Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 22, 2011
Great move in the UK by the prime minister :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: lets salute this move shafique huh?
He is going to kick some muslim arses, at last! muslims are losing ground !
Forced Marriages to be criminalised ... iminalised

"Common themes of people being forced to marry include very young girls (forced to marry much older men abroad)""
" Forced marriage is an abuse of human rights and a form of domestic violence and sometimes it can also be classed as child abuse. So, the quicker tougher laws are in place to tackle this problem the better it will be for those suffering from this infringement of their rights where they do not want to marry against their will."

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
Caps - you really are a poster boy for doofussness.

gertrude already posted the news on this thread... and this was my reply.

shafique wrote:It sounds like a sensible move to me. The devil will be in the detail - but I'm sure this will get the support of Imams etc as well. The Tribals won't be happy though.


Try and keep up.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 22, 2011
shafique , you are a LIAR! you are busted
I just checked, Gertrude's link is about an article published Mon Oct 10.
My link is about an article published October 20, you dumb A$$.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
kanelli wrote:See, you guys stick to insults and can't address the actual topic.

Herve, I'm stunned that you were employed in French secret service capacities.

I have no secret service training, just have a Masters degree,

Is this your idea of sticking to the topic Kanelli?

I hope Herve wasn't too badly injured when you hit him with your masters degree.

That's hardcore! :blackeye:

-- Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:23 am --

shafique wrote:Caps - you really are a poster boy for doofussness.

gertrude already posted the news on this thread... and this was my reply.

shafique wrote:It sounds like a sensible move to me. The devil will be in the detail - but I'm sure this will get the support of Imams etc as well. The Tribals won't be happy though.


Try and keep up.


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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 22, 2011
In another example of islamic forced marriage, a muslim in London was convicted and sentenced to 8 years In prison for raping his wife after he knocked her out with chloroform because she refused to sleep with him.
Note that the court would not identify the perv, but “The woman said she was forced to marry the man in an Islamic ceremony on April 12, 2009 in his east London flat after emigrating from Bangladesh. “ bingo! He a musliman.
“Judge Timothy King said the man regarded his wife as a "chattel" he could use as he wanted.” ... f-new-wife
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 22, 2011

It's clear that caps hasn't actually watched the video (or read the initial posts)- if he had, he'd realise that no one disputes that forced marriages occur - the point is that they are always against Islam.

(Caps - really, try and keep up - your link is talking about the SAME story as gertrude's. What a doofus you are. You're a disgrace to loons.. although herve is giving you a run for your money, he's convinced the internet hoax you posted about child brides is true.)

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
kanelli wrote:See, you guys stick to insults and can't address the actual topic.

Just lets look at Shafique's debating 'skills' of the last day or so:

shafique wrote:Caps - you really are a poster boy for doofussness

shafique wrote:loons are allergic to facts

shafique wrote:Hey herve, you're losing it completely now.

shafique wrote:You are stupid.

shafique wrote:Your conspiracy theories are getting more bizzare with each post.

shafique wrote:how foolish you are

shafique wrote:I look forward to your next crazee theory.

shafique wrote:Are you drunk?

shafique wrote:Do you have any other crazee theories.. perhaps you think I'm a 6 year old girl?

shafique wrote:hervey baby,

shafique wrote:You are so funny herve - are you being serious

shafique wrote:how foolish you are

shafique wrote:You are allergic to facts!

shafique wrote:What a doofus you are. You're a disgrace to loons

All this because Shafique is completely cornered and his lies are exposed almost by the minute. All he can do is yap about loons etc. Shafique has no debatting skills whatsoever. I'd say in (almost) every post he needs to try to degrade and intimate opposition. He would make an excellent dictator. The constant repeating of his few favorite lines tells you, he is nothing to say actually.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
FD and his selective quotes again.. he's obviously frustrated as well. Otherwise he'd have come out with a one-liner to contradict any facts he thought I got wrong. Instead he's showing how much of doofus caps is for believing in the internet hoax.


All because the facts and references are clearly given in this video:

The lack of any real answer to the Quranic, Hadith and scientific references is most telling. But hey, FD has to support the loon brigade, even if they are making doofuses (or is doofi?) of themselves for believing in a hoax. It is very hard to take anyone seriously that supports an internet hoax.

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
shafique wrote:FD and his selective quotes again.. he's obviously frustrated as well. Otherwise he'd have come out with a one-liner to contradict any facts he thought I got wrong. Instead he's showing how much of doofus caps is for believing in the internet hoax

All because the facts and references are clearly given in this video:

The lack of any real answer to the Quranic, Hadith and scientific references is most telling. But hey, FD has to support the loon brigade, even if they are making doofus' of themselves for believing in a hoax. It is very hard to take anyone seriously that supports an internet hoax.


You are a caricature of yourself. :D
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
Well, I do make a good impression of myself. Almost everyone says so. :D

You're not that good at coming up with conspiracy theories - you should leave that to herve!

But if you do have any point to make on the facts in the video above, I'm sure you'd have made it by now. ;)

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
shafique wrote:Well, I do make a good impression of myself. Almost everyone says so. :D

You're not that good at coming up with conspiracy theories - you should leave that to herve!

But if you do have any point to make on the facts in the video above, I'm sure you'd have made it by now. ;)


I can watch all the video's in the world, a 50+ man having se.x with a 9 year old makes me puke no matter what. And I will never associate myself with such persons.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
You could have just said 'No, I have no basis to dispute the facts'. But we all knew that anyway.

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
shafique wrote:You could have just said 'No, I have no basis to dispute the facts'. But we all knew that anyway.

Despite your reply is of a typical troll, my fact is that I will never associate myself with middle aged men having se.x with girls who still play with dolls.

Your grandious narcist arrogance shows again btw, by pretending to speak for all.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
Oh, we have two sentences and a diagnosis! Wow.

Hey, don't blame me for having to defend cap and herve believing in an internet hoax about a mass wedding. I understand your frustration.. but help your fellow Islamophobes first... they are discrediting all of you guys.

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
shafique wrote:Oh, we have two sentences and a diagnosis! Wow.

Hey, don't blame me for having to defend cap and herve believing in an internet hoax about a mass wedding. I understand your frustration.. but help your fellow Islamophobes first... they are discrediting all of you guys.


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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 22, 2011
gertrude wrote:Kanelli, you think you are going to brush off all the links and pictures Herve posted with your single post ?
if anyone has credibility it is not you.

I'm brushing them off because they appear to be propaganda when I look at the contents and dig deeper.

gertrude, you are notorious for your anti-Muslim propaganda on here, so it is no surprise that you back up herve when he makes claims with no evidence or faulty propaganda as evidence. You lack credibility as well.

I don't think any of you propagandists know the meaning of credibility, so forgive me if I don't give a rat's ass about whether you think I am credible or not. :D
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 22, 2011
Muhammad isn't anymore of a pedophile than a woman who has relations with another woman (and indeed marries one) is a lesbian.

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
I think gertrude is playing a nasty trick on herve - pretending that she also believes in the internet hoax about mass wedding.

eh is staying quiet on the subject of the hoax - he's figured out herve is making a fool of himself. ;)

But let's not loose track of the fact that the evidence from Quran, hadith and science is thus far still unchallenged. That speaks volumes.

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
shafique wrote:I think gertrude is playing a nasty trick on herve - pretending that she also believes in the internet hoax about mass wedding.

eh is staying quiet on the subject of the hoax - he's figured out herve is making a fool of himself. ;)

Oh, Shafique starts his magic mind reading again. Shafique, you barely bring in anything new with your posts. You just post non-sense and repeat yourself. Pushing your opinion down everybody's throat and treating other opinions as bacteria that needs to be disinfected. Try bringing in something new with your next post without trolling.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
Ok - here's something new.

I wonder whether FD also believes in the internet hoax that caps and herve believes in?

But back to the subject of this thread - we have two camps:
1. Loons who believe Islam allows paedophillia and forced marriages and rely on internet hoaxes and memri specials, and
2. the rest of us who are waiting for any serious discussion on the Quranic, Hadith and scientific evidence presented which show that Islam does not allow forced marriages, s.ex outside of marriage etc.

No smoke, no mirrors - just (verifiable) facts.

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
There are two groups of people in this discussion:

-Those that consider a 50+ man having se.x with a 9 year old pedophilia
-Those that donot consider a 50+ man having se.x with a 9 year old pedophilia.

The first group are made out as loons by poster Shafique.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
Loons will always avoid discussing facts and evidence, and will always revert to their beliefs. That's what distinguishes loons from those who are interested in discussing issues and examining evidence.

This thread is about forced marriages, and the loons are the ones in denial that Islam does not condone forced marriages. The perrenial loon belief about paedophillia has been addressed and the loon 'ostrich' argument makes an appearance (notably FD admitting he is not interested in the facts presented).

However, we also have comedic value from the extreme loons who believe that an internet hoax is real! Now, that is funny. ;)

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 22, 2011
Countless articles of human right violations show that islam condone forced marriages and $ex with prebuscent little girls. al shafique calls these articles a hoax, and those who read them loons, with no other arguments. Because the clergy oppose the end of child marriage, and because clerics say it is permissible, then islam condones it.

Saudi Girl, 8, Divorces Husband, 50
"A court in the central Oneiza region previously rejected a request by the girl’s mother for a divorce and ruled that the girl would have to wait until she reached puberty to file a petition then."

"The 8-year-old girl’s marriage was not the only one in the kingdom to receive attention in recent months. Saudi newspapers have highlighted several cases in which young girls were married off to much older men "

"Saudi Arabia’s conservative Muslim clergy have opposed the drive to end child marriages. In January, the kingdom’s most senior cleric said it was permissible for 10-year-old girls to marry and those who believe they are too young are doing the girls an injustice." ... usband-50/
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
shafique wrote:Loons will always avoid discussing facts and evidence, and will always revert to their beliefs. That's what distinguishes loons from those who are interested in discussing issues and examining evidence.

This thread is about forced marriages, and the loons are the ones in denial that Islam does not condone forced marriages. The perrenial loon belief about paedophillia has been addressed and the loon 'ostrich' argument makes an appearance (notably FD admitting he is not interested in the facts presented).

However, we also have comedic value from the extreme loons who believe that an internet hoax is real! Now, that is funny. ;)



You are dysregulating more and more. Try at least to keep it together a little bit, troll.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
LOL - I find it much more efficient to type loons than Islamophobes. Your obsession with me and ignoring the issues of this thread is a bit creepy.

Now, why don't you help your friend herve out with his beliefs - he's getting his weird ideas again. I'm sure you can explain to him how his snippets don't show that Islam condones forced marriages - the evidence in Quran, Hadith etc are quite clear.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 22, 2011
Instead of trolling, why don´t you react to Herve´s post. What is your reaction to Muslim clergy, who find it ok for this girl to marry an older man:

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
Simple - any clergy that advocates forced marriages or believes in the internet hoax are as crazee as Caps and herve are to think that Islam advocates forced marriages. Photos of bridesmaids being passed off as brides shows that you guys don't have any real evidence - but hey, the photo is oddly reminiscent of the grotesque beauty parades they have in the USA - where recently one young girl created a controversy when her mum dressed her up as a prostitute - I think there was even a thread on this here, IIRC.

Edit - here's the 3 year old:
Image ... ume-201199

Now imagine your reaction if rudeboy, say, posted this photo and started an internet hoax that she's a real prostitute. That's what caps and herve are doing when they believe the internet hoax.

Full facts and references are clearly given in this video in terms of what Islam teaches:

Clear evidence that any Muslim who says forced marriages are ok (or who believe in the internet hoax like herve does) are contradicting Islamic teaching.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 22, 2011
Shaf, you really don't make any sense , it is interesting to see how you keep denying that they are young brides.
The hoax, if any, is your denial, you call them "bridesmaids", not realizing that a bridesmaids contains "BRIDES", bridesmaids are for the brides, not for the groom indeed.
So should not you these poor little girls "groomsmaids".?
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
shafique wrote:Simple - any clergy that advocates forced marriages

The quote from the clergy in Herve´s article doesnot mention forced specifically, so your respons is irrelevant and evasive.

"Saudi Arabia’s conservative Muslim clergy have opposed the drive to end child marriages. In January, the kingdom’s most senior cleric said it was permissible for 10-year-old girls to marry and those who believe they are too young are doing the girls an injustice."

One can only guess where the evasiveness stems from. Shame? Comprehension difficulties maybe?

shafique wrote:Full facts and references are clearly given in this video in terms of what Islam teaches:

By repeating the same thing over and over, it only seems you need to convince yourself that a 50+ having se.x with a 9 year old is not pedophiliac behavior. Besides the video bases a large portion of the argument on times when Neanderthalers were roaming the earth. Interesting though that is specified what consent means. According to the video, silent means consent. Yep, a 6 year old being silent, means her consent to marriage. This is quite idiotic.
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 23, 2011
Mass wedding of grown up muslim men with little girls as young as 9.
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