Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate'

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
shafique wrote:eh - you lied. You can spin this as much as you can - the best you can do is plead you didn't read the loon blog correctly.

The crime was horrific enough without spin, you spun it and failed - spectacularly.

Oh, and just so you don't accuse me of ducking your loon rants - yes, indeed Nonie Darwish (who's blog entry you cited) is a loon - she is an ultra loon (and a liar): ... l-of-lies/ ... aw-school/


Really? How so? What specific statement(s) make(s) her a loon?

Let's compare loon to loon:

Antisemitic Muslim shafique has defended wrote:Segregationism, whether religious or ethnic, is anathema in Islam, but has been practiced by Judaism in the past and at present, both in religion and in worldly matters. The Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude. It has therefore become aggressive and dangerous. It has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave....

But one would like to ask in this connection where does this division of the world’s peoples into Evil and Good come from? The first source that comes to one’s mind is the Jewish doctrine that divides humanity into those who are Chosen and those who are Gentiles.

vs any quote from Nonie Darwish.

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
Her lies in the first link make her a liar. (Ironic, given your lie in this thread, don't you think?)

Her Islamophobic/loon rants in the second link make her a loon.

Really eh, it's like shooting fish in a barrel with loons these days. Next time click on the links.

And if your desperate spin with that quote that FD posted is just silly - I note that you're deliberately not linking to where FD produced the quote and hence not showing how he was humiliated in that thread.
Why don't you quote me:

Afraid of the truth?

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:
symmetric wrote:Aren't you so pretty FD :lol: - -

Bugger off little faggot!

You're the faggot who ran away from his country afraid from few Moroccan cubs :lol:
Need some help there? :D
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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
Her Islamophobic/loon rants in the second link make her a loon.

I'm not trawling through the rant you posted. Just highlight which statements from Nonie Darwish you think make her a loon and we'll compare what she said of Islam and Muslims to your author's Antisemitic statements on Jews and Judaism.

(We can also take a quick look at the Judeophobic statements made by LW authors while we're at it)

It's your claim she's a loon. I have no idea what your rubric for determining what a loon is. So you're going to have to supply the quotes yourself.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
So - eh, you're going to studiously ignore her lies and your lie. I fully understand why!

But, next time you try quoting FD's snippet, give the link to where he quoted it and we can all see what I said and why FD posted it.

So, you want to examine Nonie's loon beliefs (and assume she's not lying that these are her beliefs) - ok. The link I gave was mostly quotes from her - so I'm surprised you're calling it a rant. ??

How about the first quote on the link:
Islam is a poison to a society. It’s divisive. It’s hateful. Look what Islam is doing on our college campuses. It’s full of anti-Semitism. It’s going to turn us against one another. It’s going to produce chaos in society. Because Islam should be feared, and should be fought, and should be conquered, and defeated, and annihilated, and it’s going to happen. Ladies and gentlemen, Islam is going to be brought down. . .Because Islam is based on lies and it’s not based on the truth. I have no doubt whatsoever that Islam is going to be destroyed.

Pure Islamophobia.

(Loons have been defined here - but you know this already:

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
Some people should understand that the term anti-semitsm is meaningless to us Middle Easterns.
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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
Pure Islamophobia.

So the lady is listing some traits of Islam. Am I supposed to see anything in that quote where she described Islam anymore negatively than your Antisemitic Muslim author described Judaism and Jews?


Islam is a poison to a society. It’s divisive.

[Judaism has] become aggressive and dangerous.


Look what Islam is doing on our college campuses. It’s full of anti-Semitism.

The Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude.


[Islam is] going to turn us against one another.

[Judaism has] resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave....


[Islam is] going to produce chaos in society.

[Judaism] has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”

I'm curious from the above what the major differences are between your Antisemitic Muslim author has described Judaism and Jews to what Nonie Darwish has said about Antisemitism on college campuses being facilitated by Muslim students, etc?

One is saying Judaism/Jews have endangered the world the other says Islam will endanger college campuses. One you see as a fact the other is 'pure Islamophobia'. Well, in the mind of a Muslim fanatic, at least.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
So, we seem to agree that Noni is a liar (or you just don't want to talk about the lies).

But I'm curious - why are you insisting on quoting the quote FD posted and somehow linking it to the loon blogger's rant? At least link to where FD quoted it so we can see - you must have gone there to get the quote after all.

Seriously eh, you are losing it.

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
symmetric wrote:
Flying Dutchman wrote:
symmetric wrote:Aren't you so pretty FD :lol: - -

Bugger off little faggot!

You're the faggot who ran away from his country afraid from few Moroccan cubs :lol:
Need some help there? :D

At least try to be original man. You are only parroting. Now lets see how Shafique does some brain gymnastic in defending his antisemitism.
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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
Sorry, do you agree the quote from the Muslim author is pure Antisemitism?

Based on their descriptions of Islam and Judaism/Jews, what were the differences between what Nonie Darwish said about Islam on college campuses and the Muslim author said of Jews corrupting the world?

Please share why you give a pass for Antisemitism but find 'pure Islamophobia' in arguably less offensive quotes?
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
eh - if you give the link to where FD posted that quote, you'll see what I said about it. If you want to read what my views are about Jews etc, the link is here:

As for Noni's lies - I've given the link, and you are silent.

As for Noni's loon views - I've quoted her loon rant.

All this fuss over the fact you lied in the thread title, when you misread Noni's blog. Perhaps she was lying in that as well? But she's a loon and was posting on a loon site. As suspected.

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:. Now lets see how Shafique does some brain gymnastic in defending his antisemitism.

I guess we 'saw' how shafique responded to the Antisemitic quotes he defended. LoL.

It's simple logic. If one statement describing Islam in a certain way is 'Islamophobic', then a similar statement on Jews/Judaism is Antisemitic.

Even pre-schoolers understand basic reasoning. Shafique, like DDS, doesn't have logic and reasoning skills.

That's what Robbie meant when he said shafique was a dangerous nutter.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
What's the matter eh? Caught with your pants down again?

Let's review:

1. you lied in the title thread
2. you misread a loon blogger's post
3. the loon blogger is a proven liar (references given)
4. the loon blogger's rant is given as proof of her being a loon.

Your response is to give a quote that FD posted and refuse to link to where he posted it and my response.

Nice. The failure is complete.

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 03, 2011
event horizon wrote:Even pre-schoolers understand basic reasoning. Shafique, like DDS, doesn't have logic and reasoning skills.

Ahhh,that's priceless EH! You should stick to discussing with Herve then! He's a perfect intellectual match for you! :lol:
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 03, 2011
symmetric wrote:So Islam is the main problem in the world, and is the dangerous enemy responsible for all bad things.
What do you people suggest to do?
Kill, attack, slaughter, 1/4 of the world's population? :D

muslims kill each other just fine, muslims should remain on muslim lands, only.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 03, 2011
Thanks for sharing your views caps. A bit disturbing to see a poster celebrating the killing of humans - but I'm sure most normal human beings don't share your glee.

What makes a person hate a religion so much they are glad when people are killed?

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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Oct 04, 2011
I"m thankful that 'loon' Nonie Darwish covered this story, otherwise no one would have known this had happened.

I'm suspecting that explains the 'shoot the messenger' response to the article.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 04, 2011
Interesting, the first reaction was to call this a horrific crime.

The second was to question your assertion that the victim was an 'apostate'. This rightly turned out to be a lie.

Then it transpired that you got your info from an Islamophobic website and from a writer who is a ultra-Islamophobe and a proven liar.

It is interesting that you haven't addressed the fact that Nonie is a proven liar or that I was right that you got your info (and initially hid this fact) from a loon blog.

The spin isn't working any more - is it eh?

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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Oct 04, 2011
Then it transpired that you got your info from an Islamophobic website and from a writer who is a ultra-Islamophobe and a proven liar.

So where were the non-Islamophobic writers to have broken the story?
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 04, 2011
eh - as you've quoted me stating facts and are asking an unrelated question, I consider your post above a weak attempt at trolling.

However, you will recall you showed that there are more hate crimes against Jews in the USA than these types of hate crimes against Muslim victims. Are all the hate crimes against Jews covered by your blogger friends and the media?

Should you wish to address the facts in my quote, let me know.

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 04, 2011
Shaf, might I suggest ignoring all posts from and threads from EH, we all know he is nothing but a troll, so lets not feed the troll. Remember sometime back no one fed him and he almost dissappeared.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 04, 2011
Well, let me try labelling the troll behaviour for a while. FD is a lost cause, but eh sometimes comes up with some interesting theories - I mean, inventing a new religion where 'damned' and 'condemned' don't go to hell - and as RC has put in his signature - his belief in talking donkeys continues to amuse some. ;)

But point well made.

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 04, 2011
shafique wrote: FD is a lost cause

:shock: :shock: :shock:

You see me as a cause? Creep!
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 04, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Shaf, might I suggest ignoring all posts from and threads from EH, we all know he is nothing but a troll, so lets not feed the troll. Remember sometime back no one fed him and he almost dissappeared.

Now if he did that who would he talk to? Let me guess......
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 04, 2011
shafique wrote:Well, let me try labelling the troll behaviour for a while. FD is a lost cause, but eh sometimes comes up with some interesting theories - I mean, inventing a new religion where 'damned' and 'condemned' don't go to hell - and as RC has put in his signature - his belief in talking donkeys continues to amuse some. ;)

But point well made.


If anyone is trolling it is you al shafique, you keep repeating the same thing all the time.
Anyone who criticize islam is a loon.
I guarantee you that your posts have the opposite effect you want. people realize how bad is islam , thanks to you.
how many here did not know robert spencer, islamwatch and other informative websites on the real islam, until you pointed to these intersting websites.
You are the best marketing tool for Robert Spencer.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 04, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:Shaf, might I suggest ignoring all posts from and threads from EH, we all know he is nothing but a troll, so lets not feed the troll. Remember sometime back no one fed him and he almost dissappeared.

Now if he did that who would he talk to? Let me guess......

...himself, which won't be the first time, he had some episodes before. :D
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 04, 2011
Like the saying goes any press is good press, but if you read and believe such lunatics as Guru Bob then there was no hope for you in the first place, all it is, is confirmation bias for you. Wouldn't have mattered if you stumbled upon bob or not.

And as a matter of fact when you describe them as informative and intresting, that is exactly as shaf described as to getting all your information about jews from Nazi sites and that there is no point in even trying to "discuss" anything with you in this regards.

And I'm sorry EH, I forgot that you see yourself as a critter and not a troll. ;)
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 04, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Like the saying goes any press is good press, but if you read and believe such lunatics as Guru Bob then there was no hope for you in the first place, all it is, is confirmation bias for you. Wouldn't have mattered if you stumbled upon bob or not.

And as a matter of fact when you describe them as informative and intresting, that is exactly as shaf described as to getting all your information about jews from Nazi sites and that there is no point in even trying to "discuss" anything with you in this regards.

And I'm sorry EH, I forgot that you see yourself as a critter and not a troll. ;)

I thought you're avoiding the trolls. You should follow your own advice because reading your posts makes one dumber by the sentence.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 04, 2011
Trolling again.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 05, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:^^^
Trolling again.

How come everyone is a troll but you and Shafique?

When was the last time you posted anything that anyone could reply to?

Haven't you got anything to say? Anything at all? Nothing?
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