Poll: Memri Special?

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Poll: Memri Special? Sep 15, 2011
Loonwatch has some interesting information about the poll referred to by eh on 9/11:

It appears to be not all that the loons make it out to be (no surprises there). Certainly does not appear to be a representative or even reliable survey.

Loonwatch has looked into this in detail and the first of two posts covering it is here:
http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/09/al-ara ... so-what-i/

Danios opens with the reminder that two reliable and fully referenced polls were addressed recently, and showed the following:

Jews and Christians 'way more likely than Muslims to justify killing of civilians):
http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/08/gallup ... civilians/

(A finding backed up by the loons here - who routinely make excuses for the killings of civilians when the killers are Israelis etc)

And similarly:
Every country less likely to justify killing of civilians than Americans or Israelis:
http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/08/survey ... -israelis/

Memri specials vs fully referenced and reliable surveys. Or, as I like to say, fantasy vs reality.


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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 15, 2011
Offcourse its justified, why would it bother them?? Their belief allows them to kill anything.

"Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass" - Samuel 15:3

Now you know why lunatics like FD, BM, etc. never shared any bit of sympathy to any of the tragedies of the Palestineans and Lebanese civillians? Its their belief that its their duty to kill them, thus they strongly cheer any Israeli crime so openly, they coudln't careless about their "religion", but they'd only utilize the violent side to justify their open hatred and racism :)
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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 15, 2011
symmetric wrote:Now you know why lunatics like FD, BM, etc. never shared any bit of sympathy to any of the tragedies of the Palestineans and Lebanese civillians?

And what have you done for Palestinians? Chances are like most Arabs, nothing! The PA and UNRWA are kept alive with Western money, with virtually no Arab money. Arabs in reality cannot care less, they treat Pali's like dirt or kick them out. Dogs in Lebanon are treated better than Pali's are treated. There is no country in the ME that did more for Pali's than Israel. Israel gave them more than any other Arab country ever did.
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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 15, 2011
Thanks for your contributions :D
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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 15, 2011
What google has stopped working in Tel Aviv ? Google "UAE donates to palestine"
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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 15, 2011
symmetric wrote:Now you know why lunatics like FD, BM, etc. never shared any bit of sympathy to any of the tragedies of the Palestineans and Lebanese civillians? Its their belief that its their duty to kill them, thus they strongly cheer any Israeli crime so openly, they coudln't careless about their "religion", but they'd only utilize the violent side to justify their open hatred and racism :)

So now I'm a lunatic for not supporting the Palestinians?

I think you need to brush up on your English if you are going to throw those words around Sym.

"Lunatic" is a commonly used term for a person who is mentally ill, dangerous, foolish, unpredictable; a condition once called lunacy.

If there is anyone who fits that description, then it's you! You certainly are unpredictable. Do you know which face you are goig to wear before you get out of bed in a morning?

I'm as sane as the next westener :lol:

You are right I do not have any sympathies for the Palistinians, as you have none for the Israelis.
You are quite incorrect when you say it is my belief that anyone should be killed. What is it with you and Shafique, trying to put words into people's mouths all the time? Are you desperate or what? Show me one post where I have declared anyone should be killed. Whereas you, on the other hand, HAVE posted those thoughts.
As for hatred and racism, well Sym, those are two attributes that you can claim too :D
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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 15, 2011
Uhm, the original link to the poll is on al-Arabiya. Danios went on a rant because he didn't find the original link to al-Arabiya - Memri and the Israeli website merely translated what al-Arabiya posted.

So, basically this thread is about a rant about someone going off on memri because he couldn't find an original link when the original link was provided on this forum two days ago - and you couldn't think to figure that out.

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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 15, 2011
Ha ha - nice try eh. But you can't spin this one.

Danios has punked your argument. Again.

The fact is that reputable surveys show that Muslims are LESS LIKELY to condone the killing of civilians than Jews and Christians. Ditto Israelis and Americans vs other countries.

Those are what the surveys (fully referenced and professionally run) show. Your misleading spin that Muslims condone terrorism of 9/11 has been exposed for what it is - the usual loon spin.

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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 15, 2011
The fact is that reputable surveys show that Muslims are LESS LIKELY to condone the killing of civilians than Jews and Christians. Ditto Israelis and Americans vs other countries.

The polls ask different questions - killing civilians (for Americans) vs killing civilians in the name of Islam (for Muslims)

This newest poll is again asking different questions - Danios uses the same poll above to compare with Muslims who were asked their support for a specific attack.

Basically, Danios is comparing an abstract question - "is it ok for police officers/armed forces/individuals to kill civilians in some circumstances" - to a specific and undisputed terrorist attack against civilians.

How about comparing like for like?

Now, and perhaps you can help me out here, I'm unaware of any terrorist attack that killed numerous Muslims by Christian religious fanatics that Christians could be polled to determine their support for the attack/attackers. On the other hand, we do have a terrorist attack perpetrated by Muslim religious fanatics that killed thousands of non-Muslim civilians. So, Muslims were asked their support for that attack and we found 36% supported and only 38% condemned the attack.

Until we get Christian(s) religious fanatic(s) to kill numerous Muslims, we can never compare any poll done among Christians to the polls done among Muslims/Arabs.

Btw, 'innocent' is a relative and arbitrary term in the Muslim world. The proof of this is that someone who condemns the Bible in the West does not need to go into hiding or flee the country. But needless to say such a person would likely be killed in numerous Muslim nations if that person were to insult/condemn the Koran, Allah or Muhammad. So, 5% of Pakistanis saying they oppose suicide bombing against civilians (compared with 33% a few years ago, btw) means ABSOLUTELY nothing. Israelis, Christian villages accused of blasphemy or New Yorkers are not seen as 'innocent' to many-most Pakistanis and, indeed, most of the Muslim world.
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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 16, 2011
The reputable polls ask whether the respondents justify the killing of civilians.

Muslims are less likely to reply yes than Jews and Christians. Americans and Israelis are more likely to reply yes than other countries, including Muslim majority countries.

Them there are the facts.

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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 16, 2011
Muslims are less likely to reply yes than Jews and Christians. Americans and Israelis are more likely to reply yes than other countries, including Muslim majority countries.

The polls you're comparing ask different questions.

No need to ignore the truth.

Is this one of things that needs covering up too - like wife beating and claiming Islam does not condone violence against women?
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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 16, 2011
Excuses, excuses.

Americans, like you, and Christians, like you, are more likely to condone the killing of civlians (like you do) than Muslim majority countries and Muslims in general.

That's what the polls show - that you are not alone in your extremist views.

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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 16, 2011
Offcourse they are, what else explans the endless wars they conduct against many people? :)
And for those thousands who protested against war, they were ignored by the vast majority and politicians who were insisting on having a war ;)
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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 16, 2011
Part II of the article is here:
http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/09/al-ara ... o-what-ii/

Again showing that loon arguments and reality aren't in the same universe.

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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 17, 2011
Is 49% a majority?

Some 'refutation'.
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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 17, 2011
Fail. Again.

Indeed, a January 2004 poll by Newsweek found that a majority of Americans (49% vs. 39%) believed that “Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq was directly involved in planning, financing, or carrying out the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001.” Amazingly, long after even the Bush administration admitted they were wrong, 41% of Americans still believed that Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq was responsible for 9/11 (as seen in a June 2007 Newsweek poll). This is a belief that Americans continue to cling on to even today!

Here's the Newsweek poll:
http://atlanticreview.org/archives/726- ... n-911.html

eh - you are a sucker for punishment (either that, or you need to go on an English comprehension course. Statistics, I fear, are beyond loon understanding though.)

49% of your fellow Americans in that poll thought Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11!! Wow.

That's almost as bizare as your beliefs in Talking Donkeys and Rapture. But hey - I'm now waiting to see how long your avoidance of the religion forum will last - after all, all those threads you started that you're now avoiding. Must be so uncomfortable to have both your Biblical and political views exposed in this way!

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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 17, 2011
Indeed, a January 2004 poll by Newsweek found that a majority of Americans (49% vs. 39%)

English comprehension lessons, huh?

Is 49% a majority?

Anyways, anyone could demolish Danios' articles. I guess that's why they have to approve comments over there.
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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 17, 2011
shafique wrote:49% of your fellow Americans in that poll thought Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11!! Wow.

How come 49% becomes releveant to you , when 91% is not. (when statistics show that 91% of honor killings perpetrators are mouslims you deny honor killing is inherently a muslim reality)
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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 17, 2011
hervey baby - when will you learn?

In the other thread your fellow loon caps was arguing that honour killings was ONLY carried out by Muslims and Islam was at fault. The fact that Hindus and Sikhs also carry out these crimes punks his loon belief quite badly. That a fellow loon like you provided him with the stats which confirms this is something I've already thanked you for. But if you were fishing for a compliment - let me thank you again.

As for eh - he's just licking his wounds that his thread on Arabs and 9/11 has been exposed as a sham - and that the reputable surveys clearly show that Muslims are less likely to condone the killings of civilians than Jews and Christians (and Americans and Israelis are more likely to condone them, than Muslim countries).

Those are the facts.

The additional fact that 49% of Americans thought Saddam was behind 9/11 vs 39% who said he wasn't, is just icing on the cake. It goes to show how gullible a nation can be.

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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 18, 2011

Come on herve, shafique hasn't seen his feet in ages. Give the guy a break.
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Re: Poll: Memri Special? Sep 18, 2011
:D It was only a matter of time - present loons with facts and they lose every time.

In this case, Muslims are less likely to condone killings of civilians than Jews or Christians - according to reliable polls that are fully referenced.

So eh - I guess you now have no excuse for avoiding the threads you started in the religion forum which you are now avoiding.

Let's see the questions you're avoiding:

1. You need to explain your 'new religion' theory to back up your assertion that the Bible isn't clear what happens to Hindus - i.e. where do the 'condemned' and 'damned' Hindus go, if they don't go to Hell:

2. You need to explain your stance on the related question - do you agree that the Pope is the anti-Christ and is going to hell, as some of your fellow Christians do:

3. And let's not forget the list of Biblical verses that confuse you (such as talking donkeys, sun stopping in the sky) etc:

But I'm very interested in understanding you 'new religion' theory - why you have had to invent a new religion to back up your view that unbelievers DON'T go to hell as Christians believe, based on the Bible.

You can run, but you can't hide. ;)

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