Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed For Life

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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed For Life Sep 17, 2011
^You seem to be overlooking/ignoring our resident religious extremist, event horizon, who is the only one posting here that justifies the killings of babies and enslavement of virgins.

Muslims don't support $exual relations with under age girls - that's just another loon fantasy that has nothing to do with reality. Just because Bible-camp historical slurs are believed by some, doesn't make it true.

And in any case, it was just BM throwing her toys out of the pram after she was exposed by her own words and had to back pedal heroically (or is comically?) :D


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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed for Life Sep 17, 2011
BM mentionned that your prophet had $ex with a 9 years old girl. so you think it was normal?
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed For Life Sep 17, 2011
shafique wrote: Muslims don't support $exual relations with under age girls - that's just another loon fantasy that has nothing to do with reality. Just because Bible-camp historical slurs are believed by some, doesn't make it true.

al shafique. have you read the quran? because this verse contradicts completely what you just posted.
so learn, it is writen in the quran:
Quran 65:04 "And (as for) those of your women who have despaired of menstruation, if you have a doubt, their prescribed time shall be three months, and of those too who have not had their courses; and (as for) the pregnant women, their prescribed time is that they lay down their burden; and whoever is careful of (his duty to) Allah He will make easy for him his affair."

It means you have to wait three months before you can divorce a woman who does not have mensturations.
Which means the fvcking pervert had $ex with her before.
To us, in the civilized world , a woman who does not have mensturations, is a little girl, a baby.

So the Quran makes very clear that Muslims may indeed marry pre-pubescent infants. Theres no need for a divorce unless you were first married! Obviously, muhammad's (the father of all pedophiles) marriage to a child of 6 (consumated at 9) gave inspiration to this hideousness.
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed For Life Sep 17, 2011
I refer you to my previous comment about loon fantasies and reality. gertrude, you are old enough to use Google and to read whether Muslims support $exual relations with underage girls or not (hint: they don't).

Just because loons wish to believe this historical slur doesn't make it true.

However, event horizon, DOES condone the accounts of killing of babies and the enslavement of virgins (and their use for $ex).

Surely any decent moral person would condemn a person for holding these views - and be reassured that Muslims don't condone $ex with under age girls. I'm apalled at the numbers of live births to children below the age of 14 in the West these days - that's a modern day problem that I'm very much against. This particular problem is however more about $exual mores rather than a loon fantasy about the age of Aisha when the marriage was consumated.


-- Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:41 am --

Wow, yet another epic failure on herve's part!!

The verse you refer to is specifically about allowing enough time before a divorce is finalised to establish whether a woman is pregnant or not - and is talking about women who may be (or are) menopausal.

Herve - admit it, you haven't actually read the Quran have you? :roll:

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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed For Life Sep 17, 2011
shafique wrote:Just because loons wish to believe this historical slur doesn't make it true.


It is written in the quran, so if it is not true you admit that the quran has mistakes, which is in contradiction to the verse that says that there are no mistakes in the quran.
al shafique, which ever way you put it, the quran is a fraud

-- Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:46 am --

shafique wrote:Wow, yet another epic failure on herve's part!!

The verse you refer to is specifically about allowing enough time before a divorce is finalised to establish whether a woman is pregnant or not.

Herve - admit it, you haven't actually read the Quran have you? :roll:


I read it, you did not, or most likely you dont understand it.
yes, al shafique , it is to allow time , but you missed the part that says to allow time to woman who does not have menstruations,
al shafique let me ask you , how do you call woman who does not have menstruations?

again for you , so you can learn:
Quran 65:04 "And (as for) those of your women who have despaired of menstruation, if you have a doubt, their prescribed time shall be three months, and of those too who have not had their courses; and (as for) the pregnant women, their prescribed time is that they lay down their burden; and whoever is careful of (his duty to) Allah He will make easy for him his affair."
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed For Life Sep 17, 2011
herve wrote:al shafique let me ask you , how do you call woman who does not have menstruations?

A menopausal woman.

What do you call the woman? (pre-pubescent females are called 'girls')

BTW - Thanks for highlighting that God is talking about women in this verse. Indeed the chapter is about divorce.

Your problem is that event horizon hasn't got any wriggle room - he condones the killings of babies and enslavement of virgins. Why don't you join me in condemning his view rather than embarrassing yourself with these mistakes. You do know the difference between a 'girl' and a 'woman' and indeed a 'post-menopausal woman' don't you?

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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed for Life Sep 17, 2011
muhammad married a 6 years old girl, do you call that a menopaused woman?

al shafique, you are a pleasure to bust.
Menopaused women really??? :lol: .
eat that then, and tell me you are talking bout menopaused women here.

Al- Tabari (839-923) said, “This also includes the ‘Iddah’ of girls who have not menstruated yet as they are such little.. if divorced after being sexually consummated in marriage”.

Al-Baghawi (1045-1117) said, “Those little girls who have not reached menstruation age yet”.

Az-Zammakhshari (1074-1143) said, “They are those little girls”.

Al-Qurtubi (1204-1273) said “She is the little girl”.

Ibn Kathir (1302-1373) said, The same for the young, who have not reached the years of menstruation. Their `Iddah is three months like those in menopause. This is the meaning of His saying: “and for those who have no courses”

Al-Mahali and As-Syyouti (1445-1505) both said, “for how such young they are”.

Al-Alousi (1802-1854) said, “Those little girls who have not got their menstruation period yet”.
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed For Life Sep 17, 2011
Herve, herve, herve - quoting snippets from loon websites and not giving any references won't help you in your embarrassment. LOL

shafique wrote:Your problem is that event horizon hasn't got any wriggle room - he condones the killings of babies and enslavement of virgins. Why don't you join me in condemning his view rather than embarrassing yourself with these mistakes. You do know the difference between a 'girl' and a 'woman' and indeed a 'post-menopausal woman' don't you?

Will you join me in condemning someone's actual beliefs, rather than inventing ones you wish Muslims believed?

(herve, if you are actually interested in the truth on the matter, I suggest you read and comment on the details here: ... nslations/


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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed for Life Sep 17, 2011
You seem to have a Freudian complex with EH, you should seek psychiatric treatment al shafique.
Do you beleive devils frequent toilets too?

al shafique : what is the translation of Lam Yaĥiđna ? because it is the past tense is'nt it?
it means 'those who did not menstruate'
so actually the verse 65.4 refers to those women who did not menstruate(in all of past time until the present time), which includes children or girls before puberty or attainment of menarche (first period).

Clearly not menopaused woman. huh

I am shocked how little you know about the quran, you should be fired, you are doing a bad propaganda job
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed For Life Sep 17, 2011
Perhaps I do have a Freudian complex with the young extremist. However, I don't see why that should stop you in joining me in condemning his actual belief about justifying killing of children and the enslavement of virgins.

If you were actually interested in justice rather than inventing issues to bash Islam, you'd join me in expressing your opposition to the justification of these crimes.

As for whether Islam/Muslims believe it is ok to have $ex with girls or not, I gave you this detailed post in the edit above: ... nslations/

If you are interested in the truth of the matter - I'll be happy to discuss this with you. (And if you take the time to read the translations/tafsir - you will find that it does indeed refer to menopausal women - and the verse does not specify girls who have never had a period.)

Until then, I am intrigued as to why you won't join me in condemning someone who believes it is ok to kill babies if God tells them to do it! :shock:

(And for your question about prayers said when going to the toilet - this has been answered already:

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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed for Life Sep 17, 2011
gertrude wrote:Sym, BM is talking about NOW, not 200 years ago, not 2,000 years ago.
The only ones TODAY supporting $exual relations with an under aged girl are Muslims

Which Muslim country(s) "TODAY" support the marriage of a 10 years old??
A tiny 0.000% of those who aren't educated, and modern which you can also find among Non-Muslim countries such as Hindus and other Asian groups who allows thats.

We're talking about a concept here, which seems that both of you failed to deny that the entire world used to agree on marriage with such age, including your own countries and socities :D

However, the only "holy book" that urges to kill infants and sucklings is yours and there are plenty of people who still find it a duty to implement such practise ;)
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed for Life Sep 17, 2011
symmetric wrote:Which Muslim country(s) "TODAY" support the marriage of a 10 years old??

KSA, the heartland of Islam, has no age limit for marriage - IIRC.

Its not only that Aisha was 9, but Muhammed was what? In his fifties?
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed For Life Sep 17, 2011
KSA? Just cuz it holds Mecca/Medina u call it heartland of Islam? looool !! Could you be more shallow?? :lol:
KSA enforces extreme nomadic CULTURE rather than Islam. Makes it no different than extreme cultures like in Asia and India. Now you're less shallow ;)

Well tell me FD, how old was Refka (Rebbeka) when she married Is'haq (Isaac)?? Was she like 3 years old?? :D
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed For Life Sep 17, 2011
symmetric wrote:Well tell me FD, how old was Refka (Rebbeka) when she married Is'haq (Isaac)?? Was she like 3 years old?? :D

Don't know. But AFAIK Isaac never claimed to be the Exemplar for the rest of humanity, nor does anybody consider Isaac the most perfect man and to be The Examplar (again AFAIK).
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed For Life Sep 17, 2011
He still married a 3 years old child ;)
Perfection? How about Yaacob (Jaccob) wrestling with God for an entire night - is God that weak?? :shock:
Or did God really had to take that weekend to rest :lol:
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed for Life Sep 17, 2011
Im worried about you sweetie. you've been on DF more lately? Is there a problem you care to share? Just PM if you need to talk. Im here for you!
Im sympathetic! Get it? SYMpathetic LOL
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed for Life Sep 17, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Im worried about you sweetie. you've been on DF more lately? Is there a problem you care to share? Just PM if you need to talk. Im here for you!
Im sympathetic! Get it? SYMpathetic LOL

loooool - - Now thats what I call perfect begging :lol:
Your desperate request has been rejected, rather worry about your beloved Muslim Pakistani son in law :D
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed for Life Sep 17, 2011
You seem obsessed sweetie. Let it go. Move on and make your Grandmother proud again.
I do sympathise. It cant be easy dealing with mental problems.
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed For Life Sep 17, 2011
symmetric wrote:Yes thats true, I've always known Chocs with this avatar ever since I joined DF - - Check the year ;)

Don't think so sym. I can't recall exactly when or what but Chocs had another avatar before this more sexier one. It seems that she gets better with age.
Can you confirm this chocs?
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed For Life Sep 17, 2011
Getting an advice from the worst family person - lol.
I see you made your "daughter", "grandson", and son in law absolutely "proud" of you, that they decided to ignore you for years!!

Even the devil has got his family around him, but you with your filthy manners and extreme hateful thoughts eventually made your own "family" to be the first to humilate/punish you to the maximum. Excellent job BM - - Bravo ;)
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed for Life Sep 17, 2011
Thank you sweetie
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Re: Manchester Jihad Recruiter Jailed For Life Sep 17, 2011
Most welcome
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