (and pretty much goes for the 19-24 year olds)? The government gives homes to the locals, so a housing allowance isn't required. The locals get reduced rates for DEWA and such. Why would they need an airline ticket to go "home" when they are already home?

The future may be in the private sector for locals, but it could also be the downfall to companies in the private sector. Even locals who own companies in the private sector won't hire locals!!!

Bora Bora
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Re: Put The Blame On The Private Sector....... Oct 25, 2011
Most definitely if they think that there should be two policies, one for expats and one for locals, there is no future for locals to be hired in the private sector. They have to be willing to work like everyone else does. Many companies aren't giving fancy expat packages anymore anyway so compensation shouldn't be much of an issue. I think that if more locals had the knowledge, skills, experience, and a good work ethic, the private sector would be thrilled to hire them over expats. The locals need to reach the higher bar, not ask for it to be lowered due to a sense of entitlement that it is their country and they deserve the jobs.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 25, 2011
It's an issue that's been going on for years. Emiratis have to accept the fact that they have to work on an even playing field with Expats of have no job - it's really as simple as that. You cannot force companies to take on people who lacks qualifications, want higher salaries, less hours doing less work than the rest of the work force.

So many companies were forced to take on locals due to Emiratisation and they failed miserably.

Don't get me wrong, there are locals who want to work hard and do get stuck in, but sadly they are far a few between. And then they moan about having too many expats? Well when you can get a national to drive a taxi and do a decent days hard graft, then stop complaining about it.

Interesting article.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 25, 2011
To many locals salaries are the issue in the first place which may not meet their fancy life style they wish for. I don't blame them ! big family big houses big responsibilities .. it just won't cut for them.

then you got the issue of those who are looking for jobs are concentrated in the eastern emirates and jobs are concentrated in AD and Dubai which adds to their expenses and the roads going and forth..

I wouldn't blame the private sectors , they are here to make money and to do charity for the locals and their needs of Bling Bling.. simple as that. and they got 10 times less opportunity to payless for other nationalities and those nationalities and welling to work as hard as they could to keep that job bcz of the big competition.

Many families being wealthy also add something to this issue, for example when girls espaicaly are from decent family financially they just don't see the need to work and wait for a perfect one to come up.
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Re: Put The Blame On The Private Sector....... Oct 25, 2011

Kid, you never cease to amaze me with your mentality. So the private sector should take it's profits and support the locals. PMSL!!!!

You forgot to add that it's expensive having to provide 4 homes and support 4 wives and 16 children and on top of that some also have the burden of having to support their mistress(es). :lol:

More than half of that "bling bling" is fake or knockoffs. And locals are up to their necks in debt in keeping up appearances.

Thank you for proving my point: Entitlement mentality concept. And that is exactly why the unemployment amongst locals is so high. Thank goodness for the government giving you a job, eh Kid?? Otherwise you would be one of the unemployed. :lol: :lol:
Bora Bora
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 25, 2011
I think it's interesting to hear what the locals have to say. Thanks UAEkid.

I'd like to hear what general_A has to say on the subject.
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 25, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:I think it's interesting to hear what the locals have to say. Thanks UAEkid.

I'd like to hear what general_A has to say on the subject.

I think GeneralA is much more realistic BM.

Think: UK immigrant welfare entitlement mentality. Same mentality, different entitlements.
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Re: Put The Blame On The Private Sector....... Oct 25, 2011
Bora Bora wrote::shock:

Kid, you never cease to amaze me with your mentality. So the private sector should take it's profits and support the locals. PMSL!!!!

You forgot to add that it's expensive having to provide 4 homes and support 4 wives and 16 children and on top of that some also have the burden of having to support their mistress(es). :lol:

More than half of that "bling bling" is fake or knockoffs. And locals are up to their necks in debt in keeping up appearances.

Thank you for proving my point: Entitlement mentality concept. And that is exactly why the unemployment amongst locals is so high. Thank goodness for the government giving you a job, eh Kid?? Otherwise you would be one of the unemployed. :lol: :lol:

My previous question still stands if you have ever graduated from high school:

hon, our unemployment is different than yours.. for the low class, working in a fast food restaurant is not a job! We simply don't settle for such jobs, our life style is different than yours. But look at the bright sight! This mentality is the reason why you and your husband are here putting food on the table and I cant see why shooting for a higher better paying job is a mentality issue to you. You settled for less bcz you know this is your limit and they don’t, it’s a simple personal call that you shouldn’t be judging I don't know what you are complaining about: but this is life hon, some are up and some are down there. even those who are unemployed make more money than you do :lol:

I remembered posting an article with the same problems with the American and the same reason why they don’t want to get those jobs and you simply chose to ignore it .or is it different when the finger is pointed on you ?

you are living on your husband allowance my dear bora, you should be the last one to talk about jobs :lol:
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Re: Put The Blame On The Private Sector....... Oct 25, 2011
uaekid wrote:my preveoues question still stands if you have ever graduated from highschool :?

hon, our unemployeent is different than yours.. for the low class, working in a fast food resturent is not a job! we simply don't sattle for such jobs, our life style is different than yours. but look at the bright sight ! this mentality is the reson why you and your husbend are here putting food on the table. I don't know what are you complaining about :? but this is life hon, some are up and some are down there. even those who are unemployed make more moeny than you do :lol:

I surpassed high school Kid. And even if I had stopped there, the American education would have provided me with alot more than what you get. Why do you think so many locals put their kids in schools that are run by expats?? :shock: :shock:

The difference between "those" who are unemployed have no pride, dignity and self-respect. Those are things that you gain from being a productive individual in society. I would rather have all those qualities and less money as those are things that money can't buy. Fortunately, I have both, but if I had to give one of them up it would be money. I don't expect you to get it Kid seeing as how you think money is the lifeline to all things. Money has great purchase power, but it can't buy class and respect. Remember that.
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Re: Put The Blame On The Private Sector....... Oct 25, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
uaekid wrote:my preveoues question still stands if you have ever graduated from highschool :?

hon, our unemployeent is different than yours.. for the low class, working in a fast food resturent is not a job! we simply don't sattle for such jobs, our life style is different than yours. but look at the bright sight ! this mentality is the reson why you and your husbend are here putting food on the table. I don't know what are you complaining about :? but this is life hon, some are up and some are down there. even those who are unemployed make more moeny than you do :lol:

I surpassed high school Kid. And even if I had stopped there, the American education would have provided me with alot more than what you get. Why do you think so many locals put their kids in schools that are run by expats?? :shock: :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: yaa yaa

"productive individual in society" is not about work my dear bora and cut the bull Shi* you are throwing at me , do this play else where. you should again repect your self and the people around you " they are the socity " which you cleary deminstrated in every post that you don't have and cant give.

and yes moeny is every thing, you don't see homeless people being "productive individual in society" thats how the world are being runing buy, don't give me the amarican wana be perfect person here bora , its too late for you to act this way :wink: moeny will secure your life and the people you are responsible for, it will determen the quility of your life and sustain it .dignity wont cut it now a adays neither it has anything to do with the job I choose.

my point is , if you are a graduate, will you send your CV to a restaurant to work as a waitress or to a big company ? to us those private sector jobs are the restaurants jobs elsewhere. it just hot it is here, I didn’t make it up.

the 5 mill expats are here and not being "productive individual to their won society " is bcz of money and that include you and your husband ,you are seeking a better life , or is it our beaches that brought you here :lol: ? to your standers to the issue you too chose to ignore your responsibilities due on you toward your society back home . why are you and him are a way from it ? you got nothing bora

at the end I don't know why locals being unemplyed is any of your business neither does it effect you or is your case by any mean. stop juding people and care for your self for ones ,let people choise what they want when they want it the way they want it and stop playing god all over here .
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 26, 2011
Kid, if all your teenagers were forced to work flipping burgers part time whilst they study or straight out of school, then they'd have more of an appreciation for money, hard work and what is required to get a decent job. Cripes I had a part time job when I was 14 at the weekends and worked 2 jobs to help put myself through Uni.

Your mentality is so unbelievably stuck up! A job is a job, if it provides and income and your attitude is extremely insulting! My father when I was growing up worked FOUR jobs at the same time to provide for his family, he had his airline job, played in a band, worked part time as a gardener and a taxi driver - why? Because he had to, to provide for us. He and my mother have worked their assess off their entire lives and you know what? Now they're both retired in the country of their choice, with a massive house they built themselves and they will never have to worry about money again - why? Because they EARNED it!

Your attitude as always is one of a person who does not life in the real world, or someone who expects everything in life to be given to them. What lesson are you teaching your children? Nothing, you're actually doing them a huge diservice.

Plus you know what? If you haven't learned so already that 'piece of paper' that you get from Higher Education, very often in the real world means zip! Companies require experience and know-how, not a Uni degree.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Put The Blame On The Private Sector....... Oct 26, 2011
uaekid, have you ever had so little money that you couldn't afford any groceries, or to pay your electric or water bills, or any gas for your car, or your mortgage? Would you still be sitting at home, too proud to take a job you considered below your value? Maybe you need a reality check.
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 26, 2011
Well I would never flip burgers. Only losers work in MacDonalds.
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Re: Put The Blame On The Private Sector....... Oct 26, 2011
Who is the loser by choosing to starve/freeze/get kicked out of their home because they are too proud to flip burgers? :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 26, 2011
Who starves or gets put on the street in my country?
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 26, 2011
Kid, pray that you never lose what you have. You see, should it happen to expats, we would still have our dignity, pride, self-respect, experience and education to pull us through. In your case, you would have nothing. What you do have is a false sense of pride due to your entitlement mentality. Your attitude can be compared equally to a welfare recipient.

Reading your post tells me that since the UAE government paid for your "higher" education in the US - which is more expensive than what US citizens pay, clearly you didn't earn your degree (if indeed you did go to uni in the States) you bought your degree. There is saying: a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Your's clearly has been allocated to the pile of waste.

Instead of being thankful for what you have in spite of not having earned it, you flaunt it. Without the benefits you received from your country, you would have absolutely nothing to show for your very existence. As it stands now, the only thing you have to show is your arrogance and money. Trust me, people aren't jealous nor do they admire you for that. You can't buy respect Kid, nor should you expect it, nor can you demand that people give it, you earn it. You get zero from me and that goes for anyone else who thinks the way you do. You would be like a man with no island (or in your case a desert) if the one and only thing you possess was taken from you - money. I feel sorry for you, really I do. I, like most expats, are thankful for what we have because we have gone through life and learned the lessons that come with the journey. You haven't even gotten close enough to the surface to scratch it.

To put so much value on money is very sad indeed. I guess that would be due to the fact that you have absolutely no value for yourself. You put on a very brave front, but it's clear as glass that as a person, you have no self-worth. You can't even accept the truth when it slaps you in the face. The truth merely hits a nerve with you and you do everything you can to try dispel it. You may convince yourself otherwise, but fail at convincing everyone else. Dream on Kid, dream on.

You are a disgrace and an embarrassment to your fellow countrymen who work hard and strive to be better people. But "talking" to you is like talking to the hand. :roll:

-- Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:37 pm --

kanelli wrote:Who is the loser by choosing to starve/freeze/get kicked out of their home because they are too proud to flip burgers? :lol:

I know one person: UAEKid. :lol:
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Re: Put The Blame On The Private Sector....... Oct 26, 2011
I my days, you gave 18 months of service to the country without complaining and moaning. Make your own money, and wouldn't dream about taking anybody else's money or live on baksheesh. It's a sense of pride that you cannot get anyhow else. If it meant working assembly line, nobody would think "well sitting at home is better and taking government money". Its simply wasn't an option to think that.
How times change, now the new generation can only moan and have this sense of entitlement. I must be getting old...
Where did it go wrong? Abolishment of military service is one. The army makes a man out of you! And you earn your place in society. Thats my solution for now, everybody does at least a year community service for your society.
Kid, get of your lazy a$$, stop moaning and move, move, move! Go clean toilets for a year and earn your right to say something!
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 26, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Kid, if all your teenagers were forced to work flipping burgers part time whilst they study or straight out of school, then they'd have more of an appreciation for money, hard work and what is required to get a decent job. Cripes I had a part time job when I was 14 at the weekends and worked 2 jobs to help put myself through Uni.

Your mentality is so unbelievably stuck up! A job is a job, if it provides and income and your attitude is extremely insulting! My father when I was growing up worked FOUR jobs at the same time to provide for his family, he had his airline job, played in a band, worked part time as a gardener and a taxi driver - why? Because he had to, to provide for us. He and my mother have worked their assess off their entire lives and you know what? Now they're both retired in the country of their choice, with a massive house they built themselves and they will never have to worry about money again - why? Because they EARNED it!

Your attitude as always is one of a person who does not life in the real world, or someone who expects everything in life to be given to them. What lesson are you teaching your children? Nothing, you're actually doing them a huge diservice.

Plus you know what? If you haven't learned so already that 'piece of paper' that you get from Higher Education, very often in the real world means zip! Companies require experience and know-how, not a Uni degree.

our life is different than your chocoholic. your kids working in fast-food restaurants is not bcz you wana give them experience, its bcz you want them to share the house expenses. I for one didn't work this hard to see my kids working in a restaurant , not for one day.not bcz of shame but bcz I want the best for them… and you may not know but all our government departments provides a summer experience in real jobs, jobs that my kids will really benefit from and learn something out of it instead of coming home smiling oily. now that a real experience.
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Re: Put The Blame On The Private Sector....... Oct 26, 2011
Yup. Child labor alive and well. :lol: If you call playtime labor.

You want the best for your kids? Well why don't you just whip out the moola and give it to them. :shock: You certainly don't have any work ethics that amount to anything to pass on.

I think you made a mistake Kid, you don't work hard, you hardly work!!! Showing up someplace, doing nothing but give the appearance that you are doing something, is not work. In developed countries the general rule of thumb is that people who work(ed) for the government never get hired by private enterprise because the only thing they bring to the job is laziness. I guess US government employees and the UAE laborers do have something in common. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 26, 2011
You know the sad thing is that I can't blame Kid for his attitude, it's his governments fault. This country is only just under 4 decades old and they have gone from zero to 100 in that space of time, whereas the countries we come from have centuries of experience and an extremely long learning curve. Whereas these guys have been yanked out the desert and given everything on a plate, they haven't fallen on hard times - well some have and maybe those like Kid should go and experience their lives for a while.

I completely agree with FD about the military service, many European countries still do this and I wish they'd re-implement it in the UK, where people have to be willing and able to fight for their country, but hey as always the UAE even pays others to do that for them.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 26, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:You know the sad thing is that I can't blame Kid for his attitude, it's his governments fault. This country is only just under 4 decades old and they have gone from zero to 100 in that space of time, whereas the countries we come from have centuries of experience and an extremely long learning curve. Whereas these guys have been yanked out the desert and given everything on a plate, they haven't fallen on hard times - well some have and maybe those like Kid should go and experience their lives for a while.

I completely agree with FD about the military service, many European countries still do this and I wish they'd re-implement it in the UK, where people have to be willing and able to fight for their country, but hey as always the UAE even pays others to do that for them.

Fortunately his mind set is not shared by all the locals. The locals I know have contempt for people like the Kid. These are people who can buy and sell the Kid 1000 times over and the impact of the cost to them would be equivalent to one dirham. One can't expect much from someone who thinks that the UAE has left the UK and the USA eating it's dust, along with other countries that bascially share the same work ethics as the US and UK.

Granted the UAE has jumped centuries. You can build the highest building, but 40 years of development hasn't changed the mindset of many.
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 26, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:You know the sad thing is that I can't blame Kid for his attitude, it's his governments fault. This country is only just under 4 decades old and they have gone from zero to 100 in that space of time, whereas the countries we come from have centuries of experience and an extremely long learning curve. Whereas these guys have been yanked out the desert and given everything on a plate, they haven't fallen on hard times - well some have and maybe those like Kid should go and experience their lives for a while.

I completely agree with FD about the military service, many European countries still do this and I wish they'd re-implement it in the UK, where people have to be willing and able to fight for their country, but hey as always the UAE even pays others to do that for them.

Fortunately his mind set is not shared by all the locals. The locals I know have contempt for people like the Kid. These are people who can buy and sell the Kid 1000 times over and the impact of the cost to them would be equivalent to one dirham. One can't expect much from someone who thinks that the UAE has left the UK and the USA eating it's dust, along with other countries that bascially share the same work ethics as the US and UK.

Granted the UAE has jumped centuries. You can build the highest building, but 40 years of development hasn't changed the mindset of many.

But that's the point, it hasn't jumped centuries. The glossy outlook of the UAE might give that impression, but really its people haven't had the time to 'evolve' as it were.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Put The Blame On The Private Sector....... Oct 26, 2011
uaekid, I studied with people at university whose parents paid their tuition and housing and food costs, even bought them a car and paid for the gas. The were also given an allowance for going out to the bar. Some of them didn't care if they flunked courses because they knew that mom and dad would pay the fee for them to take the whole course over again. They didn't appreciate the comfortable position they were in. Some ended up living back home with mom and dad after they graduated, because even though they had a degree they thought it was too hard to get out there and make their own way in the world. Compare those students with students who survived off of government loans and their own earnings from part-time jobs. They didn't dare flunk a course or it would cost them a fortune. They took public transport, and only went to the bar when they had extra money. They worked part-time already and knew the value of hard work to earn the money necessary to study and survive. When they graduated they were highly motivated to get a good job so that they could pay off their student loans. They went out into the world and took responsibility for their finances and did the work needed to be successful. When things are always handed to you on a plate you aren't grateful or motivated to work for what you have. I'd hardly call that something for everyone to strive for.
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Re: Put The Blame On The Private Sector....... Oct 26, 2011
kanelli wrote:uaekid, I studied with people at university whose parents paid their tuition and housing and food costs, even bought them a car and paid for the gas. The were also given an allowance for going out to the bar. Some of them didn't care if they flunked courses because they knew that mom and dad would pay the fee for them to take the whole course over again. They didn't appreciate the comfortable position they were in. Some ended up living back home with mom and dad after they graduated, because even though they had a degree they thought it was too hard to get out there and make their own way in the world.

:lol: :lol: I thought you were talking about UAE locals!!!!!
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 27, 2011
well my 2 cents, getting a job these days in UAE sucks big time. been trying for 2 months now but still no luck. :shock:

must be my wasta job experience kicking in, since a simple google search in my name shows it. but what bugs me the most is the fact that i really worked hard in my previous job, but employers just seem to think im a freeloader. it makes me so mad :evil:
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 28, 2011
xero_ wrote:well my 2 cents, getting a job these days in UAE sucks big time. been trying for 2 months now but still no luck. :shock:

must be my wasta job experience kicking in, since a simple google search in my name shows it. but what bugs me the most is the fact that i really worked hard in my previous job, but employers just seem to think im a freeloader. it makes me so mad :evil:

That's a shame. Could you not get references from your previous employers to attach to your cv when you send it out? That might help.

Sadly the job market is saturated with the unemployed right now. It's an employers market and they can pick and choose as they like, and basically pay and offer what they like as well.
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 28, 2011
Chocoholic wrote: the countries we come from have centuries of experience and an extremely long learning curve.

And look where that's got us! We are up to our necks in the do do at pres! Why even Chancellor Murkel is saying the financial situation in Europe could cause war.
Centuries of experience hasn't done the Greeks any good has it? I certainly wouldn't want to live in Greece where their rubbish is collecting on the streets as they have no money to pay the bin men.

I completely agree with FD about the military service, many European countries still do this and I wish they'd re-implement it in the UK, where people have to be willing and able to fight for their country, but hey as always the UAE even pays others to do that for them

The modern day army is no place for conscripts. Soldiers do not want people along side them who would not go that extra mile for their country. The Israelis are an exception, but they love their country.

I don't know about many European countries having conscription either, I think Austria has a short form of it but apart them I'm not sure there are others. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Oct 29, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:The modern day army is no place for conscripts. Soldiers do not want people along side them who would not go that extra mile for their country.

Good point. It might not be PC, but I rather have Klaas Jan pulled out of polder clay having my back than Osama Abdullah bin-Amir. It just feels better.
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Nov 22, 2011
uaekid wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Kid, if all your teenagers were forced to work flipping burgers part time whilst they study or straight out of school, then they'd have more of an appreciation for money, hard work and what is required to get a decent job. Cripes I had a part time job when I was 14 at the weekends and worked 2 jobs to help put myself through Uni.

Your mentality is so unbelievably stuck up! A job is a job, if it provides and income and your attitude is extremely insulting! My father when I was growing up worked FOUR jobs at the same time to provide for his family, he had his airline job, played in a band, worked part time as a gardener and a taxi driver - why? Because he had to, to provide for us. He and my mother have worked their assess off their entire lives and you know what? Now they're both retired in the country of their choice, with a massive house they built themselves and they will never have to worry about money again - why? Because they EARNED it!

Your attitude as always is one of a person who does not life in the real world, or someone who expects everything in life to be given to them. What lesson are you teaching your children? Nothing, you're actually doing them a huge diservice.

Plus you know what? If you haven't learned so already that 'piece of paper' that you get from Higher Education, very often in the real world means zip! Companies require experience and know-how, not a Uni degree.

our life is different than your chocoholic. your kids working in fast-food restaurants is not bcz you wana give them experience, its bcz you want them to share the house expenses. I for one didn't work this hard to see my kids working in a restaurant , not for one day.not bcz of shame but bcz I want the best for them… and you may not know but all our government departments provides a summer experience in real jobs, jobs that my kids will really benefit from and learn something out of it instead of coming home smiling oily. now that a real experience.

True, why putting your kid in this situation when you can provide him better... working at a restaurant wouldn't give them the best experience, maybe he will just learn how to be independent and maybe wrap burgers... it is good when there isnt any other choices around... but like he said, summer experience for real jobs is a lot better... this is true experience... something like kidzania..

-- Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:18 am --

uaekid wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:
uaekid wrote:my preveoues question still stands if you have ever graduated from highschool :?

hon, our unemployeent is different than yours.. for the low class, working in a fast food resturent is not a job! we simply don't sattle for such jobs, our life style is different than yours. but look at the bright sight ! this mentality is the reson why you and your husbend are here putting food on the table. I don't know what are you complaining about :? but this is life hon, some are up and some are down there. even those who are unemployed make more moeny than you do :lol:

I surpassed high school Kid. And even if I had stopped there, the American education would have provided me with alot more than what you get. Why do you think so many locals put their kids in schools that are run by expats?? :shock: :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: yaa yaa

"productive individual in society" is not about work my dear bora and cut the bull Shi* you are throwing at me , do this play else where. you should again repect your self and the people around you " they are the socity " which you cleary deminstrated in every post that you don't have and cant give.

and yes moeny is every thing, you don't see homeless people being "productive individual in society" thats how the world are being runing buy, don't give me the amarican wana be perfect person here bora , its too late for you to act this way :wink: moeny will secure your life and the people you are responsible for, it will determen the quility of your life and sustain it .dignity wont cut it now a adays neither it has anything to do with the job I choose.

my point is , if you are a graduate, will you send your CV to a restaurant to work as a waitress or to a big company ? to us those private sector jobs are the restaurants jobs elsewhere. it just hot it is here, I didn’t make it up.

the 5 mill expats are here and not being "productive individual to their won society " is bcz of money and that include you and your husband ,you are seeking a better life , or is it our beaches that brought you here :lol: ? to your standers to the issue you too chose to ignore your responsibilities due on you toward your society back home . why are you and him are a way from it ? you got nothing bora

at the end I don't know why locals being unemplyed is any of your business neither does it effect you or is your case by any mean. stop juding people and care for your self for ones ,let people choise what they want when they want it the way they want it and stop playing god all over here .

True, i dont see why it is bothering people that locals dont work.. i mean if they all did, you would lose ur job... and at the end, everyone is free to do whatever they want... interesting to hear ur opinion uaekid.. im new here and i hear a lot of bad things about locals, but all locals i met were amazing... if these people arent happy here then they should go back home...
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Re: Put the blame on the private sector....... Nov 22, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:The private sector is asking the same of locals as they do expats. Equal salary, qualified as expatriates and - here it comes - work long hours!

Equal qualification I agree, but equal salary I don't exactly agree. The reason is total cost of hiring a local is cheaper than hiring a foreigner even if they pay them higher salary, like say 5,000 dhs more (depends on the job though). But managers don't see, this shows the competence of average manager here.

But locals have to build aptitude (which is there for most, most locals have very good education but sure it can have more improvement... the more the better) and jobs rather asking for jobs. Forcing -- I don't see that as a solution that will work: "you can take a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink."
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