Israel FM Recommends Arming Terrorists!!

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Israel FM Recommends arming terrorists!! Sep 10, 2011
No hype, Liberman - the 'ex Russian Bouncer' Foreign Minister of Israel is recommending that Israel support and arm a group that the USA proscribes as a terrorist organisation - the PKK of Turkey. Yet another escalation of the worsening Turkey/Israel fiasco.

The PM's office is distancing itself from the increasingly bizare Foreign Minister's latest crazee idea - but it is worrying that the Israeli government has various degrees of right-wing nutters in power, and that they can't seemingly speak with one voice!

Netanyahu's office distances itself from Lieberman's planned measures against Turkey

According to media reports, Foreign Ministry recommends assisting the PKK terror group in retaliation to Turkey's expulsion of Israeli diplomats and suspension of military ties. ... y-1.383561


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Israel FM Recommends Arming Terrorists!! Sep 10, 2011
The Israeli terrorism is being justified with cold blood, while the Turkish justice is being condemned.

Then people go wondering why we hate Israel and want to demolish it, lol.

Thats also how we justify our -late- sympathy to Hitler and the Nazis. If one would consider the holocaust as tragedy and a crime, then those Israelis should be the first to learn something from life, rather than just implementing similar crimes against the native palestinians.
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Re: Israel FM Recommends arming terrorists!! Sep 12, 2011
Turkey is refusing to be blackmailed:

Turkey FM condemns Israeli 'plan' to support PKK

Davutoglu responds to Lieberman's reported plan to arm PKK in order to harm Turkey, says his country will not be blackmailed. ... k-1.383801

I expect more 'sour grapes' from the Fanbois concerning Turkey...

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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