Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums

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Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 08, 2011 ... -chatrooms

I don't know why they are doing it since the US has been its puppy long ago :?

do we have any in our DF ?

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 08, 2011
a special undercover team of paid workers whose job it will be to surf the internet 24 hours a day spreading positive news about Israel.

.. hmm, you mean we may have some guys here who have no discernible connection with Dubai and spend their time supporting Israel and attacking Muslims? Really... let me think who they could be? :D :D

That said, the fanbois are losing the propaganda war these days - no one believes in the 'most moral army in the world' or the spin about the stealing of Palestinian land by colonials not being what it is.. even the fanbois recognise it to be propaganda and now resort exclusively to smoke and mirrors/whataboutery (oh, yes - Israelis are bad and breaking the laws - but look over there they are worse than the Israelis!!)

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 08, 2011
(oh, yes - Israelis are bad and breaking the laws - but look over there they are worse than the Israelis!!)

I had to lol when one remembers the resident loon making exactly this type of argumentation when talking about Islamic terrorism in Europe and the US - 'yeah, Muslims have killed far more Westerners than all other terrorist groups combined, but look at all those pipe bombs and dumpster fires caused by non-Muslim terrorist groups, they're far more numerous !'
event horizon
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 08, 2011
LOL - nice spin there eh.

Facts are facts though - when talking about terrorism in Europe and USA it is a perverse logic for someone to argue that we should NOT look at the number of terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims vs the number carried out by Non-Muslims.

Your strawman of looking at outliers has already been exposed - not all the non-Muslim terrorists in US and Europe are as successful as Tim McVeigh and not all of the (few) Muslim terrorist attacks are as deadly as 9/11.

One hutaree Christian terrorist group has more ammo than all US 'muslim terrorist' groups/individuals since 9/11 illustrates the fact vs loon hype.

Thanks for illustrating WHY the fanbois are losing the propaganda battle. You guys can't handle the facts.

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 08, 2011
.. hmm, you mean we may have some guys here who have no discernible connection with Dubai and spend their time supporting Israel and attacking Muslims? Really... let me think who they could be?

Sunshine, you do make me LOL! I have as much connection with Dubai as you have with the UK, as in I have a place here. At least I don't masquerade as an Emirati!
Why should having a connection with Dubai stop me supporting Israel? How silly is that? I don't attack Muslims either. The only problem I have with you lot is when you come to my country and try to take over. You stick with your coconuts and I'll stick with being British and supporting the Jews and loving Dubai.
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 08, 2011
uaekid wrote:

I don't know why they are doing it since the US has been its puppy long ago :?

do we have any in our DF ?

At that level I highly doubt it. But we do have "eyes" on DF. :wink: :wink:

-- Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:03 pm --

Bethsmum wrote:
.. hmm, you mean we may have some guys here who have no discernible connection with Dubai and spend their time supporting Israel and attacking Muslims? Really... let me think who they could be?

Sunshine, you do make me LOL! I have as much connection with Dubai as you have with the UK, as in I have a place here. At least I don't masquerade as an Emirati!
Why should having a connection with Dubai stop me supporting Israel? How silly is that? I don't attack Muslims either. The only problem I have with you lot is when you come to my country and try to take over. You stick with your coconuts and I'll stick with being British and supporting the Jews and loving Dubai.

"Home" is where the heart is. :wink: :wink:
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 08, 2011
:D BM - as you do have a link with Dubai, you should have understood that I wasn't actually referring to you. Indeed, that you even thought I did is funny.

It is the young loon that hasn't got a discernible connection with Dubai. You're just an older, BNP/EDL supporting self-confessed bigot. Israelis aren't that silly that they'd pay you to post here! ;)

Oh, BTW - I'm now up to date with Shameless, watched ep15 of series 8 last night - so now waiting for next week's episode.

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 08, 2011
shafique wrote::D BM - as you do have a link with Dubai, you should have understood that I wasn't actually referring to you. Indeed, that you even thought I did is funny.

It is the young loon that hasn't got a discernible connection with Dubai. You're just an older, BNP/EDL supporting self-confessed bigot. Israelis aren't that silly that they'd pay you to post here! ;)

Oh, BTW - I'm now up to date with Shameless, watched ep15 of series 8 last night - so now waiting for next week's episode.


Sunshine, silly you :D Did I say you were refering to me? You didn't say who you were refering to actually. I thought it was just another random generic post.
EH has as much right to post here as you do. What exactly is your link with Dubai? That you once worked here and the company that you worked for went out of business and you moved your wife and four children to Mauritius? That's a bit of a tenuous link, is it not?
As for being a bigot! Well sunshine, you should know, shouldn't you? Because you are one too :D
No the Israelis don't pay me to post here, you are right there. I don't need to be paid to support them, I do it all by myself.

Congratulations on being up to date with Shameless. Does that make you feel more British? I watched it last night and switched it off after 15 minutes. I think I must have grown out of it.
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 08, 2011
BM, no sorry I don't consider myself to be a bigot. But given you're proud to be one - I can only imagine you're projecting again.

What makes me proud to be English are the anti-fascists English of all races who saw off your drunken EDL friends over the weekend. ;)

As for Shameless - my wife actually didn't watch any of the episode, she's also off it - but there was nothing else to watch so I watched it all the way through. It's still watchable to me though.. even though the storylines are getting more desperate - trying too hard now, methinks.

As for eh - have you worked out what his link to Dubai is?

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 08, 2011
shafique wrote:BM, no sorry I don't consider myself to be a bigot. But given you're proud to be one - I can only imagine you're projecting again.

What makes me proud to be English are the anti-fascists English of all races who saw off your drunken EDL friends over the weekend. ;)

As for Shameless - my wife actually didn't watch any of the episode, she's also off it - but there was nothing else to watch so I watched it all the way through. It's still watchable to me though.. even though the storylines are getting more desperate - trying too hard now, methinks.

As for eh - have you worked out what his link to Dubai is?


Of course you're not a bigot Shaf!!! It's those damn people who don't share your views and religious ideaology. :drunken: Seems to be alot of that going around. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 08, 2011

Hey, BM is proud to be a bigot and supports racists who assault police. No need to dis me for opposing her friends and disagreeing with her projection. ;)

If you want to believe I'm a bigot for my political or religious views - go ahead. I've been called an anti-semite for opposing Israel's military occupation and a terrorist in a suit by another fanbois. But I haven't admitted to being a bigot and a racist. ;)

Now, eh, on the other hand - he's a bit coy about his extremist views and as yet we haven't heard what his connection/interest in Dubai is. Perhaps he is one of the paid fanbois?? :D

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 08, 2011
Facts are facts though - when talking about terrorism in Europe and USA it is a perverse logic for someone to argue that we should NOT look at the number of terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims vs the number carried out by Non-Muslims.

You can talk about rubbish fires and tree hugger terrorism all you want, the fact remains that only a few strands of terrorism are regarded as lethal in the United States and European Union.

Islamic terrorism is one that is included and considering the plots of mass murder by Islamic radicals, it's clear they have an agenda to inflict mass casualties on magnitudes much larger than other types of terrorists.
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 08, 2011
shafique wrote::D

Hey, BM is proud to be a bigot and supports racists who assault police. No need to dis me for opposing her friends and disagreeing with her projection. ;)

If you want to believe I'm a bigot for my political or religious views - go ahead. I've been called an anti-semite for opposing Israel's military occupation and a terrorist in a suit by another fanbois. But I haven't admitted to being a bigot and a racist. ;)

Now, eh, on the other hand - he's a bit coy about his extremist views and as yet we haven't heard what his connection/interest in Dubai is. Perhaps he is one of the paid fanbois?? :D


What's your interest in Dubai?? You haven't lived here for years. :o

As for admitting to being a bigot and/or racist, that would require you to man up. You're too deep into your beliefs to see what others can see.

Facts are facts though - when talking about terrorism in Europe and USA it is a perverse logic for someone to argue that we should NOT look at the number of terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims vs the number carried out by Non-Muslims.

Which terrorist attacks are your referring to Shaf?? You and I debated the definition of terrorism in the past. I argued that the definition of terrorism or a terrorist attack was the one that the world pretty much related to - 9/11, 7/7, clearly acts of terrorism, but you argued that terrorist attacks came in different forms, which could probably include holding up a gas station with a weapon (be it a gun, or a bat).

I think you and eh have your work cut out categorizing acts of terrorism and who owns them to make your points. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 08, 2011
I asked about eh's connection to Dubai - has anyone worked out what it is yet? I started posting here before I moved out to Dubai and have continued since.

As for other people's beliefs - I think they are entitled to air them. I just pointed out that BM admits to being a racist and a bigot, and is trying to project these prejudices on to me. Bizarely, she thinks I'm anti-semitic for my political views about the Military Occupation (I mean, it can't be because I consider Jews to be people of the book, can it!?)

I'm pretty tolerant of people with weird beliefs - the earth is flat, Memri and Fox news are reliable sources etc. So what's a few more fantasies between posters on DF?

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 08, 2011
uaekid wrote:

I don't know why they are doing it since the US has been its puppy long ago :?

do we have any in our DF ?

Shaf is being paid to post on DF to promote Islamism and antisemitism
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 08, 2011
Lets not even talk about connections to Dubai and DF. Eh's presence here is clear as daylight, he has been asked several times as to why he is here but ofcourse pests like him will never answer a question directly.

If anybody is in doubt try it yourselves ?
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 08, 2011
The loons are hardly consistent. One minute I'm getting my information from 'Fox News and Memri', the next they're complaining I'm on a forum populated by Muslim posters.
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 08, 2011
So, DF has a 'large number of Muslim posters' has it. Hmm. ;)

(And you've got delusions of grandeur, young one. I haven't got a clue which other forums you are peddling your Islamophobic views on. Have you told us which forums you post on and what your called there? It would be fun to see if you're having any better luck there with your bible-camp views.)

But isn't that an admission that you have no actual connection with Dubai and are just here to spread your Bible camp views on Islam? The truth comes out in the end, young one.

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 08, 2011
shafique wrote:BM, no sorry I don't consider myself to be a bigot. But given you're proud to be one - I can only imagine you're projecting again.

What makes me proud to be English are the anti-fascists English of all races who saw off your drunken EDL friends over the weekend. ;)

As for Shameless - my wife actually didn't watch any of the episode, she's also off it - but there was nothing else to watch so I watched it all the way through. It's still watchable to me though.. even though the storylines are getting more desperate - trying too hard now, methinks.

As for eh - have you worked out what his link to Dubai is?


Firstly you aren't English, you are an immigrant who has aquired the British passport. You don't look English, you look like someone from Mauritius. Why are you so ashamed of your roots?

You are a bigot sunshine and I'm not the only one to recognise it.

No. I haven't worked out what EH's link to Dubai is. This is an internet forum, he can post where and what he likes. I don't see any rules anywhere to say who can post and who can't. You are starting to sound like Chocs. She's always trying to lay the law down about what can be posted too, and who takes any notice of her either?

-- Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:19 pm --

desertdudeshj wrote:Lets not even talk about connections to Dubai and DF. Eh's presence here is clear as daylight, he has been asked several times as to why he is here but ofcourse pests like him will never answer a question directly.

If anybody is in doubt try it yourselves ?

And I've asked you why you post on The Australian version. What's your connection there munchkin? Apart from admitting you're are a Muslim living in Dubai with a Filipino woman to whom you weren't married? Oooops! :D

-- Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:22 pm --

event horizon wrote:The loons are hardly consistent. One minute I'm getting my information from 'Fox News and Memri', the next they're complaining I'm on a forum populated by Muslim posters.

I hope you stick around EH. You are obviously getting right up Sunshine's and my little munchkin's nose :D
Oh what joy! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 08, 2011
BM - I'm at a loss at your indignation at my pointing out your admission of bigotry and racism.

As for your fantasy about my nationality and delusion that a brown-skinned person can't be of English nationality (i.e. English) - that is a function of your bigotry and racism.

I acquired my Passport the same way any other Englishman does - by applying to the Passport office and submitting my birth certificate etc. The fact that this irritates you and your fellow EDL bigots makes me smile. ;)

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 08, 2011
shaf, you are not a UK citizen, not like BM, you are first a Muslim. Then whatever brings you coupons and free government help.
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 08, 2011
al shafique...a personal question if you don't mind. You claim to be a UK citizen, and live in the UK. you bought a property. How did you manage to apply for a mortgage when a moslem is not allowed to pay interest. It is in contradiction to the Quran.
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 09, 2011
gertrude wrote:shaf, you are not a UK citizen, not like BM, you are first a Muslim. Then whatever brings you coupons and free government help.

Wow, I'm constantly amazed at the fantasy worlds loons live in. Do you visit planet earth often?

In your imaginary world, where was I born and what is my nationality? Have you told my mum this story in your world- she also likes a laugh! :D

herve wrote:al shafique...a personal question if you don't mind. You claim to be a UK citizen, and live in the UK. you bought a property. How did you manage to apply for a mortgage when a moslem is not allowed to pay interest. It is in contradiction to the Quran.

Sure thing hervey baby.

Yes, I have property in the UK and I'm UK citizen and taxpayer. You are completely correct that Islam says interest is haram and we shouldn't take or pay.

Yes, I did take out a mortgage and did have a choice between an 'Islamic' mortgage and a normal repayment mortgage. I chose the repayment mortgage because it was cheaper and therefore more logical than taking out the Islamic mortgage - which I viewed (and still view) as a con, as it effectively is charging interest and at a higher rate. I applied the Islamic principle Dhuroora (necessity)- where in my case it would have cost more to rent my house than to buy it using a repayment mortgage, and now that I've paid off a lot of it, the rent I receive is much more than the interest I pay and it is now an investment.

As I said, for me Islam is a practical, logical religion. Had I been able to find a truly Islamic loan or had the rents been lower than buying/mortgage, I would not have taken out an interest bearing mortgage. I also bought before the property market bubbled out of control, and only borrowed less than twice my annual salary.

This is the only loan I have and the rent is actually paying off the mortgage, so it is a self financing asset right now.

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 09, 2011
shafique wrote: I applied the Islamic principle Dhuroora (necessity)- where in my case it would have cost more to rent my house than to buy it using a repayment mortgage, and now that I've paid off a lot of it, the rent I receive is much more than the interest I pay and it is now an investment.

It is amazing how muslims find excuses to do anything they are not supposed to do and turn around when they dont like the rules.
It explains why i met so many Mouslims who drank alcohol, indulge with prostitues and beat their wives in total impunity, because it was out of necessity.
I dont say you do those things, but you clearly violated the Quran in taking a mortgage, I wont buy your Dhuroora excuse, i have studied the quran enough to know that tere is no way around the no interest rule, you made your own rule , and this why your quran is worthless.
I know many moslems who took out a mortgage here in the US, never heard your silly excuse, at least they admitted it.
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 09, 2011
I applied the Islamic principle Dhuroora (necessity)- where in my case it would have cost more to rent my

How is being a cheapskate a necessity? You didn't have a gun to your head. You simply wanted to save some money and in the process ignored Allah's words in the Koran that interest (unless it is in form of a loan from an Islamic bank) is haram.

That's like buying ham because it's 20 cents cheaper per pound than beef. Yeah, I'm sure Muhammad, the man who forbade his starving men from eating camel because it was forbidden and instead slaughter their horses during the siege of Khaybar, would have approved.
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 09, 2011
As I said, Islam is a logical, practical religion. I saw no need to spend more to buy my house by taking out a notionally 'Islamic' mortgage. I took the lesser of two evils. Had there been a truly Islamic mortgage, or if the rent were lower than the repayments - I would not have taken it out.

I understand how it is strange for you to equate logic with religion - given your believe in talking donkeys etc - but for me, I did what was logical and within Islamic principles.

If you want to twist this into something it isn't - go ahead, it is funny how you guys are desperate to fabricate fantasies to divert attention away from your abject failures in tackling real arguments/issues. :D

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers in American Forums Sep 09, 2011
shafique wrote:Yes, I did take out a mortgage and did have a choice between an 'Islamic' mortgage and a normal repayment mortgage. I chose the repayment mortgage because it was cheaper and therefore more logical than taking out the Islamic mortgage - which I viewed (and still view) as a con, as it effectively is charging interest and at a higher rate. I applied the Islamic principle Dhuroora (necessity)- where in my case it would have cost more to rent my house than to buy it using a repayment mortgage, and now that I've paid off a lot of it, the rent I receive is much more than the interest I pay and it is now an investment.

As I said, for me Islam is a practical, logical religion. Had I been able to find a truly Islamic loan or had the rents been lower than buying/mortgage, I would not have taken out an interest bearing mortgage. I also bought before the property market bubbled out of control, and only borrowed less than twice my annual salary.

This is the only loan I have and the rent is actually paying off the mortgage, so it is a self financing asset right now.


Seems the great Iman is picking and chosing the parts of Islam that serve his purpose. :lol: (Pick and chose - what else is new?? :drunken: ) In this case, it's about money and it's convenient to overlook a religious practice to save money. :lol: Did that savings go towards your zakat?? or is that another Islamic religious element you overlook??? :D
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 09, 2011
shafique wrote:As I said, Islam is a logical, practical religion. I saw no need to spend more to buy my house by taking out a notionally 'Islamic' mortgage. I took the lesser of two evils.

I guess you became a lil (may be not a little) fatter member of the gym. Do you prey more frequently to cover excessive weight?
8) 8) 8)
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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 09, 2011
:D I have to pray to ask for forgiveness for all my 'excessive weight' from all my bad habits! ;)

But I chose the least fattening of the options available to me. I wish there was truly a low fat option I could have chosen. :D

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Re: Israel Hires Internet Soldiers In American Forums Sep 09, 2011
shafique wrote:BM - I'm at a loss at your indignation at my pointing out your admission of bigotry and racism.

As for your fantasy about my nationality and delusion that a brown-skinned person can't be of English nationality (i.e. English) - that is a function of your bigotry and racism.

I acquired my Passport the same way any other Englishman does - by applying to the Passport office and submitting my birth certificate etc. The fact that this irritates you and your fellow EDL bigots makes me smile. ;)


Well I'm a bigot and a racist but I'm not a hypocrite which we can add to your growing list! LOL
The only reason you have a passport is that we let your parents in, in the 1960's. You will never be a true English person. You don't even live in England :D
Just as well you have the BBC and Shameless to keep you abreast with whats going on at home LOL
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