9/11 Coloring Book Criticized For Depiction Of Muslims

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9/11 coloring book criticized for depiction of Muslims Aug 31, 2011
the book teaches children that "freedom-hating radical Islamic Muslim Extremists" attacked America because they "hate the American way of life
It is important that children learn that the 911 attack was carried out by muslims
http://news.yahoo.com/9-11-coloring-boo ... 01931.html

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Re: 9/11 Coloring Book Criticized For Depiction Of Muslims Aug 31, 2011
PiSS off Herve with your Muslim hatred. Pretty pathetic that you have such deep hatred for a religion, when in fact IF you did get screwed it wasn't by Islam - just people who happen to be Muslim and could have been Jews or Christians or Buddists. Get over it Herve and move on.

This is one time that I wish there was a mod who could make your posts go WHOOOSSSSH!!!!
Bora Bora
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Re: 9/11 Coloring Book Criticized For Depiction Of Muslims Aug 31, 2011
"because they "hate the American way of life "

Man that is the most lame piece of rethoric that exsists on the planet today :roll:

Wonder if Herve didn't get screwed here and make a killing here selling his overpriced tin cylinders. Would he have any different views, most probably not. But all his hatred wouldn't stop him from living among the "moozlems" taking their money. Just another hypocrite.
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Re: 9/11 Coloring Book Criticized For Depiction Of Muslims Aug 31, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
This is one time that I wish there was a mod who could make your posts go WHOOOSSSSH!!!!

How about the 911 children book, should it be WHOOOOOOOOSSSHHHED too?
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Re: 9/11 Coloring Book Criticized For Depiction Of Muslims Aug 31, 2011
The last gertrude I knew was a Nissan jalopy my friend had named gertrude. Now I know he was spot on. All it did was make a lot of noise and really didn't go anywhere.
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Re: 9/11 Coloring Book Criticized For Depiction Of Muslims Sep 01, 2011
lol... how desperate are you herve :D
the only thing you can do
1- quote something from the internet about Islam, Muslims, Islamics, etc..
2- come and through it on DF, which in fact adds nothing ...
3- go back to 1 :lol:

I am not sorry to tell you that, Islam & Muslims will remain here & there & everywhere :D and guess what! getting stronger...
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Re: 9/11 Coloring Book Criticized For Depiction Of Muslims Sep 01, 2011
Loonwatch has covered the story too.. and here are a couple of comments to the story:

Since we’re telling the truth, how about a coloring book called: 1492 the horror begins. Then it can go through all the atrocities starting with columbus that the invading european invaders commited. Now that would really sell.


hey why not release a coloring book about the holocaust i’m sure children will enjoy coloring the smoke coming from the furnaces of where the ss burnt the gas chamber victims or maybe a children’s story book on the khmer rouge a cute little tale on forced labor and mass murder, or a columbine choose your own adventure book, if your going to produce material of horrible events such as 9-11 into coloring books then the possibilities are endless to what you can use these horrible events for.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: 9/11 coloring book criticized for depiction of Muslims Sep 01, 2011
Notice the different reaction from our loon member over this story to the numerous stories posted on the forums of Palestinians indoctrinating their children to hate?

It might as well be two different people. Shafique will masquerade as a moderate liberal - self righteous indignation is easy if it's directed against 'The Other', I guess - in one instance and drop his mask to show the religious fanatic he is whenever a story on the Palestinians or of Muslims in general is posted.

This is, by the way, coming from the nut-job who praised the story of the Palestinian mom who wanted her child to become a suicide bomber.

Seriously. Supreme nutter and religious fanatic.
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Re: 9/11 Coloring Book Criticized For Depiction Of Muslims Sep 01, 2011
So eh, are you condemning the colouring book like you condemned the allegations of Palestinian children indoctrination? Try and be consistent.

Or are you just trying your old trick of smoke and mirrors again?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: 9/11 Coloring Book Criticized For Depiction Of Muslims Sep 01, 2011
I'm guessing the latter one ;)
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Re: 9/11 coloring book criticized for depiction of Muslims Sep 01, 2011
9/11 is an inside job and will always be until someone answers the the average american citizen questions. if people choose to be dumb asses its up to them but not everyone will become one.
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