Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West

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irreconcilable rift between Islam and the West Sep 14, 2011
Majority of Canadians see “irreconcilable” rift between Islam and the West
Results from a recent poll reveal that a majority of Canadians surveyed feel there is an ideological rift between the Muslim world and the West which is “irreconcilable.” Of the 1,500 consulted in the week before the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, 56 per cent felt the West and the Muslim world could not overcome their perceived differences. Thirty-three per cent felt they could be reconciled, while 11 per cent did not answer the question. The poll was conducted by Leger Marketing on behalf of the Montreal-based Association for Canadian Studies, whose director, Jack Jedwab, told Postmedia News that the survey’s results contradict “a fundamental idea in multicultural democracies like ours that conflicts between societies can be resolved through dialogue and negotiation.” However, Jedwab said the result provided a slight “ray of hope” in that 52 per cent of Canadians say it’s wrong to conduct extra airport security checks on people who “appear to be of Muslim background.” ... -the-west/

Is there a reason why anywhere mouslims breed, people strongly reject them. Is there any country in the WEST who welcome and belove mouslims.

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Re: Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West Sep 14, 2011
You need an anger management course from Drew and BM? You may try it, but its of no use I can assure you, problem is when a beast try put some make up to look better :D
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Re: Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West Sep 14, 2011
Thanks herve.

The good news is that the loon misconception is reducing as more and more people are understanding that loon interpretations and hype about Islam aren't based in reality.

And yes, there are indeed many countries which have hate-filled racists and islamophobes in their populations, but fortunately the majority of people of the world aren't loons and can tell the difference between loon hype and reality.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West Sep 14, 2011
herve lost it too :drunken:

I think he is on the payroll of non Muslims ! he lost hope of building that submarine for a living :lol:

The poll result should be correct , but don't get too excited , its a normal natural respond to clash of political and social interest .
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Re: Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West Sep 14, 2011
symmetric wrote:You need an anger management course from Drew and BM? You may try it, but its of no use I can assure you, problem is when a beast try put some make up to look better :D

You are funny Sym! :lol: :lol:
Whatever are you on about now, you silly boy? Drew?

As for anger management courses, you may like to get a refund from yours! Its only made you half human for a few months and you're back to where you started from! The gutter! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West Sep 14, 2011
Someone is really pissed off :lol:
Your life is such a tragedy, yet you're still not worth my sympathy ;)
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Re: Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West Sep 14, 2011
shafique wrote:Thanks herve.

The good news is that the loon misconception is reducing as more and more people are understanding that loon interpretations and hype about Islam aren't based in reality.

And yes, there are indeed many countries which have hate-filled racists and islamophobes in their populations, but fortunately the majority of people of the world aren't loons and can tell the difference between loon hype and reality.


What evidence do you have that a majority of Canadians are ignorant, irrational racists?

Of course that's the conclusion you have to draw. It requires you to do the least amount of effort in explaining or acknowledging the legitimate grievances the Canadians polled have.
event horizon
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Re: Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West Sep 14, 2011
shafique wrote: Therefore honour killings aren't something that is inherent in Islam

91% of honor killings attributed to Muslims and you still find they are not inherent to Muslims?

shafique wrote: And yes, there are indeed many countries which have hate-filled racists and islamophobes in their populations,

So...tell me shaf , how Canadians could be inherently racist with only 56% who reject Muslims
You just contradicted yourself Shaf. :D
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Re: Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West Sep 14, 2011
gertrude wrote: So...tell me shaf , how Canadians could be inherently racist with only 56% who reject Muslims
You just contradicted yourself Shaf. :D

The rest are probably Irani. They have comprised the second largest ethnic group in emmigration to Canada for last 10 years. :wink:

You, Shafique, do a great job to make the gap wider and deeper with your Islam 24/7 and those selective"facts" for supporting the concept of innocent Muslims like in the case of violent Asian youth in East London.
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Re: Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West Sep 15, 2011
gertrude, my point is that all societies will contain a minority who are racist and Islamophobic. These guys will willingly distort reality and hate people of different colour generally and have an irrational hatred or fear of Islam. Those are the minority where facts will be rejected.

These are the loons that exposes and makes fun of (it is hard to take them seriously).

Here, that would be posters such as herve, event horizon, Flying Dutchman, Capiscum and Bethsmum. (And mel - who has a problem with Islam particularly)

Then there are those who are not Muslim and have issues with Muslim practices and some Islamic teachings. These would be pretty much most of the other posters here who aren't Muslim.

Then there are those who just don't know about Islam and Muslims and are taken in by headlines. These would be your typical Fox News viewer or their equivalent. Many of these guys are just ignorant of the facts and many of them would actually be in the non-loon category if they were exposed (and were interested in) understanding the reality which loons distort.

Ergo, I haven't contradicted myself in the posts above.

Which category would you place yourself in gertrude?

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Re: Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West Sep 15, 2011
shafique wrote:Thanks herve.

The good news is that the loon misconception is reducing as more and more people are understanding that loon interpretations and hype about Islam aren't based in reality.

And yes, there are indeed many countries which have hate-filled racists and islamophobes in their populations, but fortunately the majority of people of the world aren't loons and can tell the difference between loon hype and reality.


misconception? reducing? al shafique is in denial. :lol:
It is a rallye against mouslims and it is mounting, how come al shafique, how in a few years mouslims are getting everybody against them. face it, nobody likes mouslims

This article predicts a clash between the West and the islamic culture.
Cultures collide: Muslim immigrants will be expelled from Europe unless they reverse the growing perception of them as a social threat
France : Among other reforms, the French government will be free to expel immigrants after 10 years.
Dennmark: The Danes have brought in immigration laws that are stricter still, all but ending their liberal refugee program and discouraging even temporary workers.
Germany: "The notion of multiculturalism has fallen apart,"
The Netherlands, which has cut immigration in half since 2001, is deporting 26,000 rejected asylum seekers and keeping new arrivals in detention camps.
Belgium may be less tolerant still. "Islam is now the number one enemy not only of Europe
In Switzerland, 25% consider Muslims a threat to their country.
In Italy, half the population believes a "clash of civilizations" between Islam and the West is underway ... 04297e45de
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Re: irreconcilable rift between Islam and the West Sep 15, 2011
How isn't there an irreconcilable rift between Western values and political Islam?

Just looking at American values, the US believes in free speech, freedom of religion, & separation of church and state.

These values are in contradiction with Islam's teachings where freedom of speech is not allowed - Islam bans blasphemous speech & speech that endorses sinful activities.

Freedom of religion is greatly restricted in Islam - needless to say, non-Muslims do not have the same rights as a Muslim does in an Islamic state.

And finally, separation of church and state is the biggest rift between Western and Islamic values. I shouldn't need to point out that an 'Islamic state' is inherently a marriage of state and religion. Thankfully, some Western nations have realized the backwards view of this policy and officially made their states secular. Some are religious states in name only and are culturally very secular.

The Muslim world places heavy social restrictions on her citizens where the equivalent does not exist in the West unless legislated for. It's through the state that Islam can dictate to its citizens how to behave. This is a huge difference from the West where the default status is usually to not place social restrictions on her citizens. In the Muslim world, on the other hand, social restrictions are taken for granted (ie., default mode) and their societies are inherently less free because the two respective systems are polar opposites of each other.

So, no doubt the 56% of Canadian non-loons are right - there are irreconcilable differences between Islam and the West.

I think it's because of this reality the loons would rather name call and label - i.e., people who agree with them are non-loons and those who disagree tend to fall in the loon camp.

But again, such people believe hitting their wives is an act of non-violence...or at least that's what they tend to tell non-Muslims, so they really shouldn't be taken seriously.
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Re: irreconcilable rift between Islam and the West Sep 15, 2011

As predicted, the die-hard Islamophobes can't resist preaching about Islam. However, it is their Bible-camp versions of Islam rather than the reality.

Their frustration is palpable - for as much as they rant, sensible people will look beyond the hype to what the majority of Muslims actually believe and actually do.

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Re: Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West Sep 15, 2011
They're helpless, but also funny to laugh at :D
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Re: Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West Sep 15, 2011
Thats the whole point of these threads, entertainment, seeing bozos jump up and down.
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Re: Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West Sep 16, 2011
It is also a weak attempt at diverting attention away from their failures in other threads.

eh, for example, is boycotting the threads in the religion forum where he has funnily invented a new religion for himself and is embarrassed over so many other questions - eg whether the Pope is the Anti-Christ as some of his fellow Christians believe, and his eternally amusing belief in talking donkeys.

It's only a matter of time before he starts a new thread there with another bizare theory of his. Just wait and see.

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Re: irreconcilable rift between Islam and the West Sep 16, 2011
I'm not the one who makes all sorts of claims which contradict my religion's stated beliefs on unbelievers being sent to hell. Didn't you previously claim all what was needed was faith and works?

Now, let's compare your proof text of the Koran to the official Ahmadi commentary of that issue.
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Re: Irreconcilable Rift Between Islam And The West Sep 16, 2011
You're the one that has invented a new religion, and is now running away from threads you started.

But hey, if you want to invent a new reality for yourself - go ahead. The questions remain in the threads in the religion forum.

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