Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate'

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Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Sep 29, 2011

The Iraqi Muslim man was declared an apostate and infidel following several poems he posted on an Arabic poetry site expressing sadness over Jewish suffering in the Holocaust.

Writing poetry about Jewish suffering prompted his alienation and eventual attack by the local Muslim community in Missouri. ... 80978.html

event horizon
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 29, 2011
What a horrible crime.

eh - the article linked to doesn't mention apostacy or Holocaust. Why don't you tell us from which loon web site you got this from? Why would a poet be declared an apostate for pro-Israel poems? Sounds dodgy to me.

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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Sep 29, 2011
Arabs accused of collaboration with Israel getting the death penalty in Palestinian areas also get carved of David Star on the chest.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 29, 2011
shafique wrote:What a horrible crime.

eh - the article linked to doesn't mention apostacy or Holocaust. Why don't you tell us from which loon web site you got this from? Why would a poet be declared an apostate for pro-Israel poems? Sounds dodgy to me.


So poems of the Holocaust are pro-Israel?

I can't help but wonder if you're minimizing the antisemitic motivation behind this attack by Muslims.

Nah, you couldn't be.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 29, 2011

You are the one who mentioned Holocaust poems and apostacy - I merely asked where you got the info from. It wasn't in the link you provided. The link says he wrote pro-Israel poems. duh. :roll:

Try and read what is actually written eh. Really.

Now, where did you get the info from - I'd like to find out why someone would consider writing a poem an act of apostacy. Seems extremely dodgy to me.

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 29, 2011
Dodgy is an understatement, and ofcourse eh would'nt divulge where its got from. But the article does, Frontline magazine run by David Horowitz born of communist parents who adored Stalin and who himself is a stauch Anti-Islamist and a phobe of the highest order.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 29, 2011
"Jesus is a bastard, and Mary is a super whore, its a great deed we killed Jesus" - -
Thats a BASIC belief of Jedaism, can you deny that EH ?? 8)

Seriously answer this question directly without turning left/right - - yalla entertain us with the fatal fact.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
eh - where are you?

Please let us know where you got the info that appears in the title of this thread - it isn't in the link you gave.

C'mon - if you keep silent, people will believe you made this up as well. I suspect it was a loon blogger who fed you this info.. pray tell.

I mean, you seem to have invented some 'political motives' for your fellow American Christian extremists, and haven't been able yet to tell us what the Christian fundamentalist terrorists' political reasons are:

Enlighten me, what were the political reasons that the Christian Fundamentalist Hutaree terrorists had for their planned terror attacks? Are you saying they are NOT a Christian Fundamentalist Terrorist group?

Your silence on Jewish Religious terrorist Baruch Goldstein is getting quite deafening. Why is that?

(And let's not mention the catalogue of points you're confused about in the religion forum - we even have a thread devoted to all the questions you're avoiding).

So, at least tell us which blogger fed you this line about apostacy. There's a good boy. ;)

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
EH, this happens every time you post your propaganda. People agree that it is a horrible crime - what more do you want? Do you think you are going to catch one of the Muslims here saying, "That guy deserved to get carved for sympathizing with Holocaust victims." I guess you must be disappointed that your expectations weren't met, and thus your stereotyping of the "evilness" of all Muslims is not being upheld.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
kanelli wrote:EH, this happens every time you post your propaganda. People agree that it is a horrible crime - what more do you want? Do you think you are going to catch one of the Muslims here saying, "That guy deserved to get carved for sympathizing with Holocaust victims." I guess you must be disappointed that your expectations weren't met, and thus your stereotyping of the "evilness" of all Muslims is not being upheld.


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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
Silly eh.

Are you ashamed to tell us where you got the information that said he was an 'apostate' or composed poems about the Holocaust?

Whatsthematter - did you uncover another rogue fantasy?

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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
I see you didn't watch the video.

His poem was titled 'Cries from the Heart of the Holocaust'. 0:41 mark.

There weren't any Muslim tears for his Holocaust poem. Just Muslim anger.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
Fail. Again.

You're right - I didn't watch the video. I have now. It does not contain the word 'apostate' at all. (And I'm glad for the victim that his healed back now looks normal)

So, where did you get this info from? (And what's with this loon fantasy about no Muslim tears? Isn't the victim a Muslim himself.. :roll: )

I hope you didn't invent it like you've seemingly invented some 'political motives' for your fellow American Hutaree Christian Fundamentalist terrorists! shocking eh. shocking.

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
And yet again, he just decided to not confront, and run away from answering our straight forward questions 8)
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
I think he's been let down by a rogue loon blogger - you know they have an embarrassing track record when it comes to providing references.

But let's see. I want to see who is calling this guy an apostate - and why. eh is being unusually quiet about providing a reference for this supposed aspect of this crime.

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
I want to see what this extremist (supposed to be Christian) have got to say regarding the basic belief of his beloved Jews on both his "God" Jesus, and "mother of his God" Mary. 8)
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
^ Let's try and stick to the thread's topic sym. You know eh will use whatever slightest excuse to avoid answering the question.

So eh - where did you get the info about the victim being branded an 'apostate' - he doesn't say that in the interview or in the write up you linked to.

Did you make it up, like you made up the political motives for the Hutaree Christian Fundamentalist terrorists? I think that you just blindly copied a link from a loon blogger and he's the one that is to blame - but I may be wrong.

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
Shameless here takes another drubbing, but ofcourse he will be back for more to take another bashing !
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
I'm puzzled at this latest AWOL episode from eh - I would have thought he'd be falling over his loon self to show how Mooslims had made this guy into an apostate for his poem. But thus far, silence and a rogue word in the title.

Hmmm. Perhaps he and herve are out chasing down DJ??

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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
I see the feewings of the Muslim posters are tender because I said the Iraqi man who wrote a poem about Jewish suffering in the Holocaust and was attacked by Muslims in an Antisemitic hate crime was declared an apostate by some in the Muslim community.

Wow. If Muslims actually got this worked up over the incident itself we wouldn't actually see these Antisemitic crimes in the first place.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
As predicted, shamless is back for more.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
eh - enough already.

Tell us who told you the guy was declared an apostate and let us look it up. The numpties who called him an apostate are fools (assuming this is not just a loon blogger's fantasy) - and those who carved him up at gun point are criminals.

Why are you being so coy about giving us the reference? Is the loon website really that embarrassing?

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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
event horizon wrote:I see the feewings of the Muslim posters are tender because I said the Iraqi man who wrote a poem about Jewish suffering in the Holocaust and was attacked by Muslims in an Antisemitic hate crime was declared an apostate by some in the Muslim community.

Wow. If Muslims actually got this worked up over the incident itself we wouldn't actually see these Antisemitic crimes in the first place.

"Jesus is a fcuking bastard, and Mary is a super whore" - -

Do you deny this original Jewish belief??

If you confirm it, then is Christianity in whole is anti-Semitic??
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
Sym - that is out of order. Delete it please.

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
Shafique, I know I'm crossing our Islamic code of ethics here, but you do know my aim from this tone.

It's a FACT after all, I dare any of those bastards to deny it.

Jews strongly believe prophet Essa (Yesou) is a "bastard son", and believe that respectful Virgin Mary is a "whore". - - THATS THEIR BASIC FIXED BELIEF.

Those hypocrite liars such as FD, EH, hiding behind the name of Christianity, are totally aware of this fact, but they accept it, and they defend those extreme jewish thoughts and defend all their crimes against humanity.

I still remember the time when those cursed infidels threw the ugliest comments on prophet Mohammed, attacking him so openly by all means, no one bothered to ban them, nor control them, I only remember Bora Bora interefering, but it seems this place has become a hub of extreme hostility towards Muslims.

Still waiting for EH's reply 8)
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
Sym - you are simply being crude and rude - and whatever the motives, you should not debase yourself in this way. Yes it is unislamic, but it is also against common decency and I would guess against Persian cultural values too.

God says:
"Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance." (Qur'an 16:125)

"And do not argue with the followers of the Book except by what is best, save with those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit." (Qur'an 29:46)

And a piece of advice - never wrestle with a pig, after a while you both get covered in dirt and people can't tell you apart.

You are the one who is behaving unbecomingly right now.

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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
symmetric wrote:
event horizon wrote:I see the feewings of the Muslim posters are tender because I said the Iraqi man who wrote a poem about Jewish suffering in the Holocaust and was attacked by Muslims in an Antisemitic hate crime was declared an apostate by some in the Muslim community.

Wow. If Muslims actually got this worked up over the incident itself we wouldn't actually see these Antisemitic crimes in the first place.

"Jesus is a fcuking bastard, and Mary is a super whore" - -

Do you deny this original Jewish belief??

If you confirm it, then is Christianity in whole is anti-Semitic??

Is this how your prophet would act?
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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
Sym - you are going to wait in vain for eh to acknowledge what Jews believe. (And I do hope you delete the above and apologise)

eh will deny what the Bible says in his support for Jews - the Bible says Pilate was not responsible for the killing of Jesus, but he insists the Bible is wrong:

But let's wait to see whether he ever gets to answer where he got the 'apostate' allegation from.

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
Sym I'll also have agree with Shaf on this one, this is totally uncalled for and even offensive. As for shamless he will just keep regurgitaing his drivel but ofcourse cannot provide the source of his lunacy. Probably some Farting elders of Celine Dion loon blog or something.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
That's what I adore about our Islamic code of ethics, even when our red lines are crossed by intruders, we always urge each other to avoid acting cheap as they would do. Yet the infidels call it weakness, clearly that's because they don't believe in God and are not even worth existing in this world. The least thing they care about is ethics & decency.

Just a reminder to you Shafique, there has been a lot of non-stop extremely horrible comments from those scumbags on our religious symbols and specially prophet Mohammad, but I don't see much action against them.
This forum does not deserve to have any sense of decency with pigs like them. Their aim of being around is just to spread their filth and dirt.
- - - -
I take back my question to EH, and I apologize to our highly respectful standards of our Islamic code of ethics. Shafique ;)

And off course I couldn't agree more with EH's refusing to answer, as he prefer to condemn his "God" rather than condemning some bunch of ape-like Jewish extremists ;)
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