desertdudeshj wrote:TV indeed is a wonderfull thing, I gew up watching news coverage of Palestenians throwing rocks trying to defend themselves at Israeli tanks and armoured personal carriers with bullets and shells being fired in return . Izzies do have reputaion of bringing a nuke to a fist fight.
Next being pelted with eggs will be considered an assault with a deadly weapon with intent to cause grave bodily harm if lobbing stones are being considered at the very least second degree murder !
P.S : Its too late to untwist the panties, I'm afraid the wrinkles have already set in !
try to be a bit more individual munchkin. I can see you have changed knickers to panties and wrinkles but you need to up the game a bit to insult me. What ever happened to calling me a whore? It was much more fun

-- Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:34 am --
shafique wrote:BM - when you untwist your knickers and you re-read what I wrote, you'll see that FD's loon theory was that ALL 498 stone throwing incidents were attempted murder, because ALL 498 instances the intent was murder.
Now, I know it is very difficult to overcome your cartoon view of Palestinians and Muslims as all being wild-eyed, crazed, anti-Semitic, blood thirsty baby killers - but at least read what is written in posts before embarrassing yourself with wild theories that all 498 incidents involved boulders or small mountains against poor defenceless angels. (Hyperbole intended)
How would I react to people throwing stones at my car? I wouldn't assume they are trying to kill me and embarrass myself by stating that this is my belief.
Why the fasination with my knickers? You really need to get over that and stop embarrassing yourself on a public forum. Having said that, I suppose you constantly mentioning my underwear is an improvement from you constantly having a light hearted dig at my sick daughter.
Now back on topic.
Just to reiterate, I'm talking about Palestinians throwing ROCKS as stated in the OP and causing the death of a young father and his baby.
I can see you're attempting to down play the murder by saying you wouldn't assume anyone was trying to kill you if they threw stones at your car but what if they were rocks? What if they threw rocks at your car while you were driving with your family? What if those rocks were big enough that they made you lose control of the vehicle? What about that? Would that frighten you and your family enough to think your lives were in danger.
Take five before you hit the keyboard.