Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty.

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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 14, 2011
To FD:
Yes, and the same report said he clambered over passengers - and didn't put it in quotes.

Why you're letting your imagination run wild over me not jumping over and doing sommersaults to disarm the terrorist is a question best not asked. Who knows why you come up with these strange fantastical theories??

But back to what I actually wrote - I asked what in it you disagreed with. I note that again we are met with silence on the substantive points. There's a pattern there.

To Kanelli:
Yes, I agree with you. The fact that the terrorist was incompetent is just a fact - and in no way condones or excuses his crime. I am rather making the point that qualitatively and quantitatively the stats show the extent of Jihadits terrorism in the EU and USA is far less than the loons make out.


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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 14, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:Fact remains, you couldn't have done what Mr. Schuringa did. You are incapable of that.

If you haven't met Shaf, how do you know if he's plump or not? It was an American airline, likely most of the passengers were too plump to do anything :lol: . If most of the passengers were Europeans they were likely too drunk to do anything. :lol: So yes, thankfully the fit and sober Dutch guy was able to save the day! However, if the bomber was more skilled, the Dutch guy would likely have been blown to bits mid-pounce. Still a hero for trying though!
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 14, 2011
kanelli wrote:If you haven't met Shaf, how do you know if he's plump or not? It was an American airline, likely most of the passengers were too plump to do anything :lol: . If most of the passengers were Europeans they were likely too drunk to do anything. :lol: So yes, thankfully the fit and sober Dutch guy was able to save the day! However, if the bomber was more skilled, the Dutch guy would likely have been blown to bits mid-pounce. Still a hero for trying though!

Well if the passengers had been Canadian, chances are everybody would have been bored to death anyway :drunken:
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 14, 2011
And what if all passengers were Muslims, would they chant Allahu Akbar all together ? :lol:
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 15, 2011
^Yes, they would have shouted Allahu Akbar after they'd stopped the incompetent bomber. :D

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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 15, 2011
shafique wrote:^Yes, they would have shouted Allahu Akbar after they'd stopped the incompetent bomber. :D


I don't get why you can't refer to him as a terrorist, because that's exactly what he is. Or is one not a terrorist unless he is successful in his mission?
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 15, 2011
Bora - was I unclear when I replied to your post and wrote:

shafique wrote:The young guy is definitely a terrorist.

The point was exactly that in Afganistan, Iraq and indeed Pakistan they know how to make IEDs - and that in Europe the right-wing terrorists just need Google to help them make bombs. Surely if the loons were right about the extent of the real threat, we'd see more Muslim Brieviks than the Muslm numpties.

Stating that he was incompetent is just stating a fact, isn't it?

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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 15, 2011
THE YOUNG GUY IS DEFINITELY A TERRORIST. How much more explicit can Shaf be? He has not stated any support or excuses for the terrorist at all.
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 15, 2011
kanelli wrote:THE YOUNG GUY IS DEFINITELY A TERRORIST. How much more explicit can Shaf be? He has not stated any support or excuses for the terrorist at all.


Pointing out the obvious Kanelli??
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 15, 2011
Where do I acknowledge the terrorist is a terrorist?

How about in the first sentence in my reply to you below:
shafique wrote:The young guy is definitely a terrorist.

The point was exactly that in Afganistan, Iraq and indeed Pakistan they know how to make IEDs - and that in Europe the right-wing terrorists just need Google to help them make bombs. Surely if the loons were right about the extent of the real threat, we'd see more Muslim Brieviks than the Muslm numpties.

(I posted this in this thread.. look back)

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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 15, 2011
shafique wrote:Where do I acknowledge the terrorist is a terrorist?

How about in the first sentence in my reply to you below:
shafique wrote:The young guy is definitely a terrorist.

The point was exactly that in Afganistan, Iraq and indeed Pakistan they know how to make IEDs - and that in Europe the right-wing terrorists just need Google to help them make bombs. Surely if the loons were right about the extent of the real threat, we'd see more Muslim Brieviks than the Muslm numpties.

(I posted this in this thread.. look back)


I stand corrected Shaf, it just seemed that you were overlooking that fact more recently. My apologies.

Now someone can stop :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: saying "LOOK AT ME!!! "LOOK AT ME!!!! :P :P
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 15, 2011
No probs Bora Bora. Always happy to clarify to clear up any misunderstanding.

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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 15, 2011
kanelli wrote:THE YOUNG GUY IS DEFINITELY A TERRORIST. How much more explicit can Shaf be? He has not stated any support or excuses for the terrorist at all.


-- Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:52 pm --

The terrorist was indeed a terrorist but it appears that to acknowledge it and then continue to downplay his role is what Shafiques mission is all about.

Yes, he did attempt to murder 289 people but it wasn't as bad as what that white fella did.
He was just a bit thick that's all, no harm done in the end was there?

I think your sympathies are misplaced Shafique. Even his dad thought he was enough of a threat to report him to the authorities.

I tend to sympathise with the terror victims, who weren't really victims according to Shafique, as it was only high jinks in the airways.

There probably never want to see the inside of a plane again, and who could blame them?
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 15, 2011
You have a weird way of reading posts BM.

I started off by agreeing with you, mentioned the numptie's family ... then went on to talk about the puzzling aspect of the failed terrorist attack - the lack of expertise. I stated that Muslims in Iraq etc don't have a problem with explosive manufacture, nor did Brievik (who got his info off the internet).

Can't see how you can misinterpret this.

Did you even read the post? Here it is again:

shafique wrote:I totally agree BM and benwj - but thank goodness he was such a doofus. He seems to have come from a good family in Nigeria - and the Nigerians I spoke to there were horrified that this had happened.

And yes, given that he'd got the explosives on board - what's with setting your crotch on fire?

What's puzzling is that there's no shortage of explosives expertise out there - in Afghanistan and Iraq they are killing soldiers with IEDs, Brievik and his friends are managing to make explosives that work from instructions on the internet - so the lack of success from these wannabe jihadists is either they are from the very, very shallow end of the genepool or that somehow Al Qaeda operatives can't make bombs outside of the Middle East. (Remember the shoe bomber - same thing there as well!)

7/7, Madrid and 9/11 look like exceptions - but given the number of numpties out there, it's only a matter of time before some of them get lucky again.

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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 15, 2011
What a silly word numpty is.

Can you explain to me in simple terms why you felt the need to throw the white fella into the mix?

You can use big letters if you want, I have a problem with joined up writing.
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 15, 2011
numpty = incompetent, weak willed, easily led - from the shallow end of the gene pool.

The majority of EDL supporters will be numpties for example.

These are the losers who want to hurt society and look for causes - they will usually download the anarchist handbook and have delusions of grandeur, but will fail spectacularly when it comes to real life situations. They are also the ones most likely to be entrapped.

I contrasted this numpty with insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan first - because according to loons, there's a worldwide Muslim conspiracy to kill non-Muslims. The guys over there have the knowledge and experience to make working explosives. This guy was in the West - and hence I compared him to Brievik who got his bomb making skills over the internet.

He's a numpty. Thank goodness for that.

Sometimes numpties get lucky (and we're all out of luck then) - but in the EU and USA the successful terrorists are largely 'white guys' as you put it.

If still confused, let me know and I'll use crayons. ;)

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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 15, 2011
So, what punishment would you recommend for a Muslim "numpty" caught in a terrorist attempt, a slap on the hand?
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 15, 2011
You need to go back to my post Shafique, I think you are getting carried away with trying to show your knowledge of the English language.

I didn't ask what numpty meant, just stated that it is a silly word.

I can't say I've ever heard an English man say the word 'numpty'. That would definitely be classed as one of those shallow moments when he'd be binned. That's a big girls word.

I see you say that in the USA that the successful terrorists are largely white guys. Funny that! I must thicker than you first imagined :shock: I was under the impression that 9/11 was the worst attack and that it was carried out by Muslims. It just shows how much I know, doesn't it?

Maybe you should get your crayons out after all.

-- Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:08 pm --

gertrude wrote:So, what punishment would you recommend for a Muslim "numpty" caught in a terrorist attempt, a slap on the hand?

They get their rewards in Heaven Gertrude!

In August, 2001, the American television channel CBS aired an interview with a Hamas activist Muhammad Abu Wardeh, who recruited terrorists for suicide bombings in Israel. Abu Wardeh was quoted as saying: "I described to him how God would compensate the martyr for sacrificing his life for his land. If you become a martyr, God will give you 70 virgins, 70 wives and everlasting happiness." Wardeh was in fact shortchanging his recruits since the rewards in Paradise for martyrs was 72 virgins. But I am running ahead of things .

Since September 11, news stories have repeated the story of suicide bombers and their heavenly rewards, and equally Muslim scholars and Western apologists of Islam have repeated that suicide is forbidden in Islam. Suicide (qatlu nafsi-hi) is not referred to in the Koran but is indeed forbidden in the Traditions (Hadith in Arabic), which are the collected sayings and doings attributed to the Prophet and traced back to him through a series of putatively trustworthy witnesses. They include what was done in his presence that he did not forbid, and even the authoritative sayings and doings of his companions.

But the Hamas spokesman correctly uses the word martyr (shahid) and not suicide bomber, since those who blow themselves up almost daily in Israel and those who died on September 11 were dying in the noblest of all causes, Jihad, which is an incumbent religious duty, established in the Koran and in the Traditions as a divine institution, and enjoined for the purpose of advancing Islam. While suicide is forbidden, martyrdom is everywhere praised, welcomed, and urged: "By the Being in Whose Hand is my life, I love that I should be killed in the way of Allah; then I should be brought back to life and be killed again in His way..."; "The Prophet said, 'Nobody who enters Paradise will ever like to return to this world even if he were offered everything, except the martyr who will desire to return to this world and be killed 10 times for the sake of the great honour that has been bestowed upon him'." [Sahih Muslim, chapters 781, 782, The Merit of Jihad and the Merit of Martyrdom.]

What of the rewards in paradise? The Islamic paradise is described in great sensual detail in the Koran and the Traditions; for instance, Koran sura 56 verses 12 -40 ; sura 55 verses 54-56 ; sura 76 verses 12-22. I shall quote the celebrated Penguin translation by NJ Dawood of sura 56 verses 12- 39: "They shall recline on jewelled couches face to face, and there shall wait on them immortal youths with bowls and ewers and a cup of purest wine (that will neither pain their heads nor take away their reason); with fruits of their own choice and flesh of fowls that they relish. And theirs shall be the dark-eyed houris, chaste as hidden pearls: a guerdon for their deeds... We created the houris and made them virgins, loving companions for those on the right hand..."

One should note that most translations, even those by Muslims themselves such as A Yusuf Ali, and the British Muslim Marmaduke Pickthall, translate the Arabic (plural) word Abkarun as virgins, as do well-known lexicons such the one by John Penrice. I emphasise this fact since many pudic and embarrassed Muslims claim there has been a mistranslation, that "virgins" should be replaced by "angels". In sura 55 verses 72-74, Dawood translates the Arabic word " hur " as "virgins", and the context makes clear that virgin is the appropriate translation: "Dark-eyed virgins sheltered in their tents (which of your Lord's blessings would you deny?) whom neither man nor jinnee will have touched before." The word hur occurs four times in the Koran and is usually translated as a "maiden with dark eyes".

http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2002/ja ... ianreview5
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 18, 2011
shafique wrote:(Remember the shoe bomber - same thing there as well!)

I don't know why you keep repeating this claim of the shoe bomber. His mistake was attempting to detonate his explosives in his seat as opposed to going to the bathroom and blowing up the plane there.

shafique wrote:Sometimes numpties get lucky (and we're all out of luck then) - but in the EU and USA the successful terrorists are largely 'white guys' as you put it.

The major terrorist attacks in Europe and the USA have been carried out by Muslims more than "white guys". But given that non-Muslim white guys significantly outnumber Muslims in the US and Europe, I'm lost how you would want to use that in a point to brag about.
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 18, 2011
The last successful suicide bomber (using plane as a weapon) in the USA was Joe Stack last February, the Hutaree Christian Militia caught this year in the USA had more ammo and explosives than all the 'Islamist' terror suspects caught since 9/11 in the USA and your political bedfellow Brievik went on the rampage this year in Norway.

But why let a little thing like stats (FBI stats for example) get in the way of Islamophobic fantasies eh?

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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 19, 2011
None as successful as 9/11 though.
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 19, 2011
I like how the doofus just accused others of downplaying terrorist actions in the other thread when stats were provided getting in the way of our Koran Krazie's fantasies of "Islamophobic" attacks being the primary security issue in Europe.

I guess we don't need to remind our Koran Krazie that the last successful suicide bomber in Europe or America was a Swedish-Iraqi man who planned on killing Swedish Christmas shoppers and himself in the name of Islam.
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 19, 2011

According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.

Perception is not reality. Due to the right wing’s influence and propaganda, people mistakenly think that
Islamic terrorism is the greatest threat to the Western world. It is even a commonly held belief that Islamic terrorism poses an existential threat–that the very survival of the Western world is at stake. Of course, the reality is that there are other groups that engage in terrorism on a much larger scale, yet these terrorist incidents are minimized. Acts of terrorism committed by Muslims are purposefully sensationalized and focused upon, culminating in the idea that “(nearly) all terrorists are Muslims.”

cue: loon denials of facts. ;)

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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 20, 2011
It's painful to read your stupidity.

Let me know how Breivik type terror attacks compare statistically with Islamic.

Then we'll see who's "downplaying" terrorist actions.
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Re: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty. Oct 20, 2011
Hey, if you want to believe the 'perception' rather than the facts - there's not much we can do about that.

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