Why Did You?

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why did you? Oct 02, 2011
why did you joing DF?
at the begging I was new in Dubai, and was exploring the city and making new friends, and also wanted to join some kind of forum where I can find useful information about Dubai that can help me know the city better.

don't remember how exactly I found DF, but most probably it was google, so I joined and I believe the forum was already hot and full of fights but I didn't recognize that.

but out of a sudden thread after thread I found people attacking each other, my religion, my culture and recently myself, I was shocked because that wasn't near or far from my expectations.

then I started to kinda know people here, to agree or disagree with them, but I would still think " where is X or Y, they didn't post for a while, for example where is Mel now?" not missing them but missing the community that we have here, I understand not everyone should be agreeing with me, and I can't agree with everyone, but that shouldn't make me or them enemies.

I believe I didn't really contribute in that much of fights, first because that wasn't what I was looking for, second I don't have time to waste talking about things which will not make difference because some people don't want to understand the other point of view, they just attack all the way.

last few days has been the worst on DF I believe, and what happened today is just a very ugly face of some members on DF.

I am not going to say I am leaving DF, because whenever I have spare time I believe I will check whats happening around (the community feeling). and anyway I am leaving Dubai soon, but since when did we talk about Dubai anyway!

why did you join DF?
do you feel you are doing the right thing with whatever posts you post?

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Re: why did you? Oct 02, 2011
Pretty much for the reasons you've stated above. However, 6 years ago DF was a very different place. Sure you had disagreements and fights and people who didn't agree with one another, but nothing on the level we've seen in recent times and that's a shame. We had regular meet ups and I met some of my best friends in the UAE through the forum. Is that likely to happen these days? I doubt it.

The older members have all but disappeared. The forum isn't a place for sharing information and discussion anymore, it's a place for petty attacks and acting like children. I'm sure there are many of us, myself included who aren't proud of our behaviour at times, but things can get the better of you.

I think it's truly a shame, but now the forum just needs closing, it serves no purpose anymore.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 02, 2011
Nice post sir.

Like yourself to ascertain info about the place I live.

The recent rants, and I include myself are childish and wrong I agree but I find that some forumers no matter what is posted go on the attack.

Hence my retribution but I would prefer to address current events on the topic of the city that inlove and live in.
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 02, 2011
I've been around for a few years and it was fun back then, not possible not to have disagreements but thats what they were, disagreements, did get out of hands at time but it call came back down to normal in a while.

Unfortunately since the arrival of a few parasites this forum has been dragged down to their level, the gutter. And living in the gutter one has to get down and dirty to get anything across or just get buried under all the crap otherwise.
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 02, 2011
Exactly what I said. The whacky Paki attacks again.
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Re: why did you? Oct 02, 2011
Drew, was there any need for that? Can we have just one thread without any kind of insult towards someone else? Come on. Your previous post was the nicest thing you've said in a long time and then you went and undid it all.

Many people have the same view point, it doesn't mean they still don't have the right to express it.

Delete your previous post and let's just have one 'play nice' thread for once. It's not much to ask.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: why did you? Oct 02, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Drew, was there any need for that? Can we have just one thread without any kind of insult towards someone else? Come on. Your previous post was the nicest thing you've said in a long time and then you went and undid it all.

Many people have the same view point, it doesn't mean they still don't have the right to express it.

Delete your previous post and let's just have one 'play nice' thread for once. It's not much to ask.

Apologies Chocs as I was trying hard to refrain from such posts but words like before the parasites (as he has called me before) arrived""""..........................

What about his post in his first week of membership?

HEY !....why was I edited !

Ok the goat thing might a bit rude but rest is true !

The goat thingy".................images today?

In the happy days of moderation but once more a nice thread that you should look at the post by DDS to see who went off the track first
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Re: why did you? Oct 02, 2011
Who cares? It's not my problem if you took something which could be in reference to so many people on here personally! I didn't take DDS post to mean anyone in particular, but in general. Just let sleeping dogs lie, this is absolutely beyond a joke now.

So now this thread will also degenerate into a slanging area because you couldn't put blinkers on and just ignore something. Come on, please I think we're all just tired of it. Enough already. That goes for EVERYONE and ANYONE else who wants to start chucking insults about.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: why did you? Oct 02, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Who cares? It's not my problem if you took something which could be in reference to so many people on here personally! I didn't take DDS post to mean anyone in particular, but in general. Just let sleeping dogs lie, this is absolutely beyond a joke now.

So now this thread will also degenerate into a slanging area because you couldn't put blinkers on and just ignore something. Come on, please I think we're all just tired of it. Enough already. That goes for EVERYONE and ANYONE else who wants to start chucking insults about.

Just a very little while ago you called me a moron. Your double standards are out of this world. Unreal!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: why did you? Oct 02, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Who cares? It's not my problem if you took something which could be in reference to so many people on here personally! I didn't take DDS post to mean anyone in particular, but in general. Just let sleeping dogs lie, this is absolutely beyond a joke now.

So now this thread will also degenerate into a slanging area because you couldn't put blinkers on and just ignore something. Come on, please I think we're all just tired of it. Enough already. That goes for EVERYONE and ANYONE else who wants to start chucking insults about.

I'm in until the next attack.
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Re: why did you? Oct 02, 2011
drewpeacock wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Who cares? It's not my problem if you took something which could be in reference to so many people on here personally! I didn't take DDS post to mean anyone in particular, but in general. Just let sleeping dogs lie, this is absolutely beyond a joke now.

So now this thread will also degenerate into a slanging area because you couldn't put blinkers on and just ignore something. Come on, please I think we're all just tired of it. Enough already. That goes for EVERYONE and ANYONE else who wants to start chucking insults about.

I'm in until the next attack.

Thank you :D

@FD, that was the other thread, I was talking about THIS one! So come on then, let's have your reply to Mahmoud.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 02, 2011
Well I was in Dubai for a while, basically to be near to my parents in Pakistan, about 3 hours flying. I left way back in 2005. Enjoyed it, and had a good time there. And no I wasn't drawing a salary of AED4000, in case some are wondering. And commenting negatively on my Paki nationality is NOT alright and would not be welcomed. No matter how superior it might make you feel!
I am also a Canadian citizen. And very proud to be one.
I always tried to keep in touch with Dubai, and regretted having missed the chance to invest in Dubai real estate. It was while I was searching the internet for real estate deals in Dubai that I stumbled on DF, and then joined up in 2007. I posted occasionally, but could not really draw anyone here into a meaningful discussion about property except at a very superficial level. So, it didnt serve that purpose very well. The real estate market tanked before I could invest! :shock:
Ever since joining, I have been an occasional visitor here. More recently, I noticed the discussions heating up somewhat, and sometimes things were said that were so brazenly and patently wrong, that even a recluse like me was tempted to jump in and have my say. I should not like to comment who is right and who is wrong, but all of us know what human decency is, I hope, and certain lines should not have been crossed. But they were, and thats now history. When the aggravation keeps on escalating, sooner or later something's gotta give!
I still feel this site should not be closed down, as it appears to have a quite large following, many deciding not to post. So, it must have some attraction.
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 02, 2011
I joined back in 2005, around Christmas time - when I was in preparation for my new job in Dubai in March 2006. I was working my 3 months notice with my previous company - a Berkshire Hathaway company, and was pleased to go to a similarly sized company - AIG. In 2008, that seemed like a bad joke, but in 2005 it seemed like a good move. ;)

I got great info from DF and met up with a few guys - including Arniegang (Paul) who kindly rang me, gave me advice and even posted me his copy of Dubai Explorer. I still have it on my bookshelf in my study.

I posted a bit in the religion forum over the years - but mostly explanatory posts to people curious about Islam, and occasionally sharing my knowledge of other religions, which I've gained after many years studying and discussing religion and philosophy with others. The posts are still there.

Politics was largely the main stories at the time - and when Israel invaded Lebanon in 2006 and bombed Gaza, that led to a lot of focus on that issue.

DF was different in the 'old days' and I'm afraid that the dire predictions that it would all go to pot after moderation was removed seem now to be coming true. However, it does appear to be a few die-hards that are spoiling it for others. I concede that my prolific posting and tenacity on issues which I'm passionate about seems to bring out the worst in some people (just look at the threads with my name in the title!).

But I'm still here - and I guess it is because I have a stubborn streak, and because it still interests me. For how much longer?? Let's see.

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Re: Why Did You? Oct 02, 2011
shafique wrote:I concede that my prolific posting and tenacity on issues which I'm passionate about seems to bring out the worst in some people (just look at the threads with my name in the title!).

Just could not resist, could you, even after Chocs request. Not everything is about YOU, Shafique.
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Re: why did you? Oct 03, 2011
Well I joined a while before I actually started posting and when JBRcommunity went down as somebody forgot to pay the bill I kind of drifted here!
Contrary to what Chocs claims I was not kicked off JBR and never even banned, not once. I used to have some fun exchanges with some and really missed Drew, Dillon, Gezza and DG went it all went t-ts up. So I was really pleased to find that some were registered here.
Well it was a rocky start and I took some stick but carried on regardless.
I can still remember Bora christening me Bowel Movement. How I laughed at that one! I think I used to call her Britney in return. We are great mates now though, well I hope we will be for a long time as she's brilliant fun and has more stories than a sea captain.
Even Herve used to have a go but I always fancied him :bounce: We're ok now :D
The little munchkin has never liked BM and I can't say I liked being called a whore much, but at the end of the day he's still Aunty BM's little munchkin.
Shafique never did himself any favours with me when he made remarks about my daughter after I told the story of her illness back then. He did apologise though but I have a very long memory I'm afraid.
The only name I used to dread seeing was Viking Warrior, God, he can cut you down with the stroke of a pen. I could tell he was really intelligent even when he was calling me a fat northener :D

There are lots of people posting here who I enjoy reading, ben especially, and the Ambassador,FD, EH and Dillon too. There are others too!
Dillon is very busy at the moment but I hope he will be back at some stage because I miss him.
Patience is interesting, she seems the voice of reason, I always like to see what she's saying.

Even in the beginning Sym posted Death To All Jews, so his recent demise isn't down to his claim that he was driven to it, he was always like it but tried to redeem himself. I have to admit, I was nearly taken in.
I also take very badly to throw away remarks about killing Christians. I don't like the thought of anyone being killed, nor jokes about it.

I've never complained to anyone about what has been said to me, nor PM'd anyone to try to get anyone banned. It's an internet forum for God's sake.

I wouldn't be surprised if one day soon I log on and it's disappeared. Sym's efforts to have it shut down must have failed so he resorted to his latest behaviour. I do hope his mother never catches wind of it.

Unfortunately things move on and I feel sad for those who whine about the good old days. Instead of going back, which you can never do, they should move forward or move on. There'll always be someone to take your place.
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Re: why did you? Oct 03, 2011
And why can't we remember the old days? The forum is not a patch on what it used to be. Everyone has written good posts in here, but you just use it as an excuse to once again attack people. Please refer to Shaf's posts on trolling and I'll reiterate my advice to block and ignore.

The forum is never going to change unless people buck up, and that means ALL of us.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 03, 2011
Its very obvious chocs, that its not going to happen, best thing just is to stop feeding the trolls and ignore them because they want to keep the forum at their level well within their reach, in the gutter that is.
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Re: why did you? Oct 03, 2011
Do you just like hearing the sound of your own keyboard or what?

In one thread you are accusing me of posting the most obsene pictures about my daughter and on the same day you are lecturing me on moving on.

If you weren't such a pathetic excuse for a person, I'd laugh. Now piss off before I say BOO.

And you munchkin, grow a pair for once in your dreary little life.
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 03, 2011
* Troll spotted. 12 o'clock high, disengaging.
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Re: why did you? Oct 03, 2011
Nice thread Mahmoud. I joined to share thoughts, opinions and ideas but that didn't work out so I went on a little bit of a rampage as it seemed the thing to do on DF. You are right to say that you stay out of it Mahmoud and you are a better person than me for that. Even on this lovely thread the tensions are high and we can descend into severe hostility at any point. This forum is what it is and I don't see how it can ever go back to "the way it was" which lots of people mention without a lot of new users and the departure of many of the current ones. Peace (for tonight at least) :D
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Re: why did you? Oct 03, 2011
DearJohn wrote:Nice thread Mahmoud. I joined to share thoughts, opinions and ideas but that didn't work out so I went on a little bit of a rampage as it seemed the thing to do on DF. You are right to say that you stay out of it Mahmoud and you are a better person than me for that. Even on this lovely thread the tensions are high and we can descend into severe hostility at any point. This forum is what it is and I don't see how it can ever go back to "the way it was" which lots of people mention without a lot of new users and the departure of many of the current ones. Peace (for tonight at least) :D

You need to brush up on Mahmoud's posts John. Especially the one when he said he went on holiday to Egypt and killed a few Christians.
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 03, 2011
Come on BM, enough is enough. Please stop rising to every occasion???
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 03, 2011
Yes BM and Drew, it is everyone else with misplaced annoyance at your "humour" on the forum since you joined. It isn't like a mod at JBR forum had to keep moderating your conduct and cracking down on you because you were making the place uncomfortable for everyone else. People on JBR forum were pleased when you guys stopped posting. Lucky DF that you came here to spread you cheer! :( Not.

Many of the members you enjoy posting here have posted some of the most intolerant, bigoted, and anti-Islamic tripe this forum has seen. Dubai Forums would be so much better without the lot of you! But I'm sure you feel the same way about so many of us... So if Andyba was smart he should have chosen the easiest solution, which was to boot all of the regular posters a while ago and salvage the forum for others. There is no way any of us can get along.
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 03, 2011
kanelli wrote:Yes BM and Drew, it is everyone else with misplaced annoyance at your "humour" on the forum since you joined. It isn't like a mod at JBR forum had to keep moderating your conduct and cracking down on you because you were making the place uncomfortable for everyone else. People on JBR forum were pleased when you guys stopped posting. Lucky DF that you came here to spread you cheer! :( Not.

Many of the members you enjoy posting here have posted some of the most intolerant, bigoted, and anti-Islamic tripe this forum has seen. Dubai Forums would be so much better without the lot of you! But I'm sure you feel the same way about so many of us... So if Andyba was smart he should have chosen the easiest solution, which was to boot all of the regular posters a while ago and salvage the forum for others. There is no way any of us can get along.

Why don't you shut your face you sanctimonious little sh1te.
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 03, 2011
kanelli wrote:Yes BM and Drew, it is everyone else with misplaced annoyance at your "humour" on the forum since you joined. It isn't like a mod at JBR forum had to keep moderating your conduct and cracking down on you because you were making the place uncomfortable for everyone else. People on JBR forum were pleased when you guys stopped posting. Lucky DF that you came here to spread you cheer! :( Not.

Many of the members you enjoy posting here have posted some of the most intolerant, bigoted, and anti-Islamic tripe this forum has seen. Dubai Forums would be so much better without the lot of you! But I'm sure you feel the same way about so many of us... So if Andyba was smart he should have chosen the easiest solution, which was to boot all of the regular posters a while ago and salvage the forum for others. There is no way any of us can get along.

Kanelli, I'm going to ask you to do the same. Please sit on your hands. You are not helping the situation, just contributing to it. Please!!!!
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 03, 2011
kanelli wrote:Yes BM and Drew, it is everyone else with misplaced annoyance at your "humour" on the forum since you joined. It isn't like a mod at JBR forum had to keep moderating your conduct and cracking down on you because you were making the place uncomfortable for everyone else. People on JBR forum were pleased when you guys stopped posting. Lucky DF that you came here to spread you cheer! :( Not.

Many of the members you enjoy posting here have posted some of the most intolerant, bigoted, and anti-Islamic tripe this forum has seen. Dubai Forums would be so much better without the lot of you! But I'm sure you feel the same way about so many of us... So if Andyba was smart he should have chosen the easiest solution, which was to boot all of the regular posters a while ago and salvage the forum for others. There is no way any of us can get along.

Jesus Christ whats wrong with you. After yesterday almost all your posts this morning are trying to stir things back up after things were settling down! Didnt read all your yapping, but put a sock in it already!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 03, 2011
:lol: And what stopped you model specimens from sitting on YOUR hands?

Keepin' it classy, as usual, BM! :lol:
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 03, 2011
K for once I agree with BB, you're a day late and the festivities are over, so lets not start the fireworks again.

Thank you
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 03, 2011
Fireworks: take it to Fight Club. Use it and keep it out of the public eye. It would be nice to see that it stops in public and even nicer if there was no need to take it to Fight Club.
Bora Bora
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Re: Why Did You? Oct 03, 2011
I don't give a crap if you agree with BB. I can say what I like.

If you are all so concerned about harmony here, why don't you all step back from your keyboards - PERMANENTLY. It is obvious that NONE of us can get along.

How about we all kick ourselves off the forum for own bad conduct towards others? Now that's an idea isn't it...
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