Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough.

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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
herve wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:
herve wrote:Where are you from DearJohn?

I thought he seemed a bit Mauritian :drunken:

-- Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:15 pm --

You're not a Jew, nor a Semite, not a Middle Eastern. You're a Dutch who couldn't careless about his country, and rather defend Israel/Jews to the maximum, but surely you will never offer your soul to it. Thats the hypocrite identity of yours. You look for any reason to express your hatred towards Muslims (with all their different ethnicities), and "Israel" surely serves your purpose

Wow! Sym's been playing with his crystal balls again! Amazing insight to another poster's mind. :lol:

BM, I have a strong feeling that DearJohn IS shafique. I exposed al shafique already with his 21/7 posting on DF, and for his blatant violation of the quran for taking a mortgage. Give me time and i will find out this Dearjohn aka shafique
If true posting under another avatar allows him to "dilute" his presence on DF, and also get a "favorable" audience, which obviously he lacks. al shafique made a fool of himself and lost his credibility, and here we have dearjohn poping out of the woodwork with a clean slate for shafique.
Watch the style and the links, they are very similar to shafique and his posts go in the same unmistakable direction (biased careful, as opposed to biased for al shafique).
DD, uaekid ,symetric they all have a unique signature and style.
dearjohn and shafique have the same signature.
Just be alert, and observe.

The b!tch is reporting to its pimp :D

Hilarious how you put it, "I have a strong feeling" LOOOL !!!! :lol: :lol:

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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
herve wrote:BM, I have a strong feeling that DearJohn IS shafique. I exposed al shafique already with his 21/7 posting on DF, and for his blatant violation of the quran for taking a mortgage. Give me time and i will find out this Dearjohn aka shafique
If true posting under another avatar allows him to "dilute" his presence on DF, and also get a "favorable" audience, which obviously he lacks. al shafique made a fool of himself and lost his credibility, and here we have dearjohn poping out of the woodwork with a clean slate for shafique.
Watch the style and the links, they are very similar to shafique and his posts go in the same unmistakable direction (biased careful, as opposed to biased for al shafique).
DD, uaekid ,symetric they all have a unique signature and style.
dearjohn and shafique have the same signature.
Just be alert, and observe.

Well I suppose that confirms that you are a total moron.
I should ask you to use PM's when you want to complain to mommy but your intelligence report above has given me a few chuckles this morning. Here my favourite lines -

"Just be alert, and observe" - So covert
"Just give me time and I will find out" - But we need answers now 007
"His posts go in a unmistakeable direction" - So true, they appear on the same forum
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 27, 2011
shafique wrote:LOL - yes, I must be afraid of being uncovered. :roll:

Were you afraid of being uncovered when you were in a burqa?? :D :D

I wonder when DearJohn (oops, that's me I guess) will post again.


Perhaps it would be more beneficial if you could forwarn us who you are today sunshine! That way we'll all be able to keep up. Godd try though! :wink:


-- Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:06 am --

DearJohn wrote:
herve wrote:BM, I have a strong feeling that DearJohn IS shafique. I exposed al shafique already with his 21/7 posting on DF, and for his blatant violation of the quran for taking a mortgage. Give me time and i will find out this Dearjohn aka shafique
If true posting under another avatar allows him to "dilute" his presence on DF, and also get a "favorable" audience, which obviously he lacks. al shafique made a fool of himself and lost his credibility, and here we have dearjohn poping out of the woodwork with a clean slate for shafique.
Watch the style and the links, they are very similar to shafique and his posts go in the same unmistakable direction (biased careful, as opposed to biased for al shafique).
DD, uaekid ,symetric they all have a unique signature and style.
dearjohn and shafique have the same signature.
Just be alert, and observe.

Well I suppose that confirms that you are a total moron.
I should ask you to use PM's when you want to complain to mommy but your intelligence report above has given me a few chuckles this morning. Here my favourite lines -

"Just be alert, and observe" - So covert
"Just give me time and I will find out" - But we need answers now 007
"His posts go in a unmistakeable direction" - So true, they appear on the same forum

Remarkable insight on a forum where you've only made 40 odd posts. You seem to have the measure of everyone for one so new. So much so that you know FD inside out, all about Herve and think/know I'm Jewish.
That's amazing John! I'm well impressed :D
What nuggets of information are you going to give us today? Maybe you need to hop over to the topic about the Asian terrorists. Your alter ego needs a hand over there!

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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
Bethsmum wrote: Remarkable insight on a forum where you've only made 40 odd posts.

Do you need to make posts to have insight? You have over 4,000.

Bethsmum wrote:You seem to have the measure of everyone for one so new. So much so that you know FD inside out, all about Herve and think/know I'm Jewish.

Surely even you have to find this french intelligence report funny.

Bethsmum wrote:That's amazing John! I'm well impressed :D

Well thank you.

Bethsmum wrote:What nuggets of information are you going to give us today?

I don't know but I will give it some thought. Be alert and observe :)
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 27, 2011
:D :D

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
DearJohn wrote:If you didn't like Noam Chomsky or disqualified him for being too smart you can read this link about a whole bunch of Israeli intellectuals that recently supported the Palestine bid for an independent state and agree with many of the comments made on this thread, apart from yours of course.

Which comments would be mine?
Any Palestinian intellectuals supporting the bid and agreeing that a Pali state in the occupied territories means an absolute end of the conflict?
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote: Which comments would be mine?

"I agree, statehood you have to deserve. And Pali's donot deserve it IMO. "

The rest are more general statements to the effect that either Palestines don't deserve it because they are corrupt, they don't deserve it because they didn't build a nation under occupation and that live in big villa's insinuating that life is not that bad for them.

Flying Dutchman wrote: Any Palestinian intellectuals supporting the bid and agreeing that a Pali state in the occupied territories means an absolute end of the conflict?

Palestinian intellectuals? The title reads "Israeli intellectuals back Palestinian statehood in Tel Aviv rally".

What you mean by "agreeing that a Pali sate in the occupied territories means an absolute end of the conflit"? The article makes two points -
(i) Palestine deserve their own state - as the lady puts the Palestinian people should everything we do which means a state and the benefits that come along with having your own state.
(ii) That Israel has been the reason that successive peace negotiations have failed - as she put it Israel has been the deniers all these years.
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
Seems those on the ground are not that sure:

Meanwhile, a new opinion poll shows that despite hardships, Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem are relatively satisfied with their lives under Israeli rule. The survey, implemented by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy in cooperation with Princeton University and the Beit Sahur-based Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, found that almost half of East Jerusalem Palestinian respondents said they prefered to remain under Israeli sovereignty.

Only 23 percent of respondents said they would definitely prefer Palestinian citizenship to Israeli citizenship.

Among the reasons respondents cited for wanting to remain under Israeli sovereignty were relative freedom of movement, relatively higher income, employment opportunities and social rights.

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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
You have got to be kidding me. This is the best you can come up with. A pro-Israeli lobby group funded think tank survey.

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) is a think tank based in Washington, D.C. focused on United States foreign policy in the Middle East. It was established by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in 1985. The institute's mission statement states that it seeks "to advance a balanced and realistic understanding of American interests in the Middle East."[1] The group is often described as being pro-Israel.[2][3][4]

The thousands of people cheering at Abbas's UN speech in Palestine and marching in the streets to show their support provides a more accurate and impartial view of whether people want statehood than an AIPAC funded survey don't you think?
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
DearJohn wrote:
Bethsmum wrote: Remarkable insight on a forum where you've only made 40 odd posts.

Do you need to make posts to have insight? You have over 4,000.

Bethsmum wrote:You seem to have the measure of everyone for one so new. So much so that you know FD inside out, all about Herve and think/know I'm Jewish.

Surely even you have to find this french intelligence report funny.

Bethsmum wrote:That's amazing John! I'm well impressed :D

Well thank you.

Bethsmum wrote:What nuggets of information are you going to give us today?

I don't know but I will give it some thought. Be alert and observe :)

You're up to 54 I see now John :drunken: Amazin! You never did qualify why you thought I was/am Jewish :lol: :lol:
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
Thanks keep me updated.
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 27, 2011
shafique wrote::D :D


Does calling yourself John make you feel any more English, sunshine?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

-- Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:12 pm --

DearJohn wrote:Thanks keep me updated.

Avoiding the question John? Shafiques good at that too!

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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
Is it really a mystery to you? You are aware that anyone is able to read old posts right?
I guess you missed that in your investigation Clouseau.
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
DearJohn wrote:Is it really a mystery to you? You are aware that anyone is able to read old posts right?
I guess you missed that in your investigation Clouseau.

Ah, so that explains it! You've worked your way through all of my old posts, I see.
Well I know I've probably refered to it somewhere but, for the life of me I can't remember when, so if you'd like to repost it, I would appreciate it.
I hope you don't have to spend too much time looking John :wink: It must be a while ago!

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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 27, 2011
So you want me to tell you when you said you were Jewish?
I think I will leave the rest of this investigation to you Clouseau and your french naval intelligence officer (Kato).
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 28, 2011
So if you'd read my posts as recentiy as you have appeared here i would have thought you would have gone straight to it John I mean Shafique!

I dont think you are quite as clever as you think you are Shafique
but hey! Im not laughing with you! Im laughing at you!

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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 28, 2011
Clouseau, you are obsessed with this idea and making a fool out of yourself.

-- Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:42 am --

Yo Herve

You logged in to edit your original secret service intelligence report to BM and didn't post anything? Your original post was a classic, funniest thing I have read in ages, why would you want to change it?
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 28, 2011
DearJohn wrote:making a fool out of yourself.

Oh this comes naturally to her, you ain't seen nothing yet !
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 28, 2011

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 28, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:So if you'd read my posts as recentiy as you have appeared here i would have thought you would have gone straight to it John I mean Shafique!

I dont think you are quite as clever as you think you are Shafique
but hey! Im not laughing with you! Im laughing at you!


So now you're begging from Shafique :D
I see you're obsessed with Persia, jealousy/envy is it? ;)
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 28, 2011
Hey dearjohn aka al shafique...you got it all wrong.......This IS the real inspector clouseau, the inept dubai chief police, who let 30 !!! operatives have a walk in the park and whack a criminal palestinian. The man would not look under an abaya either.
For results, he jails innocents and victims, hou yah.
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 28, 2011
Good morning Herve. Why have you not posted your latest intelligence report to mommy today? I was so getting used to them. Also why did you edit your original post? You removed some classic lines.
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 28, 2011
hervey baby is putting a brave face on his latest loon theory.

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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 28, 2011
shafique wrote:Thank you for proving my point that we can ignore all other statements of 'fact' from you for the next month.

Again, you contradict yourself, obviously you CANNOT ignore my statements as you said you would, because you replied 6 times already !!!!!!! :lol:
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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 28, 2011
Well you are ignoring my questions Herve so Shaf has a point.
You told BM yesterday "Give me time and i will find out this Dearjohn aka shafique".
Please tell me what you have uncovered in your investigation so far.
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 28, 2011
I can certainly laugh at all your statements of fancy - why not?

You really do need to go on an English comprehension course herve. I think your loon investigation is going to your head.

Does the fact that DJ is on-line as I type doing your head in? :)

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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 28, 2011
I am sure he/they will explain that as being possible. I suspect his next report will read something like this -

"BM, I have a strong feeling that Al Shafique aka DearJohn is attempting to throw us off his trail by logging in at the same time. They think they can fool me with these tricks but they don't know about how I once tracked down bin Laden in Afghanistan after pursuing him for 10 days wearing a burkha. They don't know what lengths i will go to. Don't worry mon cheri, just give me a little time I will get to the bottom of this. For now just stay alert and observe. Yours truly, Kato xxx"
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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 28, 2011
LOL. BM is on line too as I type. This will be interesting.


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Re: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough. Sep 28, 2011

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Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough. Sep 28, 2011
Methinks the lady doth protest too much. ;)

'I vill say zis only once'... :D

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