Contradictions In Islam!

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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 14, 2011
viking-warrior wrote:Double standards, sure thing DDS at least Sym has his hatred, Shaf has his soapbox, Kid has his Phd in Finger Painting - what are you ? One minute your a "would love to leave and go live in Canada ... Australia" candidate buddying up to expats, the next your signing on the dotted line for Jihad with your brothers

I have not bothered to comment on any of your butting of heads with BM because she chews you up and lays you out before breakfast (plus its done tongue in cheek and made even funnier by the fact that you don't get it), I've stayed well away from entering your recent religious awakening, but to call me out as having double standards, pfffttt for double standards mate look in in the mirror.

You will also note that I do not "double team" with Herve or anyone else for that matter on any point or issue and do not permit myself (for what ever my personal reasons may be) to go prattling on about something that I have no personal experience of.

If you have an issue with Herve then I suggest you take it up with him, as to his "fantastical" claims or the basis for his hatred (let's call it what it is) is both based in fact and justified, from personal experience and detailed examination of the documentation underlying his claim.

You chose to ignore the fact that 98% of Herve venon is directed at the UAE, not anywhere else

As to the truth about what happened with him and others, to paraphrase Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men "The truth ?, you can't handle the truth."

As to Herve's need for help - it's no greater than the therapy that most require when leaving the region and coming to the realisation that what they were subjected to and encountered was way beyond the norm (that would normally be encountered in the west) and that includes many British M(oo)slims [your inflection not mine] of asian origin.

I'm sorry that youve been landlocked there all of your life, but that not anyone on here's fault.

But I'm not going to be drawn further on Sym - a blind man could see he is damaged - and not worth the intellectual effort.

Moving on.

All that you nutters [both sides of the SENSIBLE argument] have served to do is polarise people, not bring them together, its not actually about the religious divide - it's been turned into a geopolitical race rant.

People that ask real questions [Patience for example] get steamrollered in the rush to insult and label - not you Sym or anyone other than Shaf even bothered to pitch in with a sensible answer.

Ah so nothing but double standards it is, could have saved yourself the trouble of plotting that post. Nothing else more than making up assumptions as you call it " signing on the dotted line for Jihad with your brothers" and "recent religious awakenings". Point one thread where I have. The day I take anything said by Eh, Herve and BM seriously is the day Bob's my uncle. Just pointless wang waving from your side because couldn't find anyhting else to discredit. My involvement in all sections of this forum have stayed the same from day one. You on the other hand only come running...

Your conscious only gets troubled when someone says anything agaisnt Israel or Jews, everyone else is fair game. You've only demonstrated that you have no independent thought and gobble up the drivel fed to you by the daily rags with your thread on the 9/11 protests.

You try to smite me for trying to make a better life for myself all the while you sit here in Dubai yourself and even then you have nothing decent to say about the place. The word hypocrisy does not even begin to cover it. You spit in the very plate you eat in. If I have anything negative to say about this place, I think I have a bigger right to do so, I speak the language, know the culture, have spent over three decades of my life here, know the place in and out, have promoted and represented it and love the place to bits and never leave if I didn't have to. If nothing else I am entitled to a valid opinion at the very least.

You on the other hand are a like parasite who will move on to another place once you have sucked as much blood as you can from the host. Hypococrisy and double standards, not even close.

Oh but a few nutters and some criticism of your dearly beloved gets you blue in the face, building bridges ? I don't think so, how come we have never heard a peep from you anywhere else. You are only intrested in what feeds your bias and paranoia and will run to its defense. Everything else is hoo ha.

And how very infantile. You pick and make fun of a poster for the lack of language skills, does that make you feel superior and clever ? Yet you can't mumble of a word of Arabic, the official language of a country you have spent a great deal of time in. Hypocrisy oh no, never !

You keep on reading the daily mail and stay glued to FOX news buddy, while the rest of us are doing just fine here in reality.

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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 14, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:
Ah so nothing but double standards it is, could have saved yourself the trouble of plotting that post.

I have no need to “plot” a post – I write as I see fit ...

desertdudeshj wrote:Nothing else more than making up assumptions as you call it " signing on the dotted line for Jihad with your brothers" and "recent religious awakenings".

I, unlike others, don’t have the energy or inclination to go trawling through past posts but the above conclusion is drawn based on your own words when DesertDog was leaving and Capt Australia was heading back to Aus, you had been examining the ways and means to go to either Canada and Australia – but now you appear to have resigned yourself to your “situation” and have taken to aligning yourself with a rag tag bunch of lokals.

desertdudeshj wrote:Point one thread where I have. The day I take anything said by Eh, Herve and BM seriously is the day Bob's my uncle.

So how is Uncle Bob Finklestein?

desertdudeshj wrote:Just pointless wang waving from your side because couldn't find anyhting else to discredit.

Evidently the wang in question is worth waving as it would appear to have caused you to duck as it came whizzing past further causing you to put thumbs to keyboard.

desertdudeshj wrote:My involvement in all sections of this forum have stayed the same from day one. You on the other hand only come running...

Really ? Oh ok then, I will leave that up to others to judge
But you reckon your language and terminology has remained the same, really ?

desertdudeshj wrote:Your conscious only gets troubled when someone says anything agaisnt Israel or Jews, everyone else is fair game. You've only demonstrated that you have no independent thought and gobble up the drivel fed to you by the daily rags with your thread on the 9/11 protests.

WTF are you on about ? Please, and I mean this most seriously, you vile little cockroach, give me ONE, just ONE post where I have ever even mentioned Israel.
Do not put words in my mouth. You are not clever enough to presume to know me, nor sharp enough to engage me for longer than a cab ride to the airport.

desertdudeshj wrote:You try to smite me for trying to make a better life for myself all the while you sit here in Dubai yourself and even then you have nothing decent to say about the place.

I do not try to “smite” you – I do not have the means or desire to smite you in fact should I ever go on a smiting rampage I doubt that I could even be bothered to find you – so many worthy candidates so little time, plus there is a shortage of decent cab drivers in Dubai.

You are correct in one thing : There is not a single redeeming geographic feature or indigenous person in the land.

desertdudeshj wrote:The word hypocrisy does not even begin to cover it.

Very true, hypocrisy does not cover it, I no longer live in Dubai.

desertdudeshj wrote:You spit in the very plate you eat in.

My plate was spat on before I sat at the table mate.

desertdudeshj wrote:If I have anything negative to say about this place, I think I have a bigger right to do so, I speak the language, know the culture, have spent over three decades of my life here, know the place in and out, have promoted and represented it and love the place to bits and never leave if I didn't have to. If nothing else I am entitled to a valid opinion at the very least.

You have no more right to comment than I do, absolutely none. Whether I spent 2 years or 20 in that kitty litter tray your point is moot. I also spoke the language from when I was about 10 years old and am now approaching the age of 50, my family have lived in the country since the mid 70’s – none of this is a secret as I have stated as much in the past and I have NO rights in that country, legal, human or political. I grew up in the culture and have a better than average understanding of it, and as you are aware worked for the government.

On this forum however I can say what I like. For the time being I am not subject to government censorship or ancient rules that never considered freedom of speech over the internet.

desertdudeshj wrote:You on the other hand are a like parasite who will move on to another place once you have sucked as much blood as you can from the host. Hypococrisy and double standards, not even close.

The double standards that you consistently appear to want to hang your hat on also apply to how the organ of local government works (but I’m guessing that’s WAY above your pay grade + tip)

What is it to you if I own four houses two of them gifted by my former employer, I would have been paid – AFTER TAX – five times in London or New York what they were paying me ... that however is not the case it was the locals who took houses and land from the government, I worked for my money and made them a packet but they as usual reneged, so no surprises there, as usual.

I moved on with nothing, but my passport and my freedom yet happy to be away.

My life is fine, no big deal.

desertdudeshj wrote:Oh but a few nutters and some criticism of your dearly beloved gets you blue in the face, building bridges ? I don't think so, how come we have never heard a peep from you anywhere else. You are only intrested in what feeds your bias and paranoia and will run to its defense. Everything else is hoo ha.

Criticism of BM does in no way cause me concern, however I was not aware she was my dearly beloved, are we per chance betrothed – shall I have to joust for her hand and smite you in a duel? Plus I’m not such a fan of Chardonnay, much prefer Pinot Grigio.

Where else would you want to hear from me?

desertdudeshj wrote:And how very infantile. You pick and make fun of a poster for the lack of language skills, does that make you feel superior and clever ?

Yes, it does, thanks for pointing that out. Hahahahahaha

desertdudeshj wrote:Yet you can't mumble of a word of Arabic, the official language of a country you have spent a great deal of time in. Hypocrisy oh no, never !

Oh ok then.

desertdudeshj wrote:You keep on reading the daily mail and stay glued to FOX news buddy, while the rest of us are doing just fine here in reality.

How sweet, there is not one single person other than you that refers to Dubai as "reality", could it be that it is YOUR reality? A reality as sure as a prison sentence that has your fate nicely packaged and awaiting that awful day you have to leave the UAE using a cardboard passport made out of an old Corn Flake packet, back to some Taliban led country.
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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 14, 2011
^You guys are having too much fun... I'm staying out of that one (but with one observation VW - I think you're post to Mahmoud was a tad harsh - the one about his eloquence in English - his English is far better than my Arabic and I thought his post was quite clear despite the failings in grammar. ;) )

But let me take up eh's defence of FD's failed argument concerning Jews leaving Europe for Israel because of Muslim anti-semitism and 'strengthening Israel'. I posted the statistics which showed emigration from Europe to Israel falling since the 90s.

event horizon wrote:When you say 'figures', does that mean to ignore what Jews themselves are saying for the reasons for going to Israel?

You don't actually think stats explain reasons, do you?

Young one - my point was that the falling numbers speak for themselves. If FD's argument is true, then it means that anti-Semitism in Europe is on the decrease - in line with the decrease in Emigration.

What the numbers actually show though, is that emigration to Israel is mostly from the Former Soviet Union - where if anti-Semitism is the cause, it is not from Muslims. The bulk of the emigration is not from Jews running away from 'Muslim anti-semitism'.

FD's argument is therefore flawed on so many levels. All it took was a quick look at the facts/evidence. But such is the pattern with most of your fanbois arguments.

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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 14, 2011
Looks like I rattled a nerve ! lol but As usual nothing but jibberish and oh look at me, my d1ck is bigger than yours in response and more made up assumptions, looks like narcissism and making up stuff is a common trait of your ilk. there is already enough fluff and jibberish on this board from "like minded" people like you. You're not worth wasting anymore bandwidth on.

Go now,the there must be some new story how mooslims are about to take over Europe, you don't wanna miss it !

P.S : What or Who the hell is a Captain Australia ?
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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 14, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:What a ridiculous ststement munchkin! You've been watching too many dodgy films! Do try to get out more.
Herve served his country in the military! He's not one of your cowards who hides behind their religion like your lot do! He's the type you'd want to stand behind in a fight. A real man!
As for Sym hitting back, well i think you have a short memory munchkin! Sym was posting his hatred well before I came on the scene, but there again what can we expect from a Muslim but to stick together.
Funny enough one of the most racist peoples i ever met was an Emirati. He hates blacks whatever religion they are.

@Sym! It would be a cold day in hell before I asked you for anything never mind beg! LOL I cant imagine for one minute you've got anything I would need! I like my men to be real men not whining little boys. :bounce:

BM, its like you farted so strongly in the middle of a funeral, that even the dead man in coffin woke up, lol.
Seriously, you shared us a lot of your desire in men perhaps, and I'm not surprised you adore dirty sissies.

Keep begging, until we hear you ;)

-- Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:05 am --

desertdudeshj wrote:Looks like I rattled a nerve ! lol but As usual nothing but jibberish and oh look at me, my d1ck is bigger than yours in response and more made up assumptions, looks like narcissism and making up stuff is a common trait of your ilk. there is already enough fluff and jibberish on this board from "like minded" people like you. You're not worth wasting anymore bandwidth on.

P.S : What or Who the hell is a Captain Australia ?

It's a disease they all share in common.
During day time, they'd vomit all their filth in the faces of everyone, but at night they'll go lecture the same people on how to be clean. I'm not surprised, knowing where they come from, it sums everything up for me.

Look at this one now, you hit him in the core. He never bothered joining the club, only when its time to attack Middle Easterns and Muslims". Now he's whining for getting punched between his legs. Its funny seeing him justifying himelf so badly, lol.
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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 14, 2011
They are human and have weaknesses is the simple answer. It is the same as Christians who shouldn't have sex before marriage, however most do. My experience is that some Muslim men, although becoming "westernised" and doing things such as you mentionedthe start of the topic, still have Islam at their core and always come back to it by praying, fasting, etc. Maybe they think they can do these things when they are young, they have plenty of time to be a good Muslim and make up for it when they are older.

Let us be fair and not overjump to conclusions about contradiction between some one behaviour and his faith
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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 14, 2011
Thats what shallow people like BM fails to understand, she builds hope on such people to be leading our society, she fail to realise that regardless whatever Muslim nations do, at the end of the day, they'll only be loyal to their core identity which unites them. I'm not a conservative at all, but my core views aren't any different from another one who's too conservative or too liberal.

The government in the UAE is not very conservative, its totally liberal, but the day dreamers here won't enjoy to hear a straight forward opinion from one of the officials regarding Israel/Jews and the current conflict. They'll surely accuse them for being bloodthirsty, LOL!!
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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 14, 2011
symmetric wrote:BM, its like you farted so strongly in the middle of a funeral, that even the dead man in coffin woke up, lol.
Seriously, you shared us a lot of your desire in men perhaps, and I'm not surprised you adore dirty sissies.

Keep begging, until we hear you ;)

How horrid! You've confirmed my thoughts that you are nothing but a crude little boy.
Keep hoping I'll beg for it Sym LOL
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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 14, 2011
symmetric wrote:Thats what shallow people like BM fails to understand, she builds hope on such people to be leading our society, she fail to realise that regardless whatever Muslim nations do, at the end of the day, they'll only be loyal to their core identity which unites them. I'm not a conservative at all, but my core views aren't any different from another one who's too conservative or too liberal.

The government in the UAE is not very conservative, its totally liberal, but the day dreamers here won't enjoy to hear a straight forward opinion from one of the officials regarding Israel/Jews and the current conflict. They'll surely accuse them for being bloodthirsty, LOL!!

Sym, sing I'm so pretty.

It worked for a while last time.
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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 14, 2011
If FD's argument is true, then it means that anti-Semitism in Europe is on the decrease - in line with the decrease in Emigration.

And how do you know there aren't multi-variable reasons for Jews to go to Israel.

Antisemitism would be one but there are many more.

The other reasons that lead to Jewish emigration could have actually gone down and Antisemitism remained constant or indeed gone up - but not seen as much of an increase compared to the other reasons that could have decreased at a faster rate.

FD's argument is therefore flawed on so many levels.

Speaking of flawed reasoning, see above. Statistics, in this case, aren't enough to determine if there is an increase in Antisemitism without questionnaires or other personal data of those emigrating to Israel..
event horizon
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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 14, 2011
The Holy Quran starts with a big challange in the second page
It says " this is the book with no douts in it"

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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 14, 2011
shafique wrote: I posted the statistics which showed emigration from Europe to Israel falling since the 90s.

2010 saw an increase of jewish emigration from Europe to Israel.

-- Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:26 pm --

uaebadoo wrote:The Holy Quran starts with a big challange in the second page
It says " this is the book with no douts in it"

A book that proclaims to itself it is without doubt. Cannot argue with that. :D
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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 14, 2011
You should also not argue that you're an alien among us, to our region, culture, heritage, and religion ;)

You defend Israel with your gibberish, just to justify your hatred towards us and Islam, as you got no purpose in life, and you don't even know why you exist in this world. Man, you don't even show any pride or credit to your own country, Netherland! :lol: You got any problem with identitfying yourself FD? XD
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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 15, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:
shafique wrote: I posted the statistics which showed emigration from Europe to Israel falling since the 90s.

2010 saw an increase of jewish emigration from Europe to Israel.

So, was anti-semitism in Europe falling from the 90s to 2009 and picked up only in 2010 - or is it that your grand Islamophobic theory has been exposed for the sham it is?

This is what you alleged:

Flying Dutchman wrote:Currently jews flow from Europe to Israel due to Arab harasment and not the other way around. Its history repeating itself. First Israel became strong because of Arab harasment in Arab countries. Now Israel becomes stronger and stronger because of Muslim antisemitism in Europe. Your antisemtism just makes Israel stronger!

'Arab harassment' is either on the decline, or isn't the motivation of Jews emigrating to Israel. Which is it?

The fact remains, the immigration to Israel in the past decade or so has been mostly from the Former Soviet Union - mirroring the immigration from Russia etc from the late 19th century onwards.

You've been busted yet again FD - loons seem to have a problem with facts busting their fantasies.

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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 15, 2011
I wonder who killed 6 million Jews, were they Middle Easterns or Europeans??
Isn't 6 million a big number? Does it reflect the amount of racism and hatred they had towards the Jews? Or was it Phobia :D
Few decades aren't enough to let go the deep grudges so easily between both the Christian Europeans, and the Jewish Europeans, as massacring 6 million people is a big number. Both lame and sincere apologies were never good enough to please the hateful Jews, I suggest you recalculate your conclusions on who really wanted all Jews killed ;)

Never in Islam's history we massacred Jews in such way, even in the worst case scenarios when THEY betrayed Muslims, they were eventually expelled rather than killed in mass numbers. Later in future, Jews found their haven among Islamic empires only. Yet, we couldn't careless, if only Nazis accomplished their task properly before Jews implement that holocaust against others :)
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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 15, 2011
symmetric wrote:Yet, we couldn't careless, if only Nazis accomplished their task properly before Jews implement that holocaust against others :)

Stuff like this, you hear nowadays only from neo-nazi's and Islamofascists.

Btw, Pali population has been growing rapidly under Israeli, so they must be doing terribly wrong.
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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 15, 2011
Doesn't matter, fact is still there, Jews hate Europeans and Europeans hate Jews, if only Muslims register for an annual leave, you can expect even more brutality.

Btw, there is a country called Netherlands, you still remember it? :lol:
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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 15, 2011
Sure I remember it. The big cities are becoming more and more like Marrakech. Annoying Moroccans everywhere when you go out. Intimidating and annoying. Beware if you are with a female friend. They haras, touch and somehow need to tell her constantly "you are a Mocro lover" blah blah blah. They are faggots though. You try to be civIl and all, but they have this gift of intimating you untill the boiling point. They always work in groups. When you have reached your point and give one a knee in the gut, they all cry and run, just when your adreline gets pumping. Faggots like you, and they are ruining the country.
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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 15, 2011
Now you're throwing Moroccans with racist and hateful comments :D

So instead of raising your voice utilizing your democracy, you decided to run away to a very far away place, as your adernaline* is pumping, and cry over it here :lol: - - Didn't I tell you your life is such a chaos? ;)
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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 15, 2011
symmetric wrote:Now you're throwing Moroccans with racist and hateful comments :D

Thats exactly the card they are playing. Being complete disrespectfull a-holes and then cry racism when a club doesn't let them in. They have to grow up and work on themselves. Respect is something you have to earn.
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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 15, 2011
What I don't like is people who seem to have an inbuilt hatred and have never even met any of those people who they have hatred towards - pathetic really.

Things will never change in the world, until people just accept others as just that 'people' nothing more, nothing less.
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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 15, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:
symmetric wrote:Now you're throwing Moroccans with racist and hateful comments :D

Thats exactly the card they are playing. Being complete disrespectfull a-holes and then cry racism when a club doesn't let them in. They have to grow up and work on themselves. Respect is something you have to earn.

You still ran away out of fear from some Moroccan kids, thats the kind of men BM adore, Bravo :lol: --
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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 15, 2011
Guess where I am now. :D
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 15, 2011
symmetric wrote:
Flying Dutchman wrote:
symmetric wrote:Now you're throwing Moroccans with racist and hateful comments :D

Thats exactly the card they are playing. Being complete disrespectfull a-holes and then cry racism when a club doesn't let them in. They have to grow up and work on themselves. Respect is something you have to earn.

You still ran away out of fear from some Moroccan kids, thats the kind of men BM adore, Bravo :lol: --

I couldn't see FD running away from anyone. :D

-- Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:49 am --

symmetric wrote: Yet, we couldn't careless, if only Nazis accomplished their task properly before Jews implement that holocaust against others :)

Nice to see you are showing your true face again Sym. I don't really think anyone bought your 'I've turned over a new leaf BM and I regret wishing death on your relatives' crap.
I wonder how you'd react if I wished death on that little nephew you posted a picture of recently? You are a black hearted individual. I bet you make your grandparents really proud.
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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 15, 2011
I couldn't give a monkey's about your relatives to wish any of them in specific anything, I don't know you in real and I couldn't careless what you think. If you consider "all jews" as your direct relatives, then thats even more hilarious :lol:

Your drama is lame and boring. Keep on showing your crocodile tears, we're enjoying the show over here :D
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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 15, 2011
symmetric wrote:I couldn't give a monkey's about your relatives to wish any of them in specific anything, I don't know you in real and I couldn't careless what you think. If you consider "all jews" as your direct relatives, then thats even more hilarious :lol:

Your drama is lame and boring. Keep on showing your crocodile tears, we're enjoying the show over here :D

So you deny that you have said 'death to all Jews?' It's not me trying to deflect the attention Sym, it's you!
I'd rather be known as lame than a black hearted bigot who wishes death to anyone. You have more faces than Big Ben. But I'm pleased we're seeing the real you again!
I could just imagine you in a suicide vest. The best end to you, too. You're a waste of good man's breath.
Oxygen thief.
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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 15, 2011
Thats what you get when you scratch 2mm below the surface of any Gulf arab.
This is not a Muslim/Islam issue, its the true face of the Gulf.

Fantastic reason for not being there.
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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 15, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:What I don't like is people who seem to have an inbuilt hatred and have never even met any of those people who they have hatred towards - pathetic really.

Things will never change in the world, until people just accept others as just that 'people' nothing more, nothing less.

You just discribed your self hon,pathatic? Yes

-- Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:26 pm --

Bethsmum wrote:
symmetric wrote:I couldn't give a monkey's about your relatives to wish any of them in specific anything, I don't know you in real and I couldn't careless what you think. If you consider "all jews" as your direct relatives, then thats even more hilarious :lol:

Your drama is lame and boring. Keep on showing your crocodile tears, we're enjoying the show over here :D

So you deny that you have said 'death to all Jews?' It's not me trying to deflect the attention Sym, it's you!
I'd rather be known as lame than a black hearted bigot who wishes death to anyone. You have more faces than Big Ben. But I'm pleased we're seeing the real you again!
I could just imagine you in a suicide vest. The best end to you, too. You're a waste of good man's breath.
Oxygen thief.

If you at facts and real stories from both sides,you too will wish those cold bloded murders death,but if you wish to ignore those crimes then you choose to be ignorant for the rest of your life,im not saying this as a muslim,im saying it as a human beth.Mmmmm
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Re: Contradictions In Islam! Sep 15, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
symmetric wrote:I couldn't give a monkey's about your relatives to wish any of them in specific anything, I don't know you in real and I couldn't careless what you think. If you consider "all jews" as your direct relatives, then thats even more hilarious :lol:

Your drama is lame and boring. Keep on showing your crocodile tears, we're enjoying the show over here :D

So you deny that you have said 'death to all Jews?' It's not me trying to deflect the attention Sym, it's you!
I'd rather be known as lame than a black hearted bigot who wishes death to anyone. You have more faces than Big Ben. But I'm pleased we're seeing the real you again!
I could just imagine you in a suicide vest. The best end to you, too. You're a waste of good man's breath.
Oxygen thief.

Liar, you expressed your satisfaction over Mabhooh's assasination, you celebrated the death of someone :D
You see what kind of hypocrisy I'm talking about here? Keep begging me for some sympathy, I might consider :lol:

-- Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:02 pm --

uaekid wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:What I don't like is people who seem to have an inbuilt hatred and have never even met any of those people who they have hatred towards - pathetic really.

Things will never change in the world, until people just accept others as just that 'people' nothing more, nothing less.

You just discribed your self hon,pathatic? Yes

-- Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:26 pm --

Bethsmum wrote:
symmetric wrote:I couldn't give a monkey's about your relatives to wish any of them in specific anything, I don't know you in real and I couldn't careless what you think. If you consider "all jews" as your direct relatives, then thats even more hilarious :lol:

Your drama is lame and boring. Keep on showing your crocodile tears, we're enjoying the show over here :D

So you deny that you have said 'death to all Jews?' It's not me trying to deflect the attention Sym, it's you!
I'd rather be known as lame than a black hearted bigot who wishes death to anyone. You have more faces than Big Ben. But I'm pleased we're seeing the real you again!
I could just imagine you in a suicide vest. The best end to you, too. You're a waste of good man's breath.
Oxygen thief.

If you at facts and real stories from both sides,you too will wish those cold bloded murders death,but if you wish to ignore those crimes then you choose to be ignorant for the rest of your life,im not saying this as a muslim,im saying it as a human beth.Mmmmm

She's acting dumb, she couldn't be more satisfied with all Israel's massacres against Palestinian and Lebanese families, but she makes a biiiiig deal over a very common middle-eastern hostile comment against the Jewish occupation of our region - LOL !!

Just have a laugh at this drunk granny and enjoy her show :lol:
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Re: Contradictions in Islam! Sep 15, 2011
I bet the Israeli are here long after you've gone :D Their country is getting bigger by the day whilst your beloved Persia has disappeared. HaHaHa, What does that tell you Sym?

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