just for fun:
1- go to http://www.google.com
2- type (or copy and paste): google gravity
3- click on the first result
4- play with it for sometime

5- then again write anything in the seach bar and press enter
6- play again

happy weekend
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
symmetric wrote:Super cool !! Thanks Mahmod![]()
Ezzayak? Shoft el maganeen bye3melo eih fe DF?
Mahmoud04 wrote:Enjoy it allsymmetric wrote:Super cool !! Thanks Mahmod![]()
Ezzayak? Shoft el maganeen bye3melo eih fe DF?
kolo tamam , ezzayak enta?
shayefwalaw en elly bey7sal shedeed shewaya bas kewayes, 3la el 2a2al mo3zam DFs moshterkeeen ...
mesh 3ayez 7aga mn masr? ana nazel a7`er 10 7`alas...
Mahmoud04 wrote:ana 7atala3 lessany lel ba2ara elly fo2 da, lama neshoof 7ayfham wala la2...
Chocoholic wrote:Hahaha thans for that! Great fun. K, how to you get to fling images about?
cw71017 wrote:Ahhh finally a chance to do what I've always wanted to do...throw around Liam Gallagher(Pics are close enough)