US Congress Blocks Aid To Palestine - Punishment??

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US Congress blocks aid to palestine - Punishment?? Oct 04, 2011
A big, big SHAME ON YOU to US Congress. It wasn't that long ago Congress was pledging $500 million in aid to Palestine, which dropped down to $200 million, and how timely that Congress now blocks that $200 Million in aid to Palestine. Now, would that have anything to do with Palestine looking for statehood??? All the earlier threats didn't work, so now you resort to making those threats a reality??

On the other hand it is said by the Palestinians that not getting that aid would make any difference to how they currently live/survive, which makes one wonder - where has all the aid money previously given, gone to? ... d-1.884317

Gazans feel decision to punish Abbas for daring to ask for full UN membership will have no effect on their already hard lives

The Congress has blocked nearly $200 million (Dh734.6 million) in aid to the Palestinians in response to President Mahmoud Abbas' application for full UN membership, a British newspaper reported on Saturday.

Palestinians, especially those living in Gaza, are not surprised, however.

Mohammad Khalil, 34, said: "The US administration was giving us the aid in order to sell our land and political views. I believe this is a punishment for Abbas for seeking UN membership.

"However," Khalil added, "we are already living in poverty and unemployment and don't even have our own state, so it won't be worse than it already is."

USAID has already begun to wind down aid operations in the West Bank and Gaza, and Western aid sources fear the agency may have to shut down all humanitarian work as well as distribution of budgetary support to the Palestinian Authority by January.

The decision was strongly condemned by the Palestinian National Authority. The aid cut threatens projects such as food aid, health care, and support for efforts to build a functioning state, it said.

Dr Faisal Abu Shahla, a Fatah parliament member, said: "This is shameful behaviour from a country like the United States in punishing the Palestinian people in such a way for asking for their rights of having their own country."

Dr Abu Shahla added: "But this behaviour wasn't surprising from the Congress, which applauded a rather ridiculous speech by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this year."

The aid, which was destined for projects related to food aid, health care, and state building efforts, was to have been transferred to the Palestinian Authority during the US fiscal year that ends today, according to the report.

There have been demands in Congress throughout the year to withhold funding and decrease the number of employees working with USAID in the Palestinian territories in order to pressure Abbas to abandon his UN membership bid.

Bora Bora
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Re: US Congress blocks aid to palestine - Punishment?? Oct 04, 2011
The sense of entitlement is strong.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: US Congress blocks aid to palestine - Punishment?? Oct 04, 2011
The reality of living under a Military Occupation and having illegal colonies being built on the occupied land is stronger.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: US Congress blocks aid to palestine - Punishment?? Oct 04, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:The sense of entitlement is strong.

How different is it in Israel's sense of entitlement to US aid and to Palestinian land?
Bora Bora
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Re: US Congress blocks aid to palestine - Punishment?? Oct 04, 2011
I am glad my tax payer dollars wont go to these terrorists.
The US should cut all aids to moslem countries.
What do we get in return
They want our money, but spew hatred and insults all the time, they burn the US flag, and rejoice in the streets every time a huricane or a bomb goes off in the US.
Bora, did you convert to islam by the way, you seem to be more moslem than american.
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Re: US Congress Blocks Aid To Palestine - Punishment?? Oct 04, 2011
Religion has nothing to do with right or wrong Herve. For all the difference it makes I could be a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian, or even a Hindu, it wouldn't change my thinking.

You see your hatred is misplaced. What happened to you was not a result of Islam, but the doing of man himself, who happened to be a Muslim. If the same thing happened to you and was done by a Jew, would you hated all Jews? if by a Christian, would you hate all Christians? Put your hate where it belongs, to the PEOPLE who you think screwed you. Then again, seeing how they were Arabs, you hate all Arabs right? If they were black, would you hate all blacks? If they were Italian, would you hate all Italians? If they were white, would you hate all whites? See where I'm going with this Herve. Islam had absolutely nothing to do with your situation. Islam wasn't on trial - you and the people who represented Dubai World were. Anyone from anywhere of any religion, of any race, could have done the same thing to you.

If you can get your head wrapped around that, you can then confine your hatred to those few individuals, rather than an entire religion and the people who share that religion. Try to see the bigger picture Herve.

Don't forget your taxpaying money goes to Israel and Pakistan who $hit on the US.
Bora Bora
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