Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 21, 2011
kanelli wrote:Herve, please explain how anything Khomeini said is relevant to what the Quran and Hadith say? As we have seen in many religions, people come up with crazy religious justifications for their deviant actions. Islam is no different than Christianity, Judaism or any other religion in that respect.

The video that Shaf posted clearly states that in this day in age it is not appropriate for children to marry or consummate a marriage as children, because they are not deemed se.xually mature in this day in age at the same time as they were in the past following the criteria and definitions in the Quran, Hadith, and Islamic law.

Action speaks more than words, muslims can say all day they do not condone forced marriage and $ex with baby girls, it is double language. They say something but do the exact opposite.
"If" the teachings of the quran forbade peadophelia and forced marriage (it does not anyways), there would be provisions in sharia law to punish offenders. There are none what so ever. I challenge you to show me any articles, otherwise your words are like hot air.
Sharia provides punishment for thieves, murderers, adulterers, whatever but none for someone who force a young girl into marriage or having $ex with a child.
In the absence of punishment, one can tell islam condone such practises, I dont care what al shafique , you or any moslem say, today, in any muslim country , a grown man can have $ex with a child and get away with it.
If he does that in the UK or the US, or in Australia, he will be jailed for a long time.
I will point to you, that western laws provide punishments for these offenses.

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 21, 2011
kanelli wrote:The video that Shaf posted clearly states that in this day in age it is not appropriate for children to marry or consummate a marriage as children, because they are not deemed se.xually mature in this day in age at the same time as they were in the past following the criteria and definitions in the Quran, Hadith, and Islamic law.

Hummmmm.....not appropriate for a muslim?
How about a mass wedding of 450 muslim mens with little girls?

"The International Center for Research on Women now estimates that there are 51 million child brides now living on planet earth and almost all in Muslim countries"

Hamas plays host to pedophelia, 450 grooms wed girls under 10 years old in Gaza. ... edophilia/
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 21, 2011
Look, the video does explain the differences in se.xual maturity across the ages that might reflect why a marriage or consummation at 9 may have been acceptable back then. What I still have problems with are why the men who are significantly older are allowed to marry such young brides? What would 53 yr old Muhammed have in common with 9 yr old Aysha? It is still warped in my opinion.

In this article they talk about three Indian sisters being married off, 15, 13, and 5. The 5 yr old was being married off to a 10 yr old, and the sisters' grooms were a couple of years older than them. In other examples, the men have been significantly older. ... ney-text/1

The nitty gritty of forced child marriage is that groups of adults are marrying off their kids to tie families together, pay off debts, or simply get another one of their dozens of kids out of the house so that there is one less mouth to feed. Young girls are also married off so that they don't have se.x or get raped out of wedlock and therefore shame their families. It is all an abuse of female and male children, but especially female since they are often married off to significantly older men. People from these cultures that practice child marriage really do shock me. They treat children as possessions which they can do what they please with.

Herve, you focus so much on Islam, but fail to acknowledge that so many other cultures and religions also have high rates of forced child marriage in segments of their societies (e.g. rural segments seem most guilty of this!). They also use religion to support them, like the polygamist Mormons for example.

I'm agreeing that forced child marriage is very wrong, but I see it primarily as a women and children's rights issue, not a religious one.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 21, 2011
capsicum wrote:"The International Center for Research on Women now estimates that there are 51 million child brides now living on planet earth and almost all in Muslim countries"

Hamas plays host to pedophelia, 450 grooms wed girls under 10 years old in Gaza. ... edophilia/

OK, that's pretty sick stuff. No matter if it is religious, to pay off a house, to keep it in the family, it boils down to one thing - it's sick $hit. The parents of these children as just as sick for selling off their daughters.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 21, 2011
capsicum wrote:Hamas plays host to pedophelia, 450 grooms wed girls under 10 years old in Gaza. ... edophilia/

Are you sure you are correct about that?


You'll believe any anti-Islamic propaganda out there. That is clear from your posts capsicum.

-- Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:08 pm --

Bora Bora wrote:
capsicum wrote:"The International Center for Research on Women now estimates that there are 51 million child brides now living on planet earth and almost all in Muslim countries"

Hamas plays host to pedophelia, 450 grooms wed girls under 10 years old in Gaza. ... edophilia/

OK, that's pretty sick stuff. No matter if it is religious, to pay off a house, to keep it in the family, it boils down to one thing - it's sick $hit. The parents of these children as just as sick for selling off their daughters.

They didn't. Those weren't the brides.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 21, 2011

caps is his own worse enemy. Sheesh!

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 21, 2011
kanelli wrote:
capsicum wrote:Hamas plays host to pedophelia, 450 grooms wed girls under 10 years old in Gaza. ... edophilia/

They didn't. Those weren't the brides.

Deny, deny...and who are they kanelli? you seem to know better than the "Bajan Reporter". any link to support your post or is it just another of your freudian complex.

-- Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:18 pm --

shafique wrote::D

caps is his own worse enemy. Sheesh!


How's that al shafique, what do you think of this article, it must tough for you to swallow that, for a hamas supporter and peadophilia advocate.
what is your real name by the way :)
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 21, 2011
LOL - were you ever really an intelligence officer herve?

A picture of grooms with bridesmaids was passed off by loons as evidence of paedophillia, and loons like you believed it. Incredible. :D

Why don't you do some research and see if you can find out my real name. Clue, it begins with shaf and ends with ique.. .. :D :D

(BTW - you are looking extremely silly herve, asking kanelli for a link which she has already given above.. there's no fool like a loony fool it seems)

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 21, 2011
I did a research on this article.
The little girls were the bribes, not the bridesmaids, not the pool guy, they may be the cousins though since moslems marry their close relatives.
Then I looked up the picture, I enhanced them and ohhhh look what I found (despite the poor resolution): .........a wedding band. Are bridesmaids usually wear a wedding band al shafique :lol: :lol: :lol: You are so busted al shafique. :lol:
And why do you hide behind an avatar, it is because you are a coward al shafique, one of the vilest kind. I write here under my real name, but you don't have that courage.
bridesyounggirl.jpg (68.51 KiB) Viewed 2183 times
bridesbabygirl.jpg (52.37 KiB) Viewed 2183 times
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 21, 2011
You are so funny herve - are you being serious, do you really believe this hoax? Tell me you do really believe it.


I can only imagine how sorry you will be when someone tells you how foolish you are to believe this. ;)

(What's your latest conspiracy theory now.. that I'm not who I say I am? LOL)

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 21, 2011
Of course I beleive it, it has been proven that Islam allows and condones peadophelia . You condone it yourself!
We all know that All muslims strive to follow Muhammad and his example, muhammad was himself a paedophile. That is a fact. He married a 6 years baby girl.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 21, 2011
herve wrote:Of course I beleive it


There's no fool like an unrepentant loon who is insisting a hoax is real. I love it.

(And also the fact that my name is indeed Shafique, is going to drive you even more crazy - especially when BM drops you a line and tells you that is my name. LOL)

You've really shown how stupid you are herve. You've excelled yourself this time.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 21, 2011
We all are waiting for you indisputable evidence to show that it is a hoax, where all these men are actors, and the young girls digital animation, and the wedding band a reflection on the camera lense. :lol:

it is all over internet, I just found this article of this moslem who got caught buying an underage bride.

An Emirati man has been arrested in India on suspicion of buying an underage wife he planned to bring back to the UAE to double up as his spouse and housemaid. ... m=1&itbs=1
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 21, 2011
LOL - yeah, herve your brilliant analysis of a wedding band disproves all the evidence in kanelli's link. :roll:

Are you drunk?

Do you have any other crazee theories.. perhaps you think I'm a 6 year old girl? :D

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 21, 2011
no I think you would like to marry a 6 years old girl to follow the example of your master, peadopheliac muhammad.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 21, 2011
:D Thanks herve - you've really made me laugh this evening. When you realise how wrong you were to believe in the hoax, just remember how much enjoyment you gave us tonight.

I look forward to your next crazee theory.

In the meantime, let's remember that you still haven't really addressed kanelli's point about Islam not condoning paedophillia etc - according to the Quran, Hadith etc.

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
shafique wrote:
herve wrote:Of course I beleive it


There's no fool like an unrepentant loon who is insisting a hoax is real. I love it.

(And also the fact that my name is indeed Shafique, is going to drive you even more crazy - especially when BM drops you a line and tells you that is my name. LOL)

You've really shown how stupid you are herve. You've excelled yourself this time.


I know your real name now, it's Chubby Checker 8)

You have been outed on another topic!

On another forum, Shafique had the nickname of Chubby, after Chubby Checker on doing the twist. Some were very inventive about it. .
I think it started after Shafique was exposed that his alledged cousin in Beirut was just an imagination of his mind.

Awright Chubs :wink:
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
See, you guys stick to insults and can't address the actual topic.

Herve, I'm stunned that you were employed in French secret service capacities. You said that you researched the article - so where is your proof that these are pictures of child brides? You make claims but don't back them up.

I have no secret service training, just have a Masters degree, but it took a whole two seconds to search for the photo using TinEye and find that it was a hoax. Herve, there were journalists there (who were not Muslim I believe) who described the real brides who were sitting in the audience. The little girls, though dressed in white, were relatives of either the bride or groom and were part of the celebrations, similar to flower girls in Christian weddings. You wanting to believe the worst doesn't make this false interpretation of a few photos real. You make yourself look ridiculous when you insist on your own biased propaganda.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
^It gets better. The same night herve embarrasses himself over this hoax and comes up with another conspiracy theory that my name isn't Shafique - he decides to tell an outright lie that was also easily exposed by a quick Google search:

I suspected he had taken a misquote from an Islamophobic website because it apparently was missing a whole verse in the quote.. after much asking herve stated that he had not copied it from a website but rather the quote was from his personal Quran. He lied.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 22, 2011
Kanelli, if the girls were relatives, the article would say so, beside one little girl clearly shows a wedding band.
I beleive this happens all the time, this time they have been caught and came up with the hoax excuse.
The good thing in this modern age of communication is that more people get to know more about islam, and because moslems will never change, it is going to become more and more difficult to cover up their appalling deviances.

In this article, a 8 years old girl has been sold to a police officer in Afghanistan for his bride to be. ...

What is interesting is this quote
"The child was sold to a member of the Afghan border police, a state employee, within the past year by her father in the southern Helmand district of Garmsir. A price was agreed with the father and the marriage was duly solemnised in a ceremony with a mullah."

So tell me kanelli, if it was against the quran how come a mullah sanctioned the ceremony?

You neither al shafique have shown me an article of sharia law that provides punishment for these sexual offenders. If sharia does not punish pedophelia, it means it is condoned by islam.
al shafique came up instead with an article, but it was about a rape and murder, no pedophelia per say.
It should be easy, if it is in sharia, copy and paste. :)
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
herve, I thought you'd have come to your senses by now and worked out how foolish you are to still insist a hoax is real.

Did you even read what kanelli said in her post and read through the sources (articles from NYT etc)?? :roll:

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 22, 2011
I read kanelli article, but I dont buy it, it is a very poor excuse. If it was true, Hamas would have sued the news paper and won a correction, it happens all the time.
They did not sue because they knew they had no grounds and that they would be busted a second time for trying to covering up.
secondly there is this quote
"At such Muslim wedding ceremonies, it is a tradition for young girls to dress up and play a role in the celebrations"
look al shafique, I have been to muslim wedding ceremonies, probalby more than you did, in lebanon, pakistan and the UAE. Never, ever , I have seen little girls as bridesmaids, this a pile of croc and a silly excuse that you can try on the fool, but not me.
fact is that muhammad was a pedophile, he married a 6 year old girl, and all moslems, including you, want to follow his example, like this moslem police officer in the above link, where the ceremony was sanctioned by a mullah. Thus forced marriage and $ex with young girls are condoned by islam.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
Your conspiracy theories are getting more bizzare with each post.

I think you should follow Bora's advice - as I also suggested in the thread where your lie was exposed:
Bora Bora wrote:Shut up Herve. ... You constantly have this need to expose yourself for the idiot you are. You can stop now as we have been aware of that fact for longest time.

Why don't you analyse this photo and explain to caps whether the French football team is really made up of kids or not:


Surely this photo is proof that French footballers are a bunch of boys and girls... doesn't it? I mean it was taken at an official international football match, after all. The kids are in official football kit... :roll:


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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 22, 2011
You are such a coward, you can't even insult me directly, you have to forward someone else's insult.
you have nothing else, no argument, no balls and a big belly. It must be tough being you :lol:

I really love your posts.
Again you are busted, your last post shows that you put on the same level pedophelia, which is a crime in western values, and a children football team which is completely innocent and commandable.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011

herve - so you believe the French mascots were real football players. Wow. You are stupid.

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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 22, 2011
Are you going to misquote me and lie again,
i said children football team. I am sure they come from the local socker kids team. nothing even close to the rampant pedophelia in muslim countries

your kids never saw a football field instead they go to the mosque , learning how to make bombs and blow up airplanes

But again we see where your values are, putting side by side a picture of grown moslem pedophelia men indulging with prebuscent girls and kids in socker outfit on a football field.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
LOL - when you're in a hole herve, it is best to stop digging.

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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
herve, you make all kinds of claims with no proper back-up. You completely lack credibility. Are we just supposed to take YOUR word on it?
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Re: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court Oct 22, 2011
Kanelli, you think you are going to brush off all the links and pictures Herve posted with your single post ?
if anyone has credibility it is not you.
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Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court Oct 22, 2011
:D :D

I've said it many times... loons are allergic to facts. But hey, if you desperately want to believe the internet hoax, go ahead... that is the best evidence you guys have for your theory. The rest of us will still refer you to the Quran, Hadith etc.

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