Palestine Recognised By UNESCO

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Palestine Recognised by UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Despite threats to UNESCO funding by the US for recognition of Palestine as a state it was approved by an overwhelming majority. ... 70364.html

Any thoughts as to how voting in the security council will go and whether the US will have to use its veto?
That is when it actually goes to a vote which the US seems keen to delay.

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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Thats good news and good for the Palestenians for hanging in there and not giving in to threats. Would be intresting to here USA's remarks on this. Just goes to show what the worlds opinion on this is and if USA does veto, will just go to show who is really wearing the pants in the Izz-Usa relationship.

P.S : I hear the distance creaking of some major twisting going on. Stay tuned !
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
One step closer for Palestine. :cheers:

I would love to be a fly on the wall to hear what the US government has been saying about Israel within the confines of their office. Privately, it can't be good.
Bora Bora
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Umm - the vote was for Palestine submitting a bid that will be voted on, not for full membership yet.

The US is threatening to stop paying its dues to UNESCO if the vote goes through and Palestine is admitted.
The Obama administration warned the U.N. cultural agency to stay out of the question of Palestinian statehood or face the consequences, as American lawmakers were threatening to withhold tens of millions of dollars in U.S. funding if the organization agrees to admit Palestine as a member before an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal is reached.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton called UNESCO's deliberation "inexplicable" at a time when the Palestinian bid for U.N. recognition and membership was being examined by the Security Council, the global body's top decision-making organ. And she said such an action would be a setback for Mideast peace hopes.

"I think that that is a very odd procedure indeed and would urge the governing body of UNESCO to think again before proceeding with that vote," Clinton told reporters in the Dominican Republic, where she was attending a regional economic conference.

She stopped of saying how the U.S. might react, or if it would consider pulling out of the agency as it did under President Ronald Reagan, but acknowledged Congress' "strong legislative prohibition that prevents the United States from funding organizations that jump the gun, so to speak, in recognizing entities before they are fully ready for such recognition." ... 6QNO00.htm

An interesting one to watch.

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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
shafique wrote:Umm - the vote was for Palestine submitting a bid that will be voted on, not for full membership yet.

The US is threatening to stop paying its dues to UNESCO if the vote goes through and Palestine is admitted.
The Obama administration warned the U.N. cultural agency to stay out of the question of Palestinian statehood or face the consequences, as American lawmakers were threatening to withhold tens of millions of dollars in U.S. funding if the organization agrees to admit Palestine as a member before an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal is reached.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton called UNESCO's deliberation "inexplicable" at a time when the Palestinian bid for U.N. recognition and membership was being examined by the Security Council, the global body's top decision-making organ. And she said such an action would be a setback for Mideast peace hopes.

"I think that that is a very odd procedure indeed and would urge the governing body of UNESCO to think again before proceeding with that vote," Clinton told reporters in the Dominican Republic, where she was attending a regional economic conference.

She stopped of saying how the U.S. might react, or if it would consider pulling out of the agency as it did under President Ronald Reagan, but acknowledged Congress' "strong legislative prohibition that prevents the United States from funding organizations that jump the gun, so to speak, in recognizing entities before they are fully ready for such recognition." ... 6QNO00.htm

An interesting one to watch.


I get it Shaf, but it's still a vote for them.

Good grief!! Just how far will the US go? They don't seem to see the bigger picture as to how they would look internationally if they withheld funding? Sinking deeper and deeper.

How about telling Israel that there won't be anymore funding unless they sit down and do some serious talking with Palestine rather than hold Palestine hostage for it's bid for statehood?
Bora Bora
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
I have no idea how the voting will go, but this is certainly good news and a step in the right direction!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:How about telling Israel that there won't be anymore funding unless they sit down and do some serious talking with Palestine rather than hold Palestine hostage for it's bid for statehood?

I think they tried that last year by offering them a couple of billion dollars and a few pricey fighter jets as a bribe and Israel told USA to go shove it where the sun don't shine !
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:How about telling Israel that there won't be anymore funding unless they sit down and do some serious talking with Palestine rather than hold Palestine hostage for it's bid for statehood?

I think they tried that last year by offering them a couple of billion dollars and a few pricey fighter jets as a bribe and Israel told USA to go shove it where the sun don't shine !

Standard statement from Israel to the US - and the rest of the world. :D
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Imagine if the US told Israel they were going to stand back and withdraw support for a while. What would Israel do? a) Go crazy and bomb the crap out of Palestine? b) Bring their butts to the negotiation table a.s.a.p?
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Gee K., its Israel who is sitting near the table at the moment, with the Pali's refusing to negotiate.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Palestine Recognised by UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
K's on the ball as usual.
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
And there he blows !
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:And there he blows !

Who are you blowing now munchkin?
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Re: Palestine Recognised by UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Was that the primitive monkey again? Monkey is, monkey does. What a wonderfull contribution to the thread again, monkey.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:Gee K., its Israel who is sitting near the table at the moment, with the Pali's refusing to negotiate.

And why are the Palestinians refusing to negotiate? What has changed since the last time they sat at the table with the Israelis that is pissing them off so much that they refuse to negotiate? When you say Israel is sitting near the table - how near? :lol:

I'd say you and BM are on the ball again... spinning round and round that Israel is perfect and the whole problem is the Muslims/Palestinians.
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:Gee K., its Israel who is sitting near the table at the moment, with the Pali's refusing to negotiate.

Would that be the dinner table FD?? Palistinians eat halal, not kosher. But, here's the thing, there's nothing kosher about what Israel wants to force down the throats of Palestinians.

I think I'm going to stop being polite and just refer to Israelis as plain old Jews, no different from referring to Palestinians as "Palis".
Bora Bora
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
@ K: Parrot! You really cant come up with anything yourself.

Good you are admitting though its the Pali's that are refusing now.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Your intent was to say, "You are stupid, you know nothing. The Israelis want to negotiate but the Palestinians don't."

My answer was, "Let's see your evidence for that. " That is not parroting.

If you can't answer, no problem. I doubt you could ever make a fair assessment on the major stumbling blocks to negotiations between the two sides since you are clearly biased towards the Israeli side.
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
You've got to hand it to FD - he's acting like a true believer.

Next he'll be telling us how the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to screw up, were offered great deals in the past and turned it down, want to ethnically cleanse Palestine etc.

But I do wonder whether he actually does believes in the spin - I mean, he hasn't missed all those stories about Israel building more colonies and being told off by the US etc. Or has he??

Perhaps it is just a loon reflex - when cornered, blame the Palis first, then call posters either 'parrot' or 'primitive monkey'. Then pretend that others are the ones who are being deceitful.

(That was my impression of FD diagnosing others - how did I do?)

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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Excellent diagnosis Dr. Shaf!
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Re: Palestine Recognised by UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Stop kissing Shafiques backside, K. It is most unbecoming of someone who claims to have a brain. Although I've yet to see the proof.
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
kanelli wrote:Your intent was to say, "You are stupid, you know nothing. The Israelis want to negotiate but the Palestinians don't."

My answer was, "Let's see your evidence for that. " That is not parroting.

If you can't answer, no problem. I doubt you could ever make a fair assessment on the major stumbling blocks to negotiations between the two sides since you are clearly biased towards the Israeli side.

I was talking about being on the ball, but you must have missed that to no surprise. Do you maybe need some more explanation?
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
kanelli wrote:I'd say you and BM are on the ball again... spinning round and round that Israel is perfect and the whole problem is the Muslims/Palestinians.

yes, i'd have to agree with you on that staement. But I'm only speaking for myself.
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:Good you are admitting though its the Pali's that are refusing now.

FD, why should the Palis sit with the Jews when the Palis know the script by heart? It's just another false attempt (smoke and mirrors?) by the Jews to pacify those countries that are now showing support for Palestine. The Jews are seeing a shift from countries that had tolerated them and sat on the fence, to leaning in one direction - towards Palestine. As far as the Jews are concerned what they put on the table is: it's all (accept our offer) or nothing if you (Palis) want peace. That has always been their position.

" Itz not our vault. Ve vant to sit and negoatiate peace wit the Palestinians buut dey refuse."

-- Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:58 am --

shafique wrote:call posters either 'parrot' or 'primitive monkey'.

I must be special. I've been put on the same level as Sym. :shock: :shock: :D :D Which I might add, I took offense to as it was quite below the belt to say that. A desperate moment???
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Re: Palestine Recognised by UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Stop kissing Shafiques backside, K. It is most unbecoming of someone who claims to have a brain. Although I've yet to see the proof.

I agree with BB's opinions too, so for the record I'd like to kiss her butt as well. :D
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
^BB - I guess I should be privileged to only be called fat and a parrot ;) K - yurgh. :D

But back to the topic - in addition to Bora's excellent points above let's not overlook the Arab Peace Plan which Israel didn't sign up to in the end.

(Standard fanbois response - "yes, but but, Hamas is evil rant, rant, ... you smell.. oh look over there" )

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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:
kanelli wrote:Your intent was to say, "You are stupid, you know nothing. The Israelis want to negotiate but the Palestinians don't."

My answer was, "Let's see your evidence for that. " That is not parroting.

If you can't answer, no problem. I doubt you could ever make a fair assessment on the major stumbling blocks to negotiations between the two sides since you are clearly biased towards the Israeli side.

I was talking about being on the ball, but you must have missed that to no surprise. Do you maybe need some more explanation?

Yes, FD, I can see you aren't insinuating anything about my intelligence with your comments. :lol:

I wonder when you'd like to discuss details about Israeli and Palestinian negotiations, or perhaps you're content with personally insulting those who disagree with you?
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
kanelli wrote:Yes, FD, I can see you aren't insinuating anything about my intelligence with your comments. :lol:

Don't take offense Kanelli. The one good thing about FD: he spreads the insults around. Everyone who doesn't agree with him gets one!! :lol:
Bora Bora
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Re: Palestine Recognised By UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
I'm so blessed!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Palestine Recognised by UNESCO Oct 10, 2011
Bora, why do you think you are insulting the Israelis by calling them Jews?
That's not an insult!
It's only the Muslims that are sensative.

-- Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:16 pm --

And you're all ganging up again. That's pretty pathetic by anyone's sandards. Pack mentality.
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