Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested

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Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 05, 2011
As in any society, British society has good guys and some nasty characters too. I'd like to think the good guys outnumber the thugs.

Racist thugs of the EDL, who were drunk and disorderly and had just committed some crimes were recently found in a non-racist area of London when their coach broke down. The police had to commandeer a bus to transfer them out, then arrested the thugs for crimes including assault on a Policeman.

Our resident religious extremist poster, event horizon, has quoted the news item below - but true to form, identifies with the thugs and calls the British anti-fascist protestors the 'thugs'. :roll:

eh is evidently losing it these days - I suspect it is because he has been cornered in the religious forum about his Christian beliefs on the Bible, the Pope and his bizaro 'interpretations' of the Quran. If he was in a normal frame of mind he surely wouldn't have thought he could get away with his selective quote and misrepresentations of this story.

Either that, or the young guy is just too lazy to read the whole article.
A Met spokeswoman said: "A coach containing individuals believed to have participated in the EDL demonstration stopped in Whitechapel Road - some passengers got off and an altercation took place with some local youths who had gathered.

"Shortly after, the coach broke down outside Stepney Green Underground Station, and a further disturbance took place.

"Officers commandeered a double decker bus before transferring the passengers and escorting them off the borough."
She added: "All those on the coach were arrested for public order offences and an investigation is ongoing to identify others outside the bus who participated in the disorder."

A total of 60 people - including the 44 involved in the bus incident - were arrested in connection with the EDL protest.

Offences included assault on a police officer, common assault, drunk and disorderly behaviour and affray.



Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 05, 2011
The police charged the youths and scuffles broke out.

I take it since the Asian criminals who attacked the police officers were not arrested, the adjectives in your title are not referring to them?
event horizon
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 05, 2011
The anti-fascist British protestors weren't drunk and hadn't assaulted a police officer - so no, I wasn't referring to them as thugs. That's your delusion.

Happy to clarify. ;)

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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 05, 2011
So scuffles =/= assault ?
event horizon
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 05, 2011
Err, are you asking me for help with English comprehension?

The police arrested those involved in the assault on the policeman, and didn't arrest those not guilty of assault.

May I suggest you use google or consult a dictionary if you have further problems with long words. :D

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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 05, 2011
Don't know where the article said the 100 violent Asian youths only attacked one police officer.

To me, the article is saying the officers in general were in violent scuffles with the Asian youth when they were protecting people on a bus from extreme violence (bricks and stones were thrown down on people from an overpass, for instance).

Let me know where the article says one single police officer was involved in violent clashes with the Asian youth.
event horizon
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 05, 2011
Eh, a spot just opened up at kindergarten, you might wanna enroll their, might help you with your English, starting with your ABC's.
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 05, 2011
Youth these days, eh? :roll:

eh - start by reading the title of the thread - and then look up the words : 'Fascist' , 'Drunken' and 'Arrested'. Hint, the article states who was arrested and who was drunk ....:D

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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 05, 2011
So the Asian youth who attacked police lines and threw deadly objects at British citizens *weren't* the ones arrested?
event horizon
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 05, 2011
Oh, are we asking random questions about the arrests of the EDL thugs now?

Let me try:
If the police said a total of 60 EDL thugs were arrested, and only 44 were on the coach, how many thugs arrested were not on the bus?

Supplementary question - how many anti-fascist British protesters were arrested?

(see what I did there, English comprehension and maths combined!) :D

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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 05, 2011
Ok, so the Asian youth are free to rampage another day is what you're saying?

But as long as some people riding a bus attacked by brick throwing Asian youth were arrested and not the brick throwing youth who attacked police lines, then I guess Britain is safe for another day.
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 05, 2011
Were you at the fascist demonstration eh? If you were hurt in the head when head-butting a fellow fascist, it would explain your random recent posts.

We should be told. ;)

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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 05, 2011
The supporters of the EDL, were protesting against Islamic extremism.
So I guess it is bad to protest against islamic extremism.
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 05, 2011
gertrude, did you reach the part of the article/quote which said:

Offences included assault on a police officer, common assault, drunk and disorderly behaviour and affray.


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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 05, 2011
Excuse me, Shafique, but I cannot find word fascist in the BBC article. Probably it's your another invention but I don't understand why you call generational Englishmen, whose grandfathers had helped Russians to win fascism, by such a name.

I also have no idea why those people cannot go through that Muslim Bangla borough of East London (non-racist area of London as you called it) without being thrown by stones.
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 05, 2011
Look up EDL, its a fitting description.
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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 05, 2011
shafique wrote:As in any society, British society has good guys and some nasty characters too. I'd like to think the good guys outnumber the thugs.

Racist thugs of the EDL, who were drunk and disorderly and had just committed some crimes were recently found in a non-racist area of London when their coach broke down. The police had to commandeer a bus to transfer them out, then arrested the thugs for crimes including assault on a Policeman.

Our resident religious extremist poster, event horizon, has quoted the news item below - but true to form, identifies with the thugs and calls the British anti-fascist protestors the 'thugs'. :roll:

eh is evidently losing it these days - I suspect it is because he has been cornered in the religious forum about his Christian beliefs on the Bible, the Pope and his bizaro 'interpretations' of the Quran. If he was in a normal frame of mind he surely wouldn't have thought he could get away with his selective quote and misrepresentations of this story.

Either that, or the young guy is just too lazy to read the whole article.
A Met spokeswoman said: "A coach containing individuals believed to have participated in the EDL demonstration stopped in Whitechapel Road - some passengers got off and an altercation took place with some local youths who had gathered.

"Shortly after, the coach broke down outside Stepney Green Underground Station, and a further disturbance took place.

"Officers commandeered a double decker bus before transferring the passengers and escorting them off the borough."
She added: "All those on the coach were arrested for public order offences and an investigation is ongoing to identify others outside the bus who participated in the disorder."

A total of 60 people - including the 44 involved in the bus incident - were arrested in connection with the EDL protest.

Offences included assault on a police officer, common assault, drunk and disorderly behaviour and affray.



So did Shafique miss out these bits?

A coach full of English Defence League supporters was pelted with missiles after it broke down in east London.

The coach was carrying 44 EDL members when it stopped in Mile End Road, Tower Hamlets.
About 100 Asian teenagers then pelted it with bricks and stones, according to a BBC reporter at the scene.
The police commandeered a London bus and moved the EDL supporters onto it before escorting the bus east.
(if you didn't get it allow me to explain, the police commandeered the bus to protect them)

But a group of youths subsequently sat down in the middle of Mile End Road, blocking the bus and forcing it to stop.
At this point a large number of Asian men began arriving from a nearby estate.The reporter said by then the situation had become very scary.

(This is how planned violence begins and it's shocking because it resembles the quick assembly and dispersion of rioters.I'm not even a cop but I can already draw similarities between this incident and the London riots. The quick assembly of jobless youth ever ready to cause confrontation. Unless England cracks down on them, the country is truly screwed.)

The police charged the youths and scuffles broke out.
Another group standing on a footbridge over the road threw bricks at the bus.Police managed to clear the road and the bus left the area.

Shafiur Rahman had organised stewards for a rival demonstration earlier in the day.
He said that allowing the bus through Tower Hamlets was a major security error that could have ended in disaster.
(Lol the joke is on you Brits as now areas in your own country are sealed off, You are not welcome!)

Offences included assault on a police officer, common assault, drunk and disorderly behaviour and affray.
(so going by the report if anything these offenses were carried out by the Asians. The EDL supporters were probably arrested cos they did'nt have rally permissions or whatever)

(So I hope this clears your misunderstanding Shafique, can't believe I have to spell everything out to you)
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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 05, 2011
Al shafique did not misunderstand, he misinforms and spins the truth, always.
This time he got sloppy and uncovered himself changing a headline from
A coach full of English Defence League supporters was pelted with missiles after it broke down in east London.
Fascist, drunken thugs arrested

The reason? because he cannot stand opposition to islamism.
Well..al shafique you are going to have to come to reality, your religion, your race are obviously not welcome in the UK.
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 05, 2011
Then what was your phobic butt doing in the middle east ?

-- Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:21 am --

You this is whats the problem with media today, they want to milk every story to its utmost, thats why read everything with a grain of salt. Show you a picture of dead bodies then a totally unrealted picture of an Arab youth holding an AK 47, they want you to make that mental leap without actually having to say it in black or white.

Look up a couple of sources to actually get a grip on th eevent. It wasn't like these bunch of EDl thugs were driving home froma church bake sale. They were comming back from one of their usual phobic rallies, which one source describes as violent but uneventfull i.e they went and kicked up a sh1t storm earlier in the day.
Their second command was on board already out on bail, of which the terms he violated by attending the earlier mentioned rally.

On the way back they stopped again to cause further ruckus and moved on. It was just dumb luck their bus broke down in an unsavoury neighbourhood and reaped the results of the sh1t storm they had kicked up earlier.

Now not that I condone pelting anyone with bricks but to say the EDL were happily trotting along after donating blood when for no reason an out of the blue they ran into this. They were arrested for the rally earlier in the day for public disorder charges and not for being in a bus being pelted, but ofcourse the media likes to flash the big misleading headlines just to stir up a controversy simply because normal and plain doesn't sell and which people like eh gladly lap up. Ofcourse there will be a few lines to the back story burried deep within the fluff, so no one can blame them for being biased.

Same thing. Dead bodies, armed youth, EDL in bus attacked and arrested, asian youth. Making it easy for the feeble minded to make that mental connection they want them to.
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
RC - as DDS pointed out, just look up EDL and who attend their ralllies and you'll see what they are about.

But specifically on the fascist bit:

But having spent time with them, there is evidence that this movement has a more disturbing side. There is talk of the need for a 'street army', and there are links with football hooligans and evidence that violent neo-Nazi groups including Combat 18, Blood and Honour and the British Freedom Fighters have been attending demos.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive ... eague.html

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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 06, 2011
But having spent time with them, there is evidence that this movement has a more disturbing side. There is talk of the need for a 'street army', and there are links with football hooligans and evidence that violent neo-Nazi groups including Combat 18, Blood and Honour and the British Freedom Fighters have been attending demos.

Let me know how they differ from the Islamo-fascists in Tower Hamlets.
event horizon
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Remind me again who were arrested and why? Was it the anti-fascist British protestors or the drunken louts who assaulted the police?

Facts, not fantasies young one. ;)

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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 06, 2011
al shafique, i dont always agree with DDS but he was spot on with his post on the BBC article, but you are not. you turned around the facts, Bigot as always.
There is nothing that says EDL is fascist.
Just because they protest against Islamism does not make them fascist. But that what it is about, you despise them and anybody else who oppose your islamic views.
I can assure you , the more you rant about it, the more people will support EDL and anti islamic opinions. You are the best ambassador against islamism I have ever encountered. So continue...post on
and by the way , you are accusing an organization (EDL) to be fascist when you support yourself an organizations that IS definitively fascist like HAMAS.
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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 06, 2011
You're only proving the EDL's point that Muslims are often times treated differently than others.

Are you disputing anything the article said about the actions of the Muslims attacking police officers and a bus of UK citizens?

We've got EDL members who threw some firecrackers and Muslims who threw bricks from atop a foot bridge and the EDL members get arrested.

There's no comparison to the level of violence between the EDL and the Muslim youth who attacked them.

I think it speaks volumes about what kind of crazy nut job you are to see you apologizing and minimizing the actions of the Muslims.
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
I said 'facts not fantasies' and asked you who was arrested and why.

Fantasising that the anti-facists were more violent than the fascists is your personal right. However, the fact that the police arrested only one group for their earlier crimes is sufficient for me.

Bringing in another conspiracy theory about the British police is funny and paranoid. See earlier comment about facts vs fantasies.

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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
Eh its a nice turn around, but your orginal thread you posted was more along the lines was oh look how innocent the EDL are, they get attacked for no reason and now they are getting arrested for being attacked, oh the poor yobs ! And damn the PC british plod for doing so !

Now your trying to attack shaf for not condemning the attacks, but might I remind you still have a lot of condemning pending from the past to do, and we are still waiting, does Goldstein ring a bell ? As part of your English lesson for today please do pay attention and memorise the saying. People living in glass houses don't throw stones at others or in this case pelt bricks ;)
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
eh doesn't the like taste of his own medicine. ;)

Anti-fascist protesters gather as EDL holds London demonstration
The EDL demonstration is its first since the killings by Brievik, who had praised the organisation in the past and claimed to have 600 EDL supporters as friends on Facebook.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/sep/0 ... onstration

As noted before, Brievik the Norwegian Terrorist's views are identical to our resident religious extremist's views!

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Re: Fascist, drunken thugs arrested Sep 06, 2011
^ OBL's views are identical to...well, you guessed it.
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
I'm sure OBL had similar views as Breivik, no disagreement their from my side, and I'm glad you admit that OBL, the Norwegian criminal and you share similar views

Dude if I were you, I wouldn't go around sharing that info with everyone. ;)
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Re: Fascist, Drunken Thugs Arrested Sep 06, 2011
OBL was also a follower of Bob Spencer - wow, I didn't realise that! :D


(You've got to hand it to the young loon, his imagination is running wild these days! First police conspiracy theories, now OBL shared Jihadwatch/Brievik's views! wow.)

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