herve wrote:Bethsmum wrote:herve wrote:Where are you from DearJohn?
I thought he seemed a bit Mauritian
-- Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:15 pm --You're not a Jew, nor a Semite, not a Middle Eastern. You're a Dutch who couldn't careless about his country, and rather defend Israel/Jews to the maximum, but surely you will never offer your soul to it. Thats the hypocrite identity of yours. You look for any reason to express your hatred towards Muslims (with all their different ethnicities), and "Israel" surely serves your purpose
Wow! Sym's been playing with his crystal balls again! Amazing insight to another poster's mind.
BM, I have a strong feeling that DearJohn IS shafique. I exposed al shafique already with his 21/7 posting on DF, and for his blatant violation of the quran for taking a mortgage. Give me time and i will find out this Dearjohn aka shafique
If true posting under another avatar allows him to "dilute" his presence on DF, and also get a "favorable" audience, which obviously he lacks. al shafique made a fool of himself and lost his credibility, and here we have dearjohn poping out of the woodwork with a clean slate for shafique.
Watch the style and the links, they are very similar to shafique and his posts go in the same unmistakable direction (biased careful, as opposed to biased for al shafique).
DD, uaekid ,symetric they all have a unique signature and style.
dearjohn and shafique have the same signature.
Just be alert, and observe.
The b!tch is reporting to its pimp

Hilarious how you put it, "I have a strong feeling" LOOOL !!!!