viking-warrior wrote:Hey Shaf, yeah what was this exchange about ?
BJ picked up on Martyr-Brother Sym's knowledge of BM's ID,
Well I would hate to burst your bubble VK but as you are accustomed to getting things wrong all across your life it probably won’t come as big surprise to you that I never got anything from Sym.
viking-warrior wrote: but as everyone knows (even the MeeToo crowd) it's not funny if it doesn't get a rise or that person is not bothered and then we move on. Not BJ.
Yes but it seems to bother you more than most which makes it even more amusing and enjoyable for me. Its funny how this started off with you first impolitely asking me to stop and now you have drawn even more attention to it by your actions. Anyway lets not dwell on this own goal nor your lack of willingness to move on from this “garbage”. .
viking-warrior wrote: Taking the widest brush possible BJ then insinuated that he has knowledge of a crisis in my life (!chicken or beef, diet or regular coke, it's a nightmare, wait, its a, yup you guessed it .. !) so I again suggested that he PM me where we might discuss this theory. Clearly such a challenge was too much to deal with, so, armed with the cut'n'paste war tool BJ resorted to the lowest form of trolling, taking an argument and going through it line by line trying to be clever in response.
VK I think you have a superiority complex. You hold an unrealistically high opinion of your own intelligence which in turn seems to be feeding your severely inflated ego. Your constant appraisal of my insults suggests a person that is so intent on proving they are smart to others they somehow miss the point of what it actually means to be smart. Therein sadly lies your greatest weakness and probably the main reason you are in the position you find yourself today.You just don’t believe you can be wrong. You continually seem to underestimate your opponent and they more often than not they end up making a total fool out of you with disastrous consequences.
Lets take exhibit A, your total humiliation at the hands of a bunch of incompetent nitwits at DW. Is a nitwit a fair description of DW people VK? The dressing down these beings of supposedly inferior intelligence dealt you begs the question how you didn’t see it coming? I mean if they were as stupid as you claim how did they manage to sucker punch you into total financial and professional oblivion? Even Herve, who is certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer by any assessment, managed to evade them and at the same time financially benefit from his book (however rubbish it is). You on the other hand got completely blindsided by your own arrogance and totally steam rolled by a bunch of buffoons. What did you end up with - squat, nada, zip, zero. What did you lose - everything. You essentially pulled the rug out from under yourself aided only by your inflated ego and infallible sense of superiority.
Now what has this sense of superiority given you really apart from a warn fuzzy feeling when speaking to others? Nothing. You have let your family down, your friends down and have clearly destroyed your reputation and career all because you felt that you were untouchable. You are your own worst enemy and have created a flawed justification as to why this has all happened to you. But let me clear up your own misconception, this hasn’t happened because you were unlucky, it happened because of they way you are. People who were actually clever and intelligent made their money (one way or another) and got out. For heavens sake even Herve got out! The sooner you come to terms with that the better it will be for you and then you can finally lose that sense of superiority and that newly gained chip on your shoulder.
While getting to grips with the cause of your problems is one thing, I don’t want to promise you that its all going to be OK and your life is going to get back on track. I like everyone else love happy endings (of all types

) but unfortunately I don’t think that the fairy god mother is coming to your rescue here. I am sorry to say this VK (you may want to sit down at this point) but you are one of life’s many losers and destined to have your failures outweigh your success’s. Now you shouldn’t take this too badly, don’t forget that you never were much more than a bean counter even at the peak of your career. The bigger problem you will face however is not your fall from bean counting mediocrity but as mentioned your acceptance of where you are today and where you are going -- which is basically nowhere. You need to adjust your ego to this reality and remove it from its permanent dreamy state otherwise I can only see this creating more acceptance issues down the road for you.
The simple reality is that you were an insignificant bean counter and have now been demoted to a “failed” insignificant bean counter. Calling yourself a Viking Warrior doesn't mean you are one. I say this for your own good. Over time reality will bite you hard. As employer after employer passes you up for better candidates with untarnished resumes I can only see your bitterness growing and your financial woes deepening. You may have to accept doing jobs that you consider beneath yourself like washing cars or sweeping streets, but the question is will your ego be able to deal with it and superiority complex be able to survive it? You may feel the need to rename yourself Super Viking Warrior at some later point to compensate for your steadily diminishing self worth.
Either way my advice to you is to wake up and do the right thing now. As I have been trying to tell you over the last few posts – its time the denial stops. I hope for your sake that you heed my advice. However I suspect that you will just carry on as usual and dissect my reply with all sorts of “clever” arguments just to keep that superiority complex of yours up and running and that ego firmly inflated, regardless of the deflated state of your life.
If however you want real change (not type Obama change) and are frustrated at how to start the process I would just recommend a few steps that might help you. When you feel you are acting like a self righteous pr1ck with and want to keep your arrogance in check just repeat to yourself “I am a loser”, “I am a failure”, etc.
Anyway, good luck, let me know how you get on.
viking-warrior wrote:
Anyone who has had children knows the system ...
"You stink" says kid 1, "No, you stink" says kid 2;
"Your'e ugly" says kid 1, "No your'e ugly" says kid 2 etc etc ad infinitum
Shaf, this goes out for you - “My daddy’s is bigger than yours”.
viking-warrior wrote: So, in short, I am still waiting for the twice promised PM from our pee soaked friend wherein he will reveal all
I am so excited

(but still waiting

Twice promised? Now don’t tell porkies VK.
We have already been through how your ego likes the illusions of grandeur but this is a stretch even for you. I believe I asked you to contact me on the initial post and now you keep coming back with the "I am still waiting” line. Is this some way for you to display your macho Viking side that is fearless and excited at the prospect of taking me on? Deary me.
Now you and I both know that neither of us would ever consider sending our contact details by PM to the other but just in case you doubt this and feel it only applies to me this should clear it up for you.
Wow now I am so excited

, surely you will contact me, no?
Just to make sure, let me try again
I hope that convinces you.
Third time lucky? Nah, I don’t pick on losers.