Israel: 'Speech Of Truth'

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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 24, 2011
BM, why do you believe that Shaf isn't english? Is it because he isn't white? Whats the real reason?
Surely its not because he as you put it "doesn't stand up for his country", not even sure if there is a case for that but anyway what does being english mean to you? If you have a british passport and live in the UK or have done and have paid taxes does that make you english?

From previous posts it feels like you have a fairly racist ideology of what is required to be english and thankfully the British government has no appreciation for your your outdated views. Immigration exists in every country and has proved beneficial in all cases. You are jewish right? Did your ancestors always live in the UK or did they migrate here? If your ancestors came here 300 years ago and Shaf's 40 years ago was there some cut off which means that you are english and he isn't? In another 300 years at least none of these pathetic arguments will exist.

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Re: Israel: 'Speech Of Truth' Sep 24, 2011
In 300 years the only thing that will be extinct will be the white race as the world population will be brown. :D
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Re: Israel: 'Speech Of Truth' Sep 25, 2011
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Re: Israel: 'Speech Of Truth' Sep 25, 2011
Nope. Brown. Will beige be the new white or the new brown??? If you look at "white" people they are actually beige. :)
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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 25, 2011
DearJohn wrote:BM, why do you believe that Shaf isn't english? Is it because he isn't white? Whats the real reason?
Surely its not because he as you put it "doesn't stand up for his country", not even sure if there is a case for that but anyway what does being english mean to you? If you have a british passport and live in the UK or have done and have paid taxes does that make you english?

From previous posts it feels like you have a fairly racist ideology of what is required to be english and thankfully the British government has no appreciation for your your outdated views. Immigration exists in every country and has proved beneficial in all cases. You are jewish right? Did your ancestors always live in the UK or did they migrate here? If your ancestors came here 300 years ago and Shaf's 40 years ago was there some cut off which means that you are english and he isn't? In another 300 years at least none of these pathetic arguments will exist.

No it isn't enough to have lived in England, paid taxes and have a British passport to be classed as English IMO.
My government dished out passports like they were going out of fashion in the 60's. That was not sustainable.
I wonder why Sir Shafique's parents wanted the passport anyway? What's the problem with being known as Mauritian? They've nicked off back home now so what was the big deal? Just because his mother happened to be in the UK at thetime of his birth does not make him British. If that was the case I would be mother to a German and a Cypriot, God forbid!
Shafique doesn't even like white people! He has mentioned the white feral underclass in Britain on a number of occasions, he makes derogitory remarks about our Royal Family and our Armed Forces. He repeatedly asks people to join him in condemning this and that but during the recent riots in England I asked him to condemn a 16 year old black boy when he kicked a 68 year old white man to death. He could not bring himself to do that!
Try to get Shafique to back our soldiers who are sent to hell holes to sort out other people;s sh1t. All he'll do is tell you there were Muslim soldiers fighting in WW1 and 2.

You can call me racist all you like, but I'm no different to most of the posters here. I just don't flower it up but try to tell it how I see it.
Beth comes to Dubai and has local friends. You wouldn't believe the amount of times I've been warned by wellwishers to keep her away from Emiratis. Isn't that racist? I quite like the locals, well the ones I've met and don't have a problem with her mixing with them. Until they do something I don't like, I'm ok with it.

You say immigration exists in every country, well I'd say the Emiratis have it about right. Come here and work and you'll be fine, Don't expect us to support you when times get tough and you're only an Emirati if your parents and their parents, etc etc etc were Emirati. The rest of you can shove off.

I can trace my ancestors back to around 1530 at the last look, it's been a while since anyone did any work on our family tree. We have a Bishop and a 'silent film' acctress in there somewhere.
I'm happy I'm English through and through.

But anyways John, hope that clarifies, always happy to help a 'new' poster. wink face.
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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 25, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
DearJohn wrote:BM, why do you believe that Shaf isn't english? Is it because he isn't white? Whats the real reason?
Surely its not because he as you put it "doesn't stand up for his country", not even sure if there is a case for that but anyway what does being english mean to you? If you have a british passport and live in the UK or have done and have paid taxes does that make you english?

From previous posts it feels like you have a fairly racist ideology of what is required to be english and thankfully the British government has no appreciation for your your outdated views. Immigration exists in every country and has proved beneficial in all cases. You are jewish right? Did your ancestors always live in the UK or did they migrate here? If your ancestors came here 300 years ago and Shaf's 40 years ago was there some cut off which means that you are english and he isn't? In another 300 years at least none of these pathetic arguments will exist.

No it isn't enough to have lived in England, paid taxes and have a British passport to be classed as English IMO.
My government dished out passports like they were going out of fashion in the 60's. That was not sustainable.
I wonder why Sir Shafique's parents wanted the passport anyway? What's the problem with being known as Mauritian? They've nicked off back home now so what was the big deal? Just because his mother happened to be in the UK at thetime of his birth does not make him British. If that was the case I would be mother to a German and a Cypriot, God forbid!
Shafique doesn't even like white people! He has mentioned the white feral underclass in Britain on a number of occasions, he makes derogitory remarks about our Royal Family and our Armed Forces. He repeatedly asks people to join him in condemning this and that but during the recent riots in England I asked him to condemn a 16 year old black boy when he kicked a 68 year old white man to death. He could not bring himself to do that!
Try to get Shafique to back our soldiers who are sent to hell holes to sort out other people;s sh1t. All he'll do is tell you there were Muslim soldiers fighting in WW1 and 2.

You can call me racist all you like, but I'm no different to most of the posters here. I just don't flower it up but try to tell it how I see it.
Beth comes to Dubai and has local friends. You wouldn't believe the amount of times I've been warned by wellwishers to keep her away from Emiratis. Isn't that racist? I quite like the locals, well the ones I've met and don't have a problem with her mixing with them. Until they do something I don't like, I'm ok with it.

You say immigration exists in every country, well I'd say the Emiratis have it about right. Come here and work and you'll be fine, Don't expect us to support you when times get tough and you're only an Emirati if your parents and their parents, etc etc etc were Emirati. The rest of you can shove off.

I can trace my ancestors back to around 1530 at the last look, it's been a while since anyone did any work on our family tree. We have a Bishop and a 'silent film' acctress in there somewhere.
I'm happy I'm English through and through.

But anyways John, hope that clarifies, always happy to help a 'new' poster. wink face.

Shut up - - You are racist, and U always fail to justify your racism/hostility to others 8)

Keep on begging for more.
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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 25, 2011
Shut up - - You are racist, and U always fail to justify your racism/hostility to others

Keep on begging for more

Ohh, I'm scared!

I wonder what daddy would say if you turned up with a Filipino wife? Do you think he'd wecome her onboard to your family? I seriously doubt it!
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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 25, 2011

I don't really see an answer in your reply. You give lots of information of how passports were given out, etc and question why his parents want a passport but the question is simply what make you english and not shaf?
As you state your parents came to England about 500 years ago, what about people that came here 100 years ago? Would you consider it fair if only christian whites who's ancestory was established in the UK for 1,000 years were considered english? As you can see this argument about timing isn't logical and becomes less relevant as time passes. Maybe there was an uproar 500 years ago when your family and other jewish settlers arrived to these shores.

Not sure why support or lack of for the wars would make someone english or not.
Not sure what the relevance is to the warnings your daughter or your received about local emiratis.
Emirati immigration policy is their policy, the UK policy and other European/US/Canadian/Australian policy is considerably different and not sure there is a comparison here to make.

From your reply t doesn't look like you have much to offer in terms of an argument on why Shaf is not english apart from maybe his skin colour and ethnicity. As I said before thankfully thats a minority view and one that your government and country do not support.

Wink to you too.
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Re: Israel: 'Speech Of Truth' Sep 25, 2011
Oh don't expect anything of any substance from her, there is a reason why she is called windbag afterall. She can engage you for weeks with trollish fluff but not a single post of anything worthwhile.
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Re: Israel: 'Speech Of Truth' Sep 25, 2011
Windbag has been exposed. Again.

But just one point of correction - I've never said I don't support British troops. My dad was in the Territorials and my uncles fought in the British Army in WW2. BM knows this and is now ranting. Indeed, I once asked her whether she hated the Muslim English soldiers serving in the army today.. the back pedal was stunning.

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Re: Israel: 'Speech Of Truth' Sep 25, 2011
She's been doing a lot of that lately, specially after being caught with her knickers around her ankles lying about her daughters conversion to Islam. Which I believe is one of the major reasons for the way she is, nothing can be more insulting to someone like her, when one of her own switches sides and she's been bitter ever since.
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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 25, 2011
DearJohn wrote:Immigration exists in every country and has proved beneficial in all cases.

If you are talking about immigrating to a country where you can apply for citizenship, that is not the case with every country. As for it being beneficial, that may have been the case 100 years ago, maybe even 50 years ago, but not in the present.
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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 25, 2011
DearJohn wrote:Immigration exists in every country and has proved beneficial in all cases.

Thats a very bold statement DJ!
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Re: Israel: 'Speech Of Truth' Sep 25, 2011
shafique wrote:But just one point of correction - I've never said I don't support British troops. My dad was in the Territorials and my uncles fought in the British Army in WW2. BM knows this and is now ranting. Indeed, I once asked her whether she hated the Muslim English soldiers serving in the army today.. the back pedal was stunning.


al s not that you never said you don't support British troops, you are too hypocrite to admit it, it's that you never said anything to support them.
Having a British passport does not make you British. you will never be, not in my eyes. You have sworn allegiance to Islam, no to the UK. they are totally irreconcilable
I would never , ever , trust a moslen soldier who has not swear allegiance.
You bashed the queen, how dare you.
You support Hamas, you support polygamy when perpetrated by moslems, you support British tax payers to support south asian parasites who live off the British wellfare system.
You support every riots in the UK when they are promoting islam or moslems
You support sharia law in the UK, although when it is not convenient to you, you violate it, like when you took a mortgage.
You are a fraud, you spend 21 h a day on this forum repeating the same thing, and you never respond to direct questions.
And if EH beleives in talking donkeys, obviously it is because you are one. :lol:
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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 25, 2011 ... _embedded#!

Palestinians want to be taken very seriously.
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Re: Israel: 'Speech Of Truth' Sep 25, 2011
Ops looks like Hervy poos meds ran out !
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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 25, 2011
Looks like it bothers you, though
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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 26, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
DearJohn wrote:Immigration exists in every country and has proved beneficial in all cases.

If you are talking about immigrating to a country where you can apply for citizenship, that is not the case with every country. As for it being beneficial, that may have been the case 100 years ago, maybe even 50 years ago, but not in the present.

In places where it is causing social problems I agree but as whole still provides benefits where it is needed. Countries like Australia and Canada have over the last few years been promoting immigration of skilled workers. I think Toronto got the prize as the most culturally diverse city on the planet.

Flying Dutchman wrote:
DearJohn wrote:Immigration exists in every country and has proved beneficial in all cases.

Thats a very bold statement DJ!

Yes I suppose it is but I feel that immigration when measured as whole has been more beneficial than bad for all countries. You only need to look across music, arts, sports and even cuisine to see its benefits which every society has derived.
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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 26, 2011
DearJohn wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:
DearJohn wrote:Immigration exists in every country and has proved beneficial in all cases.

If you are talking about immigrating to a country where you can apply for citizenship, that is not the case with every country. As for it being beneficial, that may have been the case 100 years ago, maybe even 50 years ago, but not in the present.

In places where it is causing social problems I agree but as whole still provides benefits where it is needed. Countries like Australia and Canada have over the last few years been promoting immigration of skilled workers. I think Toronto got the prize as the most culturally diverse city on the planet.

Flying Dutchman wrote:
DearJohn wrote:Immigration exists in every country and has proved beneficial in all cases.

Thats a very bold statement DJ!

Yes I suppose it is but I feel that immigration when measured as whole has been more beneficial than bad for all countries. You only need to look across music, arts, sports and even cuisine to see its benefits which every society has derived.

I don't understand how countries that have thousands upon thousands of citizens unemployed can't find qualified people within their own country to fill jobs, Aside from the fact that outsiders work on a limited contract as opposed to a citizen where no contract exists, do employers get tax breaks by hiring from the outside?

While on vacation in the states, I had a conversation with a woman who was from Canada. They certainly have their problems with immigration - legal and illegal, but it is not as widely known as that of the UK and the US. There is great resentment in Canada over the immigration problem and it appears that Canada's welfare system is just as generous as the UK, if not more so. Many Canadians would like to see a cutback on immigration and something done about the illegals. She said that in her company they are not allowed to use the word "Christmas" but have to refer to it as a "holiday" so as to be political correct and not to offend the sensibilities of non-Christians. Yet, they also have to work around someone who leaves meetings or stops working so that he can pray. She, as a Canadian, thinks like many a Brit and American - why does a country have to make so many changes to accommodate people who immigrated, rather than immigrants making changes to fit into the society they chose to live in?

I don't think music, arts, sports and cuisine are benefits to a nation. Exactly what is the percentage of those benefits and how do they contribute to making a country better or stronger??

The US is having is own problem of keeping the burger and fries as the national dish from being replaced with tacobobs. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 26, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:I don't understand how countries that have thousands upon thousands of citizens unemployed can't find qualified people within their own country to fill jobs, Aside from the fact that outsiders work on a limited contract as opposed to a citizen where no contract exists, do employers get tax breaks by hiring from the outside?

I think thats a very good question in this economic climate. I don't think its because of tax breaks but rather the "skill" that they would bring. From my understanding (and I could be wrong) immigration to Canada and Australia (the only two developed states that are still encouraging it) are not for people to flip burgers but doctors, engineers, etc from developing countries such as India, Malaysia, etc.

Bora Bora wrote:While on vacation in the states, I had a conversation with a woman who was from Canada. They certainly have their problems with immigration - legal and illegal, but it is not as widely known as that of the UK and the US. There is great resentment in Canada over the immigration problem and it appears that Canada's welfare system is just as generous as the UK, if not more so. Many Canadians would like to see a cutback on immigration and something done about the illegals. She said that in her company they are not allowed to use the word "Christmas" but have to refer to it as a "holiday" so as to be political correct and not to offend the sensibilities of non-Christians. Yet, they also have to work around someone who leaves meetings or stops working so that he can pray. She, as a Canadian, thinks like many a Brit and American - why does a country have to make so many changes to accommodate people who immigrated, rather than immigrants making changes to fit into the society they chose to live in?

I think it always causes social problems particularly if the immigrants don't integrate. Integration itself always takes time sometimes generations and if there are immigrant communities then integration is a lot slower causing more social problems. Political correctness has gone completely nuts in my opinion.

Bora Bora wrote:I don't think music, arts, sports and cuisine are benefits to a nation. Exactly what is the percentage of those benefits and how do they contribute to making a country better or stronger??

I think they are benefits but I have no way on how it should be measured.
Generally immigrants get a very bad wrap on stealing benefits and jobs but I am not that convinced. ... dFacts.pdf

Bora Bora wrote:The US is having is own problem of keeping the burger and fries as the national dish from being replaced with tacobobs. :lol: :lol:

The curry has been the most popular dish in the UK for some time. No reason for it to be fish & chips if more people prefer curry. :)
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Re: Israel: 'Speech Of Truth' Sep 26, 2011
herve wrote:
shafique wrote:But just one point of correction - I've never said I don't support British troops. My dad was in the Territorials and my uncles fought in the British Army in WW2. BM knows this and is now ranting. Indeed, I once asked her whether she hated the Muslim English soldiers serving in the army today.. the back pedal was stunning.


al s not that you never said you don't support British troops, you are too hypocrite to admit it, it's that you never said anything to support them.

Oh dear, herve is having a rant and is about to be punked - yet again.

Herve, your memory is letting you down again. You once asked me about the British troops and I replied that I would indeed fight along side them - if that isn't supporting them, tell me what is? :

yes, I'd fight alongside the other British soldiers - just like the Muslim soldiers who are in the British Army right now, and those who have laid down their lives in the Mid East already.


There are other examples to BM where I expressed my support for our troops. And as for your imagining I bashed the troops - well, I guess there are strange realities in your imagination. Being critical of our foreign policy and politicians is different from bashing troops. If you were English, you'd know that. :roll:

Fail. Again.

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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 26, 2011
oh , I remember what you said, I just don't beleive you.
Did you swear allegiance to the UK, or would you? Eventhough I still would not beleive you, because moslems are allowed to lie out of necessity, you proved it once.
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Re: Israel: 'Speech Of Truth' Sep 26, 2011
herve, you've been punked. You didn't say that you didn't believe me - you said that I'd never expressed support for British troops.
herve wrote:you never said anything to support them.

You admit now that you lied.

herve wrote:oh , I remember what you said, I just don't beleive you.

herve - you must tell us when you're describing your fantasy world and when you're on planet earth.

It would make it much easier for us to reply - it appears in your fantasy world that all Muslims are terrorists and lie when they disagree with your view of Islam.

Back on planet earth, we read and understand what people actually write.

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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 26, 2011
Shafique has already said he supports the Ummah equally as his own countrymen. Which means that if there's a conflict between Muslims and Britain, shafique's rooting for the Islamists.
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Re: Israel: 'Speech Of Truth' Sep 26, 2011
I said I view my religion and my nationality equally. What's wrong with that?

42% of American Christians say they are Christian first. If we ever find out what eh's new religion is - then we can ask him whether he's one of the 42% Christians who put their religion above their nationality.

(Oh, eh isn't going to give us a lecture about the loon version of Islam is he? That would be fun.)

But herve has been caught lying, so it is no surprise that fellow loon eh is trying to help out.

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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 26, 2011
Yes, you've said you support the Ummah as much as 'your' homeland.
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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 26, 2011
And you said you support hamas.
You can't support British troops and hamas at the same time.
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Re: Israel: 'Speech Of Truth' Sep 26, 2011
LOL - you're dreaming (again) herve and have been caught out in one lie already. Do you want to go for another lie?

If so, please quote me saying what you accuse me of, and show how that equals not supporting our troops. I absolutely did support the winner of the 2006 Israel/Lebanon war - but that wasn't Hamas, and did not involve British troops. I've never voted for any Palestinian political party, but do oppose the Israeli Military occupation - again, these don't involve British troops.

Give us facts, not fiction - herve.

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Re: Israel: 'Speech of Truth' Sep 26, 2011
al shafique.
I did not lie, let me repeat: YOU DO NOT SUPPORT BRITISH TROOPS
it takes a little more than "yeah I support UK troops" to convince anybody. you are deceitful, but many on DF don't buy it.
You are a supporter of hamas, a terrorist organization, period, from there, anything you say is questionable.
If a conflict involved British troops against muslims in the ME, I would not wish US soldiers to have you behind their back.
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Re: Israel: 'Speech Of Truth' Sep 26, 2011
You lied. Period.

Now you're going for another lie.

As I said, facts, not fiction.

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