Cops Spying On Emiratis

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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 15, 2011
symmetric wrote:You know in my Persian culture, we think its absolutely dis.gusting for people like you who only use paper to wipe the stool stuck in your hole, rather than using water to wash yourselves :lol: - -

You're filthy in all aspects I can see ;)

From what I gather the left hand is considered unclean in Arab/Islamic countries because of personal hygiene.

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Re: Cops spying on Emiratis Sep 15, 2011
^^^^ Absolutely, and tests have proven that Muslims carry Escherichia coli and feacal matters on their left hand and under nails as a result of their calls from nature. Water is not enough, especially without soap.
At least, with paper, there is no feacal transfer to the finger skin.
In hospitals it is a known fact that Muslims doctors and nurses have lower hygiene standards. So next time you go to a hospital demand to be treated by a non muslim doctor if you do't want to catch a superbug. ... nurses.htm
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Re: Cops spying on Emiratis Sep 16, 2011
Memo to myself...dont shake hands with Sym :shock:

Do you use soap with that water sym? I do hope so. I'll stick with my Andrex aloe vera infussed soft toilet tissue. Much nicer than finger nails. Errrr...
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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 16, 2011
Try harder :D
Interestingly when the Christians took over Islamic kingdoms of Andalucia, they destroyed the public baths, just tells you more of your standards, no showers, let alone your dirty butts :lol:
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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 16, 2011
symmetric wrote:Try harder :D
Interestingly when the Christians took over Islamic kingdoms of Andalucia, they destroyed the public baths, just tells you more of your standards, no showers, let alone your dirty butts :lol:

in medieval time? Recently I looked at some photographs of Andalusia and noticed that all building are well-preserved, much better than in most Muslim countries. :wink:

I cannot remember who shot those pictures. :wink:
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Re: Cops spying on Emiratis Sep 16, 2011
Wasn't that Sym on his recent visit to Europe? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 16, 2011
Cordoba itself had more than 800 publich baths, where are they today? 8)
Only those beautiful pieces of arts such as Al Hamra Palace, and Cordoba's grand mosque survived ;)

What have you got in Russia anyways? Weren't any Russian women good enough for you to marry an Uzbek? :lol:
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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 16, 2011
symmetric wrote:Cordoba itself had more than 800 publich baths, where are they today? 8)
Only those beautiful pieces of arts such as Al Hamra Palace, and Cordoba's grand mosque survived ;)

Well, if you could speak seriously at any topic I would say following about "baths". Besides Russian bath (banya) and pretty similar Finnish one (sauna), which are the best and absolutely authentic in my view, I like Turkish bath as well.

The only thing, that surprised me there, is the similarity this kind of bath to Roman therms. On the other hand, there is nothing similar in Azerbaijan or Uzbekistan, where Turks came from quite recently.

As for attitude to the past, as I said Spain looks much better than Tunisia, where one of the biggest Roman colony was located or Egypt. There are only ruins in those 2 Muslim states. I know that you like ruins but prefer spent own vacation in Europe.

What have you got in Russia anyways? Weren't any Russian women good enough for you to marry an Uzbek? :lol:

It stange to hear such a question from a virgin like you. It looks that you cannot find any. :oops: Anyway I don't have problem with ladies of different nationalities. Some of them are amazing, including one Irani girl. The only thing, which stopped the temptation, is her fancy Italian dresses, which she changed every day. I have not seen any dress more than once during one month although met her almost every day. So I wasn't sure in my finances to keep such a woman. :cry:

Anyway my wife is ethnically Russian for 100%. What the problem do you have with Uzbeks? Do you hate them as strong as Jews? :wink:
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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 16, 2011
Now that you choked it out, I knew she wasn't an ethnic Uzbek - - Thanks for confirming :D
I got no problem with Uzbeks at all, rather they're a nation I adore 8)
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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 16, 2011
symmetric wrote:Try harder :D
Interestingly when the Christians took over Islamic kingdoms of Andalucia, they destroyed the public baths, just tells you more of your standards, no showers, let alone your dirty butts :lol:

How about your bathrooms Sym, do you still beleive they are haunted by demons?
mouslims can't enter a toilet without asking proctection to their allaah from the demons.
You don't even have that freedom, huh, you have to ask permission.
Has anyone been attack by the devil while taking a $hit?
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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 16, 2011
Well, offcourse we can enter the toilet without reciting the 5 words prayer of protection, its an optional choice 8)
Anyhow, can you justify the orders of "your God" to kill infants, sucklings, and even animals??
Do you also hate animals and clueless innocent babies?? ;)
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Re: Cops spying on Emiratis Sep 16, 2011
You are asking the wrong man. I don't have a god, there is no god. god is an invention of man. however the bible is harmless, the quran is lethal.
Where does it say the suplication is optional, it is not and you are a bad muslim for not following the quran.
Anyways, based on your answer, you say the recitation is optional , which means you beleive that toilets are haunted by demons, you just decide to skip the prayer.
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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 16, 2011
herve wrote:
symmetric wrote:Try harder :D
Interestingly when the Christians took over Islamic kingdoms of Andalucia, they destroyed the public baths, just tells you more of your standards, no showers, let alone your dirty butts :lol:

How about your bathrooms Sym, do you still beleive they are haunted by demons?
mouslims can't enter a toilet without asking proctection to their allaah from the demons.
You don't even have that freedom, huh, you have to ask permission.
Has anyone been attack by the devil while taking a $hit?

hunted ? :lol:
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Re: Cops spying on Emiratis Sep 16, 2011
herve wrote:You are asking the wrong man. I don't have a god, there is no god. god is an invention of man. however the bible is harmless, the quran is lethal.
Where does it say the suplication is optional, it is not and you are a bad muslim for not following the quran.
Anyways, based on your answer, you say the recitation is optional , which means you beleive that toilets are haunted by demons, you just decide to skip the prayer.

Now if you don't believe in God and religion, then just shut up and need not to debate anything :)
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Re: Cops spying on Emiratis Sep 16, 2011
oh so you need to beleive in God to debate whether or not demons are waiting in the bathroom?
Sym, may I beleive the only demon in the bathroom is the one coming out of your a$$
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Re: Cops spying on Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
My god, if you guys stop for a second here and look at your selves behaving like this in public.

The funny part is that on one hand you are “debating “ the “true religion” on earth which it followers whomever they may be should be humble ,forgiving , behaved and a brother to his or her mankind , one the other hand here you are acting like savages and worst than the devil himself .

Way to go religious godmen.
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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
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Re: Cops spying on Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
Sym, do you beleive devils are in bathrooms?
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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
Did you ask eh why he believes in Talking Donkeys? ;)

Anyway - herve's interpretation of the prayer Muslims say when entering a toilet is a typical loon misinterpretation - and he exposes his lack of knowledge yet again by asserting it is from the Quran.

Islam has been ahead of it's time when it enjoined cleanliness and hygiene and talked of agents that are harmful to humans, but are invisible to the naked eye. One can choose to believe that these agents are evil spirits, or what nowadays we'd call germs. (The prayer is actually seeking protection from all 'offensive' and 'wicked' things.)

But why let a little thing like facts get in the way of loon spin?

A quick Google search shows that Muslims aren't the only ones who have a prayer when answering the call of nature - Jews and Zoroastrians too. And note the last line about the prayer from Hadith:

The Islamic prophet Muhammad specified that one should use an odd number of stones (preferably three) to cleanse the anal orifice after defecation and then proceed to a different location to wash it with water. Use of toilet paper in place of stones is now acceptable, but washing with water is still needed for ritual purity.[14] When leaving the toilet, one is advised to leave with the right foot,[5] and also say a prayer – "Praise be to Allah who relieved me of the filth and gave me relief."[1] This is similar in concept to Asher yatzar, the prayers said by orthodox Jews when leaving the toilet in which they thank God for the openings used to defecate/urinate[15], and exact ways of proceeding and accompanying prayers are also specified in traditional Zoroastrianism.[16] It is also reported in the Hadith of Bukhari that whenever Muhammad went to the toilet, he said "In the name of Allah, O Allah! I seek refuge with You from all offensive and wicked things" (alternate translation: "from evil deeds and evil spirits").

Yet another epic loon fail.

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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
shafique wrote:Islam has been ahead of it's time when it enjoined cleanliness and hygiene and talked of agents that are harmful to humans, but are invisible to the naked eye. One can choose to believe that these agents are evil spirits, or what nowadays we'd call germs. (The prayer is actually seeking protection from all 'offensive' and 'wicked' things.)

:D :D :D
Boo-Kha-Kha I dropped under the desk. I have not laughed so loudly for a while. It was awesome, dude. Probably somebody believes in the talking donkey but your opus reveals that somebody has just escaped from the ward number six and you'd better return back ASAP.

Thank You.
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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
shafique wrote:Islam has been ahead of it's time when it enjoined cleanliness and hygiene and talked of agents that are harmful to humans, but are invisible to the naked eye. One can choose to believe that these agents are evil spirits, or what nowadays we'd call germs. (The prayer is actually seeking protection from all 'offensive' and 'wicked' things.)

Islam ahead of its time, :lol: , sure that s why mouslims are still stuck in the 7th century.
you did not read the quran, the prayer, is about protection against males and females devils,
your germ explanation won't fly al shafique, the quran speaks of male and female devils, period. it has nothing do to with germs. so tell me al shafique E coli is it a girl or a guy? :lol: anyways your bigotry is entertaining
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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
LOOOL I just rememberd a jimmie foxx stand up comedy show when he asked women not to only with wipe their ..... with a toilet papers and instead should wash it up especially when they want to get licked down there bcz as he said it “smells” and there are "left over’s" down there :shock: …. Crazy nasty jimmie foxx :lol:
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Re: Cops spying on Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
you sound like you 've never been down there :)
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Re: Cops spying on Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
gertrude wrote:you sound like you 've never been down there :)

sage & onion
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Re: Cops spying on Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
gertrude wrote:Sym, do you beleive devils are in bathrooms?

Do you believe God has a mother? :lol:
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Re: Cops spying on Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
Poor Sym! He cant help being a sympathies go out to you.
No, God doesnt have a Mother, he isnt a real person sweetie!
Bless! LOL!
You are getting mixed up with Jesus!
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Re: Cops spying on Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
Its OK Symm, anger is an important stage of grief over rejection.
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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
If anyone here is desperately in need for some sympathy, its U ;)
Sharing the boring drama of your "family" to everyone, and then lying about an unforgottable fact which indicates the extreme humilation you are in :lol:

So does God eats a kitkat while resting on Saturdays? Where does he go on weekends?? :lol: :lol:

-- Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:16 pm --

Flying Dutchman wrote:Its OK Symm, anger is an important stage of grief over rejection.

Offcourse it is, I know its hard to have a bastard son ;) - -
Should feel special his grandparents made it outside the gas chambers of Europe 8)
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Re: Cops spying on Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
Now I have a bastard son? Where do you make up such things?

The kid has more maturity than you will ever know.
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Re: Cops Spying On Emiratis Sep 17, 2011
Its alright, you're not the only one anyways.
Just learn how to cope with it ;)
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