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Contribute ur bit .... Oct 26, 2004
A lil idea from me ---
One of us can start a story and then each member ( or guest) can contribute by adding their bit and make a very creative story with twists and turns in it.
I will give it two days and if nobody wants to start it - i will ...

MODS: i didnt know where to put it in the suggestions or just as a new thread - feel free to move it (as if u wouldnt otherwise)

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Oct 26, 2004
nah i think we will keep it here just underneath it i guess.
alright guys go for it :wink:

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Oct 26, 2004
i bet no one will step up but yea yall can keep it & if a story pops up ill contribute wit bullshit as usual guess yall is used to it
tha don
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Oct 26, 2004
f u doo plz dont start off wit ther wz a girl and a guy ewwe thoes r soo lame!!!!
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Oct 26, 2004
i got my calling. here we go:

there once was a girl and a boy who lived in a farm there village was borin till MC Donald came. they loved to go to MC Donalds place he fed them well and for cheap prices. then jamal heard there was this great mc. so naturaly he wanted to battle him. MC Donalds riped it up hardcore with lines such as.....

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Oct 26, 2004
I wish I was little bit fatter,
I wish I was a rapper
I wish I had a bigmac which looked good
I would eat it
I wish I had some fries in a bag with a coke
and a coupon for next time
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Oct 27, 2004

then as soon as jamal was bout to grab the mic an spit back some lyrical graffiti at donalds he realised that the wigga ISH was a MISH no where to be seen so he didnt bother to battle MC donalds he just lookd at donalds an threw the mic back at him and told him " im too lazy here hold my banana for me" (ish i forgot that line g complete it)

and Jamal went back and sat on his chair still claiming his throne
and the audience was shocked why isnt J batteling why isnt he spittin

J only said that why should i make one nigga famous with my fame im gonna let ISH an his clique featuring FAKE try to take me on too then im gonna kill em with just one line while they sit there and mime

so then ISH came along.........
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Oct 27, 2004
DING DING ish came then i saw members of his crew (fake & smrtd) talkin to J so they can beat up donald & get there free coupons, so he knew he was by himself & then he saw fake, smrtd & J gettin ready to battle him on the next weekend.

there came the battle & the prize was 1000 coupons so it was me against donald & he got dissed & thrown away wit dis line (UR RHYMES ARE WACK & UR BORIN ME AM TOO LAZY, HERE, HOLD MA banana FO ME ).
then it was ish against J at the end so ish started.
I was Scarface, Jay was Manolo
It hurt me when I had to kill him and his whole squad for dolo..
get outta that throne & plz dont throw a stone at tha throne
ur all alone so jerk off at home....

den ish met alvii, liela k & they had a threesome in xchange for some coupons

tha don

ps. fakespike & smrtd started dating, J got his liscence & became a legal WANKSTA hahahahahahahha
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Oct 27, 2004
but when leila and alvii arrived at Ish's appartment they saw that it was not an invitation for a threesome but a trap - Ish the evil Jini was clonning himself he had managed to get around 125 clones of himself till his "producer" died (true reason still unknown)- now ths evil rapping genius was going to use Alvii and Leila has his "producing agents" BUT ( and there is always a "butt" er but ---)unknown to Ish , Al and Leila were actually superheroes(heroines) so with their ultra super powers they kick Ish's,Ish's,Ish's and another 122 Ish's butt.
Alvii started laughing the glare of her pearlies blinded 70 of the ishs;then she did her triple flip and knocked the another 15 Ishs - Leila handled the other 45 ( i will let her blow her truimph of glory over Ish).......
After that they (alvii and Leila that is ) took the coupons , the money, all the cool belongings of Ish's (and he had quite a handfull) left for McDonalds to see if they could find any interesting guys there......
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Oct 27, 2004
... but coz of their unfortunate luck the only 2 guys they found there was old mcdonalds { they couldn hit on him --- coz he is old and a LOSER!!!} and the other option was none other than our BIg TIc J waitin for em with a coke in a hand and two coupons{which he stole when every1 wz buzy rappin} :wink:
but now J wz confused he dint know which gal he should ask out alvii jus wanted to eat so she took the coupons ad told J u can hav leila

but leila wasnt ready to be taken as a second choice so she......
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Oct 29, 2004
so fake & smrtd arrive n tha scene wit yorky & damn they wanted to go gangsta on J anyway tha real ish arrived in tha scene ( mc donalds) & saw alvi & liela & juliie chewin on his food so all he did was spread fettichuniii cheese on them he wanted to claim his coupons but he was too late they ate everything napkins everything so he stepped out & he saw j beatin tha shit of them 3 guys & smokin sayin "who tha don naw" julee looked at him & winked at him, thing at tha mean time gettin emotional wit the 500 pound alvii coz she wanted to get inshape before newyear & saw J holdin juleee like that so she settled for smrtd in the mean time ish was kinda scared if liela was hairy or not so he tapped that ass & said damn lets get it on but it was yorky, havin anotha opinion bout that...
tha don
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Oct 29, 2004
everything was calming down ish j avlii juiie smarted and yorky was all ready to settle in for a orgy...
then yorky screams out tie me up! tie me up dammit!....
ish weirded by it agreed then yorky full on into the mood told one of the girls to kick him in the nuts. "do it again i'm just a bad little boy!"

the entire crew got freaked out and they all walked away from the sense yorky still screaming "i'm a bad boy punish meee" laila came back and gave him one last kick then ran off again...

everyone in the cruel went back home after a very weird day(pause)
laila came back to kick yorky and ran of again(continue)

jamal recorded a album with with p.diddy
yorky got punished
juiie got her harees
laila got a hot hawiian guy
ish got beounce
smarted got dubai forums...
i got to go

that was nasty lol ow well

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Oct 29, 2004
that was such a was really good apart from this part

J wz confused he dint know which gal he should ask out alvii jus wanted to eat so she took the coupons ad told J u can hav leila

i would have prefer the food instead of jamal thank u.
laila k m

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Oct 29, 2004
Fake U FORGOT ME !!!!!
what happened to Alvii
Plus ISH y do u keep calling juiee JuLEE??
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Oct 29, 2004
hahahah leila dint mean to offened ur crapy self
and j aint tht bad tht u had to go for the coupons i mean if we were talkin abt ish then it wz a completly different story :twisted:

yeah y ish y do u keep callin me juliiee { thnx al for noticing}
and y fake y do u kepp typin it wrong for heavnes sake everybody its

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Oct 29, 2004
really yall know who u not about to waste my time paying attention.

i guess its ur faults for chooses weird names :lol:

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Oct 30, 2004
ouch tht hurts!!! :cry:

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Oct 30, 2004
oh thts wz me forgot to sing in!

still im hurt oush fake :cry:
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Oct 30, 2004
aawww juiee u got a bobo!


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Oct 30, 2004
yea i prolly forget all tha time JUEE , FAKESPIKE damn i guess i post wen am high so i forget anyways peaece hahahha PEACE
tha don
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Oct 31, 2004
and after J released his track with p didy his triple Uranium album allowed him to do a break away from that fake badboy lable.. J took all his $$$ and went back to his roots an his old crew with DA nigga I$H. they formed a lethal lyricist crew of old g's pimps and hustlers ISH was the lyricist and J the architect togather this crew was unstopable competition was devoured..

so being back at there best J nd ISH went back to finish some unsettled buisnees with MC donalds and his two nuts knows as sac's fakey and smartd,, I$H put it togather and J laid it down and this is how it went an it got them all out of town

J took a look at donalds and took out his machete ready to cut this nigga to pieces
Donalds with his two fag side kicks by his side looked at J with fear and said what you doin gangsta

J said im gettin ready to cut and scar you, you're gonna die, so fcuk power
Cause you're supreme reign is more like a minor sun shower
You got a ring of dickriders, and this battle's a mismatch too
We're competing for a freaking belt ... that would only fit you
Plus I seen your stomach, chins, and flub, that stuff's insane
Your so damn lazy, even your thoughts take the freaking train
I'll beat the fcuk outta you kid, body numbed out, head bleeding
But if you're not number 2, I'll make sure you come out dead even
Try to claim a title, I don't think that you could ever earn it princess
Ur skills are so questionable, investigators come to them for murder tips
A computer geek at best, now really, who can think this guy's colder
When he raises his desk chair & pushes back, & calls himself a high roller
He's got a new weight loss plan though, no way he's gaining
His new style isn't to he's just biting Resin's

hahahaha yeah thats right

this unstopable crew with da nigga ISH and J rocked all the varrios and added glitter to all the street corners when JUIEE stepped to ISH's side and Alvii got locked With J... Mc donalds was ripped apart and his nut sac's smartd and Fake were left floatin in a glass of water... by wat came to be know as the Gangsteriffic crew with J AND ISH addin the thug flavour and the two angels by there sides addin the glitter..

laila was left too contemplate on why she pointed out that she dont want J... cause she knows she wants J she knows she dreams about J

i mean when a woman goes out of her way to point out something that was mentioned about someone she is just annoyed why that somone is not mentioning her in his rhymes
well laila just like juiee said it stop beeing crappy then will give u the rhymes aight baby
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Nov 01, 2004
juiee-hahahah leila dint mean to offened ur crapy self

i never said any thing about u so i don't know why u have any thing against me.any way every body's calling me leila instead of laila.
just thought u might want to know.

i know for a fact that i am not crappy as u put it.maybe u were thinking about your self when u wrote it.
laila k m

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Nov 02, 2004
oooh Laila is hurt ... u seem to get offended at the slightest things - thats not a good sign for someone who wants to wooo rich men - (yes i m holding this against u and m not gonna quit)- well what u posted in "can unmarried couples..." abt the rich guy and stuff just goes to show u R full of ** - :x n dont u call Juiee names - just for the record she is my kid sister so unless it is ISH - :evil: dont mess around with my sis or u wouldnt know what hit u - btw - so far i have been "good" on the forum believe me u wouldnt want to see the dark-side of AL - the meanest meanie in the Universe muhaaaaa. :twisted:

:oops: Juiee i know u didnt want me to say that we were sisters but what can i do no * can call u names and get away with it :)
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Nov 02, 2004
yo ALVII DO I KNOW U hahahahahaha coz if i do then u u know hahahahahah peace out & pm me if u feel shy to say that u know me punani
tha don
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Nov 03, 2004
Leila and Laila ?
You have to know which one
it makes alot difference.

Though for the record, its Laila that you are talking about.
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Nov 15, 2004
nahhh i know u, ur a * that wanna get * thats why i tossed u to hary who * u in tha first night & u came back wit a different name & u doin all that fake * so plzzzzzzzzzzzzz
tha don
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Nov 16, 2004
i love how this * be coming back to this forum with shame still intact i mean baby u is old news used an abused


big up to the nigga hari aka ali aka *** anythin that breaths

for handling this ***
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Nov 16, 2004
eyes couldnt belive wen i heard tha news but i neva had a clue that i had * in ma nose so digged it out & i saw hary wit *** liela was that u

juss started flowin mannnnn
tha don
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Nov 16, 2004
was just going through this topic again an i see my story dealt the killer blow no one could make a comeback to it hahahaha

its just da way it always is

but anyways lets go back to the story giving thing we had going on
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Nov 16, 2004
yo tha funniest part was how fake, smrtd & yorky ended up hahahhahaha damn that was sick
tha don
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