Muslim Savior Of Holocaust Jews

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Muslim Savior of Holocaust Jews Oct 17, 2011
Muslim Savior of Holocaust Jews

CAIRO – Delving into untold stories of the Holocaust, a new film is shedding the light on heroism of Muslims who risked their lives to rescue Jews from the Nazi brutality.

“This film is an event,” Benjamin Stora, France’s pre-eminent historian on North Africa, told The New York Times.

“Much has been written about Muslim collaboration with the Nazis. But it has not been widely known that Muslims helped Jews.”

The film, “Free Man”, traces the heroism of the founder of the Grand Mosque of Paris in saving Jews from the Nazis.

It tells the story of Algerian-born Kaddour Benghabrit who rescued Jews in France from the Nazi brutality.
Benghabrit provided shelter and Muslim identification documents to scores of Jews to help them escape arrest by Nazi troops.

He also used the Grand Mosque of Paris to shelter more than 100 Jews from persecution.

Despite hiding Jews inside, Benghabrit used to give mosque tours to German officers and their wives to deceive them.

The movie premiered this week in France after four years of travel and research. It is also to be released in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Belgium.

One account came from Albert Assouline, a North African Jew who escaped from a German prison camp.
Assouline said that more than 1,700 resistance fighters, including Jews, found refuge in the mosque’s underground caverns, and that the imam provided many Jews with certificates of Muslim identity.
The film comes almost five years after Robert Satloff, director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, revealed in his 2006 book, “Among the Righteous,” stories of Arabs who saved Jews during the Holocaust.

The book included a chapter on the Grand Mosque of Paris.

..Another children’s book “The Grand Mosque of Paris: A Story of How Muslims Saved Jews During the Holocaust,” published in 2007, also highlighted the mosque’s role.

Ferroukhi, the director, urges the France government to take the film about the Muslim heroism to schools.
“It pays homage to the people of our history who have been invisible,” he said.

“It shows another reality, that Muslims and Jews existed in peace. We have to remember that — with pride.”


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Muslim Savior of Holocaust Jews Oct 17, 2011
What's gone wrong since?

As far as I can see Muslims won't be happy until Jews are exterminated.

But hey! Lets big up the Muslims during the Holocaust :roll:
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Re: Muslim Savior Of Holocaust Jews Oct 17, 2011
Sounds interesting, I'd like to see the movie.
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Re: Muslim Savior of Holocaust Jews Oct 17, 2011
Starring DF's own Shafique as the hero?
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Re: Muslim Savior of Holocaust Jews Oct 18, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:What's gone wrong since?

As far as I can see Muslims won't be happy until Jews are exterminated.

But hey! Lets big up the Muslims during the Holocaust :roll:

You would perhaps be surprised to know how many thousands of jews had been saved from extermination with the help of Muslims!.. ... jews-nazi/

The only thing that has ever gone wrong since is that once what was being condemned by the jews(holocaust) is now being repeated by themselves against the Muslims! who had nothing to do with their extermination that was originated by the christian Europe..
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Re: Muslim Savior of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
Berrin wrote:The only thing that has ever gone wrong since is that once what was being condemned by the jews(holocaust) is now being repeated by themselves against the Muslims! who had nothing to do with their extermination that was originated by the christian Europe..

A holocaust against the Muslims? Now that would be funny if it wasn't sick!

You should give yourself a reality check and visit Auschwitz, Belsen or Dachau.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
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Re: Muslim Savior of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
Berrin wrote:The only thing that has ever gone wrong since is that once what was being condemned by the jews(holocaust) is now being repeated by themselves against the Muslims! who had nothing to do with their extermination that was originated by the christian Europe..

A holocaust against the Muslims? Now that would be funny if it wasn't sick!

You should give yourself a reality check and visit Auschwitz, Belsen or Dachau.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

What you don't realize is that Palestinians are currently homeless at their own homeland and yes being put through covert genocide.
If jews had enough courage, in no time, they too would exterminate them until none left. That's how arrogant,bigoted and malice they are. Throughout history that's how they've been described and it is their ingrained characteristics. Look at yourself for example..You are no different.
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Re: Muslim Savior of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
Berrin wrote:That's how arrogant,bigoted and malice they are. Throughout history that's how they've been described and it is their ingrained characteristics. Look at yourself for example..You are no different.

You could just honour those that put their lives on the line for jews, but no, you are not man enough and had to use this thread for your antisemitism. Reminds me how poster Shafique called the fact that hundreds of Pali children are saved in Israeli hospitals yearly, cynical propaganda and couldn't help showing his hatred. You are all of the same ilk, haters! Their is a saying in English, hatred is taking a poison pill yourself and expecting the other to die.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Muslim Savior of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
Berrin wrote:What you don't realize is that Palestinians are currently homeless at their own homeland and yes being put through covert genocide.
If jews had enough courage, in no time, they too would exterminate them until none left. That's how arrogant,bigoted and malice they are. Throughout history that's how they've been described and it is their ingrained characteristics. Look at yourself for example..You are no different.

Lets do a quick comparison between the Palestinian plight and that of the Jews during the Holocaust should we?

Palistinian Children.jpg
Well-fed Palestinian children training in the fine art of killing Jews
Palistinian Children.jpg (3.9 KiB) Viewed 1463 times

Holocaust children2.jpg
Jewish children begging for food...
Holocaust children2.jpg (4.06 KiB) Viewed 1463 times

Holocaust children.jpg
or being sent to "real" concentration camps where the unlucky ones were kept alive to be used as guinea pigs in medical experiments!
Holocaust children.jpg (8.01 KiB) Viewed 1463 times

In Reality, comparing the Arab-Palestinian condition to these other REAL tragedies, is a tragedy in itself!

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Re: Muslim Savior of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011

Many more side by side photos here: ... rison.html

(Some quite gruesome)

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Re: Muslim Savior of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
Oh no. Not another 'who can post the worst picture' competition.

I notice you didn't condemn Berrin's attempt at Holocaust denial. :roll:
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Re: Muslim Savior Of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
BM you decided to post propaganda pics comparing Palestinians living under siege with Jews under Hitler - I just showed that more relevant pictures show a different side of the story.

This thread is about Muslims saving Jews during the Holocaust. I trust you read the OP and understood what was said.

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Re: Muslim Savior Of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
shafique wrote:This thread is about Muslims saving Jews during the Holocaust. I trust you read the OP and understood what was said.

The OP was a nice story, but no, Berrin had to ruin it with your support. One step forward, three steps back. Everytime you post about the holocaust, I am just remembering that you donot find the nazi salute after WWII anti-semitic. That tells it all.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Muslim Savior Of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
FD the spin never stops with you, does it? BM polluted this thread first in her reply.

As for allegations of anti-semitism - You either have a very faulty memory or are just very twisted and bitter.

You misquote Karmi and then try to make out I'm anti-semitic for pointing out your misquote, and now you think you're being clever by alleging I'm anti-semitic by spinning previous discussions and not actually linking to them. :roll:

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Re: Muslim Savior Of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
shafique wrote:FD the spin never stops with you, does it? BM polluted this thread first in her reply.

Even a blind man can see, it was Berrin who started to compare jews with the nazi's.

shafique wrote:You either have a very faulty memory or are just very twisted and bitter.

My memory tells me you donot find the nazi salute of Hezbollah amongst others antisemitic (and I think its very disturbing):

hezbollah-nazi-salute.jpg (19.77 KiB) Viewed 1437 times

Hezbollah_Nazi_salute-720110.jpg (16.04 KiB) Viewed 1437 times

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Muslim Savior Of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
shafique wrote:FD the spin never stops with you, does it?

As for allegations of anti-semitism - You either have a very faulty memory or are just very twisted and bitter.

You misquote Karmi and then try to make out I'm anti-semitic for pointing out your misquote, and now you think you're being clever by alleging I'm anti-semitic by spinning previous discussions and not actually linking to them. :roll:

You are predictable.

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Re: Muslim Savior of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
I consider anti-semitism to be a sign of anti-semitism and disagreed with you that a photo of Hezbollah fighters giving the salute outweighed the categoric statement by Jewish Rabbis and Hezbollah itself that it was not anti-Semitic - but rather against Israel's illegal actions (Hezbollah was, after all, set up to fight Israel's invasion and occupation of Lebanon).

And I would be very interested in a qoute from a rabbi who considers the nazi salute not ant-semitic. I am sure there are those that side with Hezbollah and deny Hezbollah is antisemitic, but I yet have to see a qoute from a rabbi saying a nazi-salute is not anti-semitic.
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Re: Muslim Savior Of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
Thanks, people can now see the discussion that took place and why I sided with the Rabbis who said that Hezbollah are not anti-semitic. They are certainly anti-Zionist and were set up as a National Resistance to Israel's invasion and occupation of Lebanon.

shafique wrote:
Flying Dutchman wrote:OK, so according to you a nazi salute is not a clear sign of anti-semitism. Don't understand why you have to discuss it further. Your statement is chrystal clear.

In general terms, I'd say it is a fascist sign and if possible I'd check with the group giving the sign what their beliefs are before I automatically label them anti-semitic. If there are Jewish Rabbis who tell me that they aren't, then I'd probably take the Rabbi's verdict into account rather than agreeing with your premise that despite saying they aren't anti-Semitic, Hezbollah must be 'because they use a roman salute'.

(Same thread)

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Re: Muslim Savior Of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
shafique wrote:Thanks, people can now see the discussion that took place and why I sided with the Rabbis who said that Hezbollah are not anti-semitic.

And is there a rabbi who says a nazi salute is not antisemitic? If you are siding with rabbi's, you are admitting a nazi salute is antisemitic. But you just cannot say it, that a nazi-salute is anti-semitic, instead you play your passive aggresive games. Thats says it all.
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Re: Muslim Savior Of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
The rabbis clearly stated that Hezbollah are not anti-semitic. I agree with them.

You failed. Again.

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Re: Muslim Savior Of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
shafique wrote:The rabbis clearly stated that Hezbollah are not anti-semitic. I agree with them.

You failed. Again.


Yeah , right, they love Jews. :lol: :lol:
again, al shafique, it takes a little more than just words to be beleivable.
Especially from you, changing your opinion with the wind, following the quran and not following the quran when it does not suit you. and contradicting yourself every other post.
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Re: Muslim Savior Of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
Aren't Rabbis Jews? If they say Hezbollah are not anti-semitic (but rather anti-Zionist etc), should we not listen to them? :shock:

Hezbollah certainly don't like the Israeli military - and were formed to fight against the occupation, and were largely successful, Israel only occupies a small part of Lebanon now.

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Re: Muslim Savior Of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
Just a word of advice, don't go nazi saluting in many Western countries, it is considered a crime. You can yap all you want about some rabbi's not finding Hezbollah anti-semitic, they don't care.
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Re: Muslim Savior Of Holocaust Jews Oct 19, 2011
The EDL have been photographed giving Nazi salutes in the UK. They claim they are not anti-Semitic and go around with Israeli flags at their demonstrations. Just ask BM, she is a supporter.

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