Al Shafique Logs

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al shafique logs Sep 11, 2011
It took me 30 minutes to make this graph, and al shafique who likes statistics will find it interesting.
I noticed that al shafique posts on DF almost any time of the day ...and night, so i checked through his last 260 posts and saw that al shafique posted on DF almost through the entire spectrum.
He remains silent only between 01am to 04 am. 3 hours out of 24 !!!, when does he sleep?
Then he posts all day with a peak at 06 00 am.
So, either, he is extremely bored with a lot of time on his hands, or, he posts while at work, or most likely he is paid by some moslem group to post on DF, which, if it was true would make him not credible. I have established already that he has no credibility since he admitted that he took a mortgage which is in complete violation of the quran. Yet he found it justifiable with his own and biased interpretations of the Qran.

al shafiquelog.jpg
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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 11, 2011
LOL, shaf looks like you have a secret admirer.

He must be really getting to you hervy that you went through all this for nothing.

Now I'll do some homework and calculate in how many of your posts have you talked about anything other than your phobic rantings or your book.









725 posts ! :)
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Re: al shafique logs Sep 11, 2011
Always suspected poster Shafique had multiple personalities. :mrgreen:
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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 12, 2011

Ah, to have so many admirers that can't address arguments directly and have to resort to fantasies and ad hominem attacks. Sheikh Abu Dafda is trying some statistics - but should consider where I am in the world when I post and factor that in, and FD's obsession with issues of mental health seems to be part of a loon trait of projection. :D

(Given that it is 1.39 am - shouldn't I be sleeping? :D)

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Re: al shafique logs Sep 12, 2011
I have seen a picture of Shafique that he posted on the internet. I would recommend he spends less time posting on DF and gets himself to the gym. He's a bit of a lard arse :D
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Re: al shafique logs Sep 12, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:I have seen a picture of Shafique that he posted on the internet. I would recommend he spends less time posting on DF and gets himself to the gym. He's a bit of a lard arse :D

After taking his first mortgage, he became a stay-at-home sort. That's why he was getting a lil bit fatter but has kept the membership card intact for some reason.

I also suffer from the same consequenses. That's why I am goint to avoid pork in the future. I hope it will help.
What do you think, Shafique? 8) 8) 8)
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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 12, 2011
:D Actually, I put on weight when I'm travelling. All those restaurant meals and snacking at airport lounges!

But that said, I'd probably snack at home too!

But I have to agree with BM, I could do with losing a few pounds! So far, I'm still fit enough to go hiking and climb (small) mountains around Mauritius - but now I'm the wrong side of 40 I need to be a bit more health conscious.

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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 12, 2011
shafique wrote::oops:

Ah, to have so many admirers that can't address arguments directly and have to resort to fantasies and ad hominem attacks. Sheikh Abu Dafda is trying some statistics - but should consider where I am in the world when I post and factor that in, and FD's obsession with issues of mental health seems to be part of a loon trait of projection. :D

(Given that it is 1.39 am - shouldn't I be sleeping? :D)


Deceit again, it is not about where you are in the world, it is about you sitting at your computer 21hours a day posting on DF, as your logs show. It is not normal even if you are paid for it. Are you paid to post propaganda on DF al shafique?
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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 12, 2011
Funny how you don't pose that question to Eh and FD. If anyone was getting paid my bets would be on FD, specially after that article about how the Israelis and the net.
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Re: al shafique logs Sep 12, 2011
Because FD and EH spend time with their family and work , they dont sit 21h at their computers.
Even you DD, you have to admit that it is not normal to spent 21 hours on a computer, and of course, Ms al shafique being an obedient muslim good woman has no say.
When you put in the equation, propaganda + round the clock post it equals to paid poster
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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 12, 2011
SAD asked me a direct question.

Direct answer: No, I'm not paid for posting on DF.

But if I was, how much should I charge and who would pay me?

(It is an interesting conspiracy theory though - do you guys go on courses on how to dream up these fantasies, or is it a requirement of the loon club? ;) )

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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 12, 2011
shafique wrote::D Actually, I put on weight when I'm travelling. All those restaurant meals and snacking at airport lounges!

But that said, I'd probably snack at home too!

But I have to agree with BM, I could do with losing a few pounds! So far, I'm still fit enough to go hiking and climb (small) mountains around Mauritius - but now I'm the wrong side of 40 I need to be a bit more health conscious.


Fat, old and a Muslim. You haven't got a lot going for you sunshine :D
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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 12, 2011
You know in this day and age you dont have to be in front of a computer to be connected to the web.
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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 12, 2011
shafique wrote::oops:

Ah, to have so many admirers that can't address arguments directly and have to resort to fantasies and ad hominem attacks. Sheikh Abu Dafda is trying some statistics - but should consider where I am in the world when I post and factor that in, and FD's obsession with issues of mental health seems to be part of a loon trait of projection. :D

(Given that it is 1.39 am - shouldn't I be sleeping? :D)


You leant a new word I see. Its because you are a complete nutcase. Its not the first time you get remarks that you should spend some more time with your family. People notice. Its just weird neglecting your family for a forum. I bet DF is one of the few forums that you can still post, because others have kicked you out because of your obnoxious behaviour.
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Re: al shafique logs Sep 12, 2011
Recall I said months ago the more people who debate shafique the more think he's a nutter.

My comments stand true in retrospect. Even those not yet branded 'loons' have grown tired with shafique's trollish internet behavior.

Of course, what we've seen is those branded 'loons' continues to grow. The more people who think shafique's a nutter inevitably become a 'loon'.

I don't think Muammar Gaddafi could compete with shafique's crazy, twisted mindset.
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Re: al shafique logs Sep 12, 2011

What this thread proves is that herve doesn't know how to interpret his own stats that he's compiled. Taking times of posts over a number of weeks and then concluding that I'm in front of a computer for over 20 hrs a day is funny enough. To have the resident loons believe this 'fact' and then come up with crazy conspiracy theories is even more hilarious.

But hey - FD loses every debate on Israel because people quote facts at him. Eh has to invent new religions because he's ashamed of what's in the Bible, and herve is still in denial over who is actually carrying out terrorist attacks in Europe.

I fully expect the next argument to be 'shafique smells - the CIA told me so' ;)

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Re: al shafique logs Sep 13, 2011
I would love to hear your explanation. How do you post 21/7 without being logged on. pc, laptop,iphone whatever... you're still logged on
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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 13, 2011
And why do you think you deserve one ? Someone could be on 24/7 very simply none of your bussiness.
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Re: al shafique logs Sep 13, 2011
Hell yes we want to know if there is an addicted sicko nut at DF. I'd like to hear you say it s normal to stick around 21/7
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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 13, 2011
So you guys do believe herve's new conspiracy theory that I'm posting 21 hours a day every day? Hmm.

I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you. ;)

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Re: al shafique logs Sep 13, 2011
look the propagandist, anyone can check your logs, there is no interpretation here, it is a fact, anyone can see that for Monday 12 alone you posted 29 times !!!!!!!! WTF. from 1.35am to 11.36 pm, with a couple of breaks in between, split in prayers times, toilet and food. Just typing 29 post takes 6 hours!! I mean who in hell posts 29 times in a day, and that s for DF only, I assume you post as much in other forums. :lol: WOW you got serious issues al shafique, on top of that it is for nothing because no one takes you seriously here, apart 2 other nut cases.

There is something else i noticed. you tried to be smart :lol: , but it did not work, you don't understand how it works.
when al shafique reads posts on DF he is actually not logged on DF, he logs on only to post, then he logs out right away , but he is still there reading posts and waiting to bark . your hiding does not work, your logs speak enough for you.
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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 13, 2011
I think Herve is in love with you man ! Lol
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Re: al shafique logs Sep 13, 2011
if anyone is in love with al shafique is you DD. every time some one kicks his A$$, you come to the rescue
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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 13, 2011
LOL - hervey baby, if you think 29 posts in 6 hours is a lot - have a look at Sage's post count. :)

I guess those Maevis Beacon lessons paid off. :)

I reckon I've posted at least 10 messages since 6 am this morning.. how does that figure in your 'conspiracy theory'?

(looking at the stats - my post count is currently at 4.49 posts a day. hmm)

(This post took one minute to type) :D
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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 13, 2011
LOL ! I'm not the one spending hours calculating and analayzing Shafs posting patterns. Although I am throughly amused how he has managed to get your panties in a very serious twist, along with the loony clan.

Thread after thread trying to "win" or get a one up on one single poster, going to such desperation as to judge and interpret HIS religon FOR him "Your a bad muslims shaf tsk tsk"...LOL.

Carry on, you only provide more amusement when you pull out your hair and stomp your feet in flustration ! lol. I'll get more popcorn ready ! ;)
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Re: al shafique logs Sep 13, 2011
herve wrote:if anyone is in love with al shafique is you DD. every time some one kicks his A$$, you come to the rescue

Lets just hope Mr. brown arm takes his watch off every time.
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Re: al shafique logs Sep 13, 2011
Is my little munchkin still bending over for Shafique?
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Re: al shafique logs Sep 13, 2011

I'm still trying to work out the loon obsession with ar$eholes. :shock:

What strange fantasies you guys have!

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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 13, 2011
shafique wrote:LOL - hervey baby, if you think 29 posts in 6 hours is a lot Cheers,
(This post took one minute to type) :D

You are always deceitful, misquoting, distorting. This is not what i said.

This is what I said
herve wrote: anyone can see that for Monday 12 alone you posted 29 times !!!!!!!! WTF. from 1.35am to 11.36 pm, with a couple of breaks in between, split in prayers times, toilet and food. Just typing 29 post takes 6 hours!!

Not the same...obviously it takes you longer to read them first, then understand, then whatever.
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Re: Al Shafique Logs Sep 13, 2011
hervey baby - your confusion is funny - as is your conspiracy theory. And you think I have too much time on my hands!! :D

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